Ember Component Testing - ember.js

I'm using Qunit and Karma for testing, but i cannot find the way to create Test for Ember component.
Here is my code for test:
var test = App.MyComponent.create({
var result = test.get('buildingComponent');
equal(result, 'done', "function crushed because" + result);
My component:
App.MyComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
return 'done'
So how can i test my component?

I had a similar issue testing a component and found a couple of insights in the Ember tests that let me test the component successfully.
The tests for Ember's TextField showed how to compile one-off view that includes a handlebars template that references the helper. This uses a locally created controller/view that is used to isolate the helper to test.
This almost worked directly for component testing, except I couldn't get the handlebars template to resolve the custom component handlebars helper name. I found a method for using components in a testing template handlebars in the tests for yield. The key is to reference the component in the controller and then insert the component using {{view myComponentNameOnTheController ... }}.
I modified Toran's JSBin to show this in action: http://jsbin.com/UNivugu/30/edit
var App = Ember.Application.create();
App.MyThingComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('<button {{action "doSomething"}}>{{view.theText}}</button>'),
actions: {
doSomething: function(){
this.set('didSomething', true);
// start of your test file
var controller, wrapperView;
var compile = Ember.Handlebars.compile;
module('MyThingComponent', {
setup: function(){
controller = Ember.Controller.extend({
boundVar: "testing",
myComponent: App.MyThingComponent
wrapperView = Ember.View.extend({
controller: controller,
template: compile("{{view myComponent theText=boundVar}}")
teardown: function(){
test('bound property is used by component', function(){
equal(wrapperView.$('button').text(), "testing", "bound property from controller should be usedin component");

You could use the library/addon created by Ryan # https://github.com/rpflorence/ember-qunit using Qunit. A simple example (posted from the link above) -
// tell ember qunit what you are testing, it will find it from the
// resolver
moduleForComponent('x-foo', 'XFooComponent');
// run a test
test('it renders', function() {
// creates the component instance
var component = this.subject();
equal(component.state, 'preRender');
// appends the component to the page
equal(component.state, 'inDOM');
It makes my life easier. Hope this helps.


How to test route's willTransition action in Ember?

How can I test this code in Ember? Explain me please the concept, in general.
// app/routes/products/new.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return this.store.createRecord('product');
actions: {
willTransition() {
I have no idea how to make this. May be stub model in route? I found that store is not available in route test.
After Ruby and RSpec, all these new javascript world is confusing a little bit) But I'd like to learn it anyway.
In unit tests the idea is to stub all external dependencies. In ember you can do this:
// tests/unit/products/new/route-test.js
test('it should rollback changes on transition', function(assert) {
let route = this.subject({
controller: Ember.Object.create({
model: Ember.Object.create({
rollbackAttributes() {
assert.ok(true, 'should call rollbackAttributes on a model');
Basically you stub controller and model passing them to this.subject(), then call whatever function you are testing (in this case you have to use call or apply to call an action with the correct scope), and then assert that rollbackAttributes() was called.
assert.expect(1); at the start of a test tells QUnit to wait for exactly 1 assertion.

How create a unit test for view in Ember CLI that renders the view (like tests for components)

I can't find a single example in google for unit test of views in Ember CLI that renders the view (without renders all app).
I wanna this for test events registered inside of didInserElement hook.
For components i can find docs very easy. For render the component in a test with moduleForComponent just do:
test("component test", function(){
var component = this.subject(),
element = this.append();
ok(element.is('.clickable'), 'has the clickable class');
But how i do this for views?
I use this way to render only the view in unit tests:
One important thing to note, is that you need to needs all templates, partials and helpers explicitly. Otherwise the test will fail due to lookup errors.
import Ember from 'ember';
import { test, moduleFor } from 'ember-qunit';
var view;
moduleFor('view:main', 'MainView', {
needs: ['template:main'], // won't find the 'main' template without this
setup: function() {
var controller = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
//mockController if needs
view = this.subject({
controller: controller,
templateName: 'main',
Ember.run(function() {
teardown: function() {
Ember.run(function() {
test("didInsertElement", function(){
var element = Ember.$('.main');
var controller = view.get('controller');
var eventForPressCtrlAltM = Ember.$.Event( "keydown", { which: 77, altKey: true, ctrlKey: true } );
Ember.run(function() {
strictEqual(/* ... */);

Attempting to register an unknown factory: `controller:application`

Here's a simplified version of my PuzzleController:
// app/controllers/puzzle.js
export default Em.ObjectController.extend({
needs: ['application']
And here's my controller test:
// tests/unit/controllers/puzzle-test.js
import {
} from 'ember-qunit';
moduleFor('controller:puzzle', 'PuzzleController', {
needs: ['controller:application']
test('it exists', function() {
var controller = this.subject();
I get this error when running ember test:
Attempting to register an unknown factory: `controller:application`
I'm using Ember 1.7.0, ember-cli 0.1.1. It seems like Ember should definitely recognize the controller:application selector. Am I using the wrong syntax here?
I believe you'll need to create the application controller.
Run ember g controller application and then try again.
I don't think ember-testing will work with an automagically generated controller. You need to define it.

"Attempting to register an unknown factory" in model test

I have these models in an ember-cli app:
var PuzzleRound = DS.Model.extend({
year: DS.attr('number')
var Puzzle = DS.Model.extend({
puzzleRounds: DS.hasMany('puzzleRound', {async: true})
And here's my test from tests/unit/models/puzzle-test.js:
import {
} from 'ember-qunit';
import PuzzleRound from 'weather-roulette/models/puzzle-round';
moduleForModel('puzzle', 'Puzzle', {
// Specify the other units that are required for this test.
needs: ['model:puzzleRound']
test('it exists', function() {
var model = this.subject();
// var store = this.store();
I get this error when running ember test:
Attempting to register an unknown factory: `model:puzzleRound`
I'm using ember-cli 0.1.1, Ember.js 1.7.0, Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.11. Does anyone have anything I can try to fix this?
I just tried out this code with ember-cli 0.0.44 and I got the same error that you did.
I renamed both references to the puzzleRound model path to puzzle-round and then your test passed for me. So:
puzzleRounds: DS.hasMany('puzzle-round', {async: true})
moduleForModel('puzzle', 'Puzzle', {
needs: ['model:puzzle-round']
I knew that the hyphenated style was preferred over the camelCase style, but I'm not sure when this became mandatory. This requirement may be specific to ember-cli or ember-qunit.
I was looking for a solution similar to this one for awhile, and did not see any mention of my solution so I thought I would post here anyways. It's quite simple really: make sure that the controller you're referencing is actually there.
// my-ember-application/tests/unit/controllers/index/bar-test.js
moduleFor('controller:index/bar', 'My Bar Test', {
beforeEach() { .. }
test('it exists', function (assert) {
This code would reference a controller at this location:

How to get any controller instance from init() method of a view?

I am migrating my project from older version of EmberJS. In some places i used to get controller instance which is not related to the view, by using following in any view's init() method:
var controller = App.get('router').get('firstController');
But now this throws following error.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined
This may be because it is not able to get the Router object. Now how to get controller instance which is not related to the view? or how to get the Router Object
The 'needs' feature allows a controller to access to other controllers, which allows a controller's view to access other controllers. (a good explanation of needs in Ember: http://darthdeus.github.com/blog/2013/01/27/controllers-needs-explained/)
As explained in Cannot access Controller in init function of View in 1.0.0rc, the controller property of a view is not yet set when init() is called, so you will need to access controller at a later time in the view's life cycle. This could be the willInsertElement() or didInsertElement() hooks, for example.
Here is an example demonstrating using needs access another controller from a view:
App = Ember.Application.create({});
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
doSomething: function(message) {
App.IndexView = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: 'index',
init: function() {
// doesn't work, controller is not set for this view yet see:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15272318/cannot-access-controller-in-init-function-of-view-in-1-0-0rc
//this.get('controller.controllers.application').doSomething("from view init");
willInsertElement: function() {
this.get('controller.controllers.application').doSomething("from view willInsertElement");
clickMe: function() {
this.get('controller.controllers.application').doSomething("from clickMe");
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: ['application']