regex to remove everything after the last dot in a file - regex

I'm trying to find a regex for removing everything after the last dot in a file. So far I've found ways to remove all text before the first dot, but I can't seem to find a way to select the end of the file. Could you help me on the way?
Thanks in advance

You can try something like:
to match everything including and after the last dot. If you don't want to include the last dot, then you can use a positive lookbehind:

Try following regex for search and replace

On Bigquery, r'([^.]+).?$' works, if you want to remove the last dot.


regex get everything after dot

Need a help with a simple regex.
I need to remove everything before the first dot (including the dot)
Should be:
I tried \.(.*) but it keeps the first dot:
Please advice
One approach uses a positive lookbehind:

Remove digits after decimal notepad++

Basically all over the document I have values like
2014-01-23 15:09:31.879958
I want to remove the last 6 digits and the . using find and replace. I've gotten
To find the 6 digits but I also need it to find the . so I can replace it with nothing
Try: \.\d{6} - the \. escapes the dot.
In this case, you should be able to simply add a period to your find/replace.
As a test, I copied your example multiple times in a document. I then attempted to Find the following: \.(\d{6}) and replace with a blank
Give that a try and see if that works for you.
Edited to add the slash that I apparently didn't type. Silly.

ANT - Find and replace string from bottom of file

I am trying to use ant to replace the first occurrence of a regex from the bottom of a file.
I am presently using replaceregexp to search and replace, but can't find any way
to make it work from the end of a file.
Does anyone have any suggestions to solve this?
Regex works from left to right (from top to bottom), but you can use a negative lookahead to assure that a match is the last one. The idea is that you only match something if the match isn't present afterwards.
If you want to match word (in any context, including crossword), word(?![\s\S]*word) will match only the last occurrence.

How to use Negative Lookahead in Regex to Delete unwanted Lines

I need help regarding using negative lookahead. I am using Notepad++ and I want to delete all lines except the lines that contain <title>(.*)</title>
I tried a couple of things but that didnt work.
You are close:
By this regex ^.*(?!<title>.*</title>), the regex engine will just find some position that it cannot find <title>.*</title> (end of line is one such valid position).
You need to make sure that, from the start of the line, there is no way you can find <title>.*</title> anywhere in the line. That is what my regex does.

Eclipse search for perfect match (regex)?

In eclipse its possible to do a file search Ctrl+H. I need to do this but it must only return a perfect match like '' and not all strings that have this as a prefix, eg.
I have tried to enable the regex option but am not sure how to formulate that it should be a perfect match. Any ideas?
Try that:
You need to escape the . - otherwise it means any character. \s means white space.
What about searching for where the next character is not a dot?[^.]