Execute command or transfer files to remote windows machine - python-2.7

What I'm actually looking for is the equivalent off ssh connection in windows environment. As per requirement, my controller machine can connect to remote machine with username password using some kind of utility/protocol such as ssh or telnet or rpc or tpc and using this session I can transfer files or execute command on remote machine. This connection execution must be done without any intervention from remote machine, i.e. I don't need to install any module or install any utility on remote machine or run any script.
My both controller and remote environment are windows.
Can someone suggest me python module or utility, using which I'll be able do this ?
I explore few option however I'm not sure if they are the best way to do so. Pleas provide your thoughts on this too.
connect using psexec utility through popen.
using socket to communication channel, however I'm not sure if I can execute any command using this channel.
making use of Telnet. but I didn't explore the python module to make telnet connection and execute command.
using module such as Pyro or rpyc.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot in advanced.

take a look at the pexpect module. It can be used for ftp, ssh ...
pexpect doc


cannot connect to X server error showed up in GCP

I create a python GUI by PyQt4, and now I'm trying to save this program into Google Cloud Platform(Compute engine) so that I can remotely execute it. But after I execute my python program, there's a problem showed up, the console showed the message :"cannot connect to X server". I also try to run with "xvfb-run python GUI.py", although it started to run but the graphical user interface didn't showed up, is there any suggestion? Thanks in advance!
In order to run a GUI application remotely on a Linux/Unix box, you need to have a X server running on your local machine and ready to accept a connection. Easiest way to do this is to SSH in and enable X11Forwarding either in your client config, your personal version of the client config, or on the command line (ie, the -X or -Y options).
Us Linux folks already have an X server, as do them BSD folks. Mac users can install it and it integrates quite nicely on OS X. Windows users need to either pay some $ and buy a license for a commercial product, or use cygwin-x.

How to set a remote django develop environment?

I have to set a development environment on a ubuntu machine(16.04).
It's django+postgresql+Nginx, I.think I could install all these things together on that machine,but I totally don't have any idea about how to connect it by using pycharm running on my pc, and how to manipulate the database.
Is there anyone could tell me how to connect it. This is the first time I have to use a remote machine.
By the way, my pc and ubuntu machine are in the same LAN, but there is another person who were asked to write db are not.
I hope I could get some suggestions from the community.
One of the best and common way is to use SSH.
Here you can find an official guide on how to enable SSH server on Ubuntu 16.04
You can use Putty to connect from Windows PC to your SSH server or if you're using Mac or Linux, there should be already installed SSH client. So, just ssh username#servername
Use SSH. Assuming you're on Linux, open a terminal and type:
ssh username#local-ip-address-of-machine
and then type your password when prompted. Your terminal window essentially acts as a terminal on your remote machine. From here, I suggest you research Docker in order to set up a custom environment for your Django project. I have only told you how to connect since that's your question, and there are plenty of tutorials on setting up Django and Docker. If the other person wants to connect, you will need to port forward on your router port 22 on the local IP of the machine.
If you haven't got SSH set up, this page tells you how.

File upload Selenium Web driver python in linux machine calling a remote machine

Hi I have scenario that needs to upload a file in a webpage. Actually I know that selenium will not support file upload scenario. But this can be done in python with external libraries such as AUTOIT, PYWINAUTO. But the challenge is i have to run my code in a linux server that is going to call a windows remote machine.
When i tried installing pywinauto in linux server i got an error in importing winreg library. Hence i dont know how to proceed further. Please help me out to solve this scenario.
Both AutoIt and pywinauto are Windows-only libraries (at least for now). If you need to automate file upload on Linux, consider using AT-SPI accessibility (say pyatspi2 package).
If it's a server without X and DBus, I think the question is about remote code execution from Linux to Windows. Good option for the SSH remote execution is Fabric (very pythonic & nice), but using Cygwin or OpenSSH might be an additional challenge for you. There are many other tools like Ansible etc.

how to run python script located on a remote server

I have python script that I run on my cmd local machine.
now I want to run it also on a remote server(Windows)
How can I do it?
It is possible using ssh. Python accepts hyphen(-) as argument to execute the standard input,
cat hello.py | ssh user# python -
Run python --help for more info.
You can use the ssh approach, but also the PSEXEC approach which is easier to use, although you may need admin privileges on the server to execute processes and both windows machines better share the same user/password.
Download PsExec from here
Run as follows:
psexec /ACCEPTEULA \\servermachine python fullpath_to\python_script.py
fullpath_to\python_script.py should be accessible from the server. If not, you have to copy it first here, or just put the script on a shared/networked drive visible by both machines.
Of course python must be installed on the server as well.
I'm not saying it is the best way. Jenkins is a good way to run stuff on a given server. But it does the job.

Understanding fabric

I've just stumbled upon Fabric and the documentation doesn't really make it obvious how it works.
My educated guess is that you need to install it on both client-side and server-side. The Python code is stored on the client side and transferred through Fabric's wire-protocol when the command is run. The server accepts connections using the OpenSSH SSH daemon through the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for the current user (or a special user, or specified in the host name to the fab command).
Is any of this correct? If not, how does it work?
From the docs:
Fabric is a Python (2.5 or higher) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.
It provides a basic suite of operations for executing local or remote shell commands (normally or via sudo) and uploading/downloading files, as well as auxiliary functionality such as prompting the running user for input, or aborting execution.
So it's just like ssh'ing into a box and running the commands you've put into run()/sudo().
There is no transfer of code, so you only need to have ssh running on the remote machine and have some sort of shell (bash is assumed by default).
If you want remote access to a python interpreter you're more looking at something like execnet.
If you want more information on how execution on the remote machine(s) work look to this section of the docs.
Most what you are saying is correct, except that the "fabfile.py" file only has to be stored on your client. An SSH server like OpenSSH needs to be installed on your server and an SSH client needs to be installed on your client.
Fabric then logs into one or more servers in turn and executes the shell commands defined in "fabfile.py". If you are located in the same dir as "fabfile.py" you can go "fab --list" to see a list of available commands and then "fab [COMMAND_NAME]" to execute a command.
The user on the server does not need to be added to "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" but if it is you don't have to type the password every time you want to execute a command.