May variable template variables vary? - c++

Draft C++14 has added support for variable templates. The examples in the proposal (N3651) all show constants (either constexpr or const), but, from what I can tell, this is not required. May variable template variables vary, e.g., be assigned to?
template<typename T>
T magicVal = 42;
magicVal<int> = 0; // okay?

Yes, variable template instances are first-class objects. Effectively a template-id is just a name.
"Under the hood" a variable template just the same as an old-fashioned class template with a single static member.
Edit: It seems that the proposal was written in terms of constexpr constants only, such as to generically represent mathematical entities. Extension to other objects was requested by the reviewing committee and added as an afterthought.

That would be a truly bizarre restriction; and reading through chapter 14 of the latest draft, there is no indication of anything of the kind.


c++ auto for type and nontype templates

In c++17 template <auto> allows to declare templates with arbitrary type parameters. Partially inspired by this question, it would be useful to have an extension of template <auto> that captures both type and nontype template parameters, and also allows for a variadic version of it.
Are there plans for such an extension in the next c++20 release? Is there some fundamental problem in having a syntax like template<auto... X>, with X any type or nontype template parameter?
Are there plans for such an extension in the next c++20 release?
Is there some fundamental problem in having a syntax like template<auto... X>, with X any type or nontype template parameter?
It would be a totally new concept in the language - having a name refer to either a type or a value in the same place. So it'd come with all sorts of additional questions - and probably additional language features to check if X is a type or not.
The syntax likely cannot be template <auto... X> struct Y { }; since that syntax already has meaning and means a bunch of values and Y<int>{} is ill-formed.
There are definitely places where such a thing would be useful though. A proposal would just have to address these issues.
The big issue with trying to do something like that is grammar. Template parameters state up-front whether they are templates, types, or values, and the most important reason for this is grammatical.
C++ is a context-sensitive grammar. That means that you cannot know, just from a sequence of tokens, what a particular sequence of tokens means. For example, IDENTIFIER LEFT_PAREN RIGHT_PAREN SEMICOLON. What does that mean?
It could mean to call a function named by IDENTIFIER with no parameters. It could mean to default initialize a prvalue of a class named by IDENTIFIER. These are rather different things; you might conceptually see them as similar, but C++'s grammar does not.
Templates are not macros; they're not doing token pasting. There is some understanding that a piece of code in a template is supposed to mean a specific thing. And you can only do that if you at least know what kind of thing a template parameter is.
In order to retain this ability, these "omni template parameters" cannot be utilized until you actually know what they mean. So in order to create such a feature in C++, you would need to:
Create a new syntax to declare omni template parameters (auto isn't going to fly, as it already has a specific meaning).
Provide a syntax for determining what kind of thing an omni template parameter is.
Require the user to invoke that syntax before they can use such parameter names in most ways. This would typically be via some form of specialized if constexpr block, but pattern matching proposals represent an interesting alternative/additional way to handle them (since they can be expressions as well as statements). And expansion statements represent a possible way to access all of the omni parameters in a parameter pack.
I can't see how it would be useful that a template argument could be dynamically either a type or a value? The code statements that use types are very different to those that which use constant values introduced through the template argument.
The only way would be a big "if constexpr" which would make it pointless in my view.
Ok, having looked more closely at the referenced question, I guess there is room there for generically pass-through wrapping the various explicit base template implementations that use different parameter orderings. I still fail to see a huge benefit. The compiler errors when it goes wrong are going to be unfathomable, if nothing else!
I remember being told that overloading and templates were going to rid the world of the unfathomable error messages generated from macros. I have yet to see it!

Why C++17 have two keywords(class and typename) for the same purpose in templates

Template template parameter declaration can only use the keyword class
and not typename until C++17.
This is the difference between those until C++17.Since C++17, both are same .
Then why not C++17 deprecating one of the keyword(class) in the template parameter and type parameter declaration?
Because class have two different meaning
This is a subjective question. Personally I would tend to agree that having class here at all is poor form, and typename should have been the only keyword allowed.
But that's just my opinion. Perhaps this usage of class will be deprecated in the future; perhaps there are sufficient people who like to write class for whatever reason, that it won't be.
At the end of the day, it's hardly the most pressing issue to affect C++, which is probably the real reason that the committee ended up relaxing restrictions rather than adding new ones.
If you feel strongly that this usage of class should be deprecated, feel free to propose this to the working group!
By the way, the usage of static you refer to was actually undeprecated in C++11.

Why have both variable and function concepts in C++ Concepts TS?

I've been looking at the C++1z N4377 Concepts TS draft that is being implemented in GCC 6, and I don't understand the purpose of having two different kinds of concepts: variable concepts and function concepts.
The relevant part of the draft for function concepts is [dcl.spec.concept (5.4)]
The declaration shall have a function-body equivalent to { return E; } where E is a constraint-expression (
and for variable concepts, in the next paragraph [(6.3)] :
The initializer shall be a constraint-expression.
Is there anything one of them can do, that the other cannot? If not, is there a rationale for including both?
Note: the latest draft, P0121R0 doesn't change anything in this regard
Function concepts can be overloaded on differing template parameter arity. Variable concepts provide nothing that function concepts don't, except for the ability to not put () in some contexts.
Eliminating variable concepts from the TS would not reduce the expressivity of concepts.

Why can't templates take function local types?

In C++ it's OK to have a funcction that takes a function local type:
int main() {
struct S { static void M(const S& s) { } };
S s;
but not OK to have a template that does:
template<typename T> void Foo(const T& t) { }
int main() {
struct S { } s;
Foo(s); // Line 5: error: no matching function for call to 'Foo(main()::S&)'
14.3.1 paragraph 2 in the c++ standard.
A type with no linkage [...] shall not be used as a template-argument for a template type-parameter
Why does C++ disallow that?
The best explanation I've heard so far it that inner types have no linkage and that this could imply that a function that takes them as an arg must have no linkage. But there is no reason I can see that a template instantiation must have linkage.
p.s. Please don't just say "thats not allowed because the standard says it's not"
I believe the difficulty that was foreseen was with two instantiations of Foo<T> actually meaning entirely different things, because T wasn't the same for both. Quite a few early implementations of templates (including cfront's) used a repository of template instantiations, so the compiler could automatically instantiate a template over a required type when/if it was found that an instantiation over that type wasn't already in the repository.
To make that work with local types, the repository wouldn't just be able to store the type over which the template was instantiated, but instead it would have to do something like creating a complete "path" to the type for the instantiation. While that's probably possible, I think it was seen as a lot of extra work for little (if any) real benefit.
Since then, the rules have changed enough that the compiler is already required to do something that's just about equivalent, finding (and coalescing) instantiations over the same type at different places (including across TUs) so that two instantiations of foo<int> (for example) don't violate the ODR. Based on that realization, the restriction has been loosened in (the current draft of) C++0x (you still can't instantiate a template class over a local type, but you can use a local type as parameter to a template function).
I'm guessing it is because it would require the template to be effectively instantiated within the scope of the function, since that is where such types are visible. However, at the same time, template instantiations are supposed to act as if they are in the scope in which the template is defined. I'm sure this it's possible to deal with that somehow, but if I'm right the standards body decided not to put that burden on compiler writers.
A similar decision was the reason vector<vector<int>> is invalid syntax per the standard; detecting that construction requires some interaction between compiler lexer and parser phases. However, that's changing, because the C++0x standards folk found that all the compilers are detecting it anyway to emit sane error messages.
I suspect that if it were to be demonstrated that allowing this construction was trivial to implement, and that it didn't introduce any ambiguities in the language scoping rules, you might someday see the standard changed here too.

Why are structs not allowed in template definitions?

The following code yields an error error: ‘struct Foo’ is not a valid type for a template constant parameter:
template <struct Foo>
struct Bar {
Why is that so?
template <class Foo>
struct Bar {
works perfectly fine and even accepts an struct as argument.
This is just an artifact of the syntax rules - the syntax just lets you use the class or typename keywords to indicate a type template parameter. Otherwise the parameter has to be a 'non-type' template parameter (basically an integral, pointer or reference type).
I suppose Stroustrup (and whoever else he might have taken input from) decided that there was no need to include struct as a a keyword to indicate a type template parameter since there was no need for backwards compatibility with C.
In fact, my recollection (I'll have to do some book readin' when I get back home) is that when typename was added to indicate a template type parameter, Stroustrup would have liked to take away using the class keyword for that purpose (since it was confusing), but there was too much code that relied on it.
Turns out the story is more like (from a blog entry by Stan Lippman):
The reason for the two keywords is
historical. In the original template
specification, Stroustrup reused the
existing class keyword to specify a
type parameter rather than introduce a
new keyword that might of course break
existing programs. It wasn't that a
new keyword wasn't considered -- just
that it wasn't considered necessary
given its potential disruption. And up
until the ISO-C++ standard, this was
the only way to declare a type
Reuses of existing keywords seems to
always sow confusion. What we found is
that beginners were [wondering]
whether the use of the class
constrained or limited the type
arguments a user could specify to be
class types rather than, say, a
built-in or pointer type. So, there
was some feeling that not having
introduced a new keyword was a
During standardization, certain
constructs were discovered within a
template definition that resolved to
expressions although they were meant
to indicate declarations
The committee decided that a new
keyword was just the ticket to get the
compiler off its unfortunate obsession
with expressions. The new keyword was
the self-describing typename.
Since the keyword was on the payroll,
heck, why not fix the confusion caused
by the original decision to reuse the
class keyword. Of course, given the
extensive body of existing code and
books and articles and talks and
postings using the class keyword, they
chose to also retain support for that
use of the keyword as well. So that's
why you have both.
You can instantiate a template using a struct; however, the syntax for declaring a template type only allows the keywords "class" or "typename" to appear where you are attempting to use the keyword "struct".
I should add that you can also use a specific type (e.g. int), if you want to instantiate your template based on a compile-time constant or based on an object with external linkage... but that's somewhat of an aside.
The short answer is: template <class Foo> even accepts a union or a double - still, neither is allowed instead of class. However, typename is. That's just the way the syntax was defined.
A somewhat longer answer: When templates for C++ where "invented", there was a keyword needed at that place saying that the next identifier would be a type name. It was decided to re-use the existing class keyword. That was a bit confusing, but there's a general reluctance to introducing more keywords, because they always break some existing code which used this as an identifier when it wasn't a keyword.
Later, typename became a keyword for other reasons, and since it is a much better fit, it can now be used in that place: template <typename Foo>. However, with billions of lines of code out there using class in that place, it must remain valid for that purpose. So now both are allowed.
As is common in C++, this created several camps as to what keyword to use in that place. Some stick with class, because they've been using it for more than a decade. Others prefer typename, because it's a much better fit. Some use class when Foo is expected to be of a class type (members are accessed) and typename when built-ins can be used, too.
Because the keyword for template parameters is class or typename. This doesn't restrict the Foo parameter to be a class - it can be of any type.