I am making a poker game in C++ for a my intro to C++ class (should tell you that I am only a beginner so please excuse any bad programmer practice here). I am currently working on the betting system, in which I am quite pleased it does what I need it to do. Except that it doesn't carry on - the game just resets after the hand. Here's my code, I was thinking I need to make separate classes and then call those classes in the main, but I'm just not sure how that would be any different, if that's the case then I'll delete this question.
{// ConsoleApplication71.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Bet.h"
using namespace std;
//Bet P = int betP(int money);
int main()
bool win;
bool lose;
int Omoney = 100;
int money = 0;
int Tmoney = 0;
int bet = 0;
int earn = (bet * 2) + Omoney;
int loseM = 0;
loseM = loseM + bet;
cout << "Your start money = " << Omoney << " \n\n\n" << endl;
cout << "Place your bet here!" << endl;
cin >> bet;
money = Omoney - bet;
cout << "Your total money after bet is " << money << "\n\n";
//betP(int money)
// money - bet = money;
if (bet > 10)
win = true;
if (win = true)
cout << "YOU WIN! \n\n" << endl;
/*earn = (earn) + Omoney;*/
cout << "You earned: \n" << earn;
Tmoney = earn + (Omoney - bet);
cout << "\nTotal money: \n" << Tmoney;
else if (bet <= 10)
lose = true;
if (lose = true)
cout << "You Lose!\n\n\n" << endl;
int Mlose= loseM + bet;
cout << "You lost: \n" << Mlose;
Tmoney = loseM + (Omoney - bet);
cout << "\nTotal money: \n" << Tmoney;
cout << "\n\n\n\n";
Omoney = Tmoney;
return 0;
Use a for loop instead of calling main() again. When you call main(), the local variables are re-initialized.
Alternatively, make the variables global scope (declare them outside of main()).
Read from user "start money" before the loop, and then inside the loop read the bet and do something with the bet. I guess the loop should repeat reading the bets until the user runs out of money.
I'm trying to make a text based turn based rpg for which i wanted to have different classes with different ranges of stats. One problem I keep running into is that i cannot print the random number I obtained outside of where I get my number. If i do it just gives me a new one instead of my previous number.
Filename: Finalh.h
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Base class
class Base {
int newATK, newHP,answer,player;
int ATK, HP;
// Derived class
class Thief : public Base {
int HP = rand() % (80 + 1 - 60) + 60;
int ATK = rand() % (40 + 1 - 20) + 20;
Filename: Final.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "Finalh.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
int answer;
cout << "Choose your fighter 1) Assassin 2) Tank 3) Knight" << endl;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == 1)
Thief player;
cout << "You have choosen assassin, he has HP " << player.HP << " and ATK " << player.ATK
<< endl;
player.newHP = player.HP;
cout << "Press 1 to show HP" << endl;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == 1)
Thief player;
cout << "This is my HP " << player.HP << endl;
cout << "This is my HP " << player.newHP << endl;
drescherjm was right, the value got lost due to the instance life running out the moment I closed the if. The solution was just passing the value to a variable and then printing that variable:
newHP = player.HP;
newATK = player.ATK;
cout << "You have choosen assassin, he has HP " << newHP << " and ATK " << newATK << endl;
I must write a program where the user can choose to practice with topic addition or topic multiplication that starts with a self-driven menu.
It must keep track of questions answered right, wrong and the number of questioned asked.
Which my current program is doing within each module(topic). Example Addition keeps track of the questions while the user is practicing Addition only and Multiplication does the same.
However, they are not being feedback to main, so they are not being added or displayed before the user can select another topic to practice or to exit the program.
Currently it is only to keeping track of the question (right /wrong/ total of questions) for each module (topic).
My goal is for the values to be passed to main and display the total number (right /wrong/ total of questions) before the user exits the program, but at the same time I must display the number of question in the Additional Topic and the Multiplication topic and provide a total.
Example Table of Addition, Multiplication and Totals ?
This is the code I have to start with. Can someone help me in how to code to return values of the (right /wrong/ total of questions) of the two topics and accomplish to display something like the table information.
******************************************************************************* /
#include <stdio.h> /* printf, scanf, puts, NULL */
#include <stdlib.h> /* srand, rand */
#include <time.h> /* time */
#include <string> // String managment funtions.
#include <iostream> // For input and output
#include <cmath> // For math functions.
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
// Implementing menu driven programs.
// Function Prototypes.
int menu();
void sums();
void products();
int main()
int option;
do {
option = menu();
switch (option) {
case 1: {
case 2: {
cout << "Program exit" << endl;
} while (option != 6);
return 0;
int menu()
cout << "Please select an option" << endl;
cout << "1) Practice with Addition " << endl;
cout << "2) Pratice with Multiplication " << endl;
cout << "3) Exit the program " << endl;
int option;
cin >> option;
return option;
void sums()
string keepgoing;
unsigned int quantity_total_questions = 0U;
unsigned int quantity_wrong_answers = 0U;
unsigned int quantity_correct_answers = 0U;
do {
const int minValue = 10;
const int maxValue = 99;
int y = (rand() % (maxValue - minValue + 1)) + minValue;
// cout<< " the random number is y "<< y << endl;
int x = (rand() % (maxValue - minValue + 1)) + minValue;
// cout<< " the random number is x "<< x << endl;
cout << "What is " << x << " + " << y << " =" << endl;
int answer;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == (x + y)) {
cout << "Great!! You are really smart!!" << endl;
else {
cout << "Oh Sorry Try Again." << endl;
cout << "Right: " << quantity_correct_answers;
cout << " Wrong: " << quantity_wrong_answers;
cout << " Total Questions: " << quantity_total_questions << endl;
cout << "Do you want to play again? [enter y for yes or n for no]" << endl;
cin >> keepgoing;
} while (keepgoing == "y");
void products()
string keepgoing;
unsigned int quantity_total_questions = 0U;
unsigned int quantity_wrong_answers = 0U;
unsigned int quantity_correct_answers = 0U;
do {
const int minValueOne = 0;
const int maxValueOne = 9;
const int minValueTwo = 10;
const int maxValueTwo = 99;
int y = (rand() % (maxValueOne - minValueOne + 1)) + minValueOne;
// cout<< " the random number is y "<< y << endl;
int x = (rand() % (maxValueTwo - minValueTwo + 1)) + minValueTwo;
// cout<< " the random number is x "<< x << endl;
cout << " What is " << x << " x " << y << " =" << endl;
int answer;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == (x * y)) {
cout << "Great!! You are really smart!!" << endl;
else {
cout << "Oh Sorry Try Again." << endl;
cout << "Right: " << quantity_correct_answers;
cout << " Wrong: " << quantity_wrong_answers;
cout << " Total Questions: " << quantity_total_questions << endl;
cout << "Do you want to play again? [enter y for yes or n for no]" << endl;
cin >> keepgoing;
} while (keepgoing == "y");
I would create a structure that contains the number of total answers and number of correct answers—the incorrect ones can be inferred—and then pass a reference to an instance of the structure to the respective sums() and products() functions.
Those functions can then populate the structure elements and when they return, your main function can read them out, knowing exactly how many questions were asked, how many were answered, or whatever other information you want to record and retrieve.
I need help. I'm currently learning C++ programming and I'm still at the beginner level. I'm still figuring out how to make the while loop working. My idea is when inserting the correct code input, the switch statement choose the right case statement and loop back to insert another input until 0 inserted to stop the loop and calculate for the final output in main() constructor.
I know I have few kinks to fix soon but I'm still struggling to figure out this particular part.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
double sst = 0.06, total = 0, grandTotal, price, discount, newPrice, totalSST;
int quantity, count, code;
string name, ech;
void item001(){
name = "Rice (5kg)";
price = 11.5;
discount = 0;
void item002(){
name = "Rice (10kg)";
price = 25.9;
discount = 0;
void item003(){
name = "Sugar (1kg)";
price = 2.95;
discount = 0;
void item_cal(){
cout << "Please enter the quantity of the item: ";
cin >> quantity;
newPrice = (price + (discount * price)) * quantity;
cout << "\nItem: " << name << " || Quantity: " << quantity << " || Price: RM" << newPrice << endl;
void input(){
cout << "Welcome SA Mart\n" << "Please insert the code. Press 0 to stop: ";
while (code != 0){
cin >> code;
switch (code){
case 001:
case 002:
case 003:
cout << "\nWrong code" << endl;;
total += newPrice;
int main(){
totalSST = total * sst;
grandTotal = total + totalSST;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << "Total: RM" << total << " ||SST: RM" << totalSST << " || Grand Total: RM" << grandTotal << endl;
return 0;
The only functional issue I see in your code is that there is a chance that the code variable will initialize to 0 (depends on the compiler/randomness). If that happens, your input method will return before it enters the loop. Other than that it looks like it will work. Of course, programming is not just the art of "making it work," style and readability are important too. In general, you want to confine variables to the smallest scope in which they are referenced. 'code' should not be a global variable, it should live in the input method. As for the loop, there are several ways it could be implemented: a "while(true)" loop could be used, in which case the variable may be defined inside the loop; on the other hand a "do while" would guarantee one loop runs (perhaps that would be a good fit here), but the variable must live outside of the loop, at least int the scope of conditional check. The way you choose is often a matter of style. Below, I use a "while(true)."
In programming, readability matters (a lot). I think this program would be easier to read if the data were broken up into a few structs, perhaps "Bill," and "Food." Another thing to consider is how to broaden the usage of your program, without introducing significant complexity. For example, it could work for any grocery store (any set of food items/prices). This is often a matter of determining an appropriate set of parameters to feed your program.
To do these things you might write something like this:
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
namespace market {
const double& sst = 0.06;
struct Bill {
double total = 0;
double totalSST = 0;
double grandTotal = 0;
struct Food {
const char* name;
double price;
double discount;
Food(const char* name, double price, double discount = 0)
: name(name), price(price), discount(discount) {}
double result_price() const {
return price - price * discount;
struct GroceryStore {
const char* name;
std::map<int, Food> inventory;
GroceryStore(const char* name, std::map<int, Food> inventory)
: name(name), inventory(inventory) { }
void shop(const GroceryStore& store, Bill& bill, bool show_menu = false, int exit_code = 0) {
// check error conditions
if (store.inventory.find(exit_code) != store.inventory.end()) {
// that's the 'exit_code' code silly!
cout << "Bad store. Come back another time." << endl;
cout << "Welcome to " << store.name << endl;
if (show_menu) {
cout << "The following items are available for purchase:" << endl;
for (auto p : store.inventory) {
cout << "\t" << p.first << ") " << p.second.name << "(" << p.second.result_price() << endl;
cout << "Enter the product code of the item you wish to purchase:";
int code;
cin >> code;
while (true) {
auto food_it = store.inventory.find(code);
if (food_it == store.inventory.end()) {
cout << "Thanks for stopping by." << endl;;
cout << "Please enter the quantity of the item: ";
uint32_t quantity;
cin >> quantity;
auto& food = food_it->second;
auto disc_price = food.price - (food.discount * food.price);
bill.total += disc_price * quantity;
cout << "\nItem: " << food.name << " || Quantity: " << quantity << " || Price: RM" << disc_price << endl;
cout << "Would you like anything else? Enter the product code, or press " << exit_code << " to proceed to check-out." << endl;
cin >> code;
void ring_up(Bill& bill) {
bill.totalSST = bill.total * sst;
bill.grandTotal = bill.total + bill.totalSST;
void run() {
int code = 1;
GroceryStore store("SMart", {
{ code++, Food("Rice (5kg)", 11.5, 0) },
{ code++, Food("Rice (10kg)", 25.9) },
{ code, Food("Sugar (1kg)", 2.95, 0) }
Bill bill;
shop(store, bill, true);
cout << "Total: RM" << bill.total << " ||SST: RM" << bill.totalSST << " || Grand Total: RM" << bill.grandTotal << endl;
Firstly there is a bug in input when u will input 0 then also it won't break while loop as code that is checked contains the previous value.
for example:
input is
but according to your code when the code will run the second time and while condition is checked code still contains 3 as value and code will run one more time
Try initialising code to some value, for example, -1. I'm not really sure but I think for global int variables, they initialise int variables to 0. So your first loop doesn't run. Or another way to do it is using do while loops instead of while loop.
do {
cin >> code;
switch (code){
case 001:
case 002:
case 003:
cout << "\nWrong code" << endl;;
total += newPrice;
} while (code != 0);
This makes sure that the loop will run at least once, making code initialised.
Hope it helps you! Have fun programming!
I am facing difficulties in my C++ code. I am a beginner. Like, only with very basic knowledge of C++. So, I really can't figure a way to do this. I thought of making an RPG game using C++ commands and am close to finishing it. But somehow, I couldn't make a constant health for the hero. Taking a look at the code,
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class player
{ public:
int health = 100;
int battle();
void death();
int main()
int abc;
player hero;
hero.health = abc;
int a;
int replay = 1;
cout << "You have 100 Hp. \n";
while (replay == 1)
cout << "\n Press 1 to move forward; 2 To stay. \n";
cin >> a;
if (a == 2)
if (rand() % 4 + 1 != 1)
cout << "You stay at your place. \n";
cout << "Enemy Attacks! (20 Hp) \n";
//cout << "\n Press 1 to continue. \n";
cout << "\n Do you want to play again? Press 1 to replay and 0 to quit.\n";
cin >> replay;
else if (a == 1)
if (rand() % 2 + 1 != 1)
cout << "You moved forward. No one around. \n";
cout << "You move forward. Enemy attacks! (20 Hp) \n";
cout << "\n Do you want to play again? Press 1 to replay and 0 to quit.\n";
cin >> replay;
cout << "Sorry. Please enter a valid move. \n";
return 0;
int battle(int x)
player enemy;
enemy.health = 20;
player hero;
int y;
while (enemy.health >= 0)
int eattack = rand() % 15 + 7;
int attack = rand() % 10 + 1;
int escape = rand() % 4 + 1;
cout << "\n Press 1 to attack. 2 to flee \n";
cin >> y;
if (y == 2)
if (escape != 1)
cout << "Can't escape! \n";
cout << "Enemy attacked! Dealing a damage of: " << eattack << " Hp. \n";
hero.health = hero.health - eattack;
cout << "Your Hp is: " << hero.health;
goto Aftermath;
else if (y != 1)
cout << "Sorry. Please enter a valid response. \n";
cout << "You attack the enemy. \n";
cout << "You deal a damage of: " << attack;
enemy.health = enemy.health - attack;
if (enemy.health >= 0)
cout << "\n Enemy attacks you, dealing: " << eattack << " Hp damage.";
hero.health = hero.health - eattack;
cout << "\n You have: " << hero.health << " Hp left.";
if ((hero.health <= 0) || (hero.health == 0))
enemy.health = -1;
if (hero.health > 0)
cout << "\n Enemy fainted!";
//cout << "You found Hp Potion! Your Hp was refilled.";
if ((hero.health > 0) && (enemy.health > 0))
cout << "Escaped Successfully! \n";
return x;
void death()
cout << "You died!";
As you see, I have called for battle(abc) and battle(hero.health) [which I have commented for now] but the problem is, it says "Too many arguments to function int battle(). Previously, I simply avoided parameters and created object "hero" in the battle method itself. But every time you get through a battle sequence, it comes back and declares it again, thus making its health refill. [Look at if (hero.health > 0) ]
I really don't know about global variables and all that. I just want to know if there is a workaround or a way to solve this parameter problem. Any other suggestions to have health as a 'constant' and not declared every time is also warmly accepted. Thank you so much!
P.S. Suggestions for shortening the code also accepted but please, I am a beginner. So advanced strategies are beyond my skills right now. I take time to grasp concepts.
You declare the function before the main method, and then you implement the function after the main method.
The problem is, you implement the function as:
int battle(int x)
but this doesn't match your declaration:
int battle();
Just change your function declaration block so the battle function matches the expected signature:
int battle(int x);
void death();
That will get your code compiling, but you are still a number of steps from getting this to work.
I'll give you one starter: instead of passing in the hitpoints into battle, pass the entire player.
void battle(Player &player)
// ...
Then you can modify the player's hitpoints directly in the battle function.
You would then call this with:
I decided for fun to try and make a simple program that "sort of" simulates blackjack in a dumbed down way. It's basically done, except for the fact that the randomly generated numbers are WAY too large. I don't care about the bias srand/rand has (for now) I just want to get it working properly.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int genRandInt (int low, int high) {
int randnum = low + (rand() % (high - low + 1));
return randnum;
int main()
int computerScore;
int score;
int card;
while (int playAgain = 1)
cout << "Enter 0 to hold or 1 to hit: ";
int play;
cin >> play;
if (play == 0)
computerScore = genRandInt(1, 31);
if (score < computerScore)
cout << "Your score is " << score << " and the computer's score is " << computerScore << "! You lose.\n";
if (score > 21)
cout << "Your score is " << score << " which is greater than 21. Bust!\n";
if (score > computerScore && score <= 21)
cout << "Your score is " << score << " and the computer's score is " << computerScore << "! You win!\n";
cout << "Would you like to play again? 1 for yes, 0 for no. : ";
cin >> playAgain;
if (play == 1)
card = genRandInt(1, 11);
score = score + card;
cout << "Your score is: " << score << "\n";
return 0;
Any ideas?
You use int score; uninitialized in
if (score < computerScore)
score = score + card;
depending on the if(play == 0) or if(play == 1) condition.
It happens to have some junk as its memory content, the compiler does not initializes to zero for you. In fact, it is undefined behaviour to use un-initialized variables. Initialize it before the first usage, preferable in the definition itself,
int score = 0;
Also, compile with warnings on (-Wall -Wextra for g++/clang++), since the compiler will easily warn about these mistakes.
Try running this and seeing if you have the same issues. I just added some print statements to try and debug it, and it stopped showing me really big numbers..
int score = 0;
if (play == 1)
cout << "printing in the PLAY = 1 "<< score << endl;
card = genRandInt(1, 11);
score = score + card;
cout << "Your score is: " << score << "\n";