Find first point with regex - regex

I want a regex which return me only characters before first point.
Ex :
I want only T420_02
Please help me.

You can use the following regex: ^(.*?)(?=\.)
The captured group contains what you need (T420_02 in your example).

This simple expression should do what you need, assuming you want to match it at the beginning of the string:
The capture group contains the string before (but not including) the ..
Here's a fiddle:

Use regex pattern ^[^.]+(?=[.])


how to make a regular expression for this?

I want to make a regular expression on the string "{{c1::tiger}} is
a kind of {{c2::animal::something movable}}" to get the word "tiger" and "animal",and I have made this expression \{\{c\d+::((?P<value>.*?)(:{0,2})(.*?))\}\},also I want to use group('value') to achieve this.The result word "tiger" is exactly what I need,but always get the wrong result "animal::something movable"(which I mean "animal"),could anyone help me to solve this problem?Thanks.
The pattern that you tried contains 4 capturing groups and for the current example data group 1 and group 3 are empty.
To get tiger you could use a single capturing group with a negated character class:
Regex demo
If the closing }} have to be present, you could use:
Regex demo
This would work for your example String:

Regex Pattern to extract url links from two string

I have two string in which I have to sorten urls. I want a regex pattern to extract them
Output will be from 1st and 2nd link:-
Please help me out.
I have already used:-
but its not working on first url.
You can try this:
If lookbehind is possible in your flavour of regex then you may try this as well which will ensure to not capture the equal sign:
Demo 2
Try this regex !
I am also attach the output of the regex through regex101.
You can use this pattern to only capture and links:

Regex match last occurrence between 2 strings

I have a string like this:
I want to find "...STRING INSIDE..." so I'm using the regex below to match it:
The issue is there are duplicated "abc" in the string so it returns "abcdeabc...STRING INSIDE..." but I only want to match anything between the last "abc" and "xyz". Is this possible? And if yes, how can I achieve this? Thank you.
Try it here:
Try this pattern:
The leading .* will consume everything up until the last abc, then the number will be captured.
We can also try using the following pattern:
Here is a demo for the second pattern:
This should work well.
See it on Debuggex

How to build this regular expression?

I want to capture all string with these criteria:
Start: ATG
Follow by 3x characters of sets: A or C or G or T
End: TAA or TAG or TGA
I had a regular expression here: /[ACGT]*((ATG)(([ACGT]){3})+(TAA|TAG|TGA))[ACGT]*/g, but it only match the last ATGTTTTAG not ATGCCCTAA. I don't know why ?
Please help me write pattern that match both ATGCCCTAA and ATGTTTTAG.
Here is online example:
This regex works well /(ATG(?:A{3}|C{3}|G{3}|T{3})(?:TAA|TAG|TGA))/g
as you can see here:
I hope it helps
Using back-reference you can shorten your regex as this:
RegEx Demo
It matches [AGCT] after ATG and groups it as captured group #1. Next we match \1{2} to make sure same letter is repeated 3 times.
I use this pattern and it works, thank all you for helping me.

Match string does not contain substring with regex

Ok, I know that it is a question often asked, but I did not manage to get what I wanted.
I am looking for a regular expression in order to find a pattern that does not contain a particular substring.
I want to find an url that does not contains the b parameter. > MATCH > NOT MATCH
Currently, I have the following Regex:
But I am wrong with the \b, the regex match the beginning of th string and stop when it find b=, instead of not matching.
Can someone help me please?
Just use a lookahead to check anything following the URL must be a space or line end.
\bhttp:\/\/www\.website\.com\/(?:(?!b=[0-9]+).)*?\b(?= |$)
use this:
\b only matches word endings.
^ matches start and end of string
and you dont even need to do it that complicated, If you dont want the url with the b parameter use this:
demo here :
import re
print pattern.match(x)
This will look ahead if there is a "b=" present.A negative lookahead means it will not match that string.
You had a look at this possibility:
only allow &,=,a,c and digits
complete url in group and there should not be a "b=" parameter
if you have more options and you dont want to list them all:
you dont allow a 'b' to be part of your parameters
^http:\/\/www\.website\.com\/(?!.*?b=.*?).*$ works too here "b=" is permitted at any position of the parameter string so you could even have the "b" string as a value of a parameter.
This is what you want. ^http:\/\/www\.website\.com\/(([^b]=[0-9]+).)*$
Its a simple pattern not flexible but it works :