Wait for data on COM port? - c++

I'm looking for a way to get a Windows serial port to timeout until it has received data. It would be nice if there was some kind of event that triggered or a function to do exactly what I want.
This is my current implementation.
void waitforCom(unsinged char byte)
while (true)
ClearCommError(serial_handle, &errors, &status);
if (status.cbInQue>0)
//check if correct byte

Another API call you could be using is WaitCommEvent().
This call can work asynchronously since it takes an OVERLAPPED object as a parameter. In your case you'd want to simply wait on the EV_RXCHAR event to let you know data has arrived:
o.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
SetCommMask(comPortHandle, EV_RXCHAR);
if (!WaitCommEvent(comPortHandle, &commEvent, &o))
// Check GetLastError for ERROR_IO_PENDING, if I/O is pending then
// use WaitForSingleObject() to determine when `o` is signaled, then check
// the result. If a character arrived then perform your ReadFile.
Alternatively you could do the same thing by having a thread with an outstanding ReadFile call, but using the OVERLAPPED object instead of blocking as MSalters recommends.

I'm not really a specialist when it comes to WinApi, but there's a whole article on the Microsoft Developer Network, that covers the subject of serial communications. The article mentions the subject of waiting for the data from a port, and it's supplied with an example.

At the winAPI level, for most applications you need to dedicate a thread to serial port input because ReadFile is a blocking call (but with a timeout). The most useful event you can get is having ReadFile return. Just put ReadFile in a loop in a thread and generate your own event or message to some other thread when ReadFile gets some data.


How do I make libpcap/pcap_loop non-blocking?

I'm currently using libpcap to sniff traffic in promiscuous mode
int main()
// some stuff
printf("Opening device: %s\n", devname.c_str());
handle = pcap_open_live(devname.c_str(), 65536 , 1 , 0 , errbuf);
if (handle == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open device %s : %s..." , devname.c_str(), errbuf);
return 1;
printf(" Done\n");
pcap_loop(handle , -1 , process_packet , NULL);
// here run a thread to do some stuff. however, pcap_loop is blocking
return 0;
I'd like to add an external thread to do some other stuff. How do I change the code above to make it non-blocking?
When you use non-blocking mode on libpcap you have to use pcap_dispatch, but note, pcap_dispatch can work in blocking or in non-blocking mode, it depends how you set libpcap, to set libpcap to work in non-blocking you have use the function pcap_setnonblock:
int pcap_setnonblock(pcap_t *p, int nonblock, char *errbuf);
The difference between blocking and non-blocking is not a loop that runs forever, but in blocking the function pcap_dispatch waits for a packet and only returns when this packet is received, however, in the non-blocking mode the function returns immediately and the callback must process the packet.
In "non-blocking" mode, an attempt to read from the capture
descriptor with pcap_dispatch() will, if no packets are currently
available to be read, return 0 immediately rather than blocking
waiting for packets to arrive. pcap_loop() and pcap_next() will not
work in "non-blocking" mode.
pcap_loop is meant to go on until all input ends. If you don't want that behavior, call pcap_dispatch in a loop instead. By definition pcap_loop will never return, its meant to always searching for more data.
I use pcap_next_ex It returns a result indicating if a packet was read. This way I manage the acquisition my own thread. See an example here. The read_timeout in pcap_open also affects this function.

How to make sure that WSASend() will send the data?

WSASend() will return immediately whether the data will be sent or not. But how to make sure that data will be sent, for example I have a button in my UI that will send "Hello World!" when pressed. Now I want to make sure that when the user click on this button the "Hello World!" will be sent at some point, but WSASend() could return WSAEWOULDBLOCK indicating that data will not be sent, so should I enclose WSASend() in a loop that does not exit until WSASend() returns 0 (success).
Note: I am using IOCP.
should I enclose WSASend() in a loop that does not exit until
WSASend() returns 0 (success)
Err.. NO!
Have the UI issue an overlapped WSASend request, complete with buffer/s and OVERLAPPED/s. If, by some miracle, it does actually return success immedately, (and I've never seen it), you're good.
If, (when:), it returns WSA_IO_PENDING, you can do nothing in your UI button-handler because GUI event-handlers cannot wait. Graphical UI's are state-machines - you must exit the button-handler and return to the message input queue in prompt manner. You can do some GUI stuff, if you want. Maybe disable the 'Send' button, or add some 'Message sent' text to a memo component. That's about it - you must then exit.
Some time later, the successful completion notification, (or failure notification), will get posted to the IOCP completion queue and a handler thread will get hold of it. Use PostMessage, QueueUserAPC or similar inter-thread comms mechanism to signal 'something', (eg. the buffer object used in the original WSASend), back to the UI thread so that it can take action/s on the returned result, eg. re-enabling the 'Send' button.
Yes, it can be seen as messy, but it is the only way you can do it that will work well.
Other approaches - polling loops, Application.DoEvents, timers etc are all horrible bodges.
Overlapped Socket I/O
If an overlapped operation completes immediately, WSASend returns a value of zero and the lpNumberOfBytesSent parameter is updated with the number of bytes sent. If the overlapped operation is successfully initiated and will complete later, WSASend returns SOCKET_ERROR and indicates error code WSA_IO_PENDING.
The error code WSA_IO_PENDING indicates that the overlapped operation has been successfully initiated and that completion will be indicated at a later time. Any other error code indicates that the overlapped operation was not successfully initiated and no completion indication will occur.
So as demonstrated in docs, you don't need to enclose in a loop, just check for a SOCKET_ERROR and if the last error is not equal to WSA_IO_PENDING, everything is fine:
rc = WSASend(AcceptSocket, &DataBuf, 1,
&SendBytes, 0, &SendOverlapped, NULL);
if ((rc == SOCKET_ERROR) &&
(WSA_IO_PENDING != (err = WSAGetLastError()))) {
printf("WSASend failed with error: %d\n", err);

Read from serial port only when data is send from other side (c++)

I am doing serial communication in win32. I have used separate thread to write and read. This is because i have to continuously send the data till the application is running without affecting other part of the program and I have to continuously read the data from the serial port.
The main function (WINAPI WinMain) has
_beginthread(serialFunctionSend,0,(void*)12); // start new thread for send (write)
_beginthread(SerialFunctionReceive,0,(void*)10);//start new thread for receive(read)
the send function is continuously sending the data. My problem is in the receive function. It can receive the data. But I am wandering how to check whether data has been received or not . In other words, how to check our system has received any data. I have to perform some task only when something is received not when we donot receive anything at the port. So i have to exclude the condition when program has not received anything.
My "SerialFunctionReceive" code is
void SerialFunctionReceive(void * arg)
char inBuffer[BUF_SIZE];
while (statusRead ==true)
DWORD nBytesRead = serialObj.ReadTest(inBuffer, sizeof(inBuffer));
Can we do this by checking the value of inBuffer as read data is stored in it. How can we check that inBuffer has some value or not. Or is there is other options to check whether read event has taken place .
you can poll the buffer.
DWORD nBytesRead = serialObj.ReadTest(inBuffer, sizeof(inBuffer));
if (nBytesRead == 0)
//no data
//do something
I guess you need to do this in a while loop since you never know when you get new data.
First of all, you have to make sure your serial port is opened as an Overlapped I/O in order to send and to receive at the same time.
If you did so, the WaitForSingleObject() is useful for you.
OVERLAPPED ov = {0};
ov.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL);
DWORD dwEvtMask;
WaitCommEvent(hSerialPort, &dwEvtMask, &ov);
WaitForSingleObject(ov.hEvent, INFINITE);
Where hSerialPort is the return value of CreateFile() who opened your serial port. The program will be blocked at the last line before any data comes in. So you don't have to poll it all the time.
See CreateFile for more detail.
And you may be interested in this page.

Using pselect for synchronous wait

In a server code I want to use pselect to wait for clients to connect as well monitor the standard output of the prozesses that I create and send it to the client (like a simplified remote shell).
I tried to find examples on how to use pselect but I haven't found any. The socket where the client can connect is already set up and works, as I verified that with accept(). SIGTERM is blocked.
Here is the code where I try to use pselect:
fd_set readers;
fd_set writers;
fd_set exceptions;
struct timespec ts;
// Loop until we get a sigterm to shutdown
while(getSigTERM() == false)
FD_SET(fileno(stdin), &readers);
FD_SET(fileno(stdout), &writers);
FD_SET(fileno(stderr), &writers);
FD_SET(getServerSocket()->getSocketId(), &readers);
//FD_SET(getServerSocket()->getSocketId(), &writers);
memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(struct timespec));
pret = pselect(FD_SETSIZE, &readers, &writers, &exceptions, &ts, &mSignalMask);
// Here pselect always returns with 2. What does this mean?
cout << "pselect returned..." << pret << endl;
So what I want to know is how to wait with pselect until an event is received, because currently pselect always returns immediately with a value 2. I tried to set the timeout to NULL but that doesn't change anything.
The returnvalue of pselect (if positive) is the filedescriptor that caused the event?
I'm using fork() to create new prozesses (not implemented yet) I know that I have to wait() on them. Can I wait on them as well? I suppose I need to chatch the signal SIGCHILD, so how would I use that? wait() on the child would also block, or can I just do a peek and then continue with pselect, otherwise I have to concurrent blocking waits.
It returns immediately because the file descriptors in the writers set are ready. The standard output streams will almost always be ready for writing.
And if you check a select manual page you will see that the return value is either -1 on error, 0 on timeout, and a positive number telling you the number of file descriptors that are ready.

IO Completion ports: How does WSARecv() work?

I want to write a server using a pool of worker threads and an IO completion port. The server should processes and forwards messages between multiple clients. The 'per client' data is in a class ClientContext. Data between instances of this class are exchanged using the worker threads. I think this is a typical scenario.
However, I have two problems with those IO completion ports.
(1) The first problem is that the server basically receives data from clients but I never know if a complete message was received. In fact WSAGetLastError() always returns that WSARecv() is still pending. I tried to wait for the event OVERLAPPED.hEvent with WaitForMultipleObjects(). However, it blocks forever, i.e WSARecv() never completes in my program.
My goal is to be absolutely sure that the whole message has been received before further processing starts. My message has a 'message length' field in its header, but I don't really see how to use it with the IOCP function parameters.
(2) If WSARecv() is commented out in the code snippet below, the program still receives data. What does that mean? Does it mean that I don't need to call WSARecv() at all? I am not able to get a deterministic behaviour with those IO completion ports.
Thanks for your help!
while(WaitForSingleObject(module_com->m_shutdown_event, 0)!= WAIT_OBJECT_0)
dequeue_result = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(module_com->m_h_io_completion_port,
if (lp_completion_key == NULL)
//Shutting down
//Get client context
current_context = (ClientContext *)lp_completion_key;
//IOCP error
if(dequeue_result == FALSE)
//... do some error handling...
// 'per client' data
thread_state = current_context->GetState();
wsa_recv_buf = current_context->GetWSABUFPtr();
// 'per call' data
this_overlapped = current_context->GetOVERLAPPEDPtr();
while(thread_state != STATE_DONE)
//Check if completion packet has been posted by internal function or by WSARecv(), WSASend()
if(transfered_bytes > 0)
dwFlags = 0;
transf_now = 0;
transf_result = WSARecv(current_context->GetSocket(),
if (SOCKET_ERROR == transf_result && WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
//...error handling...
// put received message into a message queue
else // (transfered_bytes == 0)
// Another context passed data to this context
// and notified it via PostQueuedCompletionStatus().
(1) The first problem is that the
server basically receives data from
clients but I never know if a complete
message was received.
Your recv calls can return anywhere from 1 byte to the whole 'message'. You need to include logic that works out when it has enough data to work out the length of the complete 'message' and then work out when you actually have a complete 'message'. Whilst you do NOT have enough data you can reissue a recv call using the same memory buffer but with an updated WSABUF structure that points to the end of the data that you have already recvd. In that way you can accumulate a full message in your buffer without needing to copy data after every recv call completes.
(2) If WSARecv() is commented out in
the code snippet below, the program
still receives data. What does that
mean? Does it mean that I don't need
to call WSARecv() at all?
I expect it just means you have a bug in your code...
Note that it's 'better' from a scalability point of view not to use the event in the overlapped structure and instead to associate the socket with the IOCP and allow the completions to be posted to a thread pool that deals with your completions.
I have a free IOCP client/server framework available from here which may give you some hints; and a series of articles on CodeProject (first one is here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/jbsocketserver1.aspx) where I deal with the whole 'reading complete messages' problem (see "Chunking the byte stream").