Run cursor through vector while checking its bounds - c++

I have a cursor that has its "position" determined by another part of the code. My intention is to have this cursor check through the next and previous object of a vector and check for a condition. If it's valid, the cursor takes this object's position.
Here's some sample code of my idea:
class A
bool valid;
A(bool v) {valid=b;}
bool IsValid() {return valid;}
void CheckNearbyValidity()
/*if the object to the right is valid, update position to this object*/
/*do stuff*/
cursor = (cursor-1);
/*if the object to the right isnt valid, try the same thing to the left*/
else if(
/*do stuff*/
cursor = (cursor+1);
/*leave if none are valid*/
The problem I encounter here is that if the cursor is at the start or end of the vector, checking the if conditions will cause it to throw an out of range exception.
My solution was to check if the new cursor position was valid before querying the vector:
void CheckNearbyValidity()
/*if the object to the right is valid, update position to this object*/
if(cursor-1 >= 0)
/*do stuff*/
cursor = (cursor-1);
/*new position makes the next condition always true and returns cursor to the same position*/
if(cursor-1 < exampleVector.size())
/*do stuff*/
cursor = (cursor+1);
/*leave if none are valid*/
The new problem was that since I could no longe use "else", both conditions would be valid and the cursor would remain where it started.
My workaround to this problem was to surround the function in a while loop, and break when necessary:
void CheckNearbyValidity()
if(cursor-1 >= 0)
/*do stuff*/
position = (cursor-1);
if(cursor-1 >= 0)
/*do stuff*/
position = (cursor+1);
My question is, is the "single" while loop approach a bad idea? Is there a better way to manipulate this cursor?

You should harness the power of &&:
if (cursor-1 >= 0 &&
/*do stuff*/
position = (cursor-1);
else if (cursor+1 < exampleVector.size() &&
/*do stuff*/
position = (cursor+1);
This allows you to connect the two statements together as an if-else as you had originally, only with the additional validation step checking cursor against the vector bounds.
The && performs short-circuit evaluation. If cursor-1 >= 0 evaluates to false, then the code skips evaluating and jumps immediately to evaluating the else clause.
Likewise, in the else if clause, if cursor+1 < exampleVector.size() evaluates to false, the && short-circuits and the code skips evaluating, again making it safe.


list.remove_if() crashing the program

I'm working on a game and I'm trying to add collectables. I'm trying to remove the object from the list after the player has collided with it, but it ends up crashing and says:
Unhandled exception thrown: read access violation.
__that was 0xDDDDDDE9.
It says this on the for loop statement, but I think it has to do with the remove_if() function.
Here is my code:
for (sf::RectangleShape rect : world1.level1.brainFrag) {
collides = milo.sprite.getGlobalBounds().intersects(rect.getGlobalBounds());
if (collides == true) {
world1.level1.brainFrag.remove_if([rect](const sf::RectangleShape val) {
if (rect.getPosition() == val.getPosition()) {
return true;
else {
return false ;
brainFrag -= 1;
collides = false;
if (brainFrag == 0) {
milo.x = oldPos.x;
milo.y = oldPos.y;
brainFrag = -1;
I don't understand your approach, you loop the rects, then when you find the one you want to remove, you search for it again through list<T>::remove_if.
I think that you forgot about the fact that you can use iterators in addition to a range-based loop:
for (auto it = brainFrag.begin(); it != brainFrag.end(); /* do nothing */)
bool collides = ...;
if (collides)
it = world1.level1.brainFrag.erase(it);
This allows you to remove the elements while iterating the collection because erase will take care of returning a valid iterator to the element next to the one you removed.
Or even better you could move everything up directly:
brainFrag.remove_if([&milo] (const auto& rect) {
return milo.sprite.getGlobalBounds().intersects(rect.getGlobalBounds())
A side note: there's no need to use an if statement to return a boolean condition, so you don't need
if (a.getPosition() == b.getPosition()
return true;
return false;
You can simply
return a.getPosition() == b.getPosition();

return does not stop function, Recursive function issue? (programming exercise, Dynamic Programming, Levenshtein Back-trace)

the printOptimalAlignment function is misbehaving. goto and return will not exit when the function reaches location (1,1)... where it should end, no crash and it stops at seemingly an arbitrary location of (6,6)... because for some reason it increments at the end of the function even though there is no increment-er for the values int yL, int xL, (but I don't follow why it calls itself if it gets to the end of the function without any "hits" on the if statements.
Full code:
void printOptimalAlignment(int** arr, string y, string x,int yL, int xL){
int I_weight=1, D_weight=1, R_weight=1;
bool printinfo_allot = 1,printinfo = 1;
cout<<"Location: "<<"("<<xL<<","<<yL<<")"<<"-------------------------------\n";
cout<<"Same check Letters: "<<x[xL-2]<<","
<<y[yL-2]<<"("<<(x[xL-2] == y[yL-2])<<")"<<"\n";
cout<<"LL: "<<"("<<xL-1<<","<<yL<<")"
<<":"<<(((arr[yL][xL-1]+I_weight) == arr[yL][xL])==1)
<<":"<<(yL>=1 && xL>=1)<<"\n";
cout<<"xL state:"<<((&x[xL]))<<":"<<(x[xL-1])<<"\n";
cout<<"yL state:"<<((&y[yL]))<<":"<<(y[yL-1])<<"\n";
string tx = &x[xL];
string tx = &x[xL]; // slopy hotfix
cout<<"return functionality not working?-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
cout<<"-> Prep last, current distance = "<<arr[yL][xL] <<"\n";
//cant use this goto... but where does it go?
//goto because_Im_a_terrible_person;
throw "how?... breaking rules... make it stop";
if(yL>=1 && xL>=1 && (x[xL-2] == y[yL-2]) == 1){
cout<<"-> Same (same char), current distance = "<<arr[yL][xL] <<"\n";
if(yL>=1 && xL>=1 && (arr[yL-1][xL-1] == arr[yL][xL])){
cout<<"-> Swap (same int), current distance = "<<arr[yL][xL] <<"\n";
if(arr[yL-1][xL-1]==0)cout<<"---this is last---\n";
if(yL>0 && xL>0 && (arr[yL-1][xL]+D_weight == arr[yL][xL])){
cout<<"-> Delete, current distance = "<<arr[yL][xL]<<"\n";
//really weird ((yL>1 && xL>1) && (((arr[yL][xL-1]+I_weight) == arr[yL][xL])==1))
//not true if it is?
bool seperate = (((arr[yL][xL-1]+I_weight) == arr[yL][xL])==1);
if(yL>=1 && xL>=1){
if((((arr[yL][xL-1]+I_weight) == arr[yL][xL])==1) && (true)){
cout<<"-> Insert, current distance = "<<arr[yL][xL]<<"\n";
cout<<"Next Location1: "<<"("<<xL-1<<","<<yL<<")"<<"\n";
//how does it get here... also return gets ignored... prob another stack issue
cout<<"insert function broke?????? # (1,1) ???????????????\n";
cout<<"END... Hopefully.. if you see this Something went wrong\n";
I suspect your problem is that your function calls itself and you don't appear to be taking into account what should happen next after that call to itself finishes. So you get to your finish condition where you say the return doesn't work, but it does... it just returns to where you left off in the previous call to printOptimalAlignment, which still might do something before returning to its caller, and so on. You have three different sites where you recursively call printOptimalAlignment that aren't immediately followed by a return statement, and at any of these it might be that the code will continue and trigger another of your conditional blocks.

Pawn movement error

I had recently started working on a chess engine in c++ for an university project but i have a problem in my pawn movement function. I know that the pawn is supposed to move one square forward or attack one square in diagonal. Well my function allows the pawn to attack blank spaces and i do not know why. My board is divided in 2 pieces: one that remembers which player a piece belongs to and one that has the name of the piece (like q,Q,p,P... and blank spaces). A hint would be more than welcome. (sorry for my poor English skills)
The code looks like this:
bool move_P(int move_start_i, int move_start_j, int move_finish_i, int move_finish_j, char table[][9])
switch (table[move_finish_i][move_finish_j])
case ' ':
if (move_start_i - 1 == move_finish_i) // move pawn
return true;
if (move_finish_i == move_start_i - 1 && move_finish_j == move_start_j - 1) // atack pawn ^<-
if (player[move_finish_i][move_finish_j] == player[move_start_i - 1][move_start_j - 1])
return false;
return true;
else if (move_finish_i == move_start_i - 1 && move_finish_j == move_start_j + 1) // atack pawn ->^
if (player[move_finish_i][move_finish_j] == player[move_start_i - 1][move_start_j + 1])
return false;
return true;
return false;
Your player check is wrong,
player[move_finish_i][move_finish_j] == player[move_start_i - 1][move_start_j - 1]
has to be
player[move_finish_i][move_finish_j] == player[move_start_i][move_start_j]
also you should use
return player[move_finish_i][move_finish_j] != player[move_start_i][move_start_j];
The main problem is the check for
move_start_i - 1 == move_finish_i
you have to add a check for the j position!
Insert a
statement at the end of the case ' ': block. Otherwise the default block is executed too if table[move_finish_i][move_finish_j]==' ', which explains why the pawn can move diagonally to blank squares.
Also, the curly brackets after the case and default are not needed. Think of case and default statements as jump labels, code is executed beginning at the first matching case until you leave the switch() {...} block with a break statement (regardless of further 'jump labels').

C++, Adding conditional statements in class vars

Sorry, but I have to repeat the same question as I asked before "C++, Adding conditions in class vars".
I am using SDL2 here.
In obj.h: (excluding preprocessor commands)
class obj {
SDL_Rect clip;
void addCollideWith( SDL_Rect rect );
void hasCollide();
void clearCollideWith();
std::list<bool *> collideWith;
In obj.cpp: (excluding preprocessor commands)
void obj::addCollideWith( SDL_Rect rect )
collideWith.push_back(SDL_HasIntersection(obj.clip, rect));
void obj::hasCollide()
bool retval = true;
for (std::list<bool *>::iterator it = collideWith.begin(); it != collideWith.end(); it++)
retval = retval && **it;
return retval;
void clearCollideWith()
Inside main function, I am saying that the object moves by one pixel and every time when it moves by one pixel, it checks for collision with other objects. I cleared the pointer thing '*' as I am not putting in variables as you can see: collideWith.push_back(SDL_HasIntersection(obj.clip, rect));. What I do is to make it move a pixel, clear collideWith and add collideWith condition again for updating whether it is true or false.
Now, whats the problem?
Its making the program really really slow! If I remove collideWith thing and then, starts the program, it gets a lot more smoother. Now, what I want, is to store the statement rather than true or false. std::list takes:
collideWith.pushBack(true /*OR*/ false);
But what I want is:
collideWith.pushBack(/*statement determining whether it is true or false*/ var1 > var2);
Please do complain if context is missing or the question is somehow, not understandable!
(NOTE: Context related to moving the object and declaring obj clip sub-vars is not mentioned as they are not a part of question.)
You could try to replace
std::list<bool *> collideWith;
std::list<SDL_Rect> collideWith;
in order to track of the rectangles that you want to considere.
The implementation could be :
void obj::addCollideWith( SDL_Rect rect )
// to test if it collides with at least one rectangle
bool obj::hasCollide()
bool retval = false;
for (std::list<SDL_Rect>::iterator it = collideWith.begin(); it != collideWith.end(); it++)
retval = retval || SDL_HasIntersection(obj.clip, *it);
return retval;
// to test if it collides with all rectangles
/* bool obj::hasCollide()
bool retval = true;
for (std::list<SDL_Rect>::iterator it = collideWith.begin(); it != collideWith.end(); it++)
retval = retval && SDL_HasIntersection(obj.clip, *it);
return retval;
} */

Cannot figure out Seg Fault, lots of detail provided

I asked this question about a half hour ago, but the code had typos and I wasn't being very clear, so I've deleted and I'm trying again with a better format.
I'm getting a Segmentation Fault in my code, the problem seems to be at the function call if( (*trans).test((*this), *(*itr)) ) inside World::update():
void World::update(sf::Time dt)
mPlayer->setVelocity(0.f, 0.f);
while (!mCommandQueue.isEmpty()){
Command cmd = mCommandQueue.pop();
cmd.action(cmd.node, dt);
//Enemy Spawn engine
if (mSpawnTimer.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= SPAWN_INTERVAL && mEnemies.size() < MAX_NUM_ENEMIES){
float winX = mWindow.getDefaultView().getSize().x;
float winY = mWindow.getDefaultView().getSize().y;
float x = rand() % (int)winX;
float y = rand() % (int)winY;
spawnEnemy(x, y, EnemyType::Loner, IState::ILWander);
// FSM update
IState::ID curEnemyStateID;
FState curEnemyState;
bool trigger = false;
ICondition triggeredtrans;
FState triggeredState;
for(auto itr = mEnemies.begin(); itr != mEnemies.end(); ++itr){
curEnemyStateID = (*itr)->getState();
// set curState to whatever the enemy's curState is
case 0:
curEnemyState = LWander;
auto tState = curEnemyState.getTransitionStates().begin();
for(auto trans = curEnemyState.getConditions().begin(); trans != curEnemyState.getConditions().end(); ++trans){
if( (*trans).test((*this), *(*itr)) ){
trigger = true;
triggeredState = (*tState);
curEnemyState = LRushPlayer;
curEnemyState.getAction()->doAction((*this), *(*itr));
trans is an iterator for a std::vector<ICondition> conditions where each ICondition has a test(World& world, Enemy& enemy). itr is an iterator through a std::vector<Enemy*> that is held by World.
The conditions vector is filled in this function:
void World::initializeStates()
Wander LWanderAction;
DistFromPlayer LWanderCond1(30);
LWander is a state (FState) in my Finite State Machine. Wander is a class that inherits IAction, and setAction accepts an IAction parameter: FState::setAction(IAction iact)
DistFromPlayer is a class that inherits ICondition.
FState::pushCondition(ICondition icond) and FState::pushTransitionState(Fstate state) should take their arguments and push them to Fstate's conditions and states vectors. (A transition's condition and matching target state should be at the same indices in both)
LWander and LRushPlayer are both members of World.
And that should cover everything. I don't know why I'm getting a SegFault, but I'm assuming that the problem is with how things are pushed into LWander in World::initializeStates(). I should also note that the SegFault occurs right after the first enemy is spawned in my game, which is also the same update frame that runs (*trans).test(*this, **itr) for the first time. All Enemys start in the LWander state.
ICondition's virtual bool test(World& world, Enemy& enemy); is defined as:
bool ICondition::test(World& world, Enemy& enemy){
return false;
//returns false by default, overwritten later
and DistFromPlayer's bool test(World& world, Enemy& enemy); is defined as:
bool DistFromPlayer::test(World& world, Enemy& enemy)
std::cout << "DistFromPlayer (LWander's Transition) was reached\n";
return false;
and only contains a print statement for debugging purposes.
GDB's backtrace
#0 World::update (this=0x6464408, dt=...) at C:\...\World.cpp:97
#1 0x0040416b in GameState::update (this=0x64643f0, dt=...) at C:\...\GameState.cpp:22
#2 0x00402435 in StateStack::update (this=0x28fde0, dt=...) at C:\...\StateStack.cpp:19
#3 0x00403782 in Game::update (this=0x28fbc0, elapsedTime=...) at C:\...\Game.cpp:58
#4 0x004036a2 in Game::run (this=0x28fbc0) at C:\...\Game.cpp:48
#5 0x0040888b in main () at C:\...\main.cpp:7
I am suspecting tState iterator. You only initialize it with begin() and increment it. I can't find any test against end() of the appropriate container. Or is it safe because of some relation between curEnemyState.getTransitionStates() and curEnemyState.getConditions() which I don't realize?