I have model like this:
class Venue(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'venue'
permissions = [
('change_venue', 'Can change venue'),
It is not managed because it already exists in the database (which was created before django project).
I want to use django's builtin model permissions, but they are not created by default. I tried to add them by changing Meta.permissions field but got an error: The permission codenamed 'change_venue' clashes with a builtin permission for model 'events.Venue'
What should I do? Just make migration and create permissions manually?
Fixed by creating permissions in App.ready hook:
from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.contrib.auth.management import create_permissions
class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'myapp'
def ready(self):
Don't know if this counts as valid solution tho
Edit 1
Method above didn't work for new database because models "were not ready/create" when app is ready. So I switched to post_migrate signal, and everything was fine.
Edit 2
After some time I have found global problem about why I don't have permissions and content types in the first place: I simply didn't make migrations for un-managed models. With migrations everything is fine.
(Django 1.10.) I'm trying to follow this advice on extending the user model using OneToOneField. In my app 'polls' (yes, I'm extending the app made in the 'official' tutorial) I want to store two additional pieces of information about each user, namely, a string of characters and a number.
In my models.py I now have the following:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Employee(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
stopien = models.CharField(max_length=100)
pensum = models.IntegerField()
and in admin.py the following:
from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin as BaseUserAdmin
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from polls.models import Employee
class EmployeeInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = Employee
can_delete = False
verbose_name_plural = 'employee'
class UserAdmin(BaseUserAdmin):
inlines = (EmployeeInline, )
admin.site.register(User, UserAdmin)
When adding a user using the admin panel my two new fields display correctly. However, when I click 'save', or if I don't add any user and just click on the name of my sole admin user in the admin panel, I get the following error:
OperationalError at /admin/auth/user/1/change/
no such table: polls_employee
I see some questions and answers related to similar problems, but they seem to be relevant for older version of Django. Could anyone give me a tip as to what I should do? Ideally I'd want my two additional fields display in the admin panel, though I suspect this might be a task for the future.
I have to confess I do not understand this paragraph from the documentation just following the advice I'm using:
These profile models are not special in any way - they are just Django models that happen to have a one-to-one link with a User model. As such, they do not get auto created when a user is created, but a django.db.models.signals.post_save could be used to create or update related models as appropriate.
Do I need to tie this 'post-save' to some element of the admin panel?
I'd be very greatful for any help!
You need run makemigrations to create a migration for your new model, and then migrate to run the migration and create the database table.
./manage.py makemigrations
./manage.py migrate
I need to update an existing project to Django 1.5 to take advantage of its newly available custom user model. However, I'm having trouble migrating reusable apps that contain a model with a foreign key to a user. Currently, the foreign key points to auth.User but with a custom user model, it needs to point to myapp.CustomUser. Hence, some kind of migration is needed. I can't simply create a migration file for it because its a reusable app. It wouldn't be future proof because each time the app is updated, I would need to remember to create that migration again (there might even be migration conflicts) so it's not exactly a plausible solution.
Is there a solution to this problem other than to, maybe, fork each project, add a migration file, and then use that instead?
Some code:
models.py in reusable app
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
UserModel = getattr(settings, 'AUTH_USER_MODEL', 'auth.User')
class ModelA(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(UserModel)
models.py in my project
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
class CustomUser(AbstractUser):
settings.py in my project
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'myapp.CustomUser'
So if the reusable app has a migration that creates a foreign key to a user, the following can be done to support Django 1.5's custom user model.
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
except ImportError: # django < 1.5
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
User = get_user_model()
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
def forwards(self, orm):
db.create_table('reusableapp.modela', (
('user', self.gf('django...ForeignKey')(to=orm["%s.%s" % (User._meta.app_label, User._meta.object_name)])
models = {
# this should replace "auth.user"
"%s.%s" % (User._meta.app_label, User._meta.module_name): {
'Meta': {'object_name': User.__name__},
"reusableapp.modela": {
'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['%s.%s']"% (User._meta.app_label, User._meta.object_name)})
I'm not sure if this is the best solution but it's being used in apps such as django-reversion.
However, this solution still can pose a problem if you originally started with auth.User and then changed to myapp.customuser, simply because south is honors AUTH_USER_MODEL but the migration for the custom user model hasn't been created yet. This can occur during testing. Ticket #1179 of south addresses this issue (http://south.aeracode.org/ticket/1179).
I extended Django admin site for my app to allow non-staff/superusers access. This is working just fine.
I created a proxy model for an existing model and registered it to my admin site, however, it doesn't appear for non-staff users. From the documentation I read, my understanding is that proxy models get their own permissions. I checked and these don't appear in the list of available permissions.
Here's my code in case it helps:
Normal Model
class Engagement(models.Model):
eng_type = models.CharField(max_length=5)
environment = models.CharField(max_length=8)
is_scoped = models.BooleanField()
class Meta:
ordering = ['eng_type', 'environment']
app_label = 'myapp'
Proxy Model
class NewRequests(Engagement):
class Meta:
proxy = True
app_label = 'myapp'
verbose_name = 'New Request'
verbose_name_plural = 'New Requests'
Model Admin
class NewRequestsAdmin(ModelAdmin):
def queryset(self, request):
return self.model.objects.filter(is_scoped=0)
Custom Admin Registration
myapps_admin_site.register(NewRequests, NewRequestsAdmin)
I've been managing my DB with South. According to this post, you have to tamper with it a bit by following the instructions it points users to. This was a failure. My DB doesn't have a whole lot of info in it, so I uncommented South and ran a regular syncdb to rule out South. Unfortunately, this is still not working and I'm at a loss. Any help is appreciated.
This was on Django 1.4
Turns out I didn't do anything wrong. I was looking for the permissions under
myapp | New Request | Can add new request
Permissions fall under the parent model.
myapp | engagement | Can add new request
This is fixed in Django 2.2, quoting release notes:
Permissions for proxy models are now created using the content type of the proxy model rather than the content type of the concrete model. A migration will update existing permissions when you run migrate.
and docs:
Proxy models work exactly the same way as concrete models. Permissions are created using the own content type of the proxy model. Proxy models don’t inherit the permissions of the concrete model they subclass.
There is a workaround, you can see it here: https://gist.github.com/magopian/7543724
It can vary based on your django version, but the priciple is the same.
Tested with Django 1.10.1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Add permissions for proxy model.
This is needed because of the bug https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11154
in Django (as of 1.6, it's not fixed).
When a permission is created for a proxy model, it actually creates if for it's
base model app_label (eg: for "article" instead of "about", for the About proxy
What we need, however, is that the permission be created for the proxy model
itself, in order to have the proper entries displayed in the admin.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, division
import sys
from django.contrib.auth.management import _get_all_permissions
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from django.apps import apps
from django.utils.encoding import smart_text
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "Fix permissions for proxy models."
def handle(self, *args, **options):
for model in apps.get_models():
opts = model._meta
ctype, created = ContentType.objects.get_or_create(
defaults={'name': smart_text(opts.verbose_name_raw)})
for codename, name in _get_all_permissions(opts):
p, created = Permission.objects.get_or_create(
defaults={'name': name})
if created:
sys.stdout.write('Adding permission {}\n'.format(p))
How to use
create a directory /myproject/myapp/management/commands
create the file /myproject/myapp/management/__init__.py
create the file /myproject/myapp/management/commands/__init__.py
save the code above into /myproject/myapp/management/commands/fix_permissions.py
run /manage.py fix_permissions
This is a known bug in Django: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11154 (check comments for some patches)
As of 2021 and Django 3+, the solution for missing permissions for proxy model is simple, just generate migrations with makemigrations:
app#e31a3ffef22c:~/app$ python manage.py makemigrations my_app
Migrations for 'main':
- Create proxy model MyProxyModel
I came here and wasn't really sure, what is the correct cause/solution to this problem.
For Django 1.11
This issue is related due to the wrong content_type_id in auth_permission table.
By default, it adds the content type of the base model instead of proxy model content type.
I realize this question was closed a while ago, but I'm sharing what worked for me in case it might help others.
It turns out that even though permissions for the proxy models I created were listed under the parent apps (as #chirinosky) has mentioned, and even though I granted my non-super user all permissions, it was still denied access to my proxy models through the admin.
What I had to do was workaround a known Django bug (https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11154) and connect to the post_syncdb signal to properly create permissions for the proxy models. The code below is modified from https://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2677/ per some of the comments on that thread.
I placed this in myapp/models.py that held my proxy models. Theoretically this can live in any of your INSTALLED_APPS after django.contrib.contenttypes because it needs to be loaded after the update_contenttypes handler is registered for the post_syncdb signal so we can disconnect it.
def create_proxy_permissions(app, created_models, verbosity, **kwargs):
Creates permissions for proxy models which are not created automatically
by 'django.contrib.auth.management.create_permissions'.
See https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11154
Source: https://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2677/
Since we can't rely on 'get_for_model' we must fallback to
'get_by_natural_key'. However, this method doesn't automatically create
missing 'ContentType' so we must ensure all the models' 'ContentType's are
created before running this method. We do so by un-registering the
'update_contenttypes' 'post_syncdb' signal and calling it in here just
before doing everything.
update_contenttypes(app, created_models, verbosity, **kwargs)
app_models = models.get_models(app)
# The permissions we're looking for as (content_type, (codename, name))
searched_perms = list()
# The codenames and ctypes that should exist.
ctypes = set()
for model in app_models:
opts = model._meta
if opts.proxy:
# Can't use 'get_for_model' here since it doesn't return
# the correct 'ContentType' for proxy models.
# See https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17648
app_label, model = opts.app_label, opts.object_name.lower()
ctype = ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key(app_label, model)
for perm in _get_all_permissions(opts, ctype):
searched_perms.append((ctype, perm))
# Find all the Permissions that have a content_type for a model we're
# looking for. We don't need to check for codenames since we already have
# a list of the ones we're going to create.
all_perms = set(Permission.objects.filter(
"content_type", "codename"
objs = [
Permission(codename=codename, name=name, content_type=ctype)
for ctype, (codename, name) in searched_perms
if (ctype.pk, codename) not in all_perms
if verbosity >= 2:
for obj in objs:
sys.stdout.write("Adding permission '%s'" % obj)
# See 'create_proxy_permissions' docstring to understand why we un-register
# this signal handler.
I have a user profile model with a custom permission defined as follows:
class Profile(models.Model):
# A few profile fields here...
class Meta:
permissions = (
('can_approve', _(u'Can review and approve new accounts')),
When I actually look at Profile objects in the Django admin site though, I don't see any way to actually grant this permission to users.
What's the easiest way to do this? (e.g. give user Joe the 'can_approve' permission?)
Adding a permission to Meta is not enough to see it in the admin panel. Permissions defined in Meta are only used to create a Permission in auth_permission table when you run manage.py syncdb.
Try running syncdb, or add the permission manually to database or create the permission from code. After it is added to db it will be visible in admin panel.
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='myapp', model='Profile')
permission = Permission.objects.create(codename='can_approve',
name=_(u'Can review and approve new accounts'),