Connecting to a custom XSockets controller fails -

I've done a fair amount of research on this but can't figure out what's wrong. The official documentation (Server API and Plugins) isn't helping me much here.
I have my solution laid out like the following:
Defines long-running controller A, and standard controller B
(references XSocketsControllers)
Since the documentation says XSockets will discover anything of interest by itself under bin (where the assemblies are being copied), my Web.Config has the following:
<add key="XSockets.PluginCatalog" value=""/>
<add key="XSockets.PluginFilter" value="*.dll"/>
My bootstrapper runs OK, and if I debug the server container I can see the XSocketPlugins property of my IXBaseServerContainer contains my controllers A and B, BUT if I try connecting from the browser to controller B, for instance, the connection is established but the frame says "The handler name was not found in loaded plugins".
If I connect to the "Generic" controller then it works OK.
What am I missing here?
Also, how does controller discovery work? I've played around with the XSockets.Sample.StockTicker example and noticed "/Stock" is being hit but there's no controller by that exact name - there is a StockController and a StockTickerController class.

I can probably tell you what wrong if you send me the code (zipped).
The only thing I can think about with the issue is that you have two controllers with the same name (alias). The framework tries to find only one controller with a specific name...
But if you have done what you describe everything should work just fine.
Regarding the StockController and the connection that only uses Stock...
XSockets uses suffix if you want to... So if you have a controller StockController you can connect to Stock without using the "Controller". If you want to you can use the whole name StockController.


DryIOC and MediatR: Injection using InResolutionScopeOf for both IAsyncNotificationHandler and IAsyncRequestHandler

This question is a follow up to my previous question, DryIOC Decorator and InResolutionScopeOf
What I'm trying to do is create EF DbContext instances in the resolution scope of both IAsyncRequestHandler and IAsyncNotificationHandler, meaning the context injected in a request can't be the same as one injected in a notification (published from a request). Since the notifications are published from inside the request handlers, this nesting is creating some troubles with my desired setup.
It is worth noting that each DbContext injected in a given IAsyncRequestHandler or IAsyncNotificationHandler instance needs to be the same across their own decorators.
I've created a dotnetfiddle with my attempt at setting this up (I've ommitted decorators in this example)
It contains a RequestHandler which prints a message when it is called, and it then publishes a notification, which prints another message. However, as you can see, the notification isn't called because MediatR cannot get the IAsyncNotificationHandler instance (because it can't resolve the DbContext).
Is this setup possible?
Found the root cause: ResolveMany<object>(serviceType) which is used in MediatR setup.
An object identifies that you need to pass run-time required serviceType. But DryIoc has an issue of using service type object instead of required type to find the matching resolution scope. And an object is definitely not assignable to IAsyncNotificationHandler<T>.
Here is the modified fiddle
Stay tuned for the fix. I will update my answer with the fix version.
Updated with fix version
The fix is released with DryIoc 2.9.2. Here is fiddle which uses it. Thanks for asking and surfacing 2 issues - real use cases matter the most.

Websphere Liberty seems to override System Property TransformerFactory set via jvm.options

I am trying to migrate a legacy app that is using camel/cxf (offers some web services that include transformations) to Websphere Liberty (IBM JRE 1.8). Tests are failing because the app uses extensions functions. I tried to disable secure processing as described here.
This change has no effect. That's why I try to switch to Saxon Implementation globally by setting System Property "javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl" in jvm.options config file. Again - this does not work.
While debugging I can see, that$2 is overriding the Property with during Server start. I can see a method "PluginGenerator.revertTransformerFactoryIfNeccessary" in the stack that seems to trigger the change. Afterwards all FactoryFinder.find() will return the non-Saxon implementation.
Can anyone suggest how to either disable secure-processing successfully
a way to successfully set a custom TransformerFactory?
BTW: It seems to me like these 2 are bugs - do I report these as regular PMR?
EDIT: possible workaround
As result of the helpful suggestions I added an '#WebListener' that will sets the System Property within the constructor (setting it in contextInitialized is too late as stylesheets seem to be compiled during application start and thus processing fails tests). I bundle this a "patch-jar" with the legacy app.
The Liberty web container plugin generator will only override the xml transformer factory if the IBM JDK is being used.
While the web container performs plugin generation using the IBM JDK, it will swap to an alternate transformer factory, and then reset to the IBM JDK default of which is
I think it is worth opening a PMR here. The PluginGenerator should not assume that it started with the default xml transformer factory, and should instead save off the value of javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory and then restore it after plugin generation has completed.
Temp workaround:
Since the PluginGenerator only swaps the XML transformer factory if you're running on the IBM JDK, you could change to an alternate JDK until your PMR gets resolved.
I agree that this is a bug. The official route for reporting problems is a PMR, but there is enough here for us to understand the problem and fix it through our beta program. If you want to get an iFix on a released version of the product (rather than waiting for it to come out via the beta program) then you will need to raise a PMR.

Application never routes when model fails to load

I understand that ember-data is still in a fairly unstable state. I just would like to confirm that what I'm experiencing is expected behavior or a bug. And hopefully find some manner of work around.
I have an application that functions correctly in every expected way except one. Best I can tell I've traced it back to way the application routes on initial load. If I start the application from a route #/posts or #/post/1 where the id is valid it works fine. Application starts, routes, and loads the model. Any valid route works fine. If I were to use a route with a bad id #/post/1a534b where ember-data will not be able to find an underlying model with that id, the application never routes.
I've enabled LOG_TRANSITIONS on my application and confirmed it never transitions to a route, doesn't error on routing, never even injects my application template into the DOM. This problem is unique to initial load as it seems to wait for the model to load before injecting. This never happens because the promised model doesn't exist.
So is this expected behavior or is something else at play here?
I will say that my application isn't loaded til after dom ready and is pulled down async on dom ready. This shouldn't make a difference as the application runs fine when loaded with a proper route.
In the mean time I'll see if I can get a jsfiddle as an example since I can't use my code directly.
Unfortunately I believe this is expected behavior at the moment:
I think there is work being done to address errors and the router in general here:
In the route, transition to another route if the model fails to load.
model(params) {
return'account', params.account_id)
I'm currently building an app with Ember 2.10.0

Problems with changing flexmojos to give testing support to air applications

I want to test air applications and air libraries using flexmojos 3.9-SNAPSHOT.
However, although flexmojos does indeed has support for air, it tries to run the swf generated by the build using flash player, and as I need to use air native libraries I wanted to run the tests using adl (AIR debug launcher).
To do this, I cloned flexmojos in to this repository ( I then created a class that created an -app.xml for the TestRunner.swf file that was generated and ran:
adl TestRunner-app.xml
However, before the Test ends, it should call the server in the port 13540 to report something. When that happens, I'm getting the following error:
Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: app:/TestRunner.swf cannot load data from
at org.sonatype.flexmojos.unitestingsupport::ControlSocket/connect()[/Users/rafael/p2d/others/flexmojos/flexmojos-testing/flexmojos-unittest-support/src/main/flex/org/sonatype/flexmojos/unitestingsupport/]
at org.sonatype.flexmojos.unitestingsupport::TestApplication/runTests()[/Users/rafael/p2d/others/flexmojos/flexmojos-testing/flexmojos-unittest-support/src/main/flex/org/sonatype/flexmojos/unitestingsupport/]
at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()[C:\autobuild\galaga\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at mx.core::UIComponent/set initialized()[C:\autobuild\galaga\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()[C:\autobuild\galaga\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
at Function/
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher2()[C:\autobuild\galaga\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()[C:\autobuild\galaga\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
I know that it is calling the server before in port 13539 successfully, because it prints the test results on the console. I also know that it is opening port 13540 because I was able to telnet to it. However, for some reason it is unable to connect from the air application.
Given the circunstances, I have the following questions:
1) Is there any good documentation that I can read to understand how this security framework works? The only documentation that I found was terribly confusing.
2) Does anyone has any ideas or hints about what might be happening?
3) I have read somewhere that flexmojos hacks the security framework so that flex applications can open a socket to localhost without problems during tests. Is there any documentation about how this is done?
You've got very close to the answer in your comment...
You need to add a line to a file in ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#Security/FlashPlayerTrust yourself, covering the swf you want to run. You can do this by hand directly (all files in that folder will be processed) or by using the Flash Player Settings Manager.

ColdSpring in Five minutes

I'm rereading ColdSpring in 5 minutes.
It says "The UserService needs the UserGateway, and the UserGateway needs the ConfigBean".
No it does not! The UserService does not need anything. It doesn't call UserGateway.
All it does is set a variable that it happens to call userGateway by coincidence, but it doesn't call the User Gateway component.
Help me understand this apparently simple scenario!
You have to remember that this starter application intentionally doesn't explain everything so as to prevent confusion. When completely configured, the sample application will initialize all three components. The UserService CFC has the responsiblity of setting and getting the User Gateway Component, the User Gateway component has the responsiblity of setting and getting the Config Bean component, and the Config Bean component is designed to set and get application settings (in this case, just datasource information).
I wouldn't fret too much over this for now if you don't understand how it all works; ColdSpring's reference guide will bring it all into focus for you.
The line "The UserService needs the UserGateway" means that one of the functions contains a variable or call that needs the UserGateway, not necessarily that the UserService has any intrinsic need for it. This is at the core of what ColdSpring does... manage dependencies. If the UserService was not configured to be injected with the UserGateway, then when a variable that "just happens" to call or need the UserGateway is created, it would not be able to find the needed UserGateway unless you manually instantiated it.
Look under "More Advanced" in the ColdSpring Quickstart Guide at "Factory Beans", for example.
The 5 minute example was just that, an example, you didn't see any calls in those functions that needed the UserGateway, but when you do have a need for it, you'll be glad it was injected for you so that you don't have to do it yourself.