Compile time check for consecutive functions call - c++

Suppose we have a class like this:
class OProcess {
void Process1();
void Process2(); // call only if Process1 wasn't called
such that function Process2() can be called only when function Process1() has NOT been called already.
Is there a way to check that Process class is used correctly at compile-time? I.e. compiler must give an error if Process1() CAN BE called before Process2() for some instance of OProcess object.
P.S. I understand that there can be code like this:
if (variable == 1000)
and compiler can't be sure that Process1() will be called before Process2(). But here compiler can be sure that Process1() CAN be called before Process2() for some values of variable. And I need it to make an error or at least warning.

The short answer is Somewhat.
The long answer is: C++ does not implement Linear Typing, thus uniqueness checks cannot be done at compile-time (fully). Still, reading this description gives us a trick: to implement this in the compiler, language designer forbid aliasing and enforce consumption.
So, if you agree that some runtime checks are allowed, then this can be done by having processes consume the object:
class OProcess {
std::unique_ptr<OProcessed1> process1(std::unique_ptr<OProcess> op);
std::unique_ptr<OProcess> process2(std::unique_ptr<OProcess> op);
Where OProcessed1 is a proxy over OProcess presenting a restricted interface that exposes only those operations allowed on OProcess after that Process1 was called.
The runtime part of the checks is that:
void func(std::unique_ptr<OProcess> op) {
will compile, even though it is undefined behavior to do anything other than destruction/assignment to op after moving from it.

The correct way to do it is either make init private and reduce the risk you mention,
or use dependency injection, as 'init' methods, or any logic at all inside the constructor, are bad practice in terms of clean code
Another trick is to have ProcessBase that defines init and calls it in it's constructor. ProcessBase's constructor is called before the derived constructor, thus making sure that init is called before any logic is made in the derived class.
You may want to change the logic to have both methods private and have one method called process3() that will call the other methods in the correct order.
Another option is to use the decorator design pattern and wrap one method in a class and have your decorator call them by order.


C++ should I use virtual methods?

Let me start by telling that I understand how virtual methods work (polymorphism, late-binding, vtables).
My question is whether or not I should make my method virtual. I will exemplify my dilemma on a specific case, but any general guidelines will be welcomed too.
The context:
I am creating a library. In this library I have a class CallStack that captures a call stack and then offers vector-like access to the captured stack frames. The capture is done by a protected method CaptureStack. This method could be redefined in a derived class, if the users of the library wish to implement another way to capture the stack. Just to be clear, the discussion to make the method virtual applies only to some methods that I know can be redefined in a derived class (in this case CaptureStack and the destructor), not to all the class methods.
Throughout my library I use CallStack objects, but never exposed as pointers or reference parameters, thus making virtual not needed considering only the use of my library.
And I cannot think of a case when someone would want to use CallStack as pointer or reference to implement polymorphism. If someone wants to derive CallStack and redefine CaptureStack I think just using the derived class object will suffice.
Now just because I cannot think polymorphism will be needed, should I not use virtual methods, or should I use virtual regardless just because a method can be redefined.
Example how CallStack can be used outside my library:
if (error) {
CallStack call_stack; // the constructor calls CaptureStack
for (const auto &stack_frame : call_stack) {
cout << stack_frame << endl;
A derived class, that redefines CaptureStack could be use in the same manner, not needing polymorphism:
if (error) {
// since this is not a CallStack pointer / reference, virtual would not be needed.
DerivedCallStack d_call_stack;
for (const auto &stack_frame : d_call_stack) {
cout << stack_frame << endl;
If your library saves the call stack during the constructor then you cannot use virtual methods.
This is C++. One thing people often get wrong when coming to C++ from another language is using virtual methods in constructors. This never works as planned.
C++ sets the virtual function table during each constructor call. That means that functions are never virtual when called from the constructor. The virtual method always points to the current class being constructed.
So even if you did use a virtual method to capture the stack the constructor code would always call the base class method.
To make it work you'd need to take the call out of the constructor and use something like:
CallStack *stack = new DerivedStack;
None of your code examples show a good reason to make CaptureStack virtual.
When deciding whether you need a virtual function or not, you need to see if deriving and overriding the function changes the expected behavior/functionality of other functions that you're implementing now or not.
If you are relying on the implementation of that particular function in your other processes of the same class, like another function of the same class, then you might want to have the function as virtual. But if you know what the function is supposed to do in your parent class, and you don't want anybody to change it as far as you're concerned, then it's not a virtual function.
Or as another example, imagine somebody derives a class from you implementation, overrides a function, and passes that object as casted to the parent class to one of your own implemented functions/classes. Would you prefer to have your original implementation of the function or you want them to have you use their own overriden implementation? If the latter is the case, then you should go for virtual, unless not.
It's not clear to me where CallStack is being called. From
your examples, it looks like you're using the template method
pattern, in which the basic functionality is implemented in the
base class, but customized by means of virtual functions
(normally private, not protected) which are provided by the
derived class. In this case (as Peter Bloomfield points out),
the functions must be virtual, since they will be called from
within a member function of the base class; thus, with a static
type of CallStack. However: if I understand your examples
correctly, the call to CallStack will be in the constructor.
This will not work, as during construction of CallStack, the
dynamic type of the object is CallStack, and not
DerivedCallStack, and virtual function calls will resolve to
In such a case, for the use cases you describe, a solution using
templates may be more appropriate. Or even... The name of the
class is clear. I can't think of any reasonable case where
different instances should have different means of capturing the
call stack in a single program. Which suggests that link time
resolution of the type might be appropriate. (I use the
compilation firewall idiom and link time resolution in my own
StackTrace class.)
My question is whether or not I should make my method virtual. I will exemplify my dilemma on a specific case, but any general guidelines will be welcomed too.
Some guidelines:
if you are unsure, you should not do it. Lots of people will tell you that your code should be easily extensible (and as such, virtual), but in practice, most extensible code is never extended, unless you make a library that will be used heavily (see YAGNI principle).
you can use encapsulation in place of inheritance and type polymorphism (templates) as an alternative to class hierarchies in many cases (e.g. std::string and std::wstring are not two concrete implementations of a base string class and they are not inheritable at all).
if (when you are designing your code/public interfaces) you realize you have more than one class that "is an" implementation of another classes' interface, then you should use virtual functions.
You should almost certainly declare the method as virtual.
The first reason is that anything in your base class which calls CaptureStack will be doing so through a base class pointer (i.e. the local this pointer). It will therefore call the base class version of the function, even though a derived class masks it.
Consider the following example:
class Parent
void callFoo()
void foo()
std::cout << "Parent::foo()" << std::endl;
class Child : public Parent
void foo()
std::cout << "Child::foo()" << std::endl;
int main()
Child obj;
return 0;
The client code using the class is only ever using a derived object (not a base class pointer etc.). However, it's the base class version of foo() that actually gets called. The only way to resolve that is to make foo() virtual.
The second reason is simply one of correct design. If the purpose of the derived class function is to override rather than mask the original, then it should probably do so unless there is a specific reason otherwise (such as performance concerns). If you don't do that, you're inviting bugs and mistakes in future, because the class may not act as expected.

Is using an empty base class justified in this example?

I'm writing a Window class which propagates different types of events, listed in
enum Event {WINDOW_ClOSE=0x1, WINDOW_REDRAW=0x2, MOUSE_MOVE=0x4, ...};
to objects which have registered for notification with the window. For each type of event, I have an abstract class which any object must extend in order to allow notification. To react to, say, a MOUSE_MOVE event, my object would inherit from MouseMoveListener, which has a process_mouse_move_event() method which is called by Window. Listening to many events can be combined by extending multiple of these classes, which all inherit from the EventListener base class. To register an object, I would call
void Window::register(EventListener* object, int EventTypes)
/* dynamic_cast object to WindowCloseListener*, add to internal list of all
WindowCloseListeners if the cast works, else raise error */
/* dynamic_cast object to MouseMoveListener*, add to internal list of all
MouseMoveListeners if the cast works, else raise error */
This works fine, but my gripe is that EventListener is completely empty and that seems code smelly to me. I know I could avoid this by removing EventListener altogether and having a separate Window::register for each type of event, but I feel that this would blow up my interface needlessly (especially since methods other than register might crop up with the same problem). So I guess I am looking for answers that either say:
"You can keep doing it the way you do, because ..." or
"Introduce the separate Window::register methods anyway, because ..." or of course
"You are doing it all wrong, you should ...".
From the link in Igors comment: What I do above only works if there is at least one virtual member in EventListener for example a virtual destructor, so the class is not technically completely empty.
I prematurely accepted n.m.'s solution as one of the type "I'm doing it all wrong". However, it is of the second type. Even if I can call EventListener->register(Window&) polymorphically, Window needs to implement a highly redundant interface (in terms of declared methods) that allows EventListeners to register for selective notification. This is equivalent to my alternative solution described above, only with the additional introduction of the EventListener class for no good reason. In conclusion, the canonical answer seems to be:
Don't do dynamic_cast + empty base class just to avoid declaring many similar functions, it will hurt you when maintaining the code later. Write the many functions.
I found a solution (using templates) which is satisfactory for me. It does not use an empty base class any more and it does not exhibit the maintenance problem pointed out by n.m.
object->registerWindow (this, EventTypes);
Of course you need to implement registerWindow for all EventListener heirs. Let them check for event types which are relevant to them.
If this means you need to redesign your code, then you need to redesign your code. Why is it so? Because dynamic_cast is not a proper way to do switch-on-types. It is not a proper way because every time you add a class in your hierarchy, you need to go over and possibly update all switches-by-dynamic-cast in your old code. This becomes very messy and unmaintainable very quickly, and this is exactly the reason why virtual functions were invented.
If you do your switch-on-types with virtual functions, every time you change your hierarchy you have to do... nothing. The virtual call mechanism will take care of your changes.
This is what I ended up doing:
template <int EventType> void register_(EventListener<EventType> Listener)
// do stuff with Listener, using more templates
It turned out that static polymorphism was better suited for my needs - I just wanted to avoid writing
and so on. This approach also nicely eliminates the need for an empty base class.

Is it better to take object argument or use member object?

I have a class which I can write like this:
class FileNameLoader
virtual bool LoadFileNames(PluginLoader&) = 0;
virtual ~FileNameLoader(){}
Or this:
class FileNameLoader
virtual bool LoadFileNames(PluginLoader&, Logger&) = 0;
virtual ~FileNameLoader(){}
The first one assumes that there is a member Logger& in the implementation of FileNameLoader. The second one does not. However, I have some classes which have a lot of methods which internally use Logger. So the second method would make me write more code in that case. Logger is a singleton for the moment. My guess is that it will remain that way. What is the more 'beautiful' of the two and why? What is the usual practice?
What if this class was not named Logger? :). I have a Builder also. How about then?
I don't see what extra advantage approach two has over one (even considering unit testing!), infact with two, you have to ensure that everywhere you call a particular method, a Logger is available to pass in - and that could make things complicated...
Once you construct an object with the logger, do you really see the need to change it? If not, why bother with approach two?
I prefer the second method as it allows for more robust black box testing. Also it makes the interface of the function clearer (the fact that it uses such a Logger object).
The first thing is to be sure that the Logger dependency is being provided by the user in either case. Presumably in the first case, the constructor for FileNameLoader takes a Logger& parameter?
In no case would I, under any circumstances, make the Logger a Singleton. Never, not ever, no way, no how. It's either an injected dependency, or else have a Log free function, or if you absolutely must, use a global reference to a std::ostream object as your universal default logger. A Singleton Logger class is a way of creating hurdles to testing, for absolutely no practical benefit. So what if some program does create two Logger objects? Why is that even bad, let alone worth creating trouble for yourself in order to prevent? One of the first things I find myself doing, in any sophisticated logging system, is creating a PrefixLogger which implements the Logger interface but prints a specified string at the start of all messages, to show some context. Singleton is incompatible with with this kind of dynamic flexibility.
The second thing, then, is to ask whether users are going to want to have a single FileNameLoader, and call LoadFileNames on it several times, with one logger the first time and another logger the second time.
If so, then you definitely want a Logger parameter to the function call, because an accessor to change the current Logger is (a) not a great API, and (b) impossible with a reference member anyway: you'd have to change to a pointer. You could perhaps make the logger parameter a pointer with a default value of 0, though, with 0 meaning "use the member variable". That would allow uses where the users initial setup code knows and cares about logging, but then that code hands the FileNameLoader object off to some other code that will call LoadFileNames, but doesn't know or care about logging.
If not, then the Logger dependency is an invariant for each instance of the class, and using a member variable is fine. I always worry slightly about reference member variables, but for reasons unrelated to this choice.
[Edit regarding the Builder: I think you can pretty much search and replace in my answer and it still holds. The crucial difference is whether "the Builder used by this FileNameLoader object" is invariant for a given object, or whether "the Builder used in the call" is something that callers to LoadFileNames need to configure on a per-call basis.
I might be slightly less adamant that Builder should not be a Singleton. Slightly. Might.]
In general I think less arguments equals better function. Typically, the more arguments a function has, the more "common" the function tends to become - this, in turn, can lead to large complicated functions that try to do everything.
Under the assumption that the Logger interface is for tracing, in this case I doubt the the user of the FileNameLoader class really wants to be concerned with providing the particular logging instance that should be used.
You can also probably apply the Law of Demeter as an argument against providing the logging instance on a function call.
Of course there will be specific times where this isn't appropriate. General examples might be:
For performance (should only be done after identification of specific performance issues).
To aid testing through mock objects (In this case I think a constructor is a more appropriate location, for logging remaining a singleton is probably a better option...)
I would stick with the first method and use the Logger as a singleton. Different sinks and identifying where data was logged from is a different problem altogether. Identifying the sink can be as simple or as complex as you want. For example (assuming Singleton<> is a base-class for singletons in your code):
class Logger : public Singleton<Logger>
void Log(const std::string& _sink, const std::string& _data);
Your class:
class FileNameLoader
virtual bool LoadFileNames(PluginLoader& _pluginLoader)
Logger.getSingleton().Log("FileNameLoader", "loading xyz");
virtual ~FileNameLoader(){}
You can have an inherently complex Log Manager with different sinks, different log-levels different outputs. Your Log() method on the log manager should support simple logging as described above, and then you can allow for more complex examples. For debugging purposes, for example, you could define different outputs for different sinks as well as having a combined log.
The approach to logging that I like best is to have a member of type Logger in my class (not a reference or pointer, but an actual object).
Depending on the logging infrastructure, that makes it possible to decide, on a per-class basis, where the output should go or which prefix to use.
This has the advantage over your second approach that you can't (accidentally) create a situation where members of the same class can not be easily identified as such in the logfiles.

runtime type comparison

I need to find the type of object pointed by pointer.
Code is as below.
//pWindow is pointer to either base Window object or derived Window objects like //Window_Derived.
const char* windowName = typeid(*pWindow).name();
if(strcmp(windowName, typeid(Window).name()) == 0)
// ...
else if(strcmp(windowName, typeid(Window_Derived).name()) == 0)
// ...
As i can't use switch statement for comparing string, i am forced to use if else chain.
But as the number of window types i have is high, this if else chain is becoming too lengthy.
Can we check the window type using switch or an easier method ?
EDIT: Am working in a logger module. I thought, logger should not call derived class virtual function for logging purpose. It should do on its own. So i dropped virtual function approach.
First of all use a higher level construct for strings like std::string.
Second, if you need to check the type of the window your design is wrong.
Use the Liskov substitution principle to design correctly.
It basically means that any of the derived Window objects can be replaced with it's super class.
This can only happen if both share the same interface and the derived classes don't violate the contract provided by the base class.
If you need some mechanism to apply behavior dynamically use the Visitor Pattern
Here are the things to do in order of preference:
Add a new virtual method to the base class and simply call it. Then put a virtual method of the same name in each derived class that implements the corresponding else if clause inside it. This is the preferred option as your current strategy is a widely recognized symptom of poor design, and this is the suggested remedy.
Use a ::std::map< ::std::string, void (*)(Window *pWindow)>. This will allow you to look up the function to call in a map, which is much faster and easier to add to. This will also require you to split each else if clause into its own function.
Use a ::std::map< ::std::string, int>. This will let you look up an integer for the corresponding string and then you can switch on the integer.
There are other refactoring strategies to use that more closely resemble option 1 here. For example,if you can't add a method to the Window class, you can create an interface class that has the needed method. Then you can make a function that uses dynamic_cast to figure out if the object implements the interface class and call the method in that case, and then handle the few remaining cases with your else if construct.
Create a dictionary (set/hashmap) with the strings as keys and the behaviour as value.
Using behaviour as values can be done in two ways:
Encapsulate each behaviour in it's
own class that inherit from an
interface with"DoAction" method that
execute the behavior
Use function pointers
I found this article that might be what you're looking for:
You might try putting all your typeid(...).name() values in a map, then doing a find() in the map. You could map to an int that can be used in a switch statement, or to a function pointer. Better yet, you might look again at getting a virtual function inside each of the types that does what you need.
What you ask for is possible, it's also unlikely to be a good solution to your problem.
Effectively the if/else if/else chain is ugly, the first solution that comes to mind will therefore to use a construct that will lift this, an associative container comes to mind and the default one is obviously std::unordered_map.
Thinking on the type of this container, you will realize that you need to use the typename as the key and associate it to a functor object...
However there are much more elegant constructs for this. The first of all will be of course the use of a virtual method.
class Base
void execute() const { this->executeImpl(); }
virtual void executeImpl() const { /* default impl */ }
class Derived: public Base
virtual void executeImpl() const { /* another impl */ }
It's the OO way of dealing with this type of requirement.
Finally, if you find yourself willing to add many different operations on your hierarchy, I will suggest the use of a well-known design pattern: Visitor. There is a variation called Acyclic Visitor which helps dealing with dependencies.

Calling overridden function from the overriding function

Suppose I have virtual function foo() in class B, and I need slightly different behavior in one of B's derived classes, class D. Is it OK to create an overriding function D::foo(), and call B::foo() from there, after the special case treatment? Like this:
void D::foo()
if (/*something*/)
// do something
I am not asking whether that would work, I know it will. I want to know, whether it is right in terms of a good OOD.
This is perfectly good. In fact, the canonical way of performing some operations is calling the base class method, then do whatever (or the other way around). I am thinking of operator= here. Constructors usually work that way, too, even if this is a bit disguised in the initialization list.
Yes, its totally ok as long as you are not violating the Liskov Substitution Principle.
Yes, it is.
I have seen GUI frameworks use this to fall back on the base class's default implementation which contained code to signal errors/throw an exception/return a generic value.
It's ok. Syntax you had gave can be also used to temporary turn off polymorphism, i.e. when you call obj->B::foo() method will be chosen from class B regardless if foo() is virtual or not and if obj is instance of B or not (it must be an instance of class extending B though).
Yes it is , that's what your compiler do for you every time it generates a constructor and a destructor: calling the mother's one for instance. I often rely on that"trick" in my own code.
It's fine to call base's implementation, but doing it conditionally moves you apart from constructor semantic, contrary to what have been suggested in other answers.
You may run into fragile base class issue in two ways :
By assuming B::foo() provides common behavior for the whole hierarchy (ie, forgetting the method isn't always called)
Nasty problems depending on what // do something actually does !
For completeness, let's mention a symmetric design approach : Template pattern (base implementation calling specific sub-part)