compile time vs run time with boost::fusion - c++

I'm pretty new to Boost fusion and maybe my question does not make any sense. Fusion is presented as : "the fusion between runtime and compile time algorithms". I think i'm getting lost between what is done at compile time and what is done at run time in fusion.
Lets take the for_each template, in fact they are two! the function and the metafunction.
The metafunction looks like to me as a trait class template for the for_each function, wrong?.
taking the example of the for_each function :
struct increment
template<typename T>
void operator()(T& t) const
vector<int,int> vec(1,2);
for_each(vec, increment());
I understand that the for_each loop will be unfolded at compile time to produce code like
(obviously the at_c<x> templates will also generate code to access fusion vector members)
To me, both the for_each function and metafunction are "compile time programs", wrong again?
Can someone explain me (with a simple example) what part of boost fusion is just compile time meta-programm and what is just classical compile time code?

boost::fusion is about the manipulation of heterogeneous collections of types. In C++, handling of types is handled at compile time (metafunctions), while value manipulation is predominately handled at runtime (functions).
If you look closely at the documentation in boost::fusion, you will see that metafunctions return things like ...::type. These types have to be handled at compile time.
In C++, there is something like RTTI (Run Time Type Information), but for the most part, it's ability is relegated to identifying the type of something at runtime. There is no type manipulation available at runtime.
So, type manipulation has to be dealt with at compile time. Imperative programming constructs aren't useful at compile time. C++ compile time constructs are more akin to functional programming constructs. I'm taking the long way to say that boost::fusion::for_each is an algorithm for unwinding loops at compile time so that all types in the sequence are visible 'in a linear fashion' at compile time.
Values for each type is then a dereference at runtime to the type.
So coming full circle, the boost::fusion::for_each function provides the value, and the boost::fusion::for_each metafunction returns a type, which could be useful for indirection through a functor for obtaining the associated value.


How to pass a variable to a template metafunction?

im currently trying to learn how to use template metaprogramming to write functional code in c++
Heres my attempt at a recursive fibonacci sequence generator
template<int i, int x = 0, int y = 1>
struct Fib : Fib<i-1, y, x+y> {};
template<int x, int y>
struct Fib<0, x, y> {
enum { value = x };
This seems to work fine for getting values.
However, When trying to pass a variable as an argument to the template like Fib<i>::value i get the compiler error:
the value of ā€˜iā€™ is not usable in a constant expression.
My main question here is how to avoid or get around this error?
but i also have questions about how to use this kind of code to write things to stdout, not sure where i could implement a cout in all of this
There is no way to "avoid or get around this error".
This is fundamental to C++: template parameters must be compile time constant expressions. That means that the values (or types) of template parameters must be fully defined at compile time.
An ordinary variable is something whose value is determined at run time. Therefore ordinary variables cannot be used as template parameters.
The only exception to this are special kind of variables called constexpr variables, which are variables that have defined constant values that are fully determined at compile time, too. As such, constexpr variables can be used as template parameters because they meet the requirements of a compile time constant expression.
But if you want to generate a Fibonacci sequence specified by a non-constexpr variable you just have to write an ordinary function that does that.
how to use template metaprogramming to write functional code in c++
You might be approaching the subject from a wrong angle. Metaprogramming involves writing instructions for how to write programs, reaching a level of abstraction beyond normal programming. (For more information, I recommend A: What is metaprogramming? by ShuggyCoUk.)
When you write a class template, you are not defining a class. Rather, you write instructions that tell the compiler how to write variations of a class definition that are adapted to different scenarios. Read that sentence again, but with the recognition that "instructions for a computer" means "a program" and that "a class definition" is part of a program. That sentence basically says that writing a (class) template is writing a program that writes (part of) a program. Programs that write programs is the "meta" aspect of "metaprogramming".
Now think about the life cycle of a typical C++ program. Source code is written, the program is converted by a compiler to an executable, then the executable is run. Write, compile, then run, as three disjoint steps. Let's assume that adding steps to this sequence is not an option. (Other languages may choose a different approach.) If the program produced by metaprogramming is to become executable, that program better exist before the compiler is done.
That is the key aspect of metaprogramming as it relates to this question. Metaprograms are written at the same time as other code, and the resulting program is run at the same times as normal. The conversion from "metaprogram" to "program" occurs during compilation. The metaprogram is "executed" by the compiler to produce program pieces that are then incorporated into the rest of your code. Metaprogramming targets the compiler. All inputs to metaprograms must be known by the compiler, hence known at the time of compilation.
The values of most variables are not known to the compiler, as the values often change while the program runs. These values cannot be used as inputs to C++ metaprogramming. The exceptions are variables marked as constexpr, a marking that means the value is knowable by the compiler. A constexpr variable can be used as a template argument; other variables cannot.
Specific case: Fibonacci
Your Fib example tells the compiler how to define each member of a family of structs. For any triple of ints, the compiler can apply your template to generate the definition of the corresponding struct. There happens to be a way to get certain Fibonacci numbers from certain members of this family, but at its core, you have simply written the instructions for defining the members of this family.
The compiler is not going to create every possible member of this family. (Even with the smallest allowable int implementation, there are over 200 trillion members of this family.) Rather, the compiler will create just those members that it knows it needs. You can get the compiler to produce any specific Fibonacci number (up to certain implementation limits), but it will not produce every Fibonacci number (even subject to the limitation that the number be small enough to fit in an int).
Metaprogramming is useful for calculating based on values known at compile-time, but to calculate based on run-time values, you need a run-time function. Use the right tool for the job.

How to guarantee compile-time evaluation of algorithm while allowing runtime invocation as well

I have a hash function, I want to implement it with C++20 consteval to make sure the inputs I want to be evaluated at compile time will be done before runtime. That's for the constants and hardcoded content. However, later I need to compare them with runtime/dynamic variables, for the equals() to work I have to calculate the hash of the runtime variable and I need to invoke the very same algorithm from runtime.
The instinct is the implement it twice (one for compile-time and one for runtime), but it feels wrong to duplicate the code when it's in essence the same algorithm/code. Is there a smarter way (template variable or something) to have one algorithm which can be instantiated for both purposes as needed?
The C++14 and higher have a lot of great features and wondering if something slipped my mind. Preferably I would like to use the pure C++ features and avoid helper libs like std boost etc...
How to guarantee compile-time evaluation of algorithm while allowing runtime invocation as well
Write your function as a constexpr one, and then, if you want to guarantee a particular result is done at compile-time, write the result into a constexpr variable:
constexpr int f(...) { ... }
constexpr int compile_time_result = f(...);
You will get an error if the result couldn't be computed at compile-time.
If you don't care, take out the constexpr of the variable:
int maybe_runtime_result = f(...);

What is the purpose of boost::fusion?

Ive spent the day reading notes and watching a video on boost::fusion and I really don't get some aspects to it.
Take for example, the boost::fusion::has_key<S> function. What is the purpose of having this in boost::fusion? Is the idea that we just try and move as much programming as possible to happen at compile-time? So pretty much any boost::fusion function is the same as the run-time version, except it now evaluates at compile time? (and we assume doing more at compile-time is good?).
Related to boost::fusion, i'm also a bit confused why metafunctions always return types. Why is this?
Another way to look at boost::fusion is to think of it as "poor man introspection" library. The original motivation for boost::fusion comes from the direction of boost::spirit parser/generator framework, in particular the need to support what is called "parser attributes".
Imagine, you've got a CSV string to parse:
aaaa, 1.1
The type, this string parses into, can be described as "tuple of string and double". We can define such tuples in "plain" C++, either with old school structs (struct { string a; double b; } or newer tuple<string, double>). The only thing we miss is some sort of adapter, which will allow to pass tuples (and some other types) of arbitrary composition to a unified parser interface and expect it to make sense of it without passing any out of band information (such as string parsing templates used by scanf).
That's where boost::fusion comes into play. The most straightforward way to construct a "fusion sequence" is to adapt a normal struct:
struct a {
string s;
double d;
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(a, (string, s)(double, d))
The "ADAPT_STRUCT" macro adds the necessary information for parser framework (in this example) to be able to "iterate" over members of struct a to the tune of the following questions:
I just parsed a string. Can I assign it to first member of struct a?
I just parsed a double. Can I assign it to second member of struct a?
Are there any other members in struct a or should I stop parsing?
Obviously, this basic example can be further extended (and boost::fusion supplies the capability) to address much more complex cases:
Variants - let's say parser can encounter either sting or double and wants to assign it to the right member of struct a. BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_ASSOC_STRUCT comes to the rescue (now our parser can ask questions like "which member of struct a is of type double?").
Transformations - our parser can be designed to accept certain types as parameters but the rest of the programs had changed quite a bit. Yet, fusion metafunctions can be conveniently used to adapt new types to old realities (or vice versa).
The rest of boost::fusion functionality naturally follows from the above basics. fusion really shines when there's a need for conversion (in either direction) of "loose IO data" to strongly typed/structured data C++ programs operate upon (if efficiency is of concern). It is the enabling factor behind spirit::qi and spirit::karma being such an efficient (probably the fastest) I/O frameworks .
Fusion is there as a bridge between compile-time and run-time containers and algorithms. You may or may not want to move some of your processing to compile-time, but if you do want to then Fusion might help. I don't think it has a specific manifesto to move as much as possible to compile-time, although I may be wrong.
Meta-functions return types because template meta-programming wasn't invented on purpose. It was discovered more-or-less by accident that C++ templates can be used as a compile-time programming language. A meta-function is a mapping from template arguments to instantiations of a template. As of C++03 there were are two kinds of template (class- and function-), therefore a meta-function has to "return" either a class or a function. Classes are more useful than functions, since you can put values etc. in their static data members.
C++11 adds another kind of template (for typedefs), but that is kind of irrelevant to meta-programming. More importantly for compile-time programming, C++11 adds constexpr functions. They're properly designed for the purpose and they return values just like normal functions. Of course, their input is not a type, so they can't be mappings from types to something else in the way that templates can. So in that sense they lack the "meta-" part of meta-programming. They're "just" compile-time evaluation of normal C++ functions, not meta-functions.

Are there any C++ language obstacles that prevent adopting D ranges?

This is a C++ / D cross-over question. The D programming language has ranges that -in contrast to C++ libraries such as Boost.Range- are not based on iterator pairs. The official C++ Ranges Study Group seems to have been bogged down in nailing a technical specification.
Question: does the current C++11 or the upcoming C++14 Standard have any obstacles that prevent adopting D ranges -as well as a suitably rangefied version of <algorithm>- wholesale?
I don't know D or its ranges well enough, but they seem lazy and composable as well as capable of providing a superset of the STL's algorithms. Given their claim to success for D, it would seem very nice to have as a library for C++. I wonder how essential D's unique features (e.g. string mixins, uniform function call syntax) were for implementing its ranges, and whether C++ could mimic that without too much effort (e.g. C++14 constexpr seems quite similar to D compile-time function evaluation)
Note: I am seeking technical answers, not opinions whether D ranges are the right design to have as a C++ library.
I don't think there is any inherent technical limitation in C++ which would make it impossible to define a system of D-style ranges and corresponding algorithms in C++. The biggest language level problem would be that C++ range-based for-loops require that begin() and end() can be used on the ranges but assuming we would go to the length of defining a library using D-style ranges, extending range-based for-loops to deal with them seems a marginal change.
The main technical problem I have encountered when experimenting with algorithms on D-style ranges in C++ was that I couldn't make the algorithms as fast as my iterator (actually, cursor) based implementations. Of course, this could just be my algorithm implementations but I haven't seen anybody providing a reasonable set of D-style range based algorithms in C++ which I could profile against. Performance is important and the C++ standard library shall provide, at least, weakly efficient implementations of algorithms (a generic implementation of an algorithm is called weakly efficient if it is at least as fast when applied to a data structure as a custom implementation of the same algorithm using the same data structure using the same programming language). I wasn't able to create weakly efficient algorithms based on D-style ranges and my objective are actually strongly efficient algorithms (similar to weakly efficient but allowing any programming language and only assuming the same underlying hardware).
When experimenting with D-style range based algorithms I found the algorithms a lot harder to implement than iterator-based algorithms and found it necessary to deal with kludges to work around some of their limitations. Of course, not everything in the current way algorithms are specified in C++ is perfect either. A rough outline of how I want to change the algorithms and the abstractions they work with is on may STL 2.0 page. This page doesn't really deal much with ranges, however, as this is a related but somewhat different topic. I would rather envision iterator (well, really cursor) based ranges than D-style ranges but the question wasn't about that.
One technical problem all range abstractions in C++ do face is having to deal with temporary objects in a reasonable way. For example, consider this expression:
auto result = ranges::unique(ranges::sort(std::vector<int>{ read_integers() }));
In dependent of whether ranges::sort() or ranges::unique() are lazy or not, the representation of the temporary range needs to be dealt with. Merely providing a view of the source range isn't an option for either of these algorithms because the temporary object will go away at the end of the expression. One possibility could be to move the range if it comes in as r-value, requiring different result for both ranges::sort() and ranges::unique() to distinguish the cases of the actual argument being either a temporary object or an object kept alive independently. D doesn't have this particular problem because it is garbage collected and the source range would, thus, be kept alive in either case.
The above example also shows one of the problems with possibly lazy evaluated algorithm: since any type, including types which can't be spelled out otherwise, can be deduced by auto variables or templated functions, there is nothing forcing the lazy evaluation at the end of an expression. Thus, the results from the expression templates can be obtained and the algorithm isn't really executed. That is, if an l-value is passed to an algorithm, it needs to be made sure that the expression is actually evaluated to obtain the actual effect. For example, any sort() algorithm mutating the entire sequence clearly does the mutation in-place (if you want a version doesn't do it in-place just copy the container and apply the in-place version; if you only have a non-in-place version you can't avoid the extra sequence which may be an immediate problem, e.g., for gigantic sequences). Assuming it is lazy in some way the l-value access to the original sequence provides a peak into the current status which is almost certainly a bad thing. This may imply that lazy evaluation of mutating algorithms isn't such a great idea anyway.
In any case, there are some aspects of C++ which make it impossible to immediately adopt the D-sytle ranges although the same considerations also apply to other range abstractions. I'd think these considerations are, thus, somewhat out of scope for the question, too. Also, the obvious "solution" to the first of the problems (add garbage collection) is unlikely to happen. I don't know if there is a solution to the second problem in D. There may emerge a solution to the second problem (tentatively dubbed operator auto) but I'm not aware of a concrete proposal or how such a feature would actually look like.
BTW, the Ranges Study Group isn't really bogged down by any technical details. So far, we merely tried to find out what problems we are actually trying to solve and to scope out, to some extend, the solution space. Also, groups generally don't get any work done, at all! The actual work is always done by individuals, often by very few individuals. Since a major part of the work is actually designing a set of abstractions I would expect that the foundations of any results of the Ranges Study Group is done by 1 to 3 individuals who have some vision of what is needed and how it should look like.
My C++11 knowledge is much more limited than I'd like it to be, so there may be newer features which improve things that I'm not aware of yet, but there are three areas that I can think of at the moment which are at least problematic: template constraints, static if, and type introspection.
In D, a range-based function will usually have a template constraint on it indicating which type of ranges it accepts (e.g. forward range vs random-access range). For instance, here's a simplified signature for std.algorithm.sort:
auto sort(alias less = "a < b", Range)(Range r)
if(isRandomAccessRange!Range &&
hasSlicing!Range &&
It checks that the type being passed in is a random-access range, that it can be sliced, and that it has a length property. Any type which does not satisfy those requirements will not compile with sort, and when the template constraint fails, it makes it clear to the programmer why their type won't work with sort (rather than just giving a nasty compiler error from in the middle of the templated function when it fails to compile with the given type).
Now, while that may just seem like a usability improvement over just giving a compilation error when sort fails to compile because the type doesn't have the right operations, it actually has a large impact on function overloading as well as type introspection. For instance, here are two of std.algorithm.find's overloads:
R find(alias pred = "a == b", R, E)(R haystack, E needle)
if(isInputRange!R &&
is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle)) : bool))
R1 find(alias pred = "a == b", R1, R2)(R1 haystack, R2 needle)
if(isForwardRange!R1 && isForwardRange!R2 &&
is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle.front)) : bool) &&
The first one accepts a needle which is only a single element, whereas the second accepts a needle which is a forward range. The two are able to have different parameter types based purely on the template constraints and can have drastically different code internally. Without something like template constraints, you can't have templated functions which are overloaded on attributes of their arguments (as opposed to being overloaded on the specific types themselves), which makes it much harder (if not impossible) to have different implementations based on the genre of range being used (e.g. input range vs forward range) or other attributes of the types being used. Some work has been being done in this area in C++ with concepts and similar ideas, but AFAIK, C++ is still seriously lacking in the features necessary to overload templates (be they templated functions or templated types) based on the attributes of their argument types rather than specializing on specific argument types (as occurs with template specialization).
A related feature would be static if. It's the same as if, except that its condition is evaluated at compile time, and whether it's true or false will actually determine which branch is compiled in as opposed to which branch is run. It allows you to branch code based on conditions known at compile time. e.g.
static if(isDynamicArray!T)
static if(isRandomAccessRange!Range)
else static if(isBidirectionalRange!Range)
else static if(isForwardRange!Range)
else static if(isInputRange!Range)
static assert(0, Range.stringof ~ " is not a valid range!");
static if can to some extent obviate the need for template constraints, as you can essentially put the overloads for a templated function within a single function. e.g.
R find(alias pred = "a == b", R, E)(R haystack, E needle)
static if(isInputRange!R &&
is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle)) : bool))
else static if(isForwardRange!R1 && isForwardRange!R2 &&
is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle.front)) : bool) &&
but that still results in nastier errors when compilation fails and actually makes it so that you can't overload the template (at least with D's implementation), because overloading is determined before the template is instantiated. So, you can use static if to specialize pieces of a template implementation, but it doesn't quite get you enough of what template constraints get you to not need template constraints (or something similar).
Rather, static if is excellent for doing stuff like specializing only a piece of your function's implementation or for making it so that a range type can properly inherit the attributes of the range type that it's wrapping. For instance, if you call on an array of integers, the resultant range can have slicing (because the source range does), whereas if you called map on a range which didn't have slicing (e.g. the ranges returned by std.algorithm.filter can't have slicing), then the resultant ranges won't have slicing. In order to do that, map uses static if to compile in opSlice only when the source range supports it. Currently, map 's code that does this looks like
static if (hasSlicing!R)
static if (is(typeof(_input[ulong.max .. ulong.max])))
private alias opSlice_t = ulong;
private alias opSlice_t = uint;
static if (hasLength!R)
auto opSlice(opSlice_t low, opSlice_t high)
return typeof(this)(_input[low .. high]);
else static if (is(typeof(_input[opSlice_t.max .. $])))
struct DollarToken{}
enum opDollar = DollarToken.init;
auto opSlice(opSlice_t low, DollarToken)
return typeof(this)(_input[low .. $]);
auto opSlice(opSlice_t low, opSlice_t high)
return this[low .. $].take(high - low);
This is code in the type definition of map's return type, and whether that code is compiled in or not depends entirely on the results of the static ifs, none of which could be replaced with template specializations based on specific types without having to write a new specialized template for map for every new type that you use with it (which obviously isn't tenable). In order to compile in code based on attributes of types rather than with specific types, you really need something like static if (which C++ does not currently have).
The third major item which C++ is lacking (and which I've more or less touched on throughout) is type introspection. The fact that you can do something like is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle)) : bool) or isForwardRange!Range is crucial. Without the ability to check whether a particular type has a particular set of attributes or that a particular piece of code compiles, you can't even write the conditions which template constraints and static if use. For instance, std.range.isInputRange looks something like this
template isInputRange(R)
enum bool isInputRange = is(typeof(
R r = void; // can define a range object
if (r.empty) {} // can test for empty
r.popFront(); // can invoke popFront()
auto h = r.front; // can get the front of the range
It checks that a particular piece of code compiles for the given type. If it does, then that type can be used as an input range. If it doesn't, then it can't. AFAIK, it's impossible to do anything even vaguely like this in C++. But to sanely implement ranges, you really need to be able to do stuff like have isInputRange or test whether a particular type compiles with sort - is(typeof(sort(myRange))). Without that, you can't specialize implementations based on what types of operations a particular range supports, you can't properly forward the attributes of a range when wrapping it (and range functions wrap their arguments in new ranges all the time), and you can't even properly protect your function against being compiled with types which won't work with it. And, of course, the results of static if and template constraints also affect the type introspection (as they affect what will and won't compile), so the three features are very much interconnected.
Really, the main reasons that ranges don't work very well in C++ are the some reasons that metaprogramming in C++ is primitive in comparison to metaprogramming in D. AFAIK, there's no reason that these features (or similar ones) couldn't be added to C++ and fix the problem, but until C++ has metaprogramming capabilities similar to those of D, ranges in C++ are going to be seriously impaired.
Other features such as mixins and Uniform Function Call Syntax would also help, but they're nowhere near as fundamental. Mixins would help primarily with reducing code duplication, and UFCS helps primarily with making it so that generic code can just call all functions as if they were member functions so that if a type happens to define a particular function (e.g. find) then that would be used instead of the more general, free function version (and the code still works if no such member function is declared, because then the free function is used). UFCS is not fundamentally required, and you could even go the opposite direction and favor free functions for everything (like C++11 did with begin and end), though to do that well, it essentially requires that the free functions be able to test for the existence of the member function and then call the member function internally rather than using their own implementations. So, again you need type introspection along with static if and/or template constraints.
As much as I love ranges, at this point, I've pretty much given up on attempting to do anything with them in C++, because the features to make them sane just aren't there. But if other folks can figure out how to do it, all the more power to them. Regardless of ranges though, I'd love to see C++ gain features such as template constraints, static if, and type introspection, because without them, metaprogramming is way less pleasant, to the point that while I do it all the time in D, I almost never do it in C++.

Is Template Metaprogramming faster than the equivalent C code?

Is Template Metaprogramming faster than the equivalent C code ? ( I'm talking about the runtime performance) :)
First, a disclaimer:
What I think you're asking about is not just template metaprogramming, but also generic programming. The two concepts are closely related, and there's no exact definition of what each encompasses. But in short, template metaprogramming is essentially writing a program using templates, which is evaluated at compile-time. (which makes it entirely free at runtime. Nothing happens. The value (or more commonly, type) has already been computed by the compiler, and is available as a constant (either a const variable, or an enum), or as a typedef nested in a class (if you've used it to "compute" a type).
Generic programming is using templates and when necessary, template metaprogramming, to create generic code which works the same (and with no loss in performance), with all and any type. I'm going to use examples of both in the following.
A common use for template metaprogramming is to enable types to be used in generic programming, even if they were not designed for it.
Since template metaprogramming technically takes place entirely at compile-time, your question is a bit more relevant for generic programming, which still takes place at runtime, but is efficient because it can be specialized for the precise types it's used with at compile-time.
Depends on how you define "the equivalent C code".
The trick about template metaprogramming (or generic programming in general) is that it allows a lot of computation to be moved to compile-time, and it enables flexible, parametrized code that is just as efficient as hardcoded values.
The code displayed here for example computes a number in the fibonacci sequence at compile-time.
The C++ code 'unsigned long fib11 = fibonacci<11uL>::value', relies on the template metaprogram defined in that link, and is as efficient as the C code 'unsigned long fib11 = 89uL'. The templates are evaluated at compile-time, yielding a constant that can be assigned to a variable. So at runtime, the code is actually identical to a simple assignment.
So if that is the "equivalent C code", the performance is the same.
If the equivalent C code is "a program that can compute arbitrary fibonacci numbers, applied to find the 11th number in the sequence", then the C version will be much slower, because it has to be implemented as a function, which computes the value at runtime. But this is the "equivalent C code" in the sense that it is a C program that exhibits the same flexibility (it is not just a hardcoded constant, but an actual function that can return any number in the fibonacci sequence).
Of course, this isn't often useful. But it's pretty much the canonical example of template metaprogramming.
A more realistic example of generic programming is sorting.
In C, you have the qsort standard library function taking an array and a comparator function pointer. The call to this function pointer can not be inlined (except in trivial cases), because at compile-time, it is not known which function is going to be called.
Of course the alternative is a hand-written sorting function designed for your specific datatype.
In C++, the equivalent is the function template std::sort. It too takes a comparator, but instead of this being a function pointer, it is a function object, looking like this:
struct MyComp {
bool operator()(const MyType& lhs, const MyType& rhs) {
// return true if lhs < rhs, however this operation is defined for MyType objects
and this can be inlined. The std::sort function is passed a template argument, so it knows the exact type of the comparator, and so it knows that the comparator function is not just an unknown function pointer, but MyComp::operator().
The end result is that the C++ function std::sort is exactly as efficient as your hand-coded implementation in C of the same sorting algorithm.
So again, if that is "the equivalent C code", then the performance is the same.
But if the "equivalent C code" is "a generalized sorting function which can be applied to any type, and allows user-defined comparators", then the generic programming-version in C++ is vastly more efficient.
That's really the trick. Generic programming and template metaprogramming are not "faster than C". They are methods to achieve general, reusable code which is as fast as handcoded, and hardcoded C
It is a way to get the best of both worlds. The performance of hardcoded algorithms, and the flexibility and reusability of general, parameterized ones.
Template Metaprogramming (TMP) is 'run' at compile time, so it's not really comparing apples to apples when comparing it to normal C/C++ code.
But, if you have something evaluated by TMP, then there's no runtime cost at all.
If you mean reusable code, then yes without a doubt. Metaprogramming is a superior way to produce libraries, not client code. Client code is not generic, it is written to do specific things.
For example, look at the qsort from C standard library, and C++ standard sort. This is how qsort works :
int compare(const void* a, const void* b)
return (*(int*)a > *(int*)b);
int main()
int data[5] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
qsort(data, 5, sizeof(int), compare);
Now look at sort :
struct compare
bool operator()(int a, int b)
{ return a < b; }
int main()
int data[5] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
std::sort(data, data+5, compare());
sort is cleaner, safer and more efficient because the comparison function is inlined inside the sort. That is the benefit of metaprogramming in my opinion, you write generic code, but the compiler produce code like the hand-coded one!
Another place where I find metaprogramming very beautiful is when you write a library like boost::spirit or boost::xpressive, with spirit you can write EBNF inside C++ and let the compile check the EBNF syntax for you and with xpressive you can write regex and let the compiler check the regex syntax for you also!
I am not sure if the questioner means by TMP calculating values at compile time. This is an example I wrote using boost :)
unsigned long greatestCommonDivisor = boost::math::static_gcd<25657, 54887524>::value;
What ever you do with C you can't mimic the above code, basically you have to hand-calculate it then assign the result to greatestCommonDivisor!
The answer is it depends.
Template metaprogramming can be used to easily write recursive descent language parsers and these can be inefficient compared to a carefully crafted C program or a table-based implementation (e.g. flex/bison/yacc).
On the other hand, you can write metaprograms that generate unrolled loops which can be more efficient than a more an conventional C implementation that uses loops.
The main benefit is that metaprograms allow the programmer to do more with less code.
The downside is that it also gives you a gatling gun to shoot yourself in the foot with.
Template metaprogramming can be thought of as compile-time execution.
The compile-time is going to take longer to compile your code since it has to compile and then execute the templates, generate code, then compile again.
The run-time overhead I am not sure about, it shouldn't be much more than if you wrote it yourself in C code I would imagine.
I worked on a project where another programmer had tried out metaprogramming. It was terrible. It was a complete headache. I'm an average programmer with a lot of C++ experience, and trying to devise what the hell they were trying to do took way more time than if they had written it straight out to begin with.
I'm jaded against C++ MetaProgramming because of this experience.
I'm a firm believer that the best code is most easily readable by an average developer. It's the readability of the software that is the #1 priority. I can make anything work using any language... but the skill is in making it readable and easily workable for the next person on the project. C++ MetaProgramming fails to pass muster.
Template metaprogramming does not give you any magical powers in terms of performance. It's basically a very sophisticated preprocessor; you can always write the equivalent in C or C++, it just might take you a very long time.
I do not think there is any hype, but a clear and simple answer about templates is given by C++ FAQ:
About the original question: it cannot be answered, as those things are not comparable.