IODocs - Passing cookie between API calls - cookies

I have a REST website built with flask, and use its session cookie features to keep a very basic 'login' (I don't require security).
I'm trying to implement iodocs documentation. The "/login" works fine, and I also see the response with the cookie being sent, but I can't figure out how to tell iodocs to keep that cookie for the next API calls.
Any help (that wouldn't require my site to change to OAuth) would be very appritiated.


How to implement token authentication using httponly cookie in Django and Drf

I'm building an application with django , Drf and currently using vanilla JS as Frontend for now.
I searched almost all through web on different use case for authentication on the web and I found out different links but these links seem to always favour the session authentication and token authentication.
Using Django helps us with the session authentication as default so I decided to study the auth process using a token auth.
While doing this, I initially used the localstorage as a store for my tokens gotten from the backend response after user authenticates, But for some reasons which are valid , most devs/engineers advise against using the localstorage as it prones one to xss attacks..
So I decided to implement the httponly cookie method, but I haven't seen a practical use of this done on Django, I've seen theories on implementing all these but haven't seen someone done this..
Please how can I use the httponly cookie with my token stored as a cookie with DJANGO
I know a httponly cookie does not allow JavaScript to access a cookie, so I decided to do this.
Django sends the cookie httponly with the token as the cookie
User makes a request to the backend
server gets the token from the cookie sent as a request from the backend.
4)"where the problem now comes" I can't set the token as an header in Django, I tried using the request.headers['Autho...] = Token ....
But that doesn't allow item assignment..
So if my logic is correct this is where I'm stucked
EDIT So this time, I am now able to add a header from the server , using request.META to pass an Authorization key with the Token .... Value, that seems to work fine instead of having to use request.headers for passing an assignment..
But something happened which shocked me, in as much as I'm able to change or add an authorization token from the server , the view still gives me an error, much like I never passed a token at all.....
It's like after the whole efforts and everything nothing still changes, except if it's requested from the client side 😢.
Guess I will have to stick with localstorage for now, but still research more or wait for answers .
I've done the Authentication with token using httponly cookie..
I recalled when I asked questions and some loving guys from here helped tho, we couldn't see a straight off answer as we had to research and think as well...
The steps I used was this.
Django takes in user credentials
Django authenticate that credentials
a token is exchanged for that data
we set the token to a cookie using
set_cookie(.... , httponly=True)
** Then it was now time for the real workout .
I created a middleware which will be responsible for setting the token to an Authorization key in header dict.. instead of allowing the client to do this.
---- The client couldn't handle this coz it was now a httponly flag which will prevent js from accessing it as the purpose of using httponly was for this to prevent xss attacks when tokens/cookies are normally stored in a browser storage
we then handle the middleware to our taste, as in mine I tried making sure it work for only some views and not all views (will be planning on making a custom decorator for it)
then last was to 🤔🤔 we'll have fun and smile at seeing me create something as such without a previous tutorial...
The GitHub repo link

OIDC js library reponse cookies are not stored and not attaching for subsequent requests

I am using authcodeflow with PKCE.
Using OIDC js library in the frontend, making calls to adfs getting an auth code and then calling my backend api. The backend api which calls adfs server get the access token and the backend api returns the token as a cookie to the frontend. I can see the cookie in response headers. but That cookie is not stored in browser and not getting added for subsequent requests. I have tried with samesite with all modes -> Lax, None,Strict and not setting.
Is this an issue with OIDC js library or is it blocking the cookies to store in browser?
Below are the observation with my analysis
Since the OIdc-client-js does not have an option to set flag "withCredentials" to true for the requests. There are no cookies send in the request and response cookies are ignored for the cross origin requests.This changes are marked as enhancement and still not completed in thier github repo.
Is there any way to achieve with this library? or any other libraries for OIDC js
So you are issuing a cookie from an API domain that is a sibling of the WEB domain:
Cookie domain =
Maybe it is the withCredentials flag or maybe due to a lack of user gesture, since the user has not done anything explicit to navigate to, such as a browser navigation or clicking a link?
You can override the prototype like this in order to add the withCredentials property. This is a little hacky but you could limit usage based on the URL and it should let you know whether setting withCredentials resolves your problem:
let open =; = function(method, url) {
open.apply(this, arguments);
this.withCredentials = true;
In my blog post I do something similar to proxy messages containing a refresh token. I use the web's exact domain though, rather than using an API subdomain. This will never be impacted by browser restrictions.

DRF + React is Session auth usable?

I am trying to use Session auth in Django with React. All my GET REST calls are being reject with status 403. I probably have to send sessionidin headers, but sessionid cookie is HTTP only, so my JS code gets a null value when reading it. If I set the cookie to not be HTTP-only anymore, I can read it and send it in headers, but still seing the same problem.
Note: the view which includes the React app has a path /app, the REST api path is /api. Could this be the problem?
This is actually related to the fetch library I am using for making API calls. In order to send the sessionid automatically, credentials: include must be added in options.

Authentication with Flask/Django and a javascript front end

I'm struggling to understand how flask_login or django knows when a user logs in that they retain access?
If I were to use ReactJs or Angular with flask-restful or django/tastypie, what is being added to the header/body of future json requests to ensure that my user stays logged in?
This is done via sessions, which is based on cookies. From the Flask documentation:
In addition to the request object there is also a second object called session which allows you to store information specific to a user from one request to the next. This is implemented on top of cookies for you and signs the cookies cryptographically.
and the Django docs:
Django provides full support for anonymous sessions. The session framework lets you store and retrieve arbitrary data on a per-site-visitor basis. It stores data on the server side and abstracts the sending and receiving of cookies. Cookies contain a session ID – not the data itself (unless you’re using the cookie based backend).
So, the requests to the server automatically include a cookie that indicates some ID that the server then uses to figure out what the session data should be for the given user. In general, when Ajax requests are made from client-side applications to the server, this cookie is included and so ensures that the user is considered to be logged in for those requests.
In some cases, you can also (optionally) manually add a special header to HTTP requests to indicate which user is logged in.
See also Securing RESTapi in flask for some more information.
If you use REST service then you should take a look at oAuth. In other words it uses token which you attach to every request from client to server and the last can determine which user sent this request by this token.
On the other hand, you can use cookie or session to determine a user status. And in this case you don't need to add any headers to your request.
Also I recommend you this package for Django - Django Rest Framework (there you can read more about token and auth via REST) and this extension for Flask.

Oauth2 code from mobile app

I'm writing an Android app which will authenticate itself using OAuth2 to a Web server under my control.
I'm using Apache Amber on the client side, and oauth2app with Django on the server side.
From the client, I can generate an authorization request, and start a browser Activity that goes to a page asking whether to allow the client access, and after answering in the affirmative, redirects to a page with a "code" parameter.
But how do I get the "code" back to my client, in order to make the subsequent access_token request?
Do I need to bypass the browser entirely? How would that work?
I believe you have a couple of choices here.
The redirect_uri parameter will indicate to the server where it should send the code.
From the ouath2app docs:
If a request is authorized, Authorizer:grant_response() will serialize an object into a JSON response will return a redirect response to the client’s redirect_uri with information on the authorization code passed as query string parameters (response_type CODE) or access token passed as URI fragments.
So armed with that:
If that value is a location on your server, then your mobile browser is going to get the value as part of the redirect. Specifically, you're trying to read the URI fragments in the redirect. I believe this is the intended usage for an application like yours. This blog post seems to have code that might be relevant, under the section "Retrieving the access token".
Alternatively, as you pointed out, you could send the token to a different handler on your server, and then pass it back to your client. It must the callback URL defined in the service.
I found a different blog post, specific to OAuth 2:
The trick is to fire up a new Activity whose content is provided by a WebView (rather than a layout). You can attach a handler to the WebView that's called on the redirect to the page containing the "code" parameter.
Some of the specifics in the blog post concern Google APIs, but so far my experiments suggest that it will work in my situation.