Detection of low light images using SURF - c++

I have been using the code from the OpenCV website for detection of objects.I am a beginner to OpenCV and to image processing and have been trying to understand the working of SURF.I have a few doubts.
1.I have been using color images for detection and the results have been good so far.There are people who are recommending using grayscale images,will it increase the performance of the algorithm?
2.In the code,what is the significance of filtering by only having the matches with distance less than 3*mindist?
for( int i = 0; i < descriptors_object.rows; i++ )
{ if( matches[i].distance < 3*min_dist )
{ good_matches.push_back( matches[i]); }
3.Though the detection is robust in high illuminated images(i used 900 as the hessian value),the same image under low light conditions does not get detected with the same hessian value,is there a way to do both with the same hessian value and the same reference image for both conditions?Will cv::equalizeHist() be useful?If it is,can somebody please suggest a way for me to integrate with the SURF detection code?
4.DMatch structure which returns matches has a parameter called distance which returns the distance between descriptors.What does this mean?Is there a unit for the distance returned?
5.I would also like to know if there are better descriptors than SURF in terms of time complexity,scale and rotation invariance`for object detection.
Thanks in advance for your time and replies.

SURF works with grayscale images.
There are lot of false random matches (since if you have 100 features in img1, you will always have 100 matches) and to filter them is good idea. But better is to check relative distance - how it is done in Use Euclidean distance in SURF)
Yes, it can be used. You just use modified images instead of original.
You detect low number of features because of low pixel intensity and low contrast in the dark regions, which decreases detector response. When applied to the dark image, histogram equalization increases contrast which increases number of local maximas below the threshold.
cv::Mat img1, img1histEq;
SURF is can be viewed as 128-dimentional vector. Distance is distance between two such vectors in some space, usually Euclidean - sum of squared differences between corresponding vector elements. Other metrics, e.g. L1 also can be used, but Euclidean is the most used for SURF.
SIFT performs better in terms of invariance, but 3 times slower. You can find comparison of the different descriptors here and here.
It is not clear what do you mean by "object detection". What exactly do you need to do?


blur detection in Images taken with different cameras

I want to detect blurred images using Laplacian Operator. This is the code I am using:
bool checkforblur(Mat img)
bool is_blur = 0;
Mat gray,laplacianImage;
Scalar mean, stddev, mean1, stddev1;
double variance1,variance2,threshold;
cvtColor(img, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
Laplacian(gray, laplacianImage, CV_64F);
meanStdDev(laplacianImage, mean, stddev, Mat());
meanStdDev(gray, mean1, stddev1, Mat());
variance1 = stddev.val[0]*stddev.val[0];
variance2 = stddev1.val[0]*stddev1.val[0];
double ratio= variance1/variance2;
threshold = 90;
cout<<"Variance is:"<<ratio<<"\n"<<"Threshold Used:"
if (ratio <= threshold){is_blur=1;}
return is_blur;
This code takes an image as input and returns 1 or 0 based on whether the image is blurred or not.
As suggested I edited the code to check for ratio instead of variance of the laplacian image alone.
But still the threshold varies for images taken with different cameras.
Is the code scene dependent?
How should I change it?
For the above image the variance is 62.9 So it detects that the image is blurred.
For the above image the variance is 235, Hence it is detecting wrongly as not blurred.
The Laplacian operator is linear, so that its amplitude varies with the amplitude of the signal. Thus the response will be higher for images with a stronger contrast.
You might have a better behavior by normalizing the values, for instance using the ratio of the variance of the Laplacian over the variance of the signal itself, or over the variance of the gradient magnitude.
I also advise you to experiment using sharp images that you progressively blur with a wider and wider gaussian, and to look at the plots of "measured blurriness" versus the know bluriness.
As suggested above, you should normalize this ratio. Basically, if you divide your variance by the mean value you will get the normalized gray level variance, which I think is what you are looking for.
That said, there is an excellent thread on blur detection which I would recommend - full of good info and code examples.

OpenCV transformation from two images

Theres is a MATLAB example that matches two images and outputs the rotation and scale:
My goal is to recreate this example using C++. I am using the same method of keypoint detection (Harris) and the keypoints seem to be mostly identical to the ones Matlab finds. So far so good.
cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(image_grayscale, corners, number_of_keypoints, 0.01, 5, mask, 3, true, 0.04);
for (int i = 0; i < corners.size(); i++) {
keypoints.push_back(cv::KeyPoint(corners[i], 5));
BRISK is used to extract features from the keypoints.
int Threshl = 120;
int Octaves = 8;
float PatternScales = 1.0f;
cv::Ptr<cv::Feature2D> extractor = cv::BRISK::create(Threshl, Octaves, PatternScales);
extractor->compute(image, mykeypoints, descriptors);
These descriptors are then matched using flannbasedmatcher.
cv::FlannBasedMatcher matcher;
matcher.match(descriptors32A, descriptors32B, matches);
Now the problem is that about 80% of my matches are wrong and unusable. For the identical set of images Matlab returns only a couple of matches from which only ~20% are wrong. I have tried sorting the Matches in C++ based on their distance value with no success. The values range between 300 and 700 and even the matches with the lowest distance are almost entirely incorrect.
Now 20% of good matches are enough to calculate the offset but a lot of processing power is wasted on checking wrong matches. What would be a better way to sort the correct matches or is there something obvious I am doing wrong?
I have switched from Harris/BRISK to AKAZE which seems to deliver much better features and matches that can easily be sorted by their distance value. The only downside is the much higher computation time. With two 1000px wide images AKAZE needs half a minute to find the keypoints (on a PC). I reducted this by scaling down the images which makes for an acceptable ~3-5 seconds.
The method you are using finds for each point an nearest neighbour no matter how close it is. Two strategies are common:
1. Match set A to set B and set B to A and keep only matches which exist in both matchings.
2. Use 2 knnMatch and perform a ratio check, i.e. keep only the matches where the 1 NN is a lot closer than the 2 NN, e.g.
d1 < 0.8 * d2.
The MATLAB code uses SURF. OpenCV also provides SURF, SIFT and AKAZE, try one of these. Especially SURF would be interesting for a comparison.

What accuracy should I expect from basic opencv ortho-rectification algorithms?

So, I'm taking over the work on an ortho-rectification algorithm that is intended to produce "accurate" results. I'm running into trouble trying to increase the accuracy and could use a little help.
Here is the basic approach.
Extract a calibration pattern from an image that was taken from a mobile phone.
Rectify the image based on a calibration pattern in the image
Scale the image to get the real world size of the scene around the pattern.
The calibration pattern is held against a flat surface, like a wall, counter, table, floor and the user takes a picture. With that picture, we want to measure artifacts on the same surface as the calibration pattern. We have tried this with calibration patterns ranging from the size of a credit card to a sheet of paper (8.5" x 11")
Here is an example input picture
With this resulting output image
Right now our measurements are usually within 1-2% of what we expect. This is sufficient for small areas (less than 25cm away from the calibration pattern. However, we'd like the algorithm to scale so that we can accurately measure a 2x2 meter area. However, at that size, the current error is too much (2-4 cm).
Here is the algorithm we are following.
// convert original image to grayscale and perform morphological dilation to reduce false matches when finding circle grid
Mat imgGray;
cvtColor(imgOriginal, imgGray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
// find calibration pattern in original image
Size patternSize(4, 11);
vector <Point2f> circleCenters_OriginalImage;
if (!findCirclesGrid(imgGray, patternSize, circleCenters_OriginalImage, CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID))
return false;
Point2f inputQuad[4];
inputQuad[0] = Point2f(circleCenters_OriginalImage[0].x, circleCenters_OriginalImage[0].y);
inputQuad[1] = Point2f(circleCenters_OriginalImage[3].x, circleCenters_OriginalImage[3].y);
inputQuad[2] = Point2f(circleCenters_OriginalImage[43].x, circleCenters_OriginalImage[43].y);
inputQuad[3] = Point2f(circleCenters_OriginalImage[40].x, circleCenters_OriginalImage[40].y);
// create model points for calibration pattern
vector <Point2f> circleCenters_ObjectSpace = GeneratePatternPointsInObjectSpace(circleCenters_OriginalImage[0], Distance(circleCenters_OriginalImage[0], circleCenters_OriginalImage[1]) / 2.0f, ioData.marker_up);
Point2f outputQuad[4];
outputQuad[0] = Point2f(circleCenters_ObjectSpace[0].x, circleCenters_ObjectSpace[0].y);
outputQuad[1] = Point2f(circleCenters_ObjectSpace[3].x, circleCenters_ObjectSpace[3].y);
outputQuad[2] = Point2f(circleCenters_ObjectSpace[43].x, circleCenters_ObjectSpace[43].y);
outputQuad[3] = Point2f(circleCenters_ObjectSpace[40].x, circleCenters_ObjectSpace[40].y);
Mat lambda(2,4,CV_32FC1);
lambda = Mat::zeros(imgOriginal.rows, imgOriginal.cols, imgOriginal.type());
lambda = getPerspectiveTransform(inputQuad, outputQuad);
warpPerspective(imgOriginal, imgOrthorectified, lambda, imgOrthorectified.size());
My Questions:
Is it reasonable to shoot for error < 0.25%? Is there a different algorithm that would yield more accurate results? What are the most valuable sources of error to identify and resolve?
As I've worked on this, I've also looked at removing pincushion / barrel distortions, and trying homographies to find the perspective transform. The best approaches I have found so far remain in the 1-2% error.
Any suggestions of where to go next would be really helpful

Detect clusters of circular objects by iterative adaptive thresholding and shape analysis

I have been developing an application to count circular objects such as bacterial colonies from pictures.
What make it easy is the fact that the objects are generally well distinct from the background.
However, few difficulties make the analysis tricky:
The background will present gradual as well as rapid intensity change.
In the edges of the container, the object will be elliptic rather than circular.
The edges of the objects are sometimes rather fuzzy.
The objects will cluster.
The object can be very small (6px of diameter)
Ultimately, the algorithms will be used (via GUI) by people that do not have deep understanding of image analysis, so the parameters must be intuitive and very few.
The problem has been address many times in the scientific literature and "solved", for instance, using circular Hough transform or watershed approaches, but I have never been satisfied by the results.
One simple approach that was described is to get the foreground by adaptive thresholding and split (as I described in this post) the clustered objects using distance transform.
I have successfully implemented this method, but it could not always deal with sudden change in intensity. Also, I have been asked by peers to come out with a more "novel" approach.
I therefore was looking for a new method to extract foreground.
I therefore investigated other thresholding/blob detection methods.
I tried MSERs but found out that they were not very robust and quite slow in my case.
I eventually came out with an algorithm that, so far, gives me excellent results:
I split the three channels of my image and reduce their noise (blur/median blur). For each channel:
I apply a manual implementation of the first step of adaptive thresholding by calculating the absolute difference between the original channel and a convolved (by a large kernel blur) one. Then, for all the relevant values of threshold:
I apply a threshold on the result of 2)
find contours
validate or invalidate contours on the grant of their shape (size, area, convexity...)
only the valid continuous regions (i.e. delimited by contours) are then redrawn in an accumulator (1 accumulator per channel).
After accumulating continuous regions over values of threshold, I end-up with a map of "scores of regions". The regions with the highest intensity being those that fulfilled the the morphology filter criteria the most often.
The three maps (one per channel) are then converted to grey-scale and thresholded (the threshold is controlled by the user)
Just to show you the kind of image I have to work with:
This picture represents part of 3 sample images in the top and the result of my algorithm (blue = foreground) of the respective parts in the bottom.
Here is my C++ implementation of : 3-7
* cv::Mat dst[3] is the result of the absolute difference between original and convolved channel.
* MCF(std::vector<cv::Point>, int, int) is a filter function that returns an positive int only if the input contour is valid.
/* Allocate 3 matrices (1 per channel)*/
cv::Mat accu[3];
/* We define the maximal threshold to be tried as half of the absolute maximal value in each channel*/
int maxBGR[3];
for(unsigned int i=0; i<3;i++){
double min, max;
maxBGR[i] = max/2;
/* In addition, we fill accumulators by zeros*/
/* This loops are intended to be multithreaded using
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2) schedule(dynamic)
For each channel */
for(unsigned int i=0; i<3;i++){
/* For each value of threshold (m_step can be > 1 in order to save time)*/
for(int j=0;j<maxBGR[i] ;j += m_step ){
/* Temporary matrix*/
cv::Mat tmp;
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
/* Thresholds dst by j*/
cv::threshold(dst[i],tmp, j, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
/* Finds continous regions*/
cv::findContours(tmp, contours, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1);
if(contours.size() > 0){
/* Tests each contours*/
for(unsigned int k=0;k<contours.size();k++){
int valid = MCF(contours[k],m_minRad,m_maxRad);
/* I found that redrawing was very much faster if the given contour was copied in a smaller container.
* I do not really understand why though. For instance,
cv::drawContours(miniTmp,contours,k,cv::Scalar(1),-1,8,cv::noArray(), INT_MAX, cv::Point(-rect.x,-rect.y));
is slower especially if contours is very long.
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > tpv(1);
std::copy(contours.begin()+k, contours.begin()+k+1, tpv.begin());
/* We make a Roi here*/
cv::Rect rect = cv::boundingRect(tpv[0]);
cv::Mat miniTmp(rect.height,rect.width,CV_8U,cv::Scalar(0));
cv::drawContours(miniTmp,tpv,0,cv::Scalar(1),-1,8,cv::noArray(), INT_MAX, cv::Point(-rect.x,-rect.y));
accu[i](rect) = miniTmp + accu[i](rect);
/* Make the global scoreMap*/
/* Conditional noise removal*/
I have two questions:
What is the name of such foreground extraction approach and do you see any reason for which it could be improper to use it in this case ?
Since recursively finding and drawing contours is quite intensive, I would like to make my algorithm faster. Can you indicate me any way to achieve this goal ?
Thank you very much for you help,
Several years ago I wrote an aplication that detects cells in a microscope image. The code is written in Matlab, and I think now that is more complicated than it should be (it was my first CV project), so I will only outline tricks that will actually be helpful for you. Btw, it was deadly slow, but it was really good at separating large groups of twin cells.
I defined a metric by which to evaluate the chance that a given point is the center of a cell:
- Luminosity decreases in a circular pattern around it
- The variance of the texture luminosity follows a given pattern
- a cell will not cover more than % of a neighboring cell
With it, I started to iteratively find the best cell, mark it as found, then look for the next one. Because such a search is expensive, I employed genetic algorithms to search faster in my feature space.
Some results are given below:

Robustly find N circles with the same diameter: alternative to bruteforcing Hough transform threshold

I am developing application to track small animals in Petri dishes (or other circular containers).
Before any tracking takes place, the first few frames are used to define areas.
Each dish will match an circular independent static area (i.e. will not be updated during tracking).
The user can request the program to try to find dishes from the original image and use them as areas.
Here are examples:
In order to perform this task, I am using Hough Circle Transform.
But in practice, different users will have very different settings and images and I do not want to ask the user to manually define the parameters.
I cannot just guess all the parameters either.
However, I have got additional informations that I would like to use:
I know the exact number of circles to be detected.
All the circles have the almost same dimensions.
The circles cannot overlap.
I have a rough idea of the minimal and maximal size of the circles.
The circles must be entirely in the picture.
I can therefore narrow down the number of parameters to define to one: the threshold.
Using these informations and considering that I have got N circles to find, my current solution is to
test many values of threshold and keep the circles between which the standard deviation is the smallest (since all the circles should have a similar size):
//at this point, minRad and maxRad were calculated from the size of the image and the number of circles to find.
//assuming circles should altogether fill more than 1/3 of the images but cannot be altogether larger than the image.
//N is the integer number of circles to find.
//img is the picture of the scene (filtered).
//the vectors containing the detected circles and the --so far-- best circles found.
std::vector<cv::Vec3f> circles, bestCircles;
//the score of the --so far-- best set of circles
double bestSsem = 0;
for(int t=5; t<400 ; t=t+2){
//Apply Hough Circles with the threshold t
cv::HoughCircles(img, circles, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 3, minRad*2, t,3, minRad, maxRad );
if(circles.size() >= N){
//call a routine to give a score to this set of circles according to the similarity of their radii
double ssem = scoreSetOfCircles(circles,N);
//if no circles are recorded yet, or if the score of this set of circles is higher than the former best
if( bestCircles.size() < N || ssem > bestSsem){
//this set become the temporary best set of circles
//the methods to assess how good is a set of circle (the more similar the circles are, the higher is ssem)
double scoreSetOfCircles(std::vector<cv::Vec3f> circles, int N){
double ssem=0, sum = 0;
double mean;
for(unsigned int j=0;j<N;j++){
sum = sum + circles[j][2];
mean = sum/N;
for(unsigned int j=0;j<N;j++){
double em = mean - circles[j][2];
ssem = 1/(ssem + em*em);
return ssem;
I have reached a higher accuracy by performing a second pass in which I repeated this algorithm narrowing the [minRad:maxRad] interval using the result of the first pass.
For instance minRad2 = 0.95 * average radius of best circles and maxRad2 = 1.05 * average radius of best circles.
I had fairly good results using this method so far. However, it is slow and rather dirty.
My questions are:
Can you thing of any alternative algorithm to solve this problem in a cleaner/faster manner ?
Or what would you suggest to improve this algorithm?
Do you think I should investigate generalised Hough transform ?
Thank you for your answers and suggestions.
The following approach should work pretty well for your case:
Binarize your image (you might need to do this on several levels of threshold to make algorithm independent of the lighting conditions)
Find contours
For each contour calculate the moments
Filter them by area to remove too small contours
Filter contours by circularity:
double area = moms.m00;
double perimeter = arcLength(Mat(contours[contourIdx]), true);
double ratio = 4 * CV_PI * area / (perimeter * perimeter);
ratio close to 1 will give you circles.
Calculate radius and center of each circle
center = Point2d(moms.m10 / moms.m00, moms.m01 / moms.m00);
And you can add more filters to improve the robustness.
Actually you can find an implementation of the whole procedure in OpenCV. Look how the SimpleBlobDetector class and findCirclesGrid function are implemented.
Within the current algorithm, the biggest thing that sticks out is the for(int t=5; t<400; t=t+2) loop. Trying recording score values for some test images. Graph score(t) versus t. With any luck, it will either suggest a smaller range for t or be a smoothish curve with a single maximum. In the latter case you can change your loop over all t values into a smarter search using Hill Climbing methods.
Even if it's fairly noisy, you can first loop over multiples of, say, 30, and for the best 1 or 2 of those loop over nearby multiples of 2.
Also, in your score function, you should disqualify any results with overlapping circles and maybe penalize overly spaced out circles.
You don't explain why you are using a black background. Unless you are using a telecentric lens (which seems unlikely, given the apparent field of view), and ignoring radial distortion for the moment, the images of the dishes will be ellipses, so estimating them as circles may lead to significant errors.
All and all, it doesn't seem to me that you are following a good approach. If the goals is simply to remove the background, so you can track the bugs inside the dishes, then your goal should be just that: find which pixels are background and mark them. The easiest way to do that is to take a picture of the background without dishes, under the same illumination and camera, and directly detect differences with the picture with the images. A colored background would be preferable to do that, with a color unlikely to appear in the dishes (e.g. green or blue velvet). So you'd have reduced the problem to bluescreening (or chroma keying), a classic technique in machine vision as applied to visual effects. Do a google search for "matte petro vlahos assumption" to find classic algorithms for solving this problem.