c++ winsock2 bad pointers breakpoint triggered - c++

I have a server and a client. I am using winsock2. The client sends 4 bytes:
char *ack = new char[4];
sprintf( ack, "%d", counter );
sendto( clientSocket, ack, 4, 0, ( struct sockaddr* )&remote, sizeof( remote ) );
and the server receives these 4 bytes:
char* acks = new char[4];
if( ( bytes = recvfrom( serverSocket, acks, 4, 0, ( struct sockaddr* )&remote, &remote_size ) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
cout << "socket error = " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
if( bytes > 0 ) {
sscanf( acks, "%d", &i );
I am getting this error and I can't figure out how to fix it:
>Critical error detected c0000374
>server.exe has triggered a breakpoint.
I know there is a problem with the pointer and the memory allocation. But my c++ skills are basic.

String formatting overflow
The most pressing issue is that you are using sprintf and sscanf. Avoid using sprintf and sscanf - they make it far too easy to accidentally create the type of bug you're seeing here, which is buffer overflow (on both your client and your server).
Consider what happens on your client when your 'counter' value is 1729. Your code will run
sprintf(ack, "%d", 1729);
The C-style-string representation of 1729 is five bytes long - one byte each for the char values '1', '7', '2', '9', and '\0'. But your ack buffer is only 4 bytes long! Now you've written that last zero byte into some chunk of memory you never allocated. In C/C++, this is undefined behavior, which means your program might crash, or it might not, and if it doesn't crash, it might end up subtly wrong later, or it might work perfectly well, or it might work most of the time except it breaks on Tuesdays.
It's not a good place to be.
You might be wondering, "if this is so awful, why didn't the sprintf just return an error or something I called it with a buffer that was too small?" The answer1 is that sprintf can't make that check because it doesn't give you any way to tell it how big ack actually is. When your code here is calling sprintf, you know that ack is 4 bytes long (since you just created it), but all sprintf sees is a pointer to some memory, somewhere - you haven't told it a length, so it just has to blindly hope the chunk of memory you give it is big enough.
Blindly hoping is a pretty bad way to write software.
There's a few alternatives you could consider here.
If you are actually just trying to send an int across the wire, there's not really any need to stringify the int at all - just send it in its native format by passing reinterpret_cast<char*>(&counter) as your buffer to sendto2 with sizeof(counter) as the corresponding buffer length. Use a similar construction in recvfrom on the other end. Note that this will break if your sender and your receiver have different underlying representations of ints (for example, if they use different endiannesses), but since you're talking about Winsock here I'm assuming you're assuming both ends are reasonably recent versions of Windows where that won't be a problem.
If you really do need to stringify the content first, use size-cognizant string conversion functions, like boost::format (which is implicitly size-cognizant because it deals in std::string instead of raw char* buffers) or _snprintf_s/_snscanf_s (which explicitly take in buffer length parameters, but are Microsoft-specific).
Recvfrom access violation
The overflow in sscanf/sprintf doesn't necessarily explain this, however:
I just want to add that the error occurs in the sscanf line. If I comment that line the error occurrs in the recvfrom line.
One possible explanation for this could be not providing adequate space for the remote address, though so long as your remote_size is a correct reflection of your remote, I'd expect this to cause recvfrom to return an error3, not crash. Another possibility is passing bad memory/handles (for example, if you've set up the new operator to not throw on failure, or if your socket initialization failed and you didn't bail out). It's impossible to say exactly without seeing the code initializing all the variables in play, and ideally the actual error you get in that scenario.
1 Even though sprintf can't catch this, static analysis tools (like those included in Visual Studio 2012/2013) are very capable of catching this particular bug. If you run the posted code through the default Visual Studio 2012 Code Analyzer, it will complain with:
error C4996: 'sprintf': This function or variable may be unsafe
2 Some people prefer static_cast<char*>(static_cast<void*>(&counter)) to reinterpret_cast<char*>(&counter). Both work, it's essentially a coding convention choice.
3 For example, if you were initializing remote as a SOCKADDR_IN instead of a SOCKADDR_STORAGE, you might encounter such an error if you happened to receive from an IPv6 address. This answer goes through some of the relevant gory details.


String error-checking

I am using a lot of string functions like strncpy, strncat, sprintf etc. in my code. I know there are better alternatives to these, but I was handed over an old project, where these functions were used, so I have to stick with them for compatibility and consistency. My supervisor is very fussy about error checking and robustness, and insists that I check for buffer-overflow violations everytime I use these functions. This has created a lot of if-else statements in my code, which do not look pretty. My question is, is it really necessary to check for overflow everytime I call one of these functions? Even if I know that a buffer overflow can't possibly occur e.g. when storing an integer in a string using the sprintf function
I know that the maximum length of an unsigned integer on a 64-bit system can be 20 digits. buf on the other hand is well over 20 characters long. Should I still check for buffer overflow in this case?
I think the way to go is using exceptions. Exceptions are very useful when you must decouple the normal control-flow of a program and error-checking.
What you can do is create a wrapper for every string function in which you perform the error checking and throw an exception if a buffer overflow would occur.
Then, in your client code, you can simply call your wrappers inside a try block, and then check for exceptions and return error codes inside the catch block.
Sample code (not tested):
int sprintf_wrapper( char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format, ... )
if( /* check for buffer overflow */ )
throw my_buffer_exception;
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start( arg_ptr, format );
int ret = sprintf( buffer, , format, arg_ptr );
return ret;
Error foo()
sprintf_wrapper(buf1, 100, "%d", i1);
sprintf_wrapper(buf2, 100, "%d", i2);
sprintf_wrapper(buf3, 100, "%d", i3);
catch( my_buffer_exception& )
return err_code;
Maybe write a test case that you can invoke to simply test the buffer to reduce code duplication and ugliness.
You could abstract the if/else statements into a method of another class, and then pass in the buffer and length expected.
By nature, these buffers are VERY susceptible to overwrites, so be careful ANYTIME you take input in from a user/outside source. You could also try getting a string length (using strlen), or checking for the /0 end string character yourself, and comparing that to the buffer size. If you loop for the /0 character,and it's not there, you will get into an infinite loop if you don't constrain the max size of your loop by the expected buffer size, so check for this too.
Another option, is to refactor code, such that every time those methods are used, you replace them with a length safe version you write, where it calls a method with those checks already in place (but have to pass the buffer size to it). This may not be possible for some projects, as the complexity may be very hard to unit test.
Let me address your last paragraph first: You write code once, in contrast to how long it will be maintained and used. Guess how long you think your code will be in use, and then multiply that by 10-20 to figure out how long it will actually be in use. At the end of that window it's completely likely that an integer could be much bigger and overflow you buffer, so yes you must do buffer checking.
Given that you have a few options:
Use the "n" series of functions like snprintf to prevent buffer overflows and tell your users that it's undefined what will happen if the buffers overflow.
Consider it fatal and either abort() or throw an uncaught exception when a length violation occurs.
Try to notify the user there's a problem and either abort the operation or attempt to let the user modify input and retry.
The first two approaches are definitely going to be easier to implement and maintain because you don't have to worry about getting the right information back to the user in a reasonable way. In any of the cases you could most likely factored into a function as suggested in other answers.
Finally let me say since you've tagged this question C++ and not C, think long and hard about slowly migrating your code base to C++ (because your code base is C right now) and utilize the C++ facilities which then totally remove the need for these buffer checks, as it will happen automatically for you.
You can use gcc "-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" for buffer overflow detection.

C++ char pointer size exceeds after malloc

I have a char pointer & have used malloc like
char *message;
message=(char *)malloc(4000*sizeof(char));
later I'm receiving data from socket in message what happens if data exceeds 4000 bytes ?
I'll assume you are asking what will happen if you do something like this:
and the amount of data read is greater than 4000.
This will be undefined behavior, so you need to make sure that it can't happen. Whenever you read from a socket, you should be able to specify the maximum number of characters to read.
Your question leaves out many details about the network protocol, see the answer by #DavidSchwartz.
But focussing on the buffer in which you store it: if you try to write more than 4K chars into the memory allocated by message, your program could crash.
If you test for the size of the message being received, you could do realloc:
int buf_len = 4000;
char *message;
message = static_cast<char*>(malloc(buf_len));
/* read message, and after you have read 4000 chars, do */
buf_len *= 2;
message = static_cast<char*>(realloc(message, buf_len));
/* rinse and repeat if buffer is still too small */
free(message); // don't forget to clean-up
But this is very labor-intensive. Just use a std::string
int buf_len = 4000;
std::string message;
message.reserve(buf_len); // allocate 4K to save on repeated allocations
/* read message, std::string will automatically expand, no worries! */
// destructor will automatically clean-up!
It depends on a few factors. Assuming there's no bug in your code, it will depend on the protocol you're using.
If TCP, you will never get more bytes than you asked for. You'll get more of the data the next time you call the receive function.
If UDP, you may get truncation, you may get an error (like MSG_TRUNC). This depends on the specifics of your platform and how you're invoking a receive function. I know of no platform that will save part of a datagram for your next invocation of a receive function.
Of course, if there's a bug in your code and you actually overflow the buffer, very bad things can happen. So make sure you pass only sane values to whatever receive function you're using.
For the best result,you get a segmentation fault error
What is a segmentation fault?
dangers of heap overflows?

C++ winsock send arrays

I'm trying to send arrays trough the net with winsock2. Now, i read microsoft disabled sending raw pointers, but you can still send un-edited binary data by casting the pointer to char*:
send(rsock, (char*)&counter, len, 0);
However, the problem is putting the data back in an array when it reaches the client. here, pass is the binary data. That's how I do fot integers, bools and doubles.
recv(sock, pass, sizeof(int), 0);
refresh = (int((void*)&pass));
recv(sock, pass, sizeof(bool[4800][254]), 0);
**key = (bool)&pass;
recv(sock, pass, sizeof(double[4800][254]), 0);
**mil = (double)&pass;
Integers aren't arrays, while bool and doubles are stored in 2 dimensional arrays. Now, the compiler says this code works for int and bool but for doubles it says "'type cast' : cannot convert from 'char **' to 'double'"
"invalid type conversion" even though I'm trying to put raw data in it. Have I done something wrong? Is there any other workaround to send arrays? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: also, I still haven't tried the code with another PC, so I highly doubt the conversion for ints and bools is done right.
Microsoft didn't disable sending anything. The fact is that sending a pointer will simply be of no use to the remote peer. A pointer is simply a memory address, and it is useless to know the address if the information is not there.
The problem you are probably facing is that this array is too big to fit the send buffer, that by default can hold only 64KB.
Pay attention to the return values of send() and recv() to know how much data you actually read/sent in that transaction. It will not always be the same size you told the function to do, as it is often split in pieces smaller than 4KB. You will have to manage the transmission of this information in pieces to fill your entire array.
Have I done something wrong?
by default, send and recv don't guarantee to return only after all the buffer you've supplied is either sent or received; they may return as soon as they've enqueued a bit more data for sending, or after receipt of a bit more data that you might be able to process... the buffer size supplied is just an upper limit to your request, not a minimum. If you want to ensure recv doesn't return until the full buffer has been populated, add the MSG_WAITALL flag as a final parameter. For send you must loop sending further parts of your output buffer.
check you return codes... send and recv tell you of errors and have pretty little numbers that give you clues as to the cause and resolution
"the compiler says this code works" - no it doesn't... it says your code requests something it's prepared to compile, full of casts that it isn't meant to try to verify, most of which will crash at runtime
Then there's this:
recv(sock, pass, sizeof(int), 0);
refresh = (int((void*)&pass));
recv(sock, pass, sizeof(bool[4800][254]), 0);
**key = (bool)&pass;
recv(sock, pass, sizeof(double[4800][254]), 0);
**mil = (double)&pass;
I'm not even going to begin to say what's wrong with all that... let's just talk about what might work (might being discussed below):
template <typename T>
void get(int sock, T& t)
if (recv(sock, (char*)&t, sizeof t, MSG_WAITALL) != sizeof t)
throw std::runtime_error("error while reading data from socket");
int refresh;
bool key[4800][254];
double mil[4800][254];
If your sending and receiving systems, compilers, compiler flags, executables etc. differ in any way then this may not work anyway as:
up until C++03 compilers weren't required to use any particular type to store bool, so who knows if your sending and receiving side will match
big and little endian systems have different byte ordering which can break naive binary transfers like this
the size of int may vary
Ultimately, a more robust way to do this would be to use the boost serialisation library.

Strange call stack, could it be problem in asio's usage of openssl?

I have this strange call stack and I am stumped to understand why.
It seems to me that asio calls open ssl's read and then gets a negative return value (-37) .
Asio seems to then try to use it inside the memcpy function.
The function that causes this call stack is used hunderds of thousands of times without this error.
It happens only rarely, about once a week.
ulRead = (boost::asio::read(spCon->socket(), boost::asio::buffer(_requestHeader, _requestHeader.size()), boost::asio::transfer_at_least(_requestHeader.size()), error_));
Note that request header's size is exactly 3 bytes always.
Could anyone shed some light on possible reasons?
Note: I'm using boost asio 1.36
Here is the crashing call stack crash happens in memcpy because of the huge "count":
A quick look at evp_lib.c shows that it tries to pull a length from the cipher context, and in your case gets a Very Bad Value(tm). It then uses this value to copy a string (which does the memcpy). My guess is something is trashing your cipher, be it a thread safety problem, or a reading more bytes into a buffer than allowed.
Relevant source:
int EVP_CIPHER_set_asn1_iv(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *c, ASN1_TYPE *type)
int i=0,j;
if (type != NULL)
OPENSSL_assert(j <= sizeof c->iv);

memset() causing data abort

I'm getting some strange, intermittent, data aborts (< 5% of the time) in some of my code, when calling memset(). The problem is that is usually doesn't happen unless the code is running for a couple days, so it's hard to catch it in the act.
I'm using the following code:
char *msg = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*2048);
char *temp = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*1024);
memset(msg, 0, 2048);
memset(temp, 0, 1024);
char *tempstr = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*128);
sprintf(temp, "%s %s/%s %s%s", EZMPPOST, EZMPTAG, EZMPVER, TYPETXT, EOL);
strcat(msg, temp);
//Add Data
memset(tempstr, '\0', 128);
wcstombs(tempstr, gdevID, wcslen(gdevID));
sprintf(temp, "%s: %s%s", "DeviceID", tempstr, EOL);
strcat(msg, temp);
As you can see, I'm not trying to use memset with a size larger that what's originally allocated with malloc()
Anyone see what might be wrong with this?
malloc can return NULL if no memory is available. You're not checking for that.
There's a couple of things. You're using sprintf which is inherently unsafe; unless you're 100% positive that you're not going to exceed the size of the buffer, you should almost always prefer snprintf. The same applies to strcat; prefer the safer alternative strncat.
Obviously this may not fix anything, but it goes a long way in helping spot what might otherwise be very annoying to spot bugs.
malloc can return NULL if no memory is
available. You're not checking for
Right you are... I didn't think about that as I was monitoring the memory and it there was enough free. Is there any way for there to be available memory on the system but for malloc to fail?
Yes, if memory is fragmented. Also, when you say "monitoring memory," there may be something on the system which occasionally consumes a lot of memory and then releases it before you notice. If your call to malloc occurs then, there won't be any memory available. -- Joel
Either way...I will add that check :)
wcstombs doesn't get the size of the destination, so it can, in theory, buffer overflow.
And why are you using sprintf with what I assume are constants? Just use:
C and C++ combines string literal declarations into a single string.
Have you tried using Valgrind? That is usually the fastest and easiest way to debug these sorts of errors. If you are reading or writing outside the bounds of allocated memory, it will flag it for you.
You're using sprintf which is
inherently unsafe; unless you're 100%
positive that you're not going to
exceed the size of the buffer, you
should almost always prefer snprintf.
The same applies to strcat; prefer the
safer alternative strncat.
Yeah..... I mostly do .NET lately and old habits die hard. I likely pulled that code out of something else that was written before my time...
But I'll try not to use those in the future ;)
You know it might not even be your code... Are there any other programs running that could have a memory leak?
It could be your processor. Some CPUs can't address single bytes, and require you to work in words or chunk sizes, or have instructions that can only be used on word or chunk aligned data.
Usually the compiler is made aware of these and works around them, but sometimes you can malloc a region as bytes, and then try to address it as a structure or wider-than-a-byte field, and the compiler won't catch it, but the processor will throw a data exception later.
It wouldn't happen unless you're using an unusual CPU. ARM9 will do that, for example, but i686 won't. I see it's tagged windows mobile, so maybe you do have this CPU issue.
Instead of doing malloc followed by memset, you should be using calloc which will clear the newly allocated memory for you. Other than that, do what Joel said.
NB borrowed some comments from other answers and integrated into a whole. The code is all mine...
Check your error codes. E.g. malloc can return NULL if no memory is available. This could be causing your data abort.
sizeof(char) is 1 by definition
Use snprintf not sprintf to avoid buffer overruns
If EZMPPOST etc are constants, then you don't need a format string, you can just combined several string literals as STRING1 " " STRING2 " " STRING3 and strcat the whole lot.
You are using much more memory than you need to.
With one minor change, you don't need to call memset in the first place. Nothing
really requires zero initialisation here.
This code does the same thing, safely, runs faster, and uses less memory.
// sizeof(char) is 1 by definition. This memory does not require zero
// initialisation. If it did, I'd use calloc.
const int max_msg = 2048;
char *msg = (char*)malloc(max_msg);
// Allocaton failure
// Use snprintf instead of sprintf to avoid buffer overruns
// we write directly to msg, instead of using a temporary buffer and then calling
// strcat. This saves CPU time, saves the temporary buffer, and removes the need
// to zero initialise msg.
snprintf(msg, max_msg, "%s %s/%s %s%s", EZMPPOST, EZMPTAG, EZMPVER, TYPETXT, EOL);
//Add Data
size_t len = wcslen(gdevID);
// No need to zero init this
char* temp = (char*)malloc(len);
wcstombs(temp, gdevID, len);
// No need to use a temporary buffer - just append directly to the msg, protecting
// against buffer overruns.
snprintf(msg + strlen(msg),
max_msg - strlen(msg), "%s: %s%s", "DeviceID", temp, EOL);