Dropwizard - how would a client module look like? - web-services

I was wondering how the Dropwizard client module should be implemented.
Source of confusion:
Dropwizard recommends you to separate your project as such:
In general, we recommend you separate your projects into three Maven
modules: project-api, project-client, and project-service.
On the Client section, it shows that you can instantiate the httpClient provided by dropWizard within a run method.
public void run(ExampleConfiguration config,
Environment environment) {
final Client client = new JerseyClientBuilder().using(config.getJerseyClientConfiguration())
environment.addResource(new ExternalServiceResource(client));
I thought that the client module would wrap the httpClient, and any other service can use the client module, without caring which httpClient it is using.
how would a client module look like
When would you instantiate an httpClient directly within a service's run method (as done in the snippet of code above)

How would a client module look like
This is heavily dependant on your project scope and structure. For example, in one of my projects which is heavily database dependant, the Client module (or Service class in DropWizard's terminology) contains my DAO instantiations as well as hibernate initializations and a bunch of other init stuff (SQS, etc). I also use the HTTP Client and the Service class is where I initialize it. Reason being is that the Service class is the entry point and this is where you end up instantiating your Resource classes, etc. So having the dependancies instantiated here allow me to pass them into my resources as constructor params. If you were using something like Guice, then the way to go would be different since you have access to injection, etc.
When would you instantiate an httpClient directly within a service's run method (as done in the snippet of code above)
The HttpClient shown in the doc and your question is used when your project requires a Http Client. For example, lets say your DW project or one of the resources you are writing requires you to make a HTTP call to a twitter API. This is where the Http Client comes into play. You can actually use any Http Client library you want, however using the ones provided by DW (Apache Http Client, Jersey Http Client) allows you to create a 'Managed' Http Client there by allowing DW to start up, shut down and clean up the HTTP Client when the service is shutdown. So things like thread pools, connection pools, etc are all cleaned up by DW when you use its managed HTTP Client. In addition, the reason why you create this HTTP Client inside the run method is because you are then able to get a reference to the Configuration object's instance which will allow you to control the HTTP Client's settings via DW's configuration system.
Hope this answers your questions


SoapUI: Create mock service with pass-through behavior for selected methods

While developing a web application I have the following use case:
a 3rd party Web Service with quite a lot of methods is deployed on a test server A (with a single endpoint, e.g. http://3rdPartyServer/3rdPartySvc?WSDL)
a new method is about to be implemented in the near future, but I need to use it now
the rest of the methods are used throughout my code extensively
So I would like to do the following:
Create a mock service in SoapUI locally, based on the new WSDL which includes the new WS method (i.e. a superset of the WS methods currently on server A)
point my local application server to use the SoapUI mock service endpoint
mock only the response of the new WS method (create a dummy response for it in SoapUI)
let the other WS method calls to reach server A and return whatever it returns normally (i.e. use SoapUI as a proxy for these calls)
I've gone through the SoapUI documentation regarding service mocking and have used it numerous times, but could not find an option for such "pass-through" behavior.
When you read in your WSDL, the endpoint will point to your server.
Open your service, and select the service endpoint.
Add a second endpoint, to point to your mock. SoapUI has little bit of documentation showing this here. Only step "2. Getting Started" applies, not step 3!
In each of your tests, where you are using the mocked method, you will need to select the mock endpoint. Further discussion is here.

C++ - Run on a HTTP Server as a Web Service

The question:
Is it possible to run a C++ library on a HTTP server and access it via a web service in another language?
In more detail:
A few years back I did some development work using C# where I connected and used a Web service, I made a connected and accessed the web service methods such as:
var myservice = service.getResults();
Which would return all of the results from the database.. I want to do something similar in C++ in that, I have a C++ library that handles all of the database connections and provides a series of methods in order to access. I now want to open this up to a web method.
The issue:
I don't know how I would go about running this on a HTTP server and accessing using methods that are in different languages? For example, a few of our clients use PHP whereas some use Python. I want to be able to access the methods from each of these languages, so, for example (pseudo code(
// Connect to API (Web Service) e.g. http://localhost:8000
$apiClient = new WebService::API();
$results = $apiClient->getResults();
This would then call (in C++):
function getResults()
// Run DB query
The implementation of the methods I am not struggling with. It's more to do with how do I make this appear on a HTTP server and can I use something like SOAP in order to connect and provide the functionality? I just want hints or resources in order to do this.

How to handle SOAP service within persistent Perl web application with cookies?

Due to the fall of SOAP::WSDL which had generated me real Perl modules I have to look for something other in order to handle a SOAP service. The generated modules won't work starting from Perl v5.18.
I have the following situation with my web application.
I have a PSGI compatible, Dancer2 driven, persistent web application.
The web application handles multiple concurrent customers.
The web application is between the customer and an external SOAP service.
The SOAP service uses customer sessions via cookies which have to be integrated on the web application internally for the customer.
The web application holds an WSDL file copy of the SOAP service.
I'm looking for a module that creates an interface out of the WSDL file and handles parameter/schema validation and communication with the SOAP service. I would like to call a method (SOAP call) with parameters (SOAP call parameters) and receive a cleaned data or object structure of the response.
The problem is that the web application needs to handle multiple concurrent customer cookie sessions. So I need a module which offers the possibility to override the cookie jar for that particular request and extract the cookies after the request without causing interference with other concurrent requests.
I found XML::Compile which I can initialize as a singleton at web application start up. But with this solution I ran into problems with interfering other customer requests. So the requests are not separated. Initializing XML::Compile for every request is not the solution either because it will parse the WSDL and generate handlers over and over again for every request the customer sends to the web application.
Is there any solution/module that fits my needs or do I miss something with XML::Compile and it's possible with it?
Are you using Catalyst?
I've been happy using Catalyst::Controller::SOAP and its companion Catalyst::Model::SOAP to build SOAP/WSDL servers and consumers, being able to integrate Perl Applications even with Microsoft Document Literal-Wrapped thing.
Even if not using Catalyst you may probably learn from its code. It uses XML::Compile::WSDL11.

How to decide between Message Contract and Data Contract in WCF?

I am reading so many things to understand various things in WCF.
Very soon, actually, i want to move/convert existing WSE3 web services to WCF. In existing WSE web services, I have some (data) classes that model entities in our environment.
While transforming those classes, should I use Data Contract/Data Member attribute or the MessageContract attribute?
1. How to decide between Message Contract and Data Contract in WCF?
2. Does type of binding (like basicHttpBinding) has any role in this decision?
3. Does proxies created at client side (when we add web reference) change significantly depending on the Data or Message Contract?
(PS: I am trying to find a way so that existing WSE clients should be able to consume the WCF service without much alterations/modifications. Is it possible to use the current proxies generated from ASMX web services, to connect to the new WCF service just by setting URL of the proxy to WCF service?)
Here is a quick go at answering your questions:
1) Unless there is a specific reason like tweaking the structure of the soap XML, use DataContract instead of MessageContract.
2 & PS) Since you are currently using soap over HTTP, you'll most likely need the new services to be configured for basicHttpBinding. This will provide the interoperability that you need for the ASMX clients.
3) It shouldn't if the soap structure created by the WCF service matches your current soap.
I vaguely remember that WSE 3.0 supported some of the WS-* standards. If your current code depends on these then you may be able to also expose a wsHttpBinding for these operations but I don't think a default ASMX client works with a wsHttpBinding configured service.
It depends on control you need over resulting SOAP message. DataContract defines part of message body wrapped by element defined by operation. MessageContract defines a structure of whole message - you can use multiple body members, you don't have to use default wrapper element and you can also place some data into SOAP headers.
In your scenario the most important part is to define WCF to use same SOAP messages as your former WSE3 service. Here the important is how do you currently serialize data? If you use Xml serialization (and attributes) you can use it directly in WCF by switchinig from data contract serialization to xml serialization.
Btw. why did you use WSE3 instead of plain ASMX? Did you use message security? In such case you will need another binding. BasicHttpBinding is not able to do message security.
General answer is yes, you can create service wich your current client proxies will be able to consume. But in reality the effort depends on your current service and current code.

Web Service Interface

I'm looking to add a web services interface to an existing server application. The set of services to expose is not known at compile time and can change over the runtime life of the server.
From a tech standpoint all the server/web services endpoints will be on Windows.
In our server app a user will have the option to register workflows as 'web services callable'. This will create the WSDL defining this particular workflow service.
For the calling endpoint I'm thinking of an HttpModule that accepts the inbound web service request, unpacks the request and converts the XML data types into our server applications "domain", calls the server and finally converts the server outputs back into XML for return down the http connection.
Does that make sense?
Critical comments welcomed.
In effect writing your own WS engine. Clearly doable, but quite a bit of work to get right from scratch. I guess if you find some open source implementation, then adapting it should be possible.
A rather dirtier alternative, but one I've seen applied in another context, is to go for a simgle WS interface
String call( String workkFlowName, String payload)
The payload and response are both Strings containing any XML. So the caller needs to undestand the schemas for those XMLs. From the client's perspective the amount of coding effort is not much different. Your coding effort would I think be significantly redcued.
an HttpModule that accepts the inbound
web service request, unpacks the
request and converts the XML data
types into our server applications
"domain", calls the server and finally
converts the server outputs back into
XML for return down the http
That is what all web service frameworks do (e.g. Metro, Axis). So I can't see your problem. What's your concern with this approach?
The downside for the client is that, as far as I understand it, availability of your services may change over time. So you should consider a way to inform the client if the service is available (other than getting a time out error because it is not there), e.g. WS-ResourceLifetime or UUDI.
I ended up creating a C# class that implements the IHttpHandler interface. The implementation serves up the WSDL of the services exposed from our app and accepts SOAP posts to invoke the services. In the end most of the work went on converting SOAP types to our types and vice versa.