MSChart - Show series name on x Axis - mschart

I would like the chart shown below to show the series names (700HEN, ORG 700HEN etc.) under each column rotated 90 degrees not as a legend and I want to maintain the date label for each series group (it can be rotated or left horizontal). Is that possible?


how to change y-axis labels and values based on matrix click power bi

I have this matrix created:
and I have a bar chart like this:
in my table I have a column called: account_website, account_whatsapp, account_self_service,account_mobile,account_chatbot
what i want is whenever someone clicks on the matrix, based on the row, displays the corresponding column.
ex: if someone pressed on whatsapp it will visualize the count of the account_whatsapp for the x axis and the names of the values on the y axis
I am fairly new to power bi, how can I do this ?

How to make PowerBI redraw the chart based on a legend is selected

I have a table in PowerBI as my data source.
| Time | type | count | environment |
And I have 2 charts for that table.
Line chart (x axis is Time, y axis is sum of count, legend is type)
Stacked column chart (x axis is Time, y axis is sum of count, legend is environment)
My question is when I select 1 legend in the line chart, the Stacked column chart get redrawn. The values of the selected legend is drawn with normal colors but other values is still shown as 'faded' color.
i.e. something like this
Can I make the stacked column chart to be redrawn so that the values only shown the legend which was selected in the line chart.
That's called cross filtering. If you want full filtering put the legend into a slicer next to the column chart und you'll get the desired effect.

PowerBi - Create chart using 2 X axis value and 1 Y axis Value

I want to create chart in powerbi. There are 2 X axis value(Date) and one Y axis value(amount). Below is the source data table.
Final table should look like below image
Output chart:
Can someone help me out to put together the chart.
From ShiftDate and BilledDate, add columns Shift_Month, Billed_Month for name of the months in Data Table
Create calculate Table Billed_Table using DAX: Billed_Table = SUMMARIZE(Data, Data[Billed_month], "Sum_Billed", CALCULATE(SUM(Data[Amount])))
Create calculate Table Shift_Table using DAX:Shift_Table = SUMMARIZE(Data, Data[Shift_Month], "Sum_Shift", CALCULATE(SUM(Data[Amount])))
Then join Billed_Table and Shift_Table
Now go to power view and plot column chart using join_table data

PBI - How to group by column name in pie chart along percentage (with values displayed)?

I'm having trouble with use group by on pie chart - maybe it can be done differently.
I have a simple pie chart with only 2 values: Name, and their values (grouped by the Name).
The values are an amount and not a percentage. (The percentage may be displayed as well, but only if the amount will be displayed also).
And I need to somehow (I guess with group by) rename all the Names where the percentage ratio in this chart lower than, for example, 10% to a different string, like Group_with_10per_or_lower.
Any ideas how this can be done?
For example, imagine having States and their values of something. USA = 350; Canada = 250, Brazil = 200, Argentina = 150, Chile = 50. And what you have is a pie chart with these data. But you need to rename all states having 20% or less ratio of this value (Brazil, Argentina, and Chile) as Other for example. So you would have the pie chart with USA, Canada, and Other (Brazil + Argentina + Chile) but still have their values displayed in the chart and not their %. It can be both, but not just %.
Let's say you have a table Table1(state, value)
Create a measure:
Total = CALCULATE(SUM(Table1[value]),All(Table1))
Create a calculated column:
state2 = IF([value]<[total]*0.2,"Other",[state])
Use state2 in your visualisation.

mschart how to position y axis label inside column and rotate text 90 degrees

How can the y-axis label be positioned inside a column and rotate text 90 degrees?
Currently, the y-axis label appears above the column.
When the column bar is at the max height and touches the top of the chart area, the y label appears within the column bar.
If you mean data labels, then right-click on the data label and choose "Format Data Labels." You can center the text with LabelOptions/LabelPosition, and you can orient the text with Alignment/TextDirection.
(This is for doing the change manually. Doing it in a program would be similar.)