Get All Google Calendars Shared Within A Domain - python-2.7

I'm working on a script that grabs all calendars shared within a domain. I'm an admin on that domain and can grab all users within that domain, but I need help getting calendars that each user owns.
It seems that any existing solution for this problem uses deprecated versions of the Google Calendar API. I've tried to modify the raw GET request:[username]/calendarList
That didn't work. I'm guessing it's because it's a raw request that has no information regarding the authentication.

As of now, this isn't an implemented feature:


What's next: after successful token created for django all-auth; how to sync google calendars?

Ok, I hope I don't get too beat up here for this question as it is kind of complex. At least in my view, with what I know so far. So the details first:
I built a nice app with django that brings in event data for users, utilizes that data for many things (not relevant to this question) but one of the things is that it syncs these events to the users Google calendar. I made the google app within the developer console, and it uses the provided credentials.json file to allow users to authenticate the app, thus creating individual user token.json files per user, then I have another script (not within django, just a custom python file) that runs from a cron job to automatically sync/ update the calendar info from the database to the google calendars.
Now, the new problem is having this work without my help. IE: a new user logs in and creates a profile, then if they should choose to sync to their Google calendars I have to be there, running the authentication process from my personal server. So I did that, by moving the whole app to a hosted platform and brought it up to speed in production mode.
Users can create a profile, using django-allauth it works to make an initial user account where they can fill in the rest of the profile. It does populate the token string for their account, but here is where I'm stuck.
What process is there to make the token.json file OR use the existing token string (the one it saves now on the server version) to allow the system to sync the calendars? Once the token files are created, the rest of this works. I just can't get the right answers to how django-allauth will handshake with Google and do this?
Thanks for any help!
Update: ultimately wound up using a service account with google api, and directing my users to combine the service account email (adding it as a shared user to the specific calendar) and they copy/paste the shared calendar ID in their profile on my app. All the logic now just uses this share function to sync the calendars, and it works great.

Access public data of other users using Instagram/Facebook API

I would like to access other users public data to show in my website when they configure the page by their username/id.
It means I will create an app on FB/Instagram side and with the help of this app's access token I would like to fetch public data of other user.
Is this scenario valid now? Earlier it was possible but I am not sure now with changes in policies. Even the documents are not clear enough which can say it's possible or not?
Has anyone tried this out recently?
Users: Only data of users who specifically authorized your App is available, depending on the authorized permissions. It does not matter if data of user profiles is public or not, you have to get permission from each user separately.
Pages: If you want to get data of pages you don´t own, you have to go through a review process with your App to get access to "Page Public Content":
That´s for Facebook, about Instagram you can just hit the docs (as well):
My number one recommendation, in this case, is Facebook API or Instagram API from Data365. I may be considered biased since it is the tool I work for, but it is really a reliable tool you can get public profile data by users ID or username.
Of course, you can use the official Facebook/Instagram APIs for searching all public objects (post, user, page, event, group, place, check-in). But note, the official API has a number of restrictions. Andyrandy has already described them in his answer. Compared with official APIs, we do not have such restrictions.
Besides, our APIs provide such unique features as gender and age recognition (via face photos) along with identification of post reactions that give a competitive advantage in obtained analytics. Data365 APIs also enable developers to create monitoring tasks for a one-time or auto data update. And above all, we do not break the law but only provide web scraping within the legal framework.

Admin SDK Customer Report API - how to specify a customer domain (as a reseller)

I read that the Admin SDK works for Google Apps resellers, but I'm having one specific problem.
I want to use the following request to get the number of user licenses in use on one of my customer's domains.
But there's no way that I can find to specify the customer's domain name that I want to get the usage report for. Tried a few different ways.
There must be a way that is hiding from me because this was possible with the old deprecated API.
Using the Reports API for this is not advisable because it can be delayed by 48+ hours. It's also not possible for reseller users to run reports for customers at this time. Rather, you should use the Google Apps Reseller API to list subscription counts that should be fully up to date.
Looks like this API here will do the trick:

Displaying Own Data Using OAuth2 and Google APIs with No Login

I am trying to build an application with ColdFusion.
I've been reading documentation and trying things out for days and for the life of my I can't seem to figure out how to display my own data to users from Google's APIs using OAuth2.
For example, I want to be able to display some of my stats to users with the Google Analytics API. How many unique hits, page views my site gets and from what countries. The data is private, however, so there isn't a way to do so. Or YouTube just changed their API so video tags can no longer be seen unless logged in. I want to be able to show my video tags so they can search for related things on my own site, but I can't pull them because I'm unsure of how to do this.
I know how to display and manipulate public data, but when it comes to private data, I'm at a complete loss. OAuth2 is kicking my butt!
Is there anybody that can please, please help me with OAuth2 so that I can allow my users to see my private Google data without there being any kind of log in process for them? Examples using ColdFusion would be so much appreciated.
The answer is more or less what I said at How to retrieve my own private playlist through YouTube API?
You'd want to use the OAuth 2 for Installed Applications flow, and generate new access tokens via your refresh token when your old access token expires. I'm not familiar with any libraries for doing OAuth 2 in Cold Fusion, though.

Google account authorization for users accessing google docs

I am pulling list of docs in coldfusion via google docs API. I want users to click on the link and get signed in automatically in google docs, with my username and password. Google should not ask user name and password from them.
I tried out this example
Till now I am able to pull up list of documents I have on my google docs account.
But I want anyone to click those link and get automatically signed in as me. And able to access my documents. Is it possible?
I would guess that accessing the documents as you is not possible via the end-user's browser. Google will set a cookie on your computer identifying your session. This allows you access to documents, mail, etc. whatever is linked in your account. For them to be able to access the documents using your account, they would have to be logged in as you. You can't do that directly from your application, because you can only write cookies for your domain (oversimplification, but basically....)
There may, however, be a workaround.
One option would be to use the API to automatically share the document with the user. That is, they provide their Google ID (not password) and you share with their account. This is probably what I would try.
Alternately, you could proxy requests for documents, although this opens up a whole 'nother can of worms.