Unable to load populator class "LifecycleListPopulator" - wso2

I create a WSO2 Governance artifact and i tried to add it an input to display a list of the existing lifecycles:
<field type="options">
<name label="Lifecycle Name">Lifecycle Name</name>
i also tried whit the class:"org.wso2.carbon.governance.generic.ui.LifecycleListPopulator"
The system logs show:
ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.governance.generic.ui.utils.GenericUIGenerator} - Unable to
load populator class
Does the class who populate the lifecycles list has changed ??

Yes there have been some changes in the locations please try to use the following


How to print labels using module "printer_zpl2"

I'm using odoo 9 and i want to print products labels using zebra printer that's why i have installed a custom module named "printer_zpl2" but i don't know how to use it to print labels with it . is there anyone who used it before who can help me ??
Be sure the printer is connected to your server
Go to Settings > Printing > Labels > ZPL II to create a new label (define model and add elements(design + fields ex:"object.default_code" in data field))
To call the action to execute the label printer you MUST update the module and add the ir.record value(ex for product template, will show you in the "More")
<record model="ir.values" id="wizard_wizard_print_product_label">
<field name="name">Print Product Label</field>
<field name="key">action</field>
<field name="key2">client_action_multi</field>
<field name="model">product.template</field>
<field name="value" eval="'ir.actions.act_window,' + str(ref('printer_zpl2.action_wizard_print_record_label_view'))"/>
Open a product, select More and check for "Print Product Label", select the printer and the label you will use

How do you create an association based on the option entry in WSO2 Governance Registry?

I have an artifact type called "Application Instance".
<table name="Endpoints">
<field type="option-text" maxoccurs="unbounded" path="true" url="true">
I would like to create relationships depending on this configuration, similar to.
<association type="isConsumedBy" source="#{endpoints_consumed:endpoint}"/>
<association type="isProvidedBy" source="#{endpoints_provided:endpoint}"/-->
Is there a way to do that or do I need to create two tables, each having only one option?
You will need two tables or you will have to create a handler, http://docs.wso2.org/wiki/display/Governance453/Handlers. Please note that using a handler you will have to programmatically create the associations, after parsing the XML payload.
Best Regards,

Sharepoint Deploy new Column to list

I'm fairly new to SharePoint 2010, I've had some experience with 2007 but only debugging and fixing some small bug.
Assuming that i create a new solution for SP 2010 in VS2010 and i add a feature to create some list definitions and also some list instances of those list definition templates. These are all declared through Schema.xml =>
I deploy successfully and add a few items to my new lists.
Now i want to add a few extra columns (fields) to my lists, how will i deploy them?
I don't want to create them in code, i would like to have a up to date solution that with every new developer a simple deployment would create an up and running Dev environment.
What is the correct way to do the deployment in this case?
If you have the schema.xml file defined for the list, then you really want to add your new columns using the collection within the list definition. You also want to be sure your list is defined by a content type, allowing for reuse. So within your schema.xml file, it would look something like this:
<List xmlns:ows="Microsoft SharePoint" Title="Test List" FolderCreation="FALSE" Direction="$Resources:Direction;" Url="Lists/Test-List" BaseType="0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
<ContentType ID="0x010068a2e063a1a74913a37ecdb61ab2c721" Name="Test" Group="Custom Content Types" Description="Test Description" Inherits="TRUE" Version="0">
<FieldRef ID="{c2f80e7d-666e-4273-8b58-d5c8a13a9d6a}" Name="Col1" ShowInNewForm="TRUE" Required="TRUE" ShowInEditForm="TRUE"/>
<FieldRef ID="{a84d620a-d42d-455c-8ef8-7e9f1d443250}" Name="Col2" Required="TRUE" ShowInNewForm="TRUE" ShowInEditForm="TRUE"/>
<!-- Your new field refs here here -->
<Field ID="{c2f80e7d-666e-4273-8b58-d5c8a13a9d6a}" Type="Text" AllowDeletion="FALSE" Description="Key" AllowDuplicateValues="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="TRUE" Indexed="TRUE" Name="Col1" DisplayName="Col1" Group="Custom Columns" />
<Field ID="{a84d620a-d42d-455c-8ef8-7e9f1d443250}" Type="Text" AllowDeletion="FALSE" Name="Col2" DisplayName="Col2" Group="Custom Columns" />
<!-- Your new fields here -->
Don't forget to change your View as well!

SharePoint 2010 List Schema.XML not working as imagined

I am created an External List in VS and in the schema.XML file I have a few fields that I would like to change their display name, and format some dates.
We created an External List in SP, exported the wsp, and grabbed the list components of the site and added it to our project.
Here is an example of what I thought would work, but it does not.
<Field DisplayName="Date Closed" Format="DateOnly" Hidden="FALSE" Name="DateClosed" SourceID="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/v3" StaticName="DateClosed" Type="DateTime" />
<Field DisplayName="Closed By" Hidden="FALSE" Name="ClosedBy" SourceID="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/v3" StaticName="ClosedBy" Type="Text" />
We have a filter setup in the section which is working, so I know that the file is being used. Any insight as to why the changes I made to the field are not taking effect?

How do I rename a file using the SharePoint web services?

I have a custom definition for a document library and I am trying to rename documents within the library using only the out of the box web services. Having defined a view with the "Name" field supplied and trying the "LinkFilename", my calls to rename a file are respectively returning a failure or ignoring the new value.
How do I rename a file using the SharePoint web services?
Use the Lists.UpdateListItems web method. The XML request should look like:
<Batch OnError="Continue" PreCalc="TRUE" ListVersion="0">
<Method ID="1" Cmd="Update">
<!-- List item ID of document -->
<Field Name="ID">2</Field>
<!-- Full URL to document -->
<Field Name="FileRef">http://Server/FullUrl/File.doc</Field>
<!-- New filename -->
<Field Name="BaseName">NewName</Field>
You should be able to use UpdateListItems. Here's an example.
Per comment: So the actual question is "how do I call a web service?" Take a look a this example. Some more good walkthroughs here.