FILE_NOT_FOUND when trying to open COM port C++ - c++

I am trying to open a com port for reading and writing using C++ but I can't seem to pass the first stage of actually opening it. I get an INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on the handle
with GetLastError FILE_NOT_FOUND. I have searched around the web for a couple of days I'm fresh out of ideas. I have searched through all the questions regarding COM on this website too.
I have scanned through the existing ports (or so I believe) to get the name of the port right.
I also tried combinations of _T("COM1") with the slashes, without the slashes, with colon, without colon and without the _T
I'm using windows 7 on 64 bit machine.
this is the code i got
I'll be glad for any input on this
void SendToCom(char* data, int len)
DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
DWORD dwPorts = 0;
EnumPorts(NULL, 1, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded, &dwPorts);
//What will be the return value
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
BYTE* pPorts = static_cast<BYTE*>(malloc(cbNeeded));
bSuccess = EnumPorts(NULL, 1, pPorts, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded, &dwPorts);
if (bSuccess){
PORT_INFO_1* pPortInfo = reinterpret_cast<PORT_INFO_1*>(pPorts);
for (DWORD i=0; i<dwPorts; i++)
//If it looks like "COMX" then
size_t nLen = _tcslen(pPortInfo->pName);
if (nLen > 3)
if ((_tcsnicmp(pPortInfo->pName, _T("COM"), 3) == 0) ){
COM1 =pPortInfo->pName;
//COM1 ="\\\\.\\COM1";
HANDLE m_hCommPort = CreateFile( COM1 ,
GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, // access ( read and write)
0, // (share) 0:cannot share the COM port
NULL, // security (None)
OPEN_EXISTING, // creation : open_existing
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // we want overlapped operation
NULL // no templates file for COM port...
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
MessageBox(hWnd,"unkown error",NULL,MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE);

The Solution is to use
The Problem is, if your port is Bigger then 9 then you have to use the Syntax
LPCWSTR szPortName = L"\\\\.\\COM11";.

If you are on Windows 10 - running all system updates might help !
I had the same issue that opening port "COM4" returned an error ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. When running the program as "Administrator" it worked. Now after a updating to 1511 the program can open "COM4" even not running as "Administrator".
Use CreateFileA(...) instead of CreateFile(...)

ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND can be produced from CreateFile(L"\\\\.\\COM1", ...) and CreateFile(L"COM1:", ...) after using the Device Manager to change the assigned COM Port number. Disabling and re-enabling the device, or unplugging and reconnecting the USB adapter resolves the issue.
A useful test to confirm whether it is your program or the system is to send data to the port in command prompt. A successful test will show an empty line. A failed test will show an error message.
C:\drop>echo > \\.\COM1
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\drop>echo > \\.\COM1


Writing USB Disk Sectors Results in Permission Error 5

The code below is required by my app to write disk sectors of external USB drives. It works on most Win10 PCs, but it's returning error 5 for permission denied on a couple PCs. I have exclusions created for both Windows Defender and Malwarebytes. There's nothing in the event viewer related to the failure. The read function works without error.
I tried adding calls to FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME and FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME, but this doesn't help. Probably not needed anyway since I'm accessing the physical disk after it's been cleaned, and not any volumes.
Any idea what could cause this, or how to resolve?
Would be great to learn if there's any alternate methods of reading and writing disk sectors.
BOOL Partitioner::BlockWrite(wchar_t* devIdentifier, unsigned __int64 lngStartbyte, DWORD bytesToRead, BYTE* buf)
HANDLE devHan = CreateFile(devIdentifier, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
// Seek to the starting block to write
startByte.QuadPart = lngStartbyte;
SetFilePointer(devHan, startByte.LowPart, (long*)&startByte.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN);
// Write the data (this is where error 5 is returned)
DWORD bytesWritten = 0;
ret = WriteFile(devHan, buf, bytesToRead, &bytesWritten, NULL);
ret = GetLastError();
wchar_t msg[PATH_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
swprintf_s(msg, WCSIZE_FULL(msg), L"Error= %d, byte= %llu", ret, lngStartbyte);
return ret;
I found the answer where I wasn't expecting. I thought this had to be something related to how the file handles were being opened. Instead, turning off Real-time protection in the Virus threat protection settings for Windows 10 caused the error 5s to go away. To resolve without disabling real-time protection, you need to add an allowed app exclusion for each of the installed EXEs.
You can do this in code by scripting PowerShell:
string script = "powershell -Command \"Add-MpPreference -ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications '" + GetAppPath() + "\\AppServer.exe" + "'";
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = "cmd.exe", Arguments = "/c " + script, CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden }).WaitForExit();

How do I get the friendly name of a USB device in Windows?

I'm trying to get the "friendly name" of a plugged-in USB device. I'm using SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty method with SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME property but the method returns false and sets the error code to ERROR_INVALID_DATA, although everything works fine with other properties, such as SPDRP_DEVICEDESC or SPDRP_MFG.
I checked the registry and the Device Manager and the friendly name exists.
Does anyone have any idea?
UPDATE: What i tried so far:
GUID hidGuid;
AfxMessageBox(CString("SetupDiGetClassDevs(): ")
+ _com_error(GetLastError()).ErrorMessage(), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
SP_DEVINFO_DATA* pspDevInfoData =
(SP_DEVINFO_DATA*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA));
pspDevInfoData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
for (int i = 0; SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, i, pspDevInfoData); i++)
DWORD nSize = 0;
if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(hDevInfo, pspDevInfoData, buf, sizeof(buf), &nSize))
AfxMessageBox(CString("SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(): ")
+ _com_error(GetLastError()).ErrorMessage(), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevInfo, pspDevInfoData,
SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, &DataT, (PBYTE)buf, sizeof(buf), &nSize))
//display buf
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_DATA)
if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevInfo, pspDevInfoData, SPDRP_MFG, &DataT, (PBYTE)buf, sizeof(buf), &nSize))
//display buf
if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevInfo, pspDevInfoData,
SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, &DataT, (PBYTE)buf, sizeof(buf), &nSize))
// display buf
Something like this. As i said, i get the device description and the device manufacturer, but not the friendly name.
Not all devices have SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME attribute set. When that's the case, ERROR_INVALID_DATA is expected, it tells you just that.
When they don’t have it, device manager GUI uses another one for display name, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC
Maybe useful information:
In my case I had two network adapters, but the function succeeded only for the adapter that is shown as "... #2" in device manager when SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME is used.
I could also verify that the other adapter (without the "... #2") does not have a value "FriendlyName" in it's registry data.
This behaviour seems to depend on the O/S. In may case the funtion succeeded always when SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME is used Windows 10, but only worked for the device that was shown as "...#2" in device manager.
This issue mainly goes down to Windows 10 stopping unsigned drivers from installing, even when the 'driver' is just a .inf file that simply references a (presumably signed) windows DLL, but is there to change the "USB Serial Device" into something meaningful to humans, and recognisable by the application software. I've had to re-write 10 different projects because of this issue.
I now have to check for specific VID/PID, however it is not future proof.

Unable to use windows.h ReadFile correctly on COM port. WriteFile seems to work fine

I am trying to use the windows.h library to communicate through RS232 with a device (SCPI communication). I have looked at several tutorials and guides on how to set this up and think my code should work correctly. I am able to send data to the device using WriteFile. However, I am not able to receive any data using ReadFile (ReadFile generates no errors but the buffer size is 0). Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
void main ()
// CreateFile
HANDLE rs232 = CreateFileA ("\\\\.\\COM1", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
printf ("fail CreateFile: %d\n", GetLastError ()); system ("pause"); return;
// Get & Set CommState
DCB port_configuration;
int err = GetCommState (rs232, &port_configuration);
if (err <= 0)
printf ("fail GetCommState: %d\n", GetLastError ()); CloseHandle (rs232); system ("pause"); return;
port_configuration.BaudRate = 19200;
port_configuration.ByteSize = 8;
port_configuration.Parity = 0;
port_configuration.StopBits = 0;
port_configuration.DCBlength = sizeof (port_configuration);
err = SetCommState (rs232, &port_configuration);
if (err <= 0)
printf ("fail SetCommState\n"); CloseHandle (rs232); system ("pause"); return;
// SetCommTimeouts
COMMTIMEOUTS timeout_configuration;
timeout_configuration.ReadIntervalTimeout = 1;// MAXDWORD;
timeout_configuration.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1;// 0;
timeout_configuration.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;// 0;
timeout_configuration.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1;// 0;
timeout_configuration.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;// 0;
err = SetCommTimeouts (rs232, &timeout_configuration);
if (err <= 0)
printf ("fail SetCommTimeouts: %d\n", GetLastError ()); CloseHandle (rs232); system ("pause"); return;
// WriteFile
DWORD buffer_size_w;
char buffer_w[128] = "*IDN?\n";
err = WriteFile (rs232, buffer_w, strlen (buffer_w), &buffer_size_w, 0);
if (err <= 0)
printf ("fail WriteFile: %d\n", GetLastError ()); CloseHandle (rs232); system ("pause"); return;
printf ("written %d characters: %s\n", buffer_size_w, buffer_w);
// ReadFile
for (int x = 0; x < 10; ++x)
DWORD buffer_size_r;
char buffer_r[128] = {0};
err = ReadFile (rs232, buffer_r, 128, &buffer_size_r, 0);
if (err <= 0)
printf ("fail ReadFile: %d\n", GetLastError ()); Sleep (250); continue;
printf ("read %d characters: %s\n", buffer_size_r, buffer_r);
Sleep (250);
CloseHandle (rs232);
system ("pause");
Here is some more information about my setup:
I am using Windows 7 x64 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
The project is compiled as a Win32 Console
I use a FTDI Chipi-X USB to COM port converter cable
I have tried connecting with a Newport Motion Controller and a Thorlabs Piezo Controller
Here are the things I have tried so far:
Update the drivers of the Chipi-X VCOM
Change the COMMTIMEOUTS to various different values as seen in guides online
Using a HyperTerminal I am able to fully communicate back and forth with the device. If I use my own program to send commands that request something of the device, such as "*IDN?\n", my own ReadFile would thus return nothing. However, when I connect the HyperTerminal again I can press ENTER to receive the requested information.
Change the buffer sizes using SetupComm()
Change the ReadFile buffer size to 1 byte at a time
Implement the OVERLAPPED method as explained in this guide: It gave exactly the same problem as the non-overlapped code above: The windows functions would not generate errors but the read buffer would stay empty.
I tried communicating with a different device, this was interesting: Again I was able to fully communicate back and forth using the HyperTerminal. Whenever I used my own program to send, I would always receive the exact string I sent back using ReadFile. And again the actual requested information could be retrieved by reconnecting the HyperTerminal.
It seems to me there is some problem with buffers but I don't know what. I am also not sure if it is expectable that the HyperTerminal is able to pick up requested information that was requested several seconds earlier through a different COM port connection. Presumably the problem is related to my coding since the HyperTerminal works fine, but I cannot seem to find what is wrong with my code if I compare it with other code I find online.
Can someone help me out here?
I have created a new CLR/C++ test application using the following example: This again gives the exact same problem of not being able to receive requests.
I have tried a Roline USB to RS232 cable: HyperTerminal works and my programming does not. The underlying hardware or drivers are likely not the problem here.
I solved the issue:
I forgot to send the carriage return (\r) at the end of my commands. Apparently the devices I was testing with both were waiting for the combination \r\n before actually parsing the request.
Somehow by using the hyperterminal I would be able to append the \r\n to the current COM port output buffer and get results delayed like that.

Cannot open/initialize serial port in C++ using SerialCommHelper

We are using a usb-serial port converter to establish a serial port connection. We've tested it on a computer with no serial port and were able to initialize and send command through the converter to the device successfully. Once we release the .exe file to another PC with the same usb-serial converter, it fails to open com port.
The only thing we thought we need to change in the code is the port number, which we made sure were correct from device manager. COM6 on the working computer, and COM11 on the non-working one. We also tried to change COM11 to COM2 (an unused port number). The PC we try to make it work on does already have 3 real serial port (COM1, 3 and 4), but would they somehow be interfering this port?
We are using SerialCommHelper.cpp code to initialize the port.
HRESULT CSerialCommHelper:: Init(std::string szPortName, DWORD dwBaudRate,BYTE byParity,BYTE byStopBits,BYTE byByteSize)
m_hDataRx = CreateEvent(0,0,0,0);
//open the COM Port
//LPCWSTR _portName =LPCWSTR( szPortName.c_str());
wchar_t* wString=new wchar_t[4096];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szPortName.c_str(), -1, wString, 4096);
m_hCommPort = ::CreateFile(wString,
GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,//access ( read and write)
0, //(share) 0:cannot share the COM port
0, //security (None)
OPEN_EXISTING,// creation : open_existing
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,// we want overlapped operation
0// no templates file for COM port...
if ( m_hCommPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
TRACE ( "CSerialCommHelper : Failed to open COM Port Reason: %d",GetLastError());
ASSERT ( 0 );
std::cout << "This is where the error happens" << std::endl;
return E_FAIL;
And we call this using
if( m_serial.Init(comPort, 38400, 0, 1, 8) != S_OK )
which comPort is set correctly, but Init never returns S_OK.
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
The COM port name syntax changes for COM10 and higher. You need: "\\.\COM10"
as documented here...

Why WNetAddConnection2 still returns 1219 after successfully calling WNetCancelConnection2?

I wrote some code to connect with some share on a remote server. If WNetAddConnection2 returns ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT (1219), I will first cancel the connection by WNetCancelConnection2 (return NO_ERROR). And then reconnect. But WNetAddConnection2 still returns 1219.
Why this and how to fix it?
Here's my code
BOOL ADDirectorySearch::IPCConnect(CString strServerName, CString strDomainName, CString strUserName, CString strPassWord)
CString strServerNameWithSlash = _T("\\\\") + strServerName; //actually is \\klbnt
CString strFullUserName = strDomainName + _T("\\") + strUserName; //is domaintest\administrator
_bstr_t bstrServerNameWithSlash = strServerNameWithSlash;
_bstr_t bstrFullUserName = strFullUserName;
_bstr_t bstrPassWord = strPassWord;
DWORD dwResult;
memset(&netResource, 0, sizeof(netResource));
netResource.dwScope = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET;
netResource.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
netResource.lpProvider = L"";
netResource.lpRemoteName = bstrServerNameWithSlash;//Remote IP like:\\
dwResult = WNetAddConnection2W(&netResource, bstrPassWord, bstrFullUserName, CONNECT_INTERACTIVE);
dwResult = WNetCancelConnection2W(bstrServerNameWithSlash, CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE, TRUE);
if (dwResult == NO_ERROR)
dwResult = WNetAddConnection2W(&netResource, bstrPassWord, bstrFullUserName, CONNECT_INTERACTIVE);
//MyMessageBox_Error(_T("IPCConnect Error."), _T("Error"));
return FALSE;
if (dwResult == NO_ERROR)
return TRUE;
//MyMessageBox_Error(_T("IPCConnect Error."), _T("Error"));
return FALSE;
FYI: After typing "net use" in cmd, I got this, I feel there's something with error:
Status Local Remote Network
OK \\klbnt\NRDC1001 Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.
I was just having this problem now, and basically it seemed that it was due to another process still having file open, even though I specified "true" as the last parameter of WNetCancelConnection2() to force close the connection. Once I shut-down that other process, I was able to use successfully switch between credentials connecting and re-connecting to the same share. This is on Windows 2012 (64-bit), and the share was local (referenced by the machinename).'s still a problem if you want to connect to different shares on the same machine. If I try to connect to \\mymachine\share1 as user1 then to \\mymachine\share2 as user2, I get the 1219 error (even if it's in a completely different process). I have to explicitly call WNetCancelConnnection on \\mymachine\share1 before I can connect to share2, which means at the point you connect to a share on a particular machine, you may have to first enumerate existing connections and close each one.
Rather frustrating, and I can't understand the design principle here. It seems the flags to create temporary connections etc. have no effect on this behaviour either. Really what I want to be able to do is say "for this thread, connect to this share on this machine and as this user, such that all attempts to access files on the share are done with that user's credentials". That way what other processes/threads are doing can't cause issues with the current one.