adding dynamic arrays and removing trailing 0's - c++

I am trying to implement this function to add two dynamic a
rrays, however when I implement this into my main it completely crashes, I have no idea why...
I cannot understand why the program shuts down except the exit code on scite says exit code 255. But that is not helpful. Any idea what the problem may be?

For one:
for (int k=0; k<=max; k++)
This goes out of range. Instead allocate memory for [max+1] elements, since there shall be max+1 terms in the polynomial.
sum = new int[ max + 1 ];
Also, the j loop should start from max.
for (j=max; j>0 && sum[j]==0; --j);

You have a typo on this line:
for (j=max-1; j>0 && sum[j]==0; --j);
The next statement int *tmp=sum; does not get executed.
Also the for loop should probably be
for (j=max-1; j>=0 && sum[j]==0; --j)
^ //don't forget the last member

A couple of nice things about C++ is all the standard containers (like std::vector) and standard algorithms available. For example you could use vectors and backwards iterators and std::find_if_not to find the last non-zero value.
// Create a vector of a specific size, and initialize it
std::vector<int> sum(std::max(a->degree, b->degree), 0);
// Fill it up...
// Find the last non-zero value
auto last_non_zero = std::find_if_not(sum.rbegin(), sum.rend(),
[](const int& value){ return value == 0; });
if (last_non_zero == sum.rbegin())
// No zeroes found
else if (last_non_zero == sum.rend())
// All of it was zero
std::vector<int> temp(last_non_zero, sum.rend())
std::reverse(temp); // Because the `temp` vector is reversed
sum = temp;
After this the vector sum should have been stripped of trailing zeroes.


Removing first three elements of 2d array C++

So here's my problem.. I have a 2d array of 2 char strings.
9D 5C 6S 9D KS 4S 9D
If 3 found I need to delete the first 3 based on the first char.
My problem is I segfault almost anything i do...
pool is the 2d vector
selection = "9S";
while(col != GameBoard::pool.size() ){
while(GameBoard::pool[col][0].at(0) == || cardsRem!=0){
if(GameBoard::pool[col].size() == 1){
GameBoard::pool.erase(GameBoard::pool.begin() + col);
if(GameBoard::pool[col][0].at(0) !={
I've tried a series of for loops etc, and no luck! Any thoughts would save my sanity!
So I've tried to pull out a code segment to replicate it. But I can't...
If I run my whole program in a loop it will eventually throw a segfault. If I run that exact code in the same circumstance it doesn't... I'm trying to figure out what I'm missing. I'll get back in if I figure out exactly where my issue is..
So in the end the issue is not my code itself, i've got memory leaks or something somewhere that are adding up to eventually crash my program... That tends to be in the same method each time I guess.
The safer and most efficient way to erase some elements from a container is to apply the erase-remove idiom.
For instance, your snippet can be rewritten as the following (which is testable here):
using card_t = std::string;
std::vector<std::vector<card_t>> decks = {
{"9D", "5C", "6S", "9D", "KS", "4S", "9D"},
card_t selection{"9S"};
// Predicate specifing which cards should be removed
auto has_same_rank = [rank =] (card_t const& card) {
return == rank;
auto & deck =;
// 'std::remove_if' removes all the elements satisfying the predicate from the range
// by moving the elements that are not to be removed at the beginning of the range
// and returns a past-the-end iterator for the new end of the range.
// 'std::vector::erase' removes from the vector the elements from the iterator
// returned by 'std::remove_if' up to the end iterator. Note that it invalidates
// iterators and references at or after the point of the erase, including the
// end() iterator (it's the most common cause of errors in code like OP's).
deck.erase(std::remove_if(deck.begin(), deck.end(), has_same_rank),
So for anyone else in the future who comes across this...
The problem is I was deleting an element in the array in a loop, with the conditional stop was it's size. The size is set before hand, and while it was accounted for in the code it still left open the possibility for while(array.size() ) which would be locked in at 8 in the loop be treated as 6 in the code.
The solution was to save the location in the vector to delete and then delete them outside of the loop. I imagine there is a better, more technical answer to this, but it works as intended now!
for (double col = 0; col < size; ++col)
if(GameBoard::pool[col][0].at(0) =={
while(GameBoard::pool[col][0].at(0) == && cardsRem !=0){
if( GameBoard::pool[col].size() > 1 ){
if(GameBoard::pool[col].size() <2){
toDel.insert ( toDel.begin() , col );
//GameBoard::pool.erase(GameBoard::pool.begin() + col);
for(int i = 0; i< toDel.size(); i++){
GameBoard::pool.erase(GameBoard::pool.begin() + toDel[i]);

Fast algorithm to remove odd elements from vector

Given a vector of integers, I want to wrote a fast (not obvious O(n^2)) algorithm to remove all odd elements from it.
My idea is: iterate through vector till first odd element, then copy everything before it to the end of vector (call push_back method) and so on until we have looked through all original elements (except copied ones), then remove all of them, so that only the vector's tail survive.
I wrote the following code to implement it:
void RemoveOdd(std::vector<int> *data) {
size_t i = 0, j, start, end;
uint l = (*data).size();
start = 0;
for (i = 0; i < l; ++i)
if ((*data)[i] % 2 != 0)
end = i;
for (j = start, j < end, ++j)
start = i + 1;
(*data).erase((*data).begin(), i);
but it gives me lots of errors, which I can't fix. I'm very new to the programming, so expect that all of them are elementary and stupid.
Please help me with error corrections or another algorithm implementation. Any suggestions and explanations will be very appreciative. It is also better not to use algorithm library.
You can use the remove-erase idiom.
data.erase(std::remove_if(data.begin(), data.end(),
[](int item) { return item % 2 != 0; }), data.end());
You don't really need to push_back anything (or erase elements at the front, which requires repositioning all that follows) to remove elements according to a predicate... Try to understand the "classic" inplace removal algorithm (which ultimately is how std::remove_if is generally implemented):
void RemoveOdd(std::vector<int> & data) {
int rp = 0, wp = 0, sz = data.size();
for(; rp<sz; ++rp) {
if(data[rp] % 2 == 0) {
// if the element is a keeper, write it in the "write pointer" position
data[wp] = data[rp];
// increment so that next good element won't overwrite this
// shrink to include only the good elements
rp is the "read" pointer - it's the index to the current element; wp is the "write" pointer - it always points to the location where we'll write the next "good" element, which is also the "current length" of the "new" vector. Every time we have a good element we copy it in the write position and increment the write pointer. Given that wp <= rp always (as rp is incremented once at each iteration, and wp at most once per iteration), you are always overwriting either an element with itself (so no harm is done), or an element that has already been examined and either has been moved to its correct final position, or had to be discarded anyway.
This version is done with specific types (vector<int>), a specific predicate, with indexes and with "regular" (non-move) assignment, but can be easily generalized to any container with forward iterators (as its done in std::remove_if) and erase.
Even if the generic standard library algorithm works well in most cases, this is still an important algorithm to keep in mind, there are often cases where the generic library version isn't sufficient and knowing the underlying idea is useful to implement your own version.
Given pure algorithm implementation, you don't need to push back elements. In worst case scenario, you will do more than n^2 copy. (All odd data)
Keep two pointers: one for iterating (i), and one for placing. Iterate on all vector (i++), and if *data[I] is even, write it to *data[placed] and increment placed. At the end, reduce length to placed, all elements after are unecessary
remove_if does this for you ;)
void DeleteOdd(std::vector<int> & m_vec) {
int i= 0;
for(i= 0; i< m_vec.size(); ++i) {
if(m_vec[i] & 0x01)

How to determine the number of array 100 are not equal to each other

I am coding a Sudoku program. I found the number in the array determine whether duplicate each other is hard.
Now I have an array: int streamNum[SIZE]
if SIZE=3,I can handle this problem like:if(streamNum[0]!=streamNum[1])...
if SIZE=100,I think that I need a better solution, is there any standard practice?
There are a couple of different ways to do this, I suppose the easiest is to write two loops
bool has_duplicate = false;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE && !has_duplicate; ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < SIZE && !has_duplicate; ++j)
if (streamNum[i] == streamNum[j])
has_duplicate = true;
if (has_duplicate)
The first loop goes through each element in the array, the second loop checks if there is a duplicate in the remaining elements of the array (that's why it starts at i + 1). Both loops quit as soon as you find a duplicate (that's what && !has_duplicate does).
This is not the most efficient way, more efficient would be to sort the array before looking for duplicates but that would modify the contents of the array at the same time.
I hope I've understand your requirements well enough.
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
for(int j=i+1;j<size;j++){
I assume that u need whether there is duplication or not this may be helpful
If not comment
It's a little unclear what exactly you're looking to do here but I'm assuming as it's sudoku you're only interested in storing numbers 1-9?
If so to test for a duplicate you could iterate through the source array and use a second array (with 9 elements - I've called it flag) to hold a flag showing whether each number has been used or not.
So.. something like:
for (loop=0;loop<size;loop++) {
if (flag[streamNum[loop]]==true) {
//duplicate - do something & break this loop
else {
Here's how I'd test against Sudoku rules - it checks horizontal, vertical and 3x3 block using the idea above but here 3 different flag arrays for the 3 rules. This assumes your standard grid is held in an 81-element array. You can easily adapt this to cater for partially-completed grids..
for (loop=0;loop<9;loop++) {
for (loop2=0;loop2<9;loop2++) {
if(flagH[streamNum[(loop*9)+loop2]]==true) {
else {
//column test
if(flagV[streamNum[loop+(loop2*9)]]==true) {
..same idea as above
//3x3 sub section test
basecell = (loop%3)*3+Math.floor(loop/3)*27; //topleft corner of 3x3 square
cell = basecell+(loop2%3+(Math.floor(loop2/3)*9));
if(flagS[streamNum[cell]]==true) {
..same idea as before..

It is safe to use i+1 in O(n) searching?

I'm asking myself if it is safe to use i+1 to check if the next number is the same as current... Example :
int search(int el, int* a, int n) {
if(a == NULL && n<0)
return NULL;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
if((a[i] == el )&& (a[i+1] != el)) // here I check next element
return i; // if I find it, return a position.
return -1; // else return -1
If we have an array with length 4, then a[i+1] will be passed an array length, but program will still work.
No, accessing elements out of bounds is Undefined Behavior.
Your program may "seem" to work, but you cannot expect anything out of it. It could work on your machine, and crash on another one. Or it could work on all machines now, but not tomorrow. You should check if the index is out-of-bounds before using the subscript operator.
You may consider changing your cycle so that it never accesses out-of-bounds elements:
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
// ^^^^^
Then, you would have to take care of the last element in the array separately, as a special case.
That's not correct, when i reaches its last value (n-1) you check the value of a nonexistent element (the C standard allows you to have a pointer to one-after-last element, but not to dereference it).
You can fix your code like this:
if((a[i] == el ) && ((i == n-1) || (a[i+1] != el)))
If n is the last element in the array, then i + 1 is safe in this case. If n is the number of elements in the array, i + 1 may appear to work most of the time, but it is not safe.
In that case, you're accessing an element outside the bounds of the array, which may do anything from giving you incorrect results to crashing your program. Most of the time it will appear to work, though, making the problem very hard to debug when it happens.
It is not clear to me what you're asking. Even if array access is expensive, accessing both a[i] and a[i+1] remains of O(N) complexity. What you can't do is adding complexity that's based on i (for example an additional loop from 0 to i), or modifying i (for example decrementing it based on some condition).
The problem, as others have already pointed out, is that the last element is compared to a nonexistent datum: either you'll get an error and a possible crash, or the program will appear to be working - and actually work most of the time - until the time where that unknown and possibly random last-and-one item will trigger the comparison, and yield an unexpected result.
You should check that the array size is at least 1 (that ought to be a special case anyway, can't run a compare on a single element!) and then loop only up to n-1. Or you could save the previous value in a temporary variable; depending on the platform, this will be a (possibly much faster) register, or a (possibly much slower) stack location. In most cases I'd just state my intention of comparing with the next element, as you did, and let the compiler sort it out.
int main(void)
char pumpkin[8];
int a[4];
int i, p;
a[0] = 3760;
a[1] = 100001;
a[2] = 595959;
a[3] = 1886221680;
pumpkin[0] = 'p';
pumpkin[1] = 'u';
pumpkin[2] = 'm';
pumpkin[3] = 'p';
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
p = search(a[i], a, 4);
if (p >= 0)
printf("Found it at position %d: %d.\n", p, a[i]);
printf("Value not found.\n");
return 0;
In my machine:
$ gcc -std=c11 -o boundserror boundserror.c
$ ./boundserror
Found it at position 0: 3760.
Found it at position 1: 100001.
Found it at position 2: 595959.
Value not found.
What happened ? Compiler wrote value 1886221680 both in a[3] and where a[4] would be if it existed. About the program working on your machine: read about the works on my machine concept.

Vector push_back in while and for loops returns SIGABRT signal (signal 6) (C++)

I'm making a C++ game which requires me to initialize 36 numbers into a vector. You can't initialize a vector with an initializer list, so I've created a while loop to initialize it faster. I want to make it push back 4 of each number from 2 to 10, so I'm using an int named fourth to check if the number of the loop is a multiple of 4. If it is, it changes the number pushed back to the next number up. When I run it, though, I get SIGABRT. It must be a problem with fourth, though, because when I took it out, it didn't give the signal.
Here's the program:
for (int i; i < 36;) {
int fourth = 0;
if (fourth == 0) {
Please help!
You do not initialize i. Use for (int i = 0; i<36;). Also, a new variable forth is allocated on each iteration of the loop body. Thus the test fourth==0 will always yield false.
I want to make it push back 4 of each number from 2 to 10
I would use the most straight forward approach:
for (int value = 2; value <= 10; ++value)
for (int count = 0; count < 4; ++count)
The only optimization I would do is making sure that the capacity of the vector is sufficient before entering the loop. I would leave other optimizations to the compiler. My guess is, what you gain by omitting the inner loop, you lose by frequent modulo division.
You did not initialize i, and you are resetting fourth in every iteration. Also, with your for loop condition, I do not think it will do what you want.
I think this should work:
int fourth = 0;
for (int i = 2; i<=10;) {
if (fourth==0) {
I've been able to create a static array declaration and pass that array into the vector at initialization without issue. Pretty clean too:
const int initialValues[36] = {0,1,2...,35};
std::vector foo(initialValues);
Works with constants, but haven't tried it with non const arrays.