How to phrase sql query when selecting second table based on information on first table - c++

I have two tables I would like to call, but I am not sure if it is possible to combine them into one query or I have to some how call 2 different queries.
Basically I have 2 tables:
1) item_table: name/id etc. + category ID
2) category_table: categoryID, categoryName, categoryParentID.
The parent categories are also inside the same table with their own name.
I would like to call on my details from item_table, as well as getting the name of the category, as well as the NAME of the parent category.
I know how to get the item_table data, plus the categoryName through an INNER JOIN. But can I use the same query to get the categoryParent's name?
If not, what would be the mist efficient way to do it? The rest of the code is in C++.

SELECT item_table.item_name, AS CatName, AS ParentCatName
FROM item_table join category_table c1 on item_table.categoryID=c1.categoryID
LEFT OUTER JOIN category_table c2 ON c2.categoryID = c1.categoryParentID
SQL Fiddle: here


Netsuite suiteql how to get all available tables to query?

I am using Postman and Netsuite's SuiteQL to query some tables. I would like to write two queries. One is to return all items (fulfillment items) for a given sales order. Two is to return all sales orders that contain a given item. I am not sure what tables to use.
The sales order I can return from something like this.
"q": "SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE Type = 'SalesOrd' and id = '12345'"
The item I can get from this.
"q": "SELECT * FROM item WHERE id = 1122"
I can join transactions and transactionline for the sale order, but no items.
"q": "SELECT * from transactionline tl join transaction t on tl.transaction = where in ('12345')"
The best reference I have found is the Analytics Browser,, but it does not show relationships like an ERD diagram.
What tables do I need to join to say, given this item id 1122, return me all sales orders (transactions) that have this item?
You are looking for TransactionLine.item. That will allow you to query transaction lines whose item is whatever internal id you specify.
"q": "SELECT Transaction.ID FROM Transaction INNER JOIN TransactionLine ON TransactionLine.Transaction = Transaction.ID WHERE type = 'SalesOrd' AND TransactionLine.item = 1122"
If you are serious about getting all available tables to query take a look at the metadata catalog. It's not technically meant to be used for learning SuiteQL (supposed to make the normal API Calls easier to navigate), but I've found the catalog endpoints are the same as the SuiteQL tables for the most part.
Accept application/schema+json
You can review all the available records, fields and joins in the Record Catalog page (Customization > Record Catalog).

How to add a new column with custom values, based on a WHERE clause from another table in PowerBi?

I am stuck while dynamically forming a new column based certain WHERE clause from another Table in PowerBi. To give more details, let's say I have a table with item numbers associated with a Customer Name. In another table, I have to add a new column, which will dynamically add the item numbers associated with a particular customer and append as a query parameter to a base url.
So, my first table looks like this:
The second table that I want is this:
The query parameter value in the URL, has to be dynamically based on a SELECT query with a WHERE clause and pick up the ItemNumbers using the Customer field which is common between both. So, how can this be done in PowerBi? Any help would be really appreciated :)
I have one table in my model "TableRol" if I want to summarize my Date as the string I can use CONCATENATEX;
URL = CONCATENATE(CONCATENATE("http:\\\parametersHere\getitem?='",CONCATENATEX(VALUES('TableRol'[Date]), 'TableRol'[Date],";")),"'")

Update a table by using multiple joins

I am using Java DB (Java DB is Oracle's supported version of Apache Derby and contains the same binaries as Apache Derby. source:
I am trying to update a column in one table, however I need to join that table with 2 other tables within the same database to get accurate results (not my design, nor my choice).
Below are my three tables, ADSID is a key linking Vehicles and Customers and ADDRESS and ZIP in Salesresp are used to link it to Customers. (Other fields left out for the sake of brevity.)
Salesresp(address, zip, prevsale)
Customers(adsid, address, zipcode)
Vehicles(adsid, selldate)
The goal is to find customers in the SalesResp table that have previously purchased a vehicle before the given date. They are identified by address and adsid in Customers and Vechiles respectively.
I have seen updates to a column with a single join and in fact asked a question about one of my own update/joins here (UPDATE with INNER JOIN). But now I need to take it that one step further and use both tables to get all the information.
I can get a multi-JOIN SELECT statement to work:
SELECT * FROM salesresp
INNER JOIN vehicles ON (Vehicles.ADSId =Customers.ADSId )
However I cannot get a multi-JOIN UPDATE statement to work.
I have attempted to try the update like this:
WHERE SALESRESP.address IN (SELECT customers.address FROM customers
WHERE customers.adsid IN (SELECT vehicles.adsid FROM vehicles
WHERE vehicles.SELLDATE < '2013-09-24')));
And I am given this error: "Error code 30000, SQL state 21000: Scalar subquery is only allowed to return a single row".
But if I change that first "=" to a "IN" it gives me a syntax error for having encountered "IN" (Error code 30000, SQL state 42X01).
I also attempted to do more blatant inner joins, but upon attempting to execute this code I got the the same error as above: "Error code 30000, SQL state 42X01" with it complaining about my use of the "FROM" keyword.
update salesresp set prevsale = vehicles.selldate
from salesresp sr
inner join vehicles v
on sr.prevsale = v.selldate
inner join customers c
on v.adsid = c.adsid
where v.selldate < '2013-09-24';
And in a different configuration:
update salesresp
inner join customer on salesresp.address = customer.address
inner join vehicles on customer.adsid = vehicles.ADSID
set salesresp.SELLDATE = vehicles.selldate where vehicles.selldate < '2013-09-24';
Where it finds the "INNER" distasteful: Error code 30000, SQL state 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered "inner" at line 3, column 1.
What do I need to do to get this multi-join update query to work? Or is it simply not possible with this database?
Any advice is appreciated.
If I were you I would:
1) Turn off autocommit (if you haven't already)
2) Craft a select/join which returns a set of columns that identifies the record you want to update E.g. select c1, c2, ... from A join B join C... WHERE ...
3) Issue the update. E.g. update salesrep SET CX = cx where C1 = c1 AND C2 = c2 AND...
(Having an index on C1, C2, ... will boost performance)
4) Commit.
That way you don't have worry about mixing the update and the join, and doing it within a txn ensures that nothing can change the result of the join before your update goes through.

vaadin: moving data from selected row of table1 to table2

I have two questions:
I have two tables, table1 and table2. I need to design an application in such a way that a selected row of table 1 when clicked should get displayed in table 2.
How do I call a custom table? Suppose I have a class Table with empty constructor and I will pass arguments like Table(pagination). It has to show the table with pagination,
Similarly, Table(lazyloading) has to show lazy loading table. Table(pagination, Lazy loading,search) must show all three properties.
What you have to do for nr 1 is that you attach a Clicklistener to your table1 and on a Clickevent you take the selected Object ni table1 and add it to table2. Also add an if to not add rows that already exist in table 2.
This is how you copy data
public void copydata(){
Object o = table1.getValue();
When it comes to your second question I have no clue what you are talking about, but I looks like you want to extend the Table class in vaadin to get your own features.

query builder select the id from leftJoin

I have a select field that fetch from an entity
and I would like to customize completely my select by choosing the table the id is picked from
(here I would like to select instead of as the select value)
return $er->createQueryBuilder('tl')
->leftJoin('tl.lang', 'l')
->leftJoin('tl.type', 't')
->where('l.isDefault = 1')
->orderBy('', 'ASC');
Due to my tables, I can't simply fetch the table t, I have to use tl
Your query is not according to the syntax defined in Doctrine 2 QueryBuilder:
Your query might work in Doctrine 1.2 but in Doctrine 2 you should build your query according to the syntax defined in the link I posted above.
For example ->addSelect('l') is not being used in Doctrine 2 anymore. It has become ->add('select', 'l').
You don't have to set different alias for your column. It'll be hydrated as column of the related entity.