Is it possible to set Content-Security-Policy headers in Amazon S3? - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to set a Content-Security-Policy header for an html file I'm serving via s3/cloudfront. I'm using the web-based AWS console. Whenever I try to add the header:
it doesn't seem to respect it. What can I do to make sure this header is served?

I'm having the same problem (using S3/CloudFront) and it appears there is currently no way to set this up easily.
S3 has a whitelist of the headers permitted, and Content-Security-Policy is not on it. Whilst it is true you can use the prefixed x-amz-meta-Content-Security-Policy, this is unhelpful as there is no browser support for it.
There are two options I can see.
1) you can serve the html content from a webserver on an EC2 instance and set that up as another CloudFront origin. Not really a great solution.
2) include the CSP as a meta tag within your html document:
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src http://* 'self'">
This option is not as widely supported by browsers, but it appears to work with both Webkit and Firefox, so the current Chrome, Firefox, Safari (and IOS 7 Safari) seem to support it.
I chose 2 as it was the simpler/cheaper/faster solution and I hope AWS will add the CSP header in the future.

S3/CloudFront takes any headers that the origin set and forward those to the client, but you can't set custom headers on you response directly.
You can use Lambda#Edge function that can inject security headers through CloudFront.
Here is how the process works: (reference aws blog)
Viewer navigates to website.
Before CloudFront serves content from the cache it will trigger any
Lambda function associated with the Viewer Request trigger for that
CloudFront serves content from the cache if available, otherwise it
goes to step 4.
Only after CloudFront cache ‘Miss’, Origin Request trigger is fired
for that behavior.
S3 Origin returns content.
After content is returned from S3 but before being cached in
CloudFront, Origin Response trigger is fired.
After content is cached in CloudFront, Viewer Response trigger is
fired and is the final step before viewer receives content.
Viewer receives content.
Below is the blog from aws on how to do this step by step.

If you are testing through CloudFront, have you made sure you have invalidated the cached objects? Can you try to upload a completely new file and then try accessing it via CF and see if the header is still not there?
Seems like custom metadata will not work as expected as per DOC. Any metadata other than the ones supported by S3 (the ones displayed in the dropdown) will have to be prefixed with x-amz-meta-


How AWS Cloudfront works for both static website and dynamic website when website is externally hosted (not hosted on AWS or S3)?

I am trying to understand how Cloudfront works. Assume static website is and dynamic website is has thousands of html files containing img tags referencing images coming from is Java based dynamically generating HTML and img tags and images comes from
Assume images are not manually copied to s3. No modifications are made in both sites in regards to Cloudfront other than DNS settings.
Assume Cloudfront url setup for is and for it is
CloudFront works as a CDN sitting in front of what are called Origins.
These origins are the endpoints that CloudFront forwards traffic to, to retrieve the response and content. This could be a single server, a load balancer or any other resolvable hostname that is publicly accessible.
If you want to split between static and dynamic content you would create an origin for each type of content within the same distribution. One would be the default origin whilst the other would be matched based on a file path (/css or /images).
Each of these origins can include their own cache behaviours which enable you to define whether they should be cached and how long.
When a user accesses the CloudFront domain dependant on the path it will route to the appropriate origin or retrieve a response from the edge cache where possible.
I know this is rather late, but I am just going to add this here for those struggling to cache dynamic and static content.
Firstly, you need to understand your application your application.
Client Side Rendering
if you have a reactjs you don't need to worry too much about your caching behavior as you will be rendering , the data which will be fetched from an api client side.
none of the static files/content will be changing which are being delivered to the end user.
Since the APIs requests will be coming from a different domain , that data won't be cached by the cdn . Moreover, the data being rendered will update the html via javascript. If your javascript files are continously updating then you can use invalidations for them.
If you have content that is not stored on the origin and your CSR app is fetching the content from using a separate domain from your website domain, you will need to set up a separate cdn and point the domain name to that cdn. You wont need to make any changes to your application as the domain name stays the same for that.
However, if you static content that exists in the same origin (e.g. s3) then you would just request the content using the domain name of the cdn from which the request will come from client to cdn to origin (if not cached / expired)
lastly, assume we have separate origins like an s3 bucket for react app and s3 bucket for images . We can set up a single cdn with multiple origins . This means we can use cloudfront as an aggregator , you will then be able to cache content from different origins by using special paths.
This means , where ever you make calls to those origins previously. i.e. using the the s3 domain names, you would need to update them to that single domain name as the caching behaviors will handle the requests to the respective domains
example: react s3 bucket) (some s3 image bucket)
<img source={{url:""}} />
cloud front will make a request to that server based on that origin for the behavior configured on "/images"
Server Side Rendered
for serverside rendered apps , ideally the default cahcing behavior on the origin should allow all the different http methods , because you will have post and put http requests which you will want cloudfront to forward to the origin .
Make sure that you forward all query strings and cookies to the origin using a request policy. You can fine tune it with white listing query strings or cookies but this will make life easier. Also, the default caching behavior should use a caching policy that disables cache i.e. min,default,max ttls = 0secs . this is because the content is dynamic in nature and gets rendered on the server and not client side thus you will encounter unexpected behaviors in your application depending on how it is set up.
if you have static content on different paths like "/img", "/css" , or "/web/pages/information" cache those independently from the default behavior the respective ttls on them.
you could do some cool stuff using the cache-control header which can by pass the cache if you dont want to configure a 101 behaviors.
Just understand your application and you will be able to leverage cdn properly
if you have a webserver that does a mixture of server side and client side rendering
just identify which paths are client-side rendered and cache those static files.
Any thing that is dynamic in nature that requires the application to make requests to the origin , make use of the caching disabled policy within a behavior.
Moreover, any of those patterns(of using a single cdn with a single/multiple origins or multiple cdns with differing origins ) mentioned earlier is applicable to serverside rendering if some content gets rendered clients side such as images

Static content on CloudFront is cached incorrectly over time

I have set up a CloudFront on top of multiple S3 buckets (in different regions) to provide a fast stable version of my webapp. This webapp is implemented with React which means it's all one single HTML file and one single Javascript file.
Using the routing mechanism of React, all the paths in the URL are handled within the code. This means if I click on a link like, there won't be a request sent to the server. Instead, the client code will render the appropriate page without any consultation with the server (I'm just talking about the HTML and not considering the data). This means that if some user types in the given URL, the server should return the index.html (the only HTML file I have) which then will take care of the URL on the client-side. In other words, all the requests sent to the server should either return the HTML file or the Javascript file I mentioned earlier. Even the requests that are pointing to none-existing files.
In order to implement this requirement, I asked this question and I got an answer like this:
I need to set up an error page for my distribution on CloudFront and
redirect all the 403 (Forbidden) requests to /index.html file. This
is because when the request is pointing to a nonexisting file on S3,
S3 will return 403 to CloudFront due to the lack of listing
permission. Or I can grant the listing permission and instead handle
the 404 error (I didn't test this latter option).
Anyways, I set this up and it works perfectly - for a few hours. But then, for some unknown reason, the request to the Javascript file also returns the HTML file. And of course, all I'm getting back is actually coming from CloudFront's cache which means, no matter how many times I send the request, it will keep returning the same value. That is until I invalidate the cache on CloudFront which will solve the problem for few more hours. And we go around and around.
Even though I'm not sure why this happens but my guess is that at some point the S3 buck is inaccessible to CloudFront which will result in CloudFront caching the index.html. What can I do about this?
I think I found the problem:
In my case, the Javascript filename is automatically generated by Webpack which means it's random. And since different regions were "compiled" separated, their filenames differed.

How to add basic logic in AWS S3 or cloudfront?

Let's say I have two files: one for safari and one for Firefox.
I want to check User-Agent and return file based on the User-Agent.
How do I do this without adding external server?
You can't do this without adding an extra server.
S3 supports static content. It does not¹ vary its response based on request headers.
CloudFront relies on the origin server if content needs to vary based on request headers. Note that by default, CloudFront doesn't forward most headers to the origin, but this can be changed in the cache behavior configuration. If you forward the User-Agent header to the origin, your cache hit rate drops dramatically, since CloudFront has no choice but to assume any and every change in the user agent string could trigger a change in the response, so an object in the cache that was requested by a specific user agent string will only be served to a future browser with an identical user agent string. It will cache each different copy, but this still hurts your hit rate. If you only want to know the general type of browser, CloudFront can inject special headers to tell the origin whether the user agent is desktop, smart-tv, mobile, or tablet, without actually forwarding the user agent string and causing the same negative impact on the cache hit ratio.
So CloudFront will correctly cache the appropriate version of a page for each unique user agent... but the origin server must implement the actual content selection logic. And when the origin is S3, that isn't supported -- unless you have a server between CloudFront and S3. This is a perfectly valid configuration -- I have such a setup, with a server that rewrites the request path received from CloudFront before sending the request to S3, then returns the content from S3 back to CloudFront, which returns the content to the browser.
AWS Lambda would be a potential candidate for an application like this, acting as the necessary server (a serverless server, if you will) between CloudFront and S3... but it does not yet suport binary data, so for anything other than text, that isn't an option, either.
¹At least, not in any sense that is relevant, here. Exceptions exist for CORS and when access is granted or denied based on a limited subset of request headers.

How do you set a default root object for subdirectories for a statically hosted website on Cloudfront?

How do you set a default root object for subdirectories on a statically hosted website on Cloudfront? Specifically, I'd like to be served whenever the user asks for Note, this is for delivering a static website held in an S3 bucket. In addition, I would like to use an origin access identity to restrict access to the S3 bucket to only Cloudfront.
Now, I am aware that Cloudfront works differently than S3 and amazon states specifically:
The behavior of CloudFront default root objects is different from the
behavior of Amazon S3 index documents. When you configure an Amazon S3
bucket as a website and specify the index document, Amazon S3 returns
the index document even if a user requests a subdirectory in the
bucket. (A copy of the index document must appear in every
subdirectory.) For more information about configuring Amazon S3
buckets as websites and about index documents, see the Hosting
Websites on Amazon S3 chapter in the Amazon Simple Storage Service
Developer Guide.
As such, even though Cloudfront allows us to specify a default root object, this only works for and not for In order to get around this difficulty, we can change the origin domain name to point to the website endpoint given by S3. This works great and allows the root objects to be specified uniformly. Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be compatable with origin access identities. Specifically, the above links states:
Change to edit mode:
Web distributions – Click the Origins tab, click the origin that you want to edit, and click Edit. You can only create an origin access
identity for origins for which Origin Type is S3 Origin.
Basically, in order to set the correct default root object, we use the S3 website endpoint and not the website bucket itself. This is not compatible with using origin access identity. As such, my questions boils down to either
Is it possible to specify a default root object for all subdirectories for a statically hosted website on Cloudfront?
Is it possible to setup an origin access identity for content served from Cloudfront where the origin is an S3 website endpoint and not an S3 bucket?
There IS a way to do this. Instead of pointing it to your bucket by selecting it in the dropdown (, point it to the static domain of your bucket (eg.
Thanks to This AWS Forum thread
(New Feature May 2021) CloudFront Function
Create a simple JavaScript function below
function handler(event) {
var request = event.request;
var uri = request.uri;
// Check whether the URI is missing a file name.
if (uri.endsWith('/')) {
request.uri += 'index.html';
// Check whether the URI is missing a file extension.
else if (!uri.includes('.')) {
request.uri += '/index.html';
return request;
Read here for more info
Activating S3 hosting means you have to open the bucket to the world. In my case, I needed to keep the bucket private and use the origin access identity functionality to restrict access to Cloudfront only. Like #Juissi suggested, a Lambda function can fix the redirects:
'use strict';
* Redirects URLs to default document. Examples:
* /blog -> /blog/index.html
* /blog/july/ -> /blog/july/index.html
* /blog/header.png -> /blog/header.png
let defaultDocument = 'index.html';
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
if(request.uri != "/") {
let paths = request.uri.split('/');
let lastPath = paths[paths.length - 1];
let isFile = lastPath.split('.').length > 1;
if(!isFile) {
if(lastPath != "") {
request.uri += "/";
request.uri += defaultDocument;
callback(null, request);
After you publish your function, go to your cloudfront distribution in the AWS console. Go to Behaviors, then chooseOrigin Request under Lambda Function Associations, and finally paste the ARN to your new function.
I totally agree that it's a ridiculous problem! The fact that CloudFront knows about serving index.html as Default Root Object AND STILL they say it doesn't work for subdirectories (source) is totally strange!
The behavior of CloudFront default root objects is different from the behavior of Amazon S3 index documents. When you configure an Amazon S3 bucket as a website and specify the index document, Amazon S3 returns the index document even if a user requests a subdirectory in the bucket.
I, personally, believe that AWS has made it this way so CloudFront becomes a CDN only (loading assets, with no logic in it whatsoever) and every request to a path in your website should be served from a "Server" (e.g. EC2 Node/Php server, or a Lambda function.)
Whether this limitation exists to enhance security, or keep things apart (i.e. logic and storage separated), or make more money (to enforce people to have a dedicated server, even for static content) is up to debate.
Anyhow, I'm summarizing the possible solutions workarounds here, with their pros and cons.
1) S3 can be Public - Use Custom Origin.
It's the easiest one, originally posted by #JBaczuk answer as well as in this github gist. Since S3 already supports serving index.html in subdirectories via Static Website Hosting, all you need to do is:
Go to S3, enable Static Website Hosting
Grab the URL in the form of http://<bucket-name>
Create a new Origin in CloudFront and enter this as a Custom Origin (and NOT S3 ORIGIN), so CloudFront treats this as an external website when getting the content.
Very easy to set up.
It supports /about/, /about, and /about/index.html and redirect the last two to the first one, properly.
If your files in the S3 bucket are not in the root of S3 (say in /artifacts/* then going to (without the trailing /) will redirect you to which is something you don't want at all! Basically the /about to /about/ redirect in S3 breaks if you serve from CloudFront and the path to files (from the root) don't match.
Security and Functionality: You cannot make S3 Private. It's because CloudFront's Origin Access Identity is not going to be supported, clearly, because CloudFront is instructed to take this Origin as a random website. It means that users can potentially get the files from S3 directly, which might not be what you ever what due to security/WAF concerns, as well as the website actually working if you have JS/html that relies on the path being your domain only.
[maybe an issue] The communication between CloudFront and S3 is not the way it's recommended to optimize stuff.
[maybe?] someone has complained that it doesn't work smoothly for more than one Origin in the Distribution (i.e. wanting /blog to go somewhere)
[maybe?] someone has complained that it doesn't preserve the original query params as expected.
2) Official solution - Use a Lambda Function.
It's the official solution (though the doc is from 2017). There is a ready-to-launch 3rd-party Application (JavaScript source in github) and example Python Lambda function (this answer) for it, too.
Technically, by doing this, you create a mini-server (they call it serverless!) that only serves CloudFront's Origin Requests to S3 (so, it basically sits between CloudFront and S3.)
Hey, it's the official solution, so probably lasts longer and is the most optimized one.
You can customize the Lambda Function if you want and have control over it. You can support further redirect in it.
If implemented correctly, (like the 3rd party JS one, and I don't think the official one) it supports /about/ and /about both (with a redirect from the latter without trailing / to the former).
It's one more thing to set up.
It's one more thing to have an eye, so it doesn't break.
It's one more thing to check when something breaks.
It's one more thing to maintain -- e.g. the third-party one here has open PRs since Jan 2021 (it's April 2021 now.)
The 3rd party JS solution doesn't preserve the query params. So /about?foo=bar is 301 redirected to /about/ and NOT /about/?foo=bar. You need to make changes to that lambda function to make it work.
The 3rd party JS solution keeps /about/ as the canonical version. If you want /about to be the canonical version (i.e. other formats get redirected to it via 301), you have to make changes to the script.
[minor] It only works in us-east-1 (open issue in Github since 2020, still open and an actual problem in April 2021).
[minor] It has its own cost, although given CloudFront's caching, shouldn't be significant.
3) Create fake "Folder File"s in S3 - Use a manual Script.
It's a solution between the first two -- It supports OAI (private S3) and it doesn't require a server. It's a bit nasty though!
What you do here is, you run a script that for each subdirectory of /about/index.html it creates an object in S3 named (has key of) /about and copy that HTML file (the content and the content-type) into this object.
Example scripts can be found in this Reddit answer and this answer using AWS CLI.
Secure: Supports S3 Private and CloudFront OAI.
No additional live piece: The script runs pre-upload to S3 (or one-time) and then the system remains intact with the two pieces of S3 and CF only.
[Needs Confirmation] It supports /about but not /about/ with trailing / I believe.
Technically you have two different files being stored. Might look confusing and make your deploys expensive if there are tons of HTML files.
Your script has to manually find all the subdirectories and create a dummy object out of them in S3. That has the potential to break in the future.
PS. Other Tricks)
Dirty trick using Javascript on Custom Error
While it doesn't look like a real thing, this answer deserves some credit, IMO!
You let the Access Denied (404s turning into 403) go through, then catch them, and manually, via a JS, redirect them to the right place.
Again, easy to set up.
It relies on JavaScript in Client-Side.
It messes up with SEO -- especially if the crawler doesn't run JS.
It messes up with the user's browser history. (i.e. back button) and possibly could be improved (and get more complicated!) via HTML5 history.replace.
There is an "official" guide published on AWS blog that recommends setting up a Lambda#Edge function triggered by your CloudFront distribution:
Of course, it is a bad user experience to expect users to always type index.html at the end of every URL (or even know that it should be there). Until now, there has not been an easy way to provide these simpler URLs (equivalent to the DirectoryIndex Directive in an Apache Web Server configuration) to users through CloudFront. Not if you still want to be able to restrict access to the S3 origin using an OAI. However, with the release of Lambda#Edge, you can use a JavaScript function running on the CloudFront edge nodes to look for these patterns and request the appropriate object key from the S3 origin.
In this example, you use the compute power at the CloudFront edge to inspect the request as it’s coming in from the client. Then re-write the request so that CloudFront requests a default index object (index.html in this case) for any request URI that ends in ‘/’.
When a request is made against a web server, the client specifies the object to obtain in the request. You can use this URI and apply a regular expression to it so that these URIs get resolved to a default index object before CloudFront requests the object from the origin. Use the following code:
'use strict';
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// Extract the request from the CloudFront event that is sent to Lambda#Edge
var request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
// Extract the URI from the request
var olduri = request.uri;
// Match any '/' that occurs at the end of a URI. Replace it with a default index
var newuri = olduri.replace(/\/$/, '\/index.html');
// Log the URI as received by CloudFront and the new URI to be used to fetch from origin
console.log("Old URI: " + olduri);
console.log("New URI: " + newuri);
// Replace the received URI with the URI that includes the index page
request.uri = newuri;
// Return to CloudFront
return callback(null, request);
Follow the guide linked above to see all steps required to set this up, including S3 bucket, CloudFront distribution and Lambda#Edge function creation.
There is one other way to get a default file served in a subdirectory, like You can actually (programatically) store a file with the key subdir/ in the bucket. This file will not show up in the S3 management console, but it actually exists, and CloudFront will serve it.
Johan Gorter and Jeremie indicated index.html can be stored as an object with key subdir/.
I validated this approach works and an alternative easy way to do this with awscli's s3api copy-object
aws s3api copy-object --copy-source bucket_name/subdir/index.html --key subdir/ --bucket bucket_name
Workaround for the issue is to utilize lambda#edge for rewriting the requests. One just needs to setup the lambda for the CloudFront distribution's viewer request event and to rewrite everything that ends with '/' AND is not equal to '/' with default root document e.g. index.html.
UPDATE: It looks like I was incorrect! See JBaczuk's answer, which should be the accepted answer on this thread.
Unfortunately, the answer to both your questions is no.
1. Is it possible to specify a default root object for all subdirectories for a statically hosted website on Cloudfront?
No. As stated in the AWS CloudFront docs...
... If you define a default root object, an end-user request for a subdirectory of your distribution does not return the default root object. For example, suppose index.html is your default root object and that CloudFront receives an end-user request for the install directory under your CloudFront distribution:
CloudFront will not return the default root object even if a copy of index.html appears in the install directory.
The behavior of CloudFront default root objects is different from the behavior of Amazon S3 index documents. When you configure an Amazon S3 bucket as a website and specify the index document, Amazon S3 returns the index document even if a user requests a subdirectory in the bucket. (A copy of the index document must appear in every subdirectory.)
2. Is it possible to setup an origin access identity for content served from Cloudfront where the origin is an S3 website endpoint and not an S3 bucket?
Not directly. Your options for origins with CloudFront are S3 buckets or your own server.
It's that second option that does open up some interesting possibilities, though. This probably defeats the purpose of what you're trying to do, but you could setup your own server whose sole job is to be a CloudFront origin server.
When a request comes in for, CloudFront will forward this request to your origin server, asking for /install. You can configure your origin server however you want, including to serve index.html in this case.
Or you could write a little web app that just takes this call and gets it directly from S3 anyway.
But I realize that setting up your own server and worrying about scaling it may defeat the purpose of what you're trying to do in the first place.
Another alternative to using lambda#edge is to use CloudFront's error pages. Set up a Custom Error Response to send all 403's to a specific file. Then add javascript to that file to append index.html to urls that end in a /. Sample code:
if ((window.location.href.endsWith("/") && !window.location.href.endsWith(".com/"))) {
window.location.href = window.location.href + "index.html";
else {
document.write("<Your 403 error message here>");
One can use newly released cloudfront functions and here is sample code.
Note: If you are using static website hosting, then you do not need any function!
I know this is an old question, but I just struggled through this myself. Ultimately my goal was less to set a default file in a directory, and more to have the the end result of a file that was served without .html at the end of it
I ended up removing .html from the filename and programatically/manually set the mime type to text/html. It is not the traditional way, but it does seem to work, and satisfies my requirements for the pretty urls without sacrificing the benefits of cloudformation. Setting the mime type is annoying, but a small price to pay for the benefits in my opinion
#johan-gorter indicated above that CloudFront serves file with keys ending by /
After investigation, it appears that this option works, and that one can create this type of files in S3 programatically. Therefore, I wrote a small lambda that is triggered when a file is created on S3, with a suffix index.html or index.htm
What it does is copying an object dir/subdir/index.html into an object dir/subdir/
import json
import boto3
s3_client = boto3.client("s3")
def lambda_handler(event, context):
for f in event['Records']:
bucket_name = f['s3']['bucket']['name']
key_name = f['s3']['object']['key']
source_object = {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Key': key_name}
file_key_name = False
if key_name[-10:].lower() == "index.html" and key_name.lower() != "index.html":
file_key_name = key_name[0:-10]
elif key_name[-9:].lower() == "index.htm" and key_name.lower() != "index.htm":
file_key_name = key_name[0:-9]
if file_key_name:
s3_client.copy_object(CopySource=source_object, Bucket=bucket_name, Key=file_key_name)

CloudFront Whole Site Delivery and urls contained within html

This is a simple question that possibly applies to all CDNs but I have not been able to find an answer to on the web or on the AWS site ( Hopefully it is a simple answer for anyone familiar with CDNs or CloudFront and this might help others with understanding how this works.
If I were to use CloudFront for whole site delivery and set up an origin server (e.g. origin is then if I have an html file (example1.html) being served at and example1.html were to contain element that include an img tag with a src or even a S3 bucket source, then does this jpg from another source get cached in the cdn too?
You should connect the S3 bucket to a CloudFront distribution and use that links in the html code itself. I may be wrong, but I don't see how a CDN might be able to cache those links, as the client browser themselves request these resources based on the downloaded html code from the CDN.
Hence, in your example, only requests for would go through your CloudFront distribution without any additional origin settings.
Edit: see #Skill M2 comment regarding adding multiple origin's for the same CloudFront distribution