I am trying to run a bash script that has an if/else condition, but for some reason, my else statement is not being executed.
The rest of the script works perfectly. I could try to make it different, but I am trying to understand why this else is not working.
for ((i=1;i<=GEN;i++))
if [ `cat sires${i} | wc -l` -ge 0 ] || [ `cat dams${i} | wc -l` -ge 0 ]; then
cat sires${i} dams${i} > parent${i}
awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1]=$0;next} {if($1 in a) print a[$1]; else print $0}' ped parent${i} >> ped_plus
cat ped_plus | awk '$2!=0 {print $2,0,0}' | awk '!a[$1]++' > tmp_sire
cat ped_plus | awk '$3!=0 {print $3,0,0}' | awk '!a[$1]++' > tmp_dam
awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1];next} !($1 in a) {print $0}' ped_plus tmp_sire > sires${n2}
awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1];next} !($1 in a) {print $0}' ped_plus tmp_dam > dams${n2}
echo "Your file looks good."
It should print the message Your file looks good. , but this is not happing.
Any idea?
Use -gt, not -ge when you want to check for more than 0.
Or look at man test, you will find the option -s:
if [ -s sires${i} ] || [ -s dams${i} ]; then
I'm trying to parse the highstate output of Salt has proven to be difficult. Without changing the output to json due to the fact that I still want it to be human legible.
What's the best way to convert the Summary into something machine readable?
Summary for app1.domain.com
Succeeded: 278 (unchanged=12, changed=6)
Failed: 0
Total states run: 278
Total run time: 7.383 s
Summary for app2.domain.com
Succeeded: 278 (unchanged=12, changed=6)
Failed: 0
Total states run: 278
Total run time: 7.448 s
Summary for app0.domain.com
Succeeded: 293 (unchanged=13, changed=6)
Failed: 0
Total states run: 293
Total run time: 7.510 s
Without a better idea I'm trying to grep and awk the output and insert it into a csv.
These two work:
cat ${_FILE} | grep Summary | awk '{ print $3} ' | \
tr '\n' ',' | sed '$s/,$/\n/' >> /tmp/highstate.csv;
cat ${_FILE} | grep -oP '(?<=unchanged=)[0-9]+' | \
tr '\n' ',' | sed '$s/,$/\n/' >> /tmp/highstate.csv;
But this one fails but works in Reger
cat ${_FILE} | grep -oP '(?<=\schanged=)[0-9]+' | \
tr '\n' ',' | sed '$s/,$/\n/' >> /tmp/highstate.csv;
EDIT1: #vintnes #ikegami I agree I'd much rather take the json output parse the output but Salt doesn't offer a summary of changes when outputting to josn. So far this is what I have and while very ugly, it's working.
cat ${_FILE} | grep Summary | awk '{ print $3} ' | \
tr '\n' ',' | sed '$s/,$/\n/' >> /tmp/highstate_tmp.csv;
cat ${_FILE} | grep -oP '(?<=unchanged=)[0-9]+' | \
tr '\n' ',' | sed '$s/,$/\n/' >> /tmp/highstate_tmp.csv;
cat ${_FILE} | grep unchanged | awk -F' ' '{ print $4}' | \
grep -oP '(?<=changed=)[0-9]+' | tr '\n' ',' | sed '$s/,$/\n/' >> /tmp/highstate_tmp.csv;
cat ${_FILE} | { grep "Warning" || true; } | awk -F: '{print $2+0} END { if (!NR) print "null" }' | \
tr '\n' ',' | sed '$s/,$/\n/' >> /tmp/highstate_tmp.csv;
cat ${_FILE} | { grep "Failed" || true; } | awk -F: '{print $2+0} END { if (!NR) print "null" }' | \
tr '\n' ',' | sed '$s/,$/\n/' >> /tmp/highstate_tmp.csv;
csvtool transpose /tmp/highstate_tmp.csv > /tmp/highstate.csv;
sed -i '1 i\instance,unchanged,changed,warning,failed' /tmp/highstate.csv;
Here you go. This will also work if your output contains warnings. Please note that the output is in a different order than you specified; it's the order in which each record occurs in the file. Don't hesitate with any questions.
$ awk -v OFS=, '
BEGIN { print "instance,unchanged,changed,warning,failed" }
/^Summary/ { instance=$NF }
/^Succeeded/ { split($3 $4 $5, S, /[^0-9]+/) }
/^Failed/ { print instance, S[2], S[3], S[4], $2 }
' "$_FILE"
split($3 $4 $5, S, /[^0-9]+/) handles the possibility of warnings by disregarding the first two "words" Succeeded: ### and using any number of non-digits as a separator.
edit: Printed on /^Fail/ instead of using /^Summ/ and END.
perl -e'
use strict;
use warnings qw( all );
use Text::CSV_XS qw( );
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({ auto_diag => 2, binary => 1 });
$csv->say(select(), [qw( instance unchanged change warning failed )]);
my ( $instance, $unchanged, $changed, $warning, $failed );
while (<>) {
if (/^Summary for (\S+)/) {
( $instance, $unchanged, $changed, $warning, $failed ) = $1;
elsif (/^Succeeded:\s+\d+ \(unchanged=(\d+), changed=(\d+)\)/) {
( $unchanged, $changed ) = ( $1, $2 );
elsif (/^Warning:\s+(\d+)/) {
$warning = $1;
elsif (/^Failed:\s+(\d+)/) {
$failed = $1;
$csv->say(select(), [ $instance, $unchanged, $changed, $warning, $failed ]);
Provide input via STDIN, or provide path to file(s) from which to read as arguments.
Terse version:
perl -MText::CSV_XS -ne'
$csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({ auto_diag => 2, binary => 1 });
$csv->say(select(), [qw( instance unchanged change warning failed )]);
/^Summary for (\S+)/ and #row=$1;
/^Succeeded:\s+\d+ \(unchanged=(\d+), changed=(\d+)\)/ and #row[1,2]=($1,$2);
/^Warning:\s+(\d+)/ and $row[3]=$1;
/^Failed:\s+(\d+)/ and ($row[4]=$1), $csv->say(select(), \#row);
Improving answer from #vintnes.
Producing output as tab separated CSV
Write awk script that reads values from lines by their order.
Print each record as it is read.
BEGIN {print("computer","succeeded","unchanged","changed","failed","states run","run time");}
FNR%8 == 1 {arr[1] = $3}
FNR%8 == 3 {arr[2] = $2; arr[3] = extractNum($3); arr[4] = extractNum($4)}
FNR%8 == 4 {arr[5] = $2;}
FNR%8 == 6 {arr[6] = $4;}
FNR%8 == 7 {arr[7] = $4; print arr[1],arr[2],arr[3],arr[4],arr[5],arr[6],arr[7];}
function extractNum(str){match(str,/[[:digit:]]+/,m);return m[0];}
run script
Tab separated CSV output
awk -v OFS="\t" -f script.awk input-1.txt input-2.txt ...
Comma separated CSV output
awk -v OFS="," -f script.awk input-1.txt input-2.txt ...
computer succeeded unchanged changed failed states run run time
app1.domain.com 278 12 6 0 278 7.383
app2.domain.com 278 12 6 0 278 7.448
app0.domain.com 293 13 6 0 293 7.510
computer,succeeded,unchanged,changed,failed,states run,run time
BEGIN {print("computer","succeeded","unchanged","changed","failed","states run","run time");}
Print the heading CSV line
FNR%8 == 1 {arr[1] = $3}
Extract the arr[1] value from 3rd field in (first line from 8 lines)
FNR%8 == 3 {arr[2] = $2; arr[3] = extractNum($3); arr[4] = extractNum($4)}
Extract the arr[2,3,4] values from 2nd,3rd,4th fields in (third line from 8 lines)
FNR%8 == 4 {arr[5] = $2;}
Extract the arr[5] value from 2nd field in (4th line from 8 lines)
FNR%8 == 6 {arr[6] = $4;}
Extract the arr[6] value from 4th field in (6th line from 8 lines)
FNR%8 == 7 {arr[7] = $4;
Extract the arr[7] value from 4th field in (7th line from 8 lines)
print arr[1],arr[2],arr[3],arr[4],arr[5],arr[6],arr[7];}
print the array elements for the extracted variable at the completion of reading 7th line from 8 lines.
function extractNum(str){match(str,/[[:digit:]]+/,m);return m[0];}
Utility function to extract numbers from text field.
I have to add the numbers returned by REGEX using awk in linux.
Basically from this file:
I have to add the numbers 123 and 456 using awk.
So the result would be 579
So far I have done the following:
awk -F ':' '$1 ~ VAR+="/[0-9].*(?=:)/" ; {print VAR}' /etc/passwd
awk -F ':' 'VAR+="/[0-9].*(?=:)/" ; {print VAR}' /etc/passwd
awk -F ':' 'match($1, VAR=/[0-9].*?:/) ; {print VAR}' /etc/passwd
And from what I've seen match doesn't support this at all.
Does someone has any idea?
it also should work for
john123 result - > 123
123john result - > 123
$ awk -F':' '{split($1,t,/[^0-9]+/); print t[1] + t[2]}' file
With your updated requirements:
$ cat file
$ awk -F':' '{split($1,t,/[^0-9]+/); print t[1] + t[2]}' file
With gawk and for the given example
awk -F ':' '{a=gensub(/[a-zA-Z]+/,"+", "g", $1); print a}' inputFile | bc
would do the job.
More general:
awk -F ':' '{a=gensub(/[a-zA-Z]+/,"+", "g", $1); a=gensub(/^+/,"","g",a); a=gensub(/+$/,"","g",a); print a}' inputFile | bc
The regex-part replaces all sequences of letters with '+' (e.g., '12johnny34' becomes 12+34). Finally, this mathematical operation is evaluated by bc.
(The be safe, I remove leading and trailing '+' sings by ^+ and +$)
You may use
awk -F ':' '{n=split($1, a, /[^0-9]+/); b=0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { b += a[i]; }; print b; }' /etc/passwd
See online awk demo
awk -F ':' '{n=split($1, a, /[^0-9]+/); b=0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { b += a[i]; }; print b; }' <<< "$s"
-F ':' - records are split into fields with : char
n=split($1, a, /[^0-9]+/) - gets Field 1 and splits into digit only chunks saving the numbers in a array and the n var contains the number of these chunks
b=0 - b will hold the sum
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { b += a[i]; } - iterate over a array and sum the values
print b - prints the result.
I used awk's split() to separate the first field on any string not containing numbers.
split(string, target_array, [regex], [separator_array]*)
*separator_array requires gawk
$ awk -F: '{split($1, A, /[^0-9]+/, S); print S[1], A[1]+A[2]}' <<EOF
john 579
john 123
You can use [^0-9]+ as a field separator, and :[^\n]*\n as a record separator instead:
awk -F '[^0-9]+' 'BEGIN{RS=":[^\n]*\n"}{print $1+$2}' /etc/passwd
so that given the content of /etc/passwd being:
This outputs:
You can try Perl also
$ cat johnny.txt
$ perl -F: -lane ' $_=$F[0]; $sum+= $1 while(/(\d+)/g); print $sum; $sum=0 ' johnny.txt
Here is another awk variant that adds all the numbers present in first field separated by ::
cat file
awk -F '[^0-9:]+' '{s=0; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {s+=$i; if ($i~/:$/) break} print s}' file
I have the next lines in files:
UserParameter=cassandra.status[*], curl -s "http://$1:$2/server-status?auto" | grep -e $3 | awk '{ print $$2 }'
UserParameter=ping.status[*],curl -s --retry 3 --max-time 3 'http://localhost:1111/engines?$1' | awk '/last_seen = / {split($$1, a, "/"); print a[2]}; END { if (!NR) print "NO_MATCHING_ENGINES" }' | tr "\n" "
and so on.
I want to display that line where comma after [*] is missed or there are any extra characters besides comma.
For example:
UserParameter=ping.status[*],,,curl -s --retry 3 --max-time 3 'http://localhost:1111/engines?$1' | awk '/last_seen = / {split($$1, a, "/"); print a[2]}; END { if (!NR) print "NO_MATCHING_ENGINES" }' | tr "\n" "
UserParameter=ping.status[*] curl -s --retry 3 --max-time 3 'http://localhost:1111/engines?$1' | awk '/last_seen = / {split($$1, a, "/"); print a[2]}; END { if (!NR) print "NO_MATCHING_ENGINES" }' | tr "\n" "
UserParameter=ping.status[*],;!curl -s --retry 3 --max-time 3 'http://localhost:1111/engines?$1' | awk '/last_seen = / {split($$1, a, "/"); print a[2]}; END { if (!NR) print "NO_MATCHING_ENGINES" }' | tr "\n" "
will be printed as long as there are extra characters and spaces besides single comma.
UserParameter=ping.status[*],curl -s --retry 3 --max-time 3 'http://localhost:1111/engines?$1' | awk '/last_seen = / {split($$1, a, "/"); print a[2]}; END { if (!NR) print "NO_MATCHING_ENGINES" }' | tr "\n" "
will not be printed as long as there is single comma after [*].
I was trying to develop a pattern for egrep, but it doesn't fit for all cases where for example besides comma any other character which follows after [*]:
egrep (\[\*\].(|;|:|,|\.|))
I'll appreciate any help! Thank you!
grep -vE '\[\*\],[$/[:alpha:] ]' input
Do not print lines that match the pattern: [*], followed by any of: $, /, alphabetic character, or a space.
I have the following code:
arrvar=( $(cat input.txt | grep -Poh '^[A-Z0-9_]+=.+') )
let arrlen--
while : ; do
echo "item $i..: ${arrvar[i]}"
let i++
if [ $i -gt $arrlen ]; then
Whit this content in input.txt:
HELLO=123 456
STACK=456 756
OVERFLOW=756 789
The result is the following:
item 0..: HELLO=123
item 1..: 456
item 2..: STACK=456
item 3..: 756
item 4..: OVERFLOW=756
item 5..: 789
Why it doesn't matches nothing before the space if the expression .+ match all the characters?
I'm looking for this output:
item 0..: HELLO=123 456
item 1..: STACK=456 756
item 2..: OVERFLOW=756 789
Could you give me a delailed explanation, please? I'm quite interested.
Set the IFS to newline by doing IFS=$'\n'. This will separate the fields on newlines instead of space which is the default value of IFS.
So re-using your existing script:
arrvar=( $(cat input.txt | grep -Poh '^[A-Z0-9_]+=.+') )
let arrlen--
while : ; do
echo "item $i..: ${arrvar[i]}"
let i++
if [ $i -gt $arrlen ]; then