difficulty calculating angle of a point on a circle - c++

I'm having a bit of trouble with the geometry for a function I'm writing. I have a class that contains various sprites. This container class needs to be able to move, rotate, and scale while keeping all the child sprite's relative position, rotation, and scale intact.
I'm running into issues when rotating the container. The angle calculated by atan2 seems to be random. I wrote a simple console application that does and outputs the math behind a function I'm using (it's hard to properly show the code, as it relies on various outside sources). I did this to make sure it wasn't another part of the code causing my error. But my results are the same with the console application. Here is the code (it's stand-alone. you can easily run it)
using namespace std;
int main()
float containerX = 0;
float containerY = 0;
float childX = 10;
float childY = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= 360; i += 36)
float radius = sqrt(pow(containerX - childX, 2) + pow(containerY - childY, 2));
float angle = atan2 (containerY - childY, containerX - childX);
float newAngle = angle + (i / 180.0 * 3.14);
childX = containerX + radius * cos(newAngle);
childY = containerY + radius * sin(newAngle);
std::cout << "New angle: " << newAngle * 180.0 / 3.14 << " New Position: " << childX << ", " << childY << std::endl;
while(1!=2) {} // This line is so I can read the console output
return 0;
My output is as follows:
New angle: 180.091 New Position: -10, -8.74228e-007
New angle: 36 New Position: 8.09204, 5.87528
New angle: -72.0913 New Position: 3.08108, -9.51351
New angle: 216 New Position: -8.10139, -5.86238
New angle: 179.909 New Position: -9.99995, 0.0318542
New angle: 179.817 New Position: -9.99988, 0.0477804
New angle: 215.726 New Position: -8.12931, -5.8236
New angle: 287.635 New Position: 3.00522, -9.53775
New angle: 395.543 New Position: 8.15704, 5.78469
New angle: 179.27 New Position: -9.99897, 0.143339
New angle: 359.178 New Position: 9.99846, -0.175189
I know that the problem has something to do with me calculating the angle with atan2, since if I just convert i to radians (i is iterating through degrees 0 and 360 in increments of 36) and pass that to cos and sin, I get points in order around the circle. If I use my "newAngle" variable though, I get random points around the circumference of the circle (bottom left, rop right, near bottom left, left of circle, right of circle, etc)
Thanks for reading this. I really appreciate it. I'm totally stuck. Any help would be wonderful.

float angle = atan2 (containerY - childY, containerX - childX);
float newAngle = angle + (i / 180.0 * 3.14);
In the first line, you're getting the new angle. In the second line, you're not just adding 36 degrees, instead you're adding i degrees, so in every iteration the code is adding an increasing angle to the new angle which itself is already increasing, hence the sporadic behavior.
Two different solutions:
1) Replace the first line with
float angle = 3.14159; // allow the loop to add to it
2) Change the i to a 36 in the line
float newAngle = angle + (36 / 180.0 * 3.14);
Don't do both! Choose one.

float angle = atan2 (containerY - childY, containerX - childX);
Make it
float angle = atan2 (childY - containerY, childX - containerX);
As originally written, you are flipping the child coordinates around the center of rotation on every iteration (in other words, adding an extra 180 degrees offset). You could see this easily if you don't adjust the angle at all: float newAngle = angle;. Your coordinates would oscillate between -10 and 10.

I hinted at it in my comment, but this is how you could have broken down your issue to see the problem: http://ideone.com/nTGXuv
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
std::pair<float, float> rotate(std::pair<float, float> origin, std::pair<float, float> start, unsigned int degrees)
std::pair<float, float> diff = std::make_pair(start.first - origin.first, start.second - origin.second);
float currentAngle = ::atan2(diff.second, std::abs(diff.first));
float newAngle = currentAngle + (degrees / 180.0 * 3.1415926539);
float radius = std::sqrt(diff.first * diff.first + diff.second * diff.second);
float cosAngle = ::cos(newAngle);
float sinAngle = ::sin(newAngle);
float x = origin.first + radius * cosAngle;
float y = origin.second + radius * sinAngle;
return std::make_pair(x, y);
int main()
std::pair<float, float> origin = std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0);
std::pair<float, float> start = std::make_pair(1.0, 0.0);
const unsigned int degrees = 45;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 360; i += degrees)
std::pair<float, float> newPos = rotate(origin, start, i);
std::cout << "Rotated to " << i << " degrees: (" << newPos.first << ", " << newPos.second << ")" << std::endl;
return 0;


Using The Dot Product to determine whether an object is on the left hand side or right hand side of the direction of the object

so I currently am trying to create some method which when taking in a simulation vehicles position, direction, and an objects position, Will determine whether or not the object lies on the right and side or left hand side of that vehicles direction. This is what i have implemented so far (Note I am in a 2D co-ord system):
This is the code block that uses the method
void Class::leftOrRight()
// Clearing both _lhsCones and _rhsCones vectors
for (int i =0; i < _cones.size(); i++)
if (dotAngleFromYaw(_x, _y, _cones[i].x(), _cones[i].y(), _yaw) > 0)
This is the code block which computes the angle
double Class::dotAngleFromYaw(double xCar, double yCar, double xCone, double yCone, double yawCar)
double iOne = cos(yawCar);
double jOne = sin(yawCar);
double iTwo = xCone - xCar;
double jTwo = yCone - yCar;
//ensure to normalise the vector two
double magTwo = std::sqrt(std::pow(iTwo, 2) + std::pow(jTwo, 2));
iTwo = iTwo / magTwo;
jTwo = jTwo / magTwo;
double theta = acos((iOne * iTwo) + (jOne * jTwo)); // in radians
return theta;
My issue with this is that dotAngleFromYaw(0,0,0,1,0) = +pi/2 and dotAngleFromYaw(0,0,0,-1,0) = +pi/2 hence the if statements fail to sort the cones.
Any help would be great
*Adjustments made from comment suggestions
I have change the sort method as follows
double Class::indicateSide(double xCar, double yCar, double xCone, double yCone, double yawCar)
// Compute the i and j compoents of the yaw measurment as a unit vector i.e Vector Mag = 1
double iOne = cos(yawCar);
double jOne = sin(yawCar);
// Create the Car to Cone Vector
double iTwo = xCone - xCar;
double jTwo = yCone - yCar;
//ensure to normalise the vCar to Cone Vector
double magTwo = std::sqrt(std::pow(iTwo, 2) + std::pow(jTwo, 2));
iTwo = iTwo / magTwo;
jTwo = jTwo / magTwo;
// // Using the transformation Matrix with Theta = yaw (angle in radians) transform the axis to the augmented 2D space
// double Ex = cos(yawCar)*iOne - sin(yawCar)*jOne;
// double Ey = sin(yawCar)*iOne + cos(yawCar)*jOne;
// Take the Cross Product of < Ex, 0 > x < x', y' > where x', y' have the same location in the simulation space.
double result = iOne*jTwo - jOne*iTwo;
return result;
However I still am having issues defining the left and right, note that I have also become aware that objects behind the vehicle are still passed to every instance of the array of objects to be evaluated and hence I have implemented a dot product check elsewhere that seems to work fine for now, which is why I have not included it here I can make another adjustment to the post to include said code. I did try to implement the co-ordinate system transformation however i did not see improvements compared to when the added lines are not commented out and implemented.
Any further feedback is greatly appreciated
If the angle does not matter and you only want to know whether "left or right" I'd go for another approach.
Set up a plane that has xCar and yCar on its surface. When setting it up it's up to you how to define the plane's normal i.e. the side its facing to.
After that you can apply the dot-product to determine the 'sign' indicating which side it's on.
Note that dot product does not provide information about left/right position.
Sign of dot product says whether position is ahead or backward.
To get left/right side, you need to check sign of cross product
cross = iOne * jTwo - jOne * iTwo
(note subtraction and i/j alternation)
To see the difference between dot and cross product info:
Quick test. Mathematical coordinate system (CCW) is used (left/right depends on CW/CCW)
BTW, in kinematics simulations it is worth to store components of direction vector rather than angle.
#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // для C++
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
void check_target(float carx, float cary, float dirx, float diry, float tx, float ty) {
float cross = (tx - carx) * diry - (ty - cary) * dirx;
float dot = (tx - carx) * dirx + (ty - cary) * diry;
if (cross >= 0) {
if (dot >= 0)
std::cout << "ahead right\n";
std::cout << "behind right\n";
else {
if (dot >= 0)
std::cout << "ahead left\n";
std::cout << "behind left\n";
int main()
float carx, cary, car_dir_angle, dirx, diry;
float tx, ty;
carx = 1;
cary = 1;
car_dir_angle = M_PI / 4;
dirx = cos(car_dir_angle);
diry = sin(car_dir_angle);
check_target(carx, cary, dirx, diry, 2, 3);
check_target(carx, cary, dirx, diry, 2, 1);
check_target(carx, cary, dirx, diry, 1, 0);
check_target(carx, cary, dirx, diry, 0, 1);

Is there a method to either recalculate and equation in terms of a different variable?

I am currently a senior in AP Calculus BC and have taken the challenge of replicating a topic in C++ Qt. This topic covers integrals as area beneath a curve, and rotations of said areas to form a solid model with a definite volume.
I have successfully rotated a custom equation defined as:
double y = abs(qSin(qPow(graphXValue,graphXValue))/qPow(2, (qPow(graphXValue,graphXValue)-M_PI/2)/M_PI))
My question is how to rotate such an equation around the Y-Axis instead of the X-Axis. Are there any methods to approximate the solving of this equation in terms of y instead of x? Are there any current implementations of such a task?
Keep in mind, I am calculating each point for the transformation in a 3D coordinate system:
for (float x = 0.0f; x < t_functionMaxX - t_projectionStep; x+=t_projectionStep)
currentSet = new QSurfaceDataRow;
nextSet = new QSurfaceDataRow;
float x_pos_mapped = x;
float y_pos_mapped = static_cast<float>(ui->customPlot->graph(0)->data()->findBegin(static_cast<double>(x), true)->value);
float x_pos_mapped_ahead = x + t_projectionStep;
float y_pos_mapped_ahead = static_cast<float>(graph1->data()->findBegin(static_cast<double>(x + t_projectionStep), true)->value);
QList<QVector3D> temp_points;
for (float currentRotation = static_cast<float>(-2*M_PI); currentRotation < static_cast<float>(2*M_PI); currentRotation += static_cast<float>((1) * M_PI / 180))
float y_pos_calculated = static_cast<float>(qCos(static_cast<qreal>(currentRotation))) * y_pos_mapped;
float z_pos_calculated = static_cast<float>(qSin(static_cast<qreal>(currentRotation))) * y_pos_mapped;
float y_pos_calculated_ahead = static_cast<float>(qCos(static_cast<qreal>(currentRotation))) * y_pos_mapped_ahead;
float z_pos_calculated_ahead = static_cast<float>(qSin(static_cast<qreal>(currentRotation))) * y_pos_mapped_ahead;
QVector3D point(x_pos_mapped, y_pos_calculated, z_pos_calculated);
QVector3D point_ahead(x_pos_mapped_ahead, y_pos_calculated_ahead, z_pos_calculated_ahead);
*currentSet << point;
*nextSet << point_ahead;
temp_points << point;
*data << currentSet << nextSet;
points << temp_points;
Essentially, you rotate the vector (x,f(x),0) around the Y axis, so the Y value remains the same but the X and Y parts vary according to rotation.
I also replaced all the static_cast<float> parts by explicit invocations of the float constructor, which (I find) reads a bit better.
// Render the upper part, grow from the inside
for (float x = 0.0f; x < t_functionMaxX - t_projectionStep; x+=t_projectionStep)
currentSet = new QSurfaceDataRow;
nextSet = new QSurfaceDataRow;
float x_pos_mapped = x;
float y_pos_mapped = float(ui->customPlot->graph(0)->data()->findBegin(double(x), true)->value);
float x_pos_mapped_ahead = x + t_projectionStep;
float y_pos_mapped_ahead = float(graph1->data()->findBegin(double(x + t_projectionStep), true)->value);
QList<QVector3D> temp_points;
for (float currentRotation = float(-2*M_PI); currentRotation < float(2*M_PI); currentRotation += float((1) * M_PI / 180))
float x_pos_calculated = float(qCos(qreal(currentRotation))) * x_pos_mapped;
float z_pos_calculated = float(qSin(qreal(currentRotation))) * x_pos_mapped;
float x_pos_calculated_ahead = float(qCos(qreal(currentRotation))) * x_pos_mapped_ahead;
float z_pos_calculated_ahead = float(qSin(qreal(currentRotation))) * x_pos_mapped_ahead;
QVector3D point(x_pos_calculated, y_pos_mapped, z_pos_calculated);
QVector3D point_ahead(x_pos_calculated_ahead, y_pos_mapped_ahead, z_pos_calculated_ahead);
*currentSet << point;
*nextSet << point_ahead;
temp_points << point;
*data << currentSet << nextSet;
points << temp_points;
Next, you need to add the bottom "plate". This is simply a bunch of triangles that connect (0,0,0) with two adjacent points of the rotation of (1,0,0) around the Y axis, just like we did above.
Finally, if f(t_functionmaxX) is not zero, you need to add a side that connects (t_functionmaxX, f(t_functionmaxX), 0) to (t_functionmaxX, 0, 0), again rotating in steps around the Y axis.
Note that this will do weird things if y < 0. How you want to solve that is up to you.

2D Projectile - Updating my x and y values?

I'm building a small physics engine that launches a projectile with a given angle and velocity, and tracks and displays the velocity/position vectors at each time interval. At the moment, my position value vars.posNew seems to be updating, but I can't get my vars.x and vars.y values to update.
Here's my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define PI 3.14159265359
struct vecVariables {
float v = 0, a = -9.81;
float posNew = 0, posOld = 0;
float x, y;
float theta = 45; // our start angle is 45
float u = 20; // our start velocity is 20
int main() {
float deltaT = 0.01;
vecVariables vars; // creates an object for Variables to be used
while (deltaT <= 1) {
deltaT += 0.01;
vars.v = vars.u + vars.a * deltaT; // gets the velocity V
vars.posNew = vars.posOld + vars.v * deltaT; // gets position D
vars.x = vars.u * cos(vars.theta * PI / 180); // <-- I'm going wrong somewhere here
vars.y = vars.u * sin(vars.theta* PI / 180);
cout << "velocity vec = [" << vars.x << " , " << vars.y << "]" << endl; // velocity on x,y
cout << "pos = "<< vars.posNew << endl; // display position
vars.posOld = vars.posNew;
I'm aware that the values being put into vars.x and vars.y are constant values, which leads me to simply believe that I have applied the wrong formula to calculate these values, or am I just missing one thing?
Well vars.x and vars.y are calculated using vars.u that never changes. Try using v(new velocity if I understand right):
vars.x = vars.v * cos(vars.theta * PI / 180);
vars.y = vars.v * sin(vars.theta* PI / 180);
I think you want to use v instead of u, since v is new velocity. Not sure about vars.theta, should it change over time? Also is it correct that first time you calculate vars.x and vars.y it is done with new velocity or should it be done with the starting value at first run. Perhaps consider adding one more variable so you can store values from one run earlier. If I tangled my answer to much let me know ;)

Inverting an angle on the Y-axis, X works

I've asked this question over at GameDev but got not response so far and this question is a bit time sensitive unfortunately.
I'm pretty sure this is just me doing something stupid or not understanding something that I should but I cannot figure out what is wrong here.
I'm having a problem bouncing a projectile off a sprite, we've been asked to move the projectile using the equations of motions which makes things a little more difficult but as far as I can see what I have should work.
What I'm trying to do is change the angle of the collided projectile depending on which direction it is coming from.
Here is a video that is hopefully not too laggy for you to see what is happening:
When the projectile collides with the left or right hand side of the sprite everything works as expected, it just switches X direction.
When it hit's the top or bottom of the sprite however it doesn't change, it just sort of rolls along the top and the shoots off.
Here is the movement code:
float nX = get_x() + cos(nGetAngle() * 3.14 / 180) * getU() * getT();
float nY = get_y() - sin(nGetAngle() * 3.14 / 180) * getU() * getT() + 0.5 * 9.8 * getT() * getT();
set_world_position(nX, nY);
Where U is initial velocity, T is time and nGetAngle() is the angle in degrees (which is set to radians whenever the angle is set).
Here is my collision for the top of the player:
//if the projectile is colliding in any way with the player sprite
if (projectiles[currProj]->get_y() < player->get_y()) // top of player
float vx = cos(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float vy = sin(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float newAngle = atan2(-vy, vx) * 180 / 3.14;
projectiles[currProj]->set_world_position_y(player->get_y() - projectiles[currProj]->get_height() - 1);
and here is my collision for the left of the player:
else if (projectiles[currProj]->get_x() < player->get_x()) // left of player
projectiles[currProj]->set_world_position_x(player->get_x() - projectiles[currProj]->get_width());
float vx = cos(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float vy = sin(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float newAngle = atan2(vy, -vx) * 180 / 3.14;
The left side collision works, the top does not and I have no idea why.
If necessary I can post the entire project somewhere.
Full collision code for player:
void Game::playerCollision()
if (projectiles[currProj]->bb_collision(player))
if (projectiles[currProj]->get_y() < player->get_y()) // top of player
float vx = cos(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float vy = sin(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float newAngle = atan2(-vy, vx) * 180 / 3.14;
projectiles[currProj]->set_world_position_y(player->get_y() - projectiles[currProj]->get_height() - 1);
else if (projectiles[currProj]->get_y() + projectiles[currProj]->get_height() > player->get_y() + player->get_height() + 1) // bottom of player
projectiles[currProj]->set_world_position_y(player->get_y() + player->get_height());
float vx = cos(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float vy = sin(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float newAngle = atan2(-vy, vx) * 180 / 3.14;
else if (projectiles[currProj]->get_x() < player->get_x()) // left of player
projectiles[currProj]->set_world_position_x(player->get_x() - projectiles[currProj]->get_width());
float vx = cos(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float vy = sin(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float newAngle = atan2(vy, -vx) * 180 / 3.14;
else if (projectiles[currProj]->get_x() > player->get_x()) // right of player
projectiles[currProj]->set_world_position_x(player->get_x() + player->get_width());
float vx = cos(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float vy = sin(projectiles[currProj]->nGetAngle());
float newAngle = atan2(vy, -vx) * 180 / 3.14;
I think your collision detection is not sufficient. without knowing your representation in detail
you do not check where the projectile (pr) came from. a collision top left within the player (pl) might have entered through the top or from the left
you do not bounce the pr immediately, you just alter the direction. depending on the entry depth it might not be able to exit with the next iteration. this happens especially on the top where the pr accelerates downwards but slows down upwards.
so you must
detect the entry surface (determines angle)
and most important rebounce immediately

EasyBMP rotating image by any angle

I am trying to rotate a bmp image using EasyBMP. when the angle is between 0 and 90 or 270 and 360 the rotation is fine. but when between 180 and 270 the boundary rectangle is stretched and for angle between 90 and 180 I get segmentation fault. I am convinced that the problem arises from
int width = image.TellWidth();
int height = image.TellHeight();
float sine= sin(angle);
float cosine=cos(angle);
float x1=-height*sine;
float y1=height*cosine;
float x2=width*cosine-height*sine;
float y2=height*cosine+width*sine;
float x3=width*cosine;
float y3=width*sine;
float minx=min(0,min(x1,min(x2,x3)));
float miny=min(0,min(y1,min(y2,y3)));
float maxx=max(x1,max(x2,x3));
float maxy=max(y1,max(y2,y3));
int outWidth;
int outHeight;
for(int x=0; x<outWidth; x++)
for(int y=0; y<outHeight; y++)
int srcX=(int)((x+minx)*cosine+(y+miny)*sine);
int srcY=(int)((y+miny)*cosine-(x+minx)*sine);
if(srcX>=0 &&srcX<width && srcY>=0 && srcY<height)
The following is how I solved this. The TL;DR: the rotation transform goes around 0, 0, so if your image coordinates set 0,0 to bottom left, you need to translate the image to be centered on 0,0 first. Also, sin and cos expect radians, not degrees, so remember to convert first
The long way:
I started by creating a simple program that has easily verified answers, to find out where things are going wrong.
The first thing I noticed was that 90.0f wouldn't produce any output. That seemed weird, so I broke in at the "output image size" printf and realized that the output height was being calculated as -87. Clearly that's not right, so let's see why that might happen.
Going up a bit, outHeight=(int)ceil(fabs(maxy)-miny); so let's figure out how we're ending up with a negative output height when subtracting maxy and miny. It appears maxy is -0.896... and miny is 88.503... However, the absolute value of maxy is taken before subtracting miny, meaning we're ending up with 0.896 - 88.503. Whoa, that's not good! Let's try doing the subtraction then taking the absolute value.
Recompiling with both width and height as such:
Gets us much better values. Now outWidth and outHeight are 2 and 90, respectively. This is massively improved, but the height should be 100. We'll address that later.
To figure out where the math is going wrong, I reorganize the terms to go together: x with x, y with y. Next I adjusted spacing and added parenthesis to make it more readable and ensure order of operations (sure beats trying to look at an OoO table ;) ). Since it's clear you're breaking out the rotation matrix multiplication, I'm going to name your variables something a bit more intuitive than x1, x2, etc. From now on, x1 is topLeftTransformedX, x2 is topRightTransformedX, x3 will exist as bottomLeftTransformedX (always 0), and x4 will be bottomRightTransformedX, same for Y. Longer, but much easier to know what you're dealing with.
Using this, at this point, I see the same thing you do... then I remembered something, based on the numbers seen from this cleaner code (same math as yours, but still easier to debug).
Suddenly, my math for X looks like this:
// x = x cos - y sin
float topLeftTransformedX = (-midX * cosine) - (midY * sine);
float topRightTransformedX = (midX * cosine) - (midY * sine);
float bottomLeftTransformedX = (-midX * cosine) - (-midY * sine);
float bottomRightTransformedX = (midX * cosine) - (-midY * sine);
The rotation matrix rotates around the center point. You have to translate the image to be centered around that for a proper rotation.
Then, when trying to figure out why this would be giving the values it is, i recalled something else - angle needs to be in radians.
Suddenly, it almost all works. There's still some more to do, but this should get you 95% of the way there or more. Hope it helps!
// bmprotate.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <math.h>
#define min(x,y) x < y ? x : y
#define max(x,y) x > y ? x : y
#define PI 3.14159
void rotate(int width, int height, float angleInDeg)
float angle = angleInDeg * (PI/180.0f);
float midX = ((float)width) / 2.0f;
float midY = ((float)height) / 2.0f;
float sine = sin(angle);
float cosine = cos(angle);
// x = x cos - y sin
float topLeftTransformedX = (-midX * cosine) - (midY * sine);
float topRightTransformedX = (midX * cosine) - (midY * sine);
float bottomLeftTransformedX = (-midX * cosine) - (-midY * sine);
float bottomRightTransformedX = (midX * cosine) - (-midY * sine);
float minx = min( topLeftTransformedX, min(topRightTransformedX, min(bottomLeftTransformedX, bottomRightTransformedX)) );
float maxx = max( topLeftTransformedX, max(topRightTransformedX, max(bottomLeftTransformedX, bottomRightTransformedX)) );
// y = x sin + y cos
float topLeftTransformedY = (-midX * sine) + (midY * cosine);
float topRightTransformedY = (midX * sine) + (midY * cosine);
float bottomLeftTransformedY = (-midX * sine) + (-midY * cosine);
float bottomRightTransformedY = (midX * sine) + (-midY * cosine);
float miny = min( topLeftTransformedY, min(topRightTransformedY, min(bottomLeftTransformedY, bottomRightTransformedY)) );
float maxy = max( topLeftTransformedY, max(topRightTransformedY, max(bottomLeftTransformedY, bottomRightTransformedY)) );
int outWidth;
int outHeight;
printf("(%f,%f) , (%f,%f) , (%f,%f) , (%f,%f)\n",
topLeftTransformedX, topLeftTransformedY,
topRightTransformedX, topRightTransformedY,
bottomLeftTransformedX, bottomLeftTransformedY,
bottomRightTransformedX, bottomRightTransformedY);
outWidth = (int) ceil( fabs(maxx) + fabs(minx));
outHeight = (int) ceil( fabs(maxy) + fabs(miny) );
printf("output image size: (%d,%d)\n",outWidth,outHeight);
for(int x=0; x<outWidth; x++)
for(int y=0; y<outHeight; y++)
int srcX=(int)((x+minx)*cosine+(y+miny)*sine);
int srcY=(int)((y+miny)*cosine-(x+minx)*sine);
if(srcX >=0 && srcX < width && srcY >= 0 && srcY < height)
printf("(x,y) = (%d,%d)\n",srcX, srcY);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++)
return 0;