Ember.run.debounce with immediate argument does not work as expected - ember.js

If you call Ember.run.debounce with immediate argument set to true, it works only if Ember.run.debounce was not called ever before (at least with the same context and function argument). And by 'it works' I mean 'it fires the passed function'.
This is the JS Bin demonstrating this behavior.
Click on div once, wait 1 second and alert fires as expected. But successive clicks do nothing. It only fires for the first time. If you click multiple times in 1 second period it doesn't show alert window whatsoever, because debounce was called multiple times. If you don't use the immediate parameter at all, everything works as expected.
Is this really a correct behavior or am I missing something?

The problem is switching from not immediate to immediate isn't the programmed scenario. Or you could say the functionality isn't built to handle switching.
The immediate workflow is to run the code right away, and block any instance of the code from running until the timeout has expired. So when you pass in a non-immediate and then quickly send in another immediate, it removes the non-immediate from the queue (assuming it's already run) and then just blocks for an additional 1000 ms (per the immediate workflow).
You can pretty easily work around this by just changing your time based on immediate.
var timeout = this.immediate?1:10000;
Ember.run.debounce(this, this.alertMe, timeout);
// Run immediately for further clicks
this.immediate = true;
Followup, this is fixed in the latest canary build.


How to control the order of execution of the program in Shiny

I have noticed that the GUI components of my APP try to display all at the same time and if the display is slow (my computer only has two processors), they display at the same time and out of order. I wonder if there is a way to control the order of display of the GUI components and if some widget is slow displaying, make the other widget displays wait until the previous has completed. Additionally, I found that in my 2 processors computer, if a function takes an enormous amount of time, any other previous GUI component does not display and the long function seems to take over the processor. I do not know very much about this, but is if all the functions were being loaded at the same and competing for the resources. Is there any way to control the order of execution of the program? Thanks.
The best way I've come up with to enforce a (rough) order of execution is liberal use of the req function. From ?req:
Ensure that values are available ("truthy"–see Details) before
proceeding with a calculation or action. If any of the given values is
not truthy, the operation is stopped by raising a "silent" exception
(not logged by Shiny, nor displayed in the Shiny app's UI)
You could use req to require that the first widget has completed (either by checking it's expected output, or by using a variable as a first_widget_done flag) before proceeding with the second widget's code.
RE: Truthy:
The terms "truthy" and "falsy" generally indicate whether a value,
when coerced to a logical, is TRUE or FALSE.
as.logical(0) # FALSE
as.logical(1) # TRUE

Progress Bar with Gtkmm

Hello I am looking for a signal for gtkmm. Basically I am doing some simulations and what I want is something like this :
I assume I do 5 simulations :
1 simulation
2 simulation
3 simulation
4 simulation
5 simulation
But I don't know which signal I have to use and how to translate to this.
Thank you a lot for your help !!!
The pseudo code which you presented in your question should actually work - no signal is necessary. However, you could introduce a signal into your simulation for update of the progress bar. IMHO this will not solve your problem and I will try to explain why and what to do to solve it:
You provided a little bit too less context, so, that I will introduce some more assumptions: You have a main window with a button or toolbar item or menu item (or even all of them) which start the simulation.
Let's imagine you set a breakpoint at Gtk::ProgressBar::set_fraction().
Once the debugger stopped at this break point you will find the following calls on the stack trace (probably with many other calls in between):
the signal handler of the widget or action which started the simulation
the function which runs the five simulations
and last the call of Gtk::ProgressBar::set_fraction().
If you could inspect the internals of Gtk::ProgressBar you would notice that everything in Gtk::ProgressBar::set_fraction() is done properly. So what's wrong?
When you call Gtk::ProgressBar::set_fraction() it probably generates an expose event (i.e. adds an event to the event queue inside of Gtk::Main with a request for its own refresh). The problem is that you probably do not process the request until all five runs of the simulation are done. (Remember that Gtk::Main::run() which is responsible for this is the uppermost/outmost call of my imaginery stack trace.) Thus, the refresh does not happen until the simulation is over - that's too late. (Btw. the authors of Gtk+ stated somewhere in the manual about their cleverness to optimize events. I.e. there might be finally only one expose event for the Gtk::ProgressBar in the event queue but this does not make your situation better.)
Thus, after you called Gtk::ProgressBar::set_fraction() you must somehow flush the event queue before doing further progress with your simulation.
This sounds like leaving the simulation, leaving the calling widget signal handler, returning to Gtk::Main::run() for further event processing and finally coming back for next simulation step - terrible idea. But we did it much simpler. For this, we use essentially the following code (in gtkmm 2.4):
while (Gtk::Main::events_pending()) Gtk::Main::iteration(false);
(This should hopefully be the same in the gtkmm version you use but if in doubt consult the manual.)
It should be done immediately after updating the progress bar fraction and before simulation is continued.
This recursively enters (parts of) the main loop and processes all pending events in the event queue of Gtk::Main and thus, the progress bar is exposed before the simulation continues. You may be concerned to "recursively enter the main loop" but I read somewhere in the GTK+ manual that it is allowed (and reasonable to solve problems like this) and what to care about (i.e. to limit the number of recursions and to grant a proper "roll-back").
What in your case is the simulation we call in general long running functions. Because such long running functions are algorithms (in libraries for anything) which shall not be polluted with any GUI stuff, we built some administrational infra structure around this basic concept including
a progress "proxy" object with an update(double) method and a signal slot
a customized progress dialog which can connect a signal handler to such a progress object (i.e. its signal slot).
The long running function gets a progress object (as argument) and is responsible to call the Progress::update() method in appropriate intervals with an appropriate progress factor. (We simply use values in the range [0, 1].)
One issue is the interval of calling the progress update. If it is called to often the GUI will slow down your long running function significantly. The opposite case (calling it not often enough) results in less responsiveness of GUI. Thus, we decided for more often progress update. To lower the time consuming of GUI, we remember the time of last update in our progress dialog and skip the next refreshs until a certain duration since last refresh is measured. Thus, the long running function has still some extra effort for progress update but it is not recognizable anymore. (A good refresh interval is IMHO 0.1 s - the perception threshold of humans but you may choose 0.05 s if in doubt.)
Flushing all pending events results in processing of mouse events (and other GTK+ signals) also. This allows another useful feature: aborting the long running function.
When the "Cancel" button of our progress dialog is pressed it sets an internal flag. If the progress is updated next time it checks the flag. If the flag became true it throws a special exception. The throw aborts the caller of the progress update (the long running function) immediately. This exception must be catched in the signal handler of the button (or whatever called the long running function). Otherwise, it would "fall through" to the event dispatcher in Gtk::Main where it is catched definitely which would abort your application. (I saw it often enough whenever I forgot to catch.) On the other hand: catching the special exception tells clearly that the long running function has been aborted (in opposition to ended by regulary return). This may or may not be something which can be stated on GUI also.
Finally, the above solution can cause another issue: It enables to start the simulation (via GUI) while a simulation is already running. This is possible because button presses for simulation start could be processed while in progress update. To prevent this, there is actually a simple solution: set a flag at start of simulation in the GUI until it has finished and prevent further starts while the flag is set. Another option can be to make the widget/action insensitive when simulation is started. This topic becomes more complicated if you have multiple distinct long running functions in your application which may or may not exclude each other - leads to something like an exclusion matrix. Well, we solved it pragmatically... (but without the matrix).
And last but not least I want to mention that we use a similar concept for output of log views (e.g. visual logging of infos, warnings, and errors while anything long running is in progress). IMHO it is always good to provide some visual action for end users. Otherwise, they might get bored and use the telephone to complain about the (too) slow software which actually steals you the time to make it faster (a vicious cycle you have to break...)

How should I stop javascript to call the same function twice until it finishes with first call?

I am working on a image slider and using transitions in it. So, when I hit "next button" to get the next image in the middle of transition, the function gets called for next image, though the last transition affect hasn't done yet.
How should I stop the function to be called until the last transition completes? Please help! Thank You.
When I was working without transitions, it was working great but that wasn't smooth in mozilla, so I came up with transitions to make it! Now it is better than before but creating problems as transitions will take time to execute, and if in that time duration, I hit for next image, it calls the function for next transition effects.
What you are looking for is called 'debouncing'. If you can use an external library, I would recommend to use enter link description here. Underscore provides a similar function. This function ensures your function is not called twice and even can set a delay between two invocations.
If you can't then, you can google for a sample implementation like this one (I didn't test this one as I usually uses lodash's).
Hope this helps.

Why does ember ui hang during long promise call

I have a long running call that is encapsulated by a promise,
from my understanding of promises, it allows us to do asynchronous tasks that will be dealt with when they return, and until they return the function should continue.
in my example,
the action is entered
Updates a variable that changes the ui
executes somethingLongRSVP
it should then exit the function and update the ui, but insted it waits for the promise to resolve before updating the ui.
The console.log message in the loop will hang your UI. If you replace the console log loop with a setTimeout for example, you will see that it is updating the button before resolving the promise.
if you want to emulate a long resolving promise, you should definitely use setTimeout. Otherwise the time gets spent on executing the loop (inside doSomethingLongRSVP) and then executing the next statement (set the variable to clicked). If you're gonna use setTimeout, it will delay the moment when promise resolves causing an effect of long network request.

What is Ember RunLoop and how does it work?

I am trying to understand how Ember RunLoop works and what makes it tick. I have looked at the documentation, but still have many questions about it. I am interested in understanding better how RunLoop works so I can choose appropriate method within its name space, when I have to defer execution of some code for later time.
When does Ember RunLoop start. Is it dependant on Router or Views or Controllers or something else?
how long does it approximately take (I know this is rather silly to asks and dependant on many things but I am looking for a general idea, or maybe if there is a minimum or maximum time a runloop may take)
Is RunLoop being executed at all times, or is it just indicating a period of time from beginning to end of execution and may not run for some time.
If a view is created from within one RunLoop, is it guaranteed that all its content will make it into the DOM by the time the loop ends?
Forgive me if these are very basic questions, I think understanding these will help noobs like me use Ember better.
Update 10/9/2013: Check out this interactive visualization of the run loop: https://machty.s3.amazonaws.com/ember-run-loop-visual/index.html
Update 5/9/2013: all the basic concepts below are still up to date, but as of this commit, the Ember Run Loop implementation has been split off into a separate library called backburner.js, with some very minor API differences.
First off, read these:
They're not 100% accurate to Ember, but the core concepts and motivation behind the RunLoop still generally apply to Ember; only some implementation details differ. But, on to your questions:
When does Ember RunLoop start. Is it dependant on Router or Views or Controllers or something else?
All of the basic user events (e.g. keyboard events, mouse events, etc) will fire up the run loop. This guarantees that whatever changes made to bound properties by the captured (mouse/keyboard/timer/etc) event are fully propagated throughout Ember's data-binding system before returning control back to the system. So, moving your mouse, pressing a key, clicking a button, etc., all launch the run loop.
how long does it approximately take (I know this is rather silly to asks and dependant on many things but I am looking for a general idea, or maybe if there is a minimum or maximum time a runloop may take)
At no point will the RunLoop ever keep track of how much time it's taking to propagate all the changes through the system and then halt the RunLoop after reaching a maximum time limit; rather, the RunLoop will always run to completion, and won't stop until all the expired timers have been called, bindings propagated, and perhaps their bindings propagated, and so on. Obviously, the more changes that need to be propagated from a single event, the longer the RunLoop will take to finish. Here's a (pretty unfair) example of how the RunLoop can get bogged down with propagating changes compared to another framework (Backbone) that doesn't have a run loop: http://jsfiddle.net/jashkenas/CGSd5/ . Moral of the story: the RunLoop's really fast for most things you'd ever want to do in Ember, and it's where much of Ember's power lies, but if you find yourself wanting to animate 30 circles with Javascript at 60 frames per second, there might be better ways to go about it than relying on Ember's RunLoop.
Is RunLoop being executed at all times, or is it just indicating a period of time from beginning to end of execution and may not run for some time.
It is not executed at all times -- it has to return control back to the system at some point or else your app would hang -- it's different from, say, a run loop on a server that has a while(true) and goes on for infinity until the server gets a signal to shut down... the Ember RunLoop has no such while(true) but is only spun up in response to user/timer events.
If a view is created from within one RunLoop, is it guaranteed that all its content will make it into the DOM by the time the loop ends?
Let's see if we can figure that out. One of the big changes from SC to Ember RunLoop is that, instead of looping back and forth between invokeOnce and invokeLast (which you see in the diagram in the first link about SproutCore's RL), Ember provides you a list of 'queues' that, in the course of a run loop, you can schedule actions (functions to be called during the run loop) to by specifying which queue the action belongs in (example from the source: Ember.run.scheduleOnce('render', bindView, 'rerender');).
If you look at run_loop.js in the source code, you see Ember.run.queues = ['sync', 'actions', 'destroy', 'timers'];, yet if you open your JavaScript debugger in the browser in an Ember app and evaluate Ember.run.queues, you get a fuller list of queues: ["sync", "actions", "render", "afterRender", "destroy", "timers"]. Ember keeps their codebase pretty modular, and they make it possible for your code, as well as its own code in a separate part of the library, to insert more queues. In this case, the Ember Views library inserts render and afterRender queues, specifically after the actions queue. I'll get to why that might be in a second. First, the RunLoop algorithm:
The RunLoop algorithm is pretty much the same as described in the SC run loop articles above:
You run your code between RunLoop .begin() and .end(), only in Ember you'll want to instead run your code within Ember.run, which will internally call begin and end for you. (Only internal run loop code in the Ember code base still uses begin and end, so you should just stick with Ember.run)
After end() is called, the RunLoop then kicks into gear to propagate every single change made by the chunk of code passed to the Ember.run function. This includes propagating the values of bound properties, rendering view changes to the DOM, etc etc. The order in which these actions (binding, rendering DOM elements, etc) are performed is determined by the Ember.run.queues array described above:
The run loop will start off on the first queue, which is sync. It'll run all of the actions that were scheduled into the sync queue by the Ember.run code. These actions may themselves also schedule more actions to be performed during this same RunLoop, and it's up to the RunLoop to make sure it performs every action until all the queues are flushed. The way it does this is, at the end of every queue, the RunLoop will look through all the previously flushed queues and see if any new actions have been scheduled. If so, it has to start at the beginning of the earliest queue with unperformed scheduled actions and flush out the queue, continuing to trace its steps and start over when necessary until all of the queues are completely empty.
That's the essence of the algorithm. That's how bound data gets propagated through the app. You can expect that once a RunLoop runs to completion, all of the bound data will be fully propagated. So, what about DOM elements?
The order of the queues, including the ones added in by the Ember Views library, is important here. Notice that render and afterRender come after sync, and action. The sync queue contains all the actions for propagating bound data. (action, after that, is only sparsely used in the Ember source). Based on the above algorithm, it is guaranteed that by the time the RunLoop gets to the render queue, all of the data-bindings will have finished synchronizing. This is by design: you wouldn't want to perform the expensive task of rendering DOM elements before sync'ing the data-bindings, since that would likely require re-rendering DOM elements with updated data -- obviously a very inefficient and error-prone way of emptying all of the RunLoop queues. So Ember intelligently blasts through all the data-binding work it can before rendering the DOM elements in the render queue.
So, finally, to answer your question, yes, you can expect that any necessary DOM renderings will have taken place by the time Ember.run finishes. Here's a jsFiddle to demonstrate: http://jsfiddle.net/machty/6p6XJ/328/
Other things to know about the RunLoop
Observers vs. Bindings
It's important to note that Observers and Bindings, while having the similar functionality of responding to changes in a "watched" property, behave totally differently in the context of a RunLoop. Binding propagation, as we've seen, gets scheduled into the sync queue to eventually be executed by the RunLoop. Observers, on the other hand, fire immediately when the watched property changes without having to be first scheduled into a RunLoop queue. If an Observer and a binding all "watch" the same property, the observer will always be called 100% of the time earlier than the binding will be updated.
scheduleOnce and Ember.run.once
One of the big efficiency boosts in Ember's auto-updating templates is based on the fact that, thanks to the RunLoop, multiple identical RunLoop actions can be coalesced ("debounced", if you will) into a single action. If you look into the run_loop.js internals, you'll see the functions that facilitate this behavior are the related functions scheduleOnce and Em.run.once. The difference between them isn't so important as knowing they exist, and how they can discard duplicate actions in queue to prevent a lot of bloated, wasteful calculation during the run loop.
What about timers?
Even though 'timers' is one of the default queues listed above, Ember only makes reference to the queue in their RunLoop test cases. It seems that such a queue would have been used in the SproutCore days based on some of the descriptions from the above articles about timers being the last thing to fire. In Ember, the timers queue isn't used. Instead, the RunLoop can be spun up by an internally managed setTimeout event (see the invokeLaterTimers function), which is intelligent enough to loop through all the existing timers, fire all the ones that have expired, determine the earliest future timer, and set an internal setTimeout for that event only, which will spin up the RunLoop again when it fires. This approach is more efficient than having each timer call setTimeout and wake itself up, since in this case, only one setTimeout call needs to be made, and the RunLoop is smart enough to fire all the different timers that might be going off at the same time.
Further debouncing with the sync queue
Here's a snippet from the run loop, in the middle of a loop through all the queues in the run loop. Note the special case for the sync queue: because sync is a particularly volatile queue, in which data is being propagated in every direction, Ember.beginPropertyChanges() is called to prevent any observers from being fired, followed by a call to Ember.endPropertyChanges. This is wise: if in the course of flushing the sync queue, it's entirely possible that a property on an object will change multiple times before resting on its final value, and you wouldn't want to waste resources by immediately firing observers per every single change.
if (queueName === 'sync')
log = Ember.LOG_BINDINGS;
if (log)
Ember.Logger.log('Begin: Flush Sync Queue');
Ember.tryFinally(tryable, Ember.endPropertyChanges);
if (log)
Ember.Logger.log('End: Flush Sync Queue');
forEach.call(queue, iter);