I have a few values in C that I would like to update from Lua and I've written my own binding functions, but I want to know if something is possible.
I want to be able to do this
myNamespace.myValue = 10
and have it do the same thing as this
Possible? Just curious mostly. It's just cleaner to assign/read a value directly instead of calling a get/set function. Can Lua do any auto-translation like that?
This is certainly possible. You can overload the __newindex metamethod to translate myValue to setMyValue and then call that on the table. An example:
local meta = {
__newindex = function(t, key, value)
local setterName = "set" .. key:sub(0, 1):upper() .. key:sub(2)
local setter = t[setterName]
if setter == nil then
error("Setter " .. setterName .. " does not exist on table")
return setter(t, value)
local table = {
setMyValue = function(self, v)
print("Set value to " .. tostring(v))
setmetatable(table, meta)
table.myValue = "Hello"
This will print "Set value to Hello".
You might want to overload __index to do the same but with getMyValue as well.
I am currently having a list of obeject defined as:
fun updateList(tools: List<Tool>, updateTools: List<Updated>){
... code below
the Tool data class is defined as:
data class Tool(
var id: String = ""
var description: String = ""
var assignedTo: String = ""
the Updated data class is defined as:
data class Updated(
var id: String = ""
var assignedTo: String = ""
Basically, I parse the list updateTools and if I found a id match in tools, I update the assignedTo field from the Tool type object from tools by the one from updateTools
fun updateList(tools: List<Tool>, updateTools: List<Updated>){
val idToSearch = it.id
val nameToReplace = it.name
if(it.id == idToSearch){it.name=nameToReplace}
return tools
it's not working but I do not see how to make it easier to work. I just started kotlin and I feel that it's not the good way to do it
any idea ?
First of all:
you're not assigning assignedTo, you're assigning name...
in the predicate passed to find, which
should only return a Boolean value to filter elements, and
should probably not have any side effects,
those should be done later with a call to i.e. forEach.
Additionally, your constructor parameters to the data class are normal parameters, and as such, need commas between them!
Your last code block, corrected, would be:
updateTools.forEach {
val idToSearch = it.id
val nameToReplace = it.name
tools.find { it.id == idToSearch }.forEach { it.assignedTo = nameToReplace }
return tools
I'd do it like this (shorter):
updateTools.forEach { u -> tools.filter { it.id == u.id }.forEach { it.assignedTo = u.name } }
This loops through each update, filters tools for tools with the right ID, and sets the name of each of these tools.
I use forEach as filter returns a List<Tool>.
If you can guarantee that id is unique, you can do it like this instead:
updateTools.forEach { u -> tools.find { it.id == u.id }?.assignedTo = u.name }
firstOrNull returns the first element matching the condition, or null if there is none. Edit: it seems find is firstOrNull - its implementation just calls firstOrNull.
The ?. safe call operator returns null if the left operand is null, otherwise, it calls the method.
For = and other operators which return Unit (i.e. void, nothing), using the safe call operator simply does nothing if the left operand is null.
If we combine these, it effectively sets the name of the first element which matches this condition.
First, you're missing comma after properties in your data classes, so it should be:
data class Tool(
var id: String = "",
var description: String = "",
var assignedTo: String = ""
data class Updated(
var id: String = "",
var assignedTo: String = ""
As for second problem, there're probably number of ways to do that, but I've only corrected your idea:
fun updateList(tools: List<Tool>, updateTools: List<Updated>): List<Tool> {
updateTools.forEach{ ut ->
tools.find { it.id == ut.id }?.assignedTo = ut.assignedTo
return tools
Instead of assigning values to variables, you can name parameter for forEach and use it in rest of the loop.
Following the update to Swift 3, it appears both getUUIDBytes and getBytes are not available on the UUID object.
let uuid = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor
let mutableUUIDData = NSMutableData(length:16)
// ^^^ compiler error, value of type UUID? has no member getBytes
I get this error even when getBytes is listed as a method on UUID in the documentation: https://developer.apple.com/reference/foundation/nsuuid/1411420-getbytes
One right way:
let uuid = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor!
var rawUuid = uuid.uuid
withUnsafePointer(to: &rawUuid) {rawUuidPtr in //<- `rawUuidPtr` is of type `UnsafePointer<uuid_t>`.
rawUuidPtr.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self, capacity: MemoryLayout<uuid_t>.size) {bytes in
//Use `bytes` only in this closure. (Do NEVER export `bytes` out of the closure.)
Another right way:
withUnsafePointer(to: &rawUuid) {rawUuidPtr in //<- `rawUuidPtr` is of type `UnsafePointer<uuid_t>`.
let bytes = UnsafeRawPointer(rawUuidPtr).assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
//Use `bytes` only in this closure. (Do NEVER export `bytes` out of the closure.)
As already commented by Rob, exporting the pointer passed to the closure argument of withUnsafeBytes is completely NOT guaranteed. A slight change of the context (32-bit/64-bit, x86/ARM, Debug/Release, adding seemingly unrelated code...) would make your app a crasher.
And one more important thing is that UTF-8 Data of the uuidString and the byte sequence of NSUUID.getBytes are completely different:
let nsUuid = uuid as NSUUID //<-Using the same `UUID`
let mutableUUIDData = NSMutableData(length:16)!
nsUuid.getBytes(mutableUUIDData.mutableBytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self))
print(mutableUUIDData) //-><1682ed24 09224178 a279b44b 5a4944f4>
let uuidData = uuid.uuidString.data(using: .utf8)!
print(uuidData as NSData) //-><31363832 45443234 2d303932 322d3431 37382d41 3237392d 42343442 35413439 34344634>
You are thinking too complicated:
func getUUID ( ) -> Data {
let uuid = NSUUID()
var bytes = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 16)
return Data(bytes: bytes)
Why does that work?
Consider you have:
func printInt(atAddress p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) {
then you can in fact do this:
var value: Int = 23
printInt(atAddress: &value)
// Prints "23"
but you can also do this:
var numbers = [5, 10, 15, 20]
printInt(atAddress: &numbers)
// Prints "5"
It's a form of "implicit bridging". To quote from Swiftdoc.org:
A mutable pointer to the elements of an array is implicitly created
when you pass the array using inout syntax.
This implicit bridging only guarantees valid pointers until the current function returns. Such pointers must never "escape" the current function context, but using them as an inout argument is always safe, as inout arguments were always only guarantee to be valid until the called function returns and the called function must return prior to the current one, so this cannot go wrong.
And for those that don't know, casting UUID to NSUUID (... as NSUUID) and the other way round (... as UUID) is guaranteed to always succeed. But if you insist on using UUID, the easiest way is:
func getUUID ( ) -> Data {
var uuid = UUID().uuid
return withUnsafePointer(to: &uuid) {
return Data(bytes: $0, count: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: uuid))
I have this method to mock with NSubstitute:
public T VoerStoredProcedureUit<T>(string naam, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
The test method using it sends 2 SqlParameters to this method. VoerStoredProcedureUit is supposed to change the values of these parameters so the tested method can extract that.
I created the following with NSubstitute:
SqlParameter[] param =
new SqlParameter("#pat_id", SqlDbType.BigInt) {Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, Value = "Melding"},
new SqlParameter("#Melding", SqlDbType.VarChar, 4096) {Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, Value = 2}
Arg.Any<SqlParameter[]>()).ReturnsForAnyArgs(x =>
x[1] = param;
return PatientNieuwResultaat.Succes;
The setup however rises an exception:
A first chance exception of type 'NSubstitute.Exceptions.ArgumentIsNotOutOrRefException' occurred in NSubstitute.dll
Additional information: Could not set argument 1 (SqlParameter[]) as it is not an out or ref argument.
How do you return a value if the method uses implicitly by reference values?
If I understand your question correctly, you're trying to return the contents of param when VoerStoredProcedureUit<PatientNieuwResultaat> is called.
In ReturnsForAnyArgs, x[1] refers to the second parameter which is an SqlParameter[]. This isn't a ref/out parameter so you can't reassign it in the caller, which is why you get an error. Instead, you need to copy the elements from your template, into the supplied array. Something like this:
Arg.Any<SqlParameter[]>()).ReturnsForAnyArgs((x) =>
for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; i++)
((SqlParameter[])x[1])[i] = param[i];
return PatientNieuwResultaat.Succes;
You could obviously remove the for loop, since you know how many parameters you need to copy...
Arg.Any<SqlParameter[]>()).ReturnsForAnyArgs((x) =>
((SqlParameter[])x[1])[0] = param[0];
((SqlParameter[])x[1])[1] = param[1];
return PatientNieuwResultaat.Succes;
I found a working solution. Assigning a new variable to the parameters did't work somehow, but changing them does. Also, the second of the method parameter is an array, so it should be treated as such.
Arg.Any<SqlParameter[]>()).ReturnsForAnyArgs(x =>
paramPatId = ((SqlParameter[])x[1])[0];
paramMelding = ((SqlParameter[])x[1])[1];
paramPatId.Value = (long)2;
paramMelding.Value = "Melding";
return PatientNieuwResultaat.Succes;
Consider this small Lua test script.
g1 = "Global 1"
g2 = "Global 2"
function test ()
local l1
Assume you pause the execution at print(g1,g2,l1) and from C++ get all the global variables with this C code:
while (lua_next(L,-2) != 0) {
const char* name = lua_tostring(L,-2);
// How do I tell a user defined
// global variable (now in name)
// from all other environment variables?
lua_pop(L,1); // global table
When I get the name of a global entry, how can I tell if this is a global variable defined by the user in the script, like g1 and g2?
Since the user can freely write the script, I can't search for a specific global, I need to tell them apart somehow.
I see two ways. In the first, you record the names of all global variables before loading user scripts:
local S={}
_G["system variables"]=S
for k in pairs(_G) do S[k]=true end
Then in your C code, you traverse globals variables and filter only those whose name is in the table "system variables". Use lua_getglobal(L,"system variables") to get this table.
In the second way, you track the definition of global variables after the system ones have been loaded. You set this up by running this script before loading user scripts:
local U={}
_G["user variables"]=U
local function trace(t,k,v)
setmetatable(_G,{ __newindex = trace })
Then in your C code, you traverse globals variables and filter only those whose name is not in the table "user variables". Use lua_getglobal(L,"user variables") to get this table.
In both cases, do not convert keys in _G to strings: indexed the special tables directly with the original keys.
Note that you can call lua_getglobal(L,"system variables") or lua_getglobal(L,"user variables") just once, before the traversal, and index it repeatedly inside the loop.
My solution was to build a hash table of the global environment before I loaded the main script. When I need to get the user defined globals I only display globals not present in the hash table. In this way the script can run at full speed without keeping track of globals in in runtime.
Example of my solution (this is the short version of my implementation):
// The hash table storing global names
std::set<unsigned int> Blacklist;
// Create hash table "Blacklist"
void BlacklistSnapshot(lua_State *L) {
while (lua_next(L,-2) != 0) { // pop NIL, push name,value
Blacklist.insert(HashName(lua_tostring(L,-2))); // insert to hash table
lua_pop(L,1); // remove value
lua_pop(L,1); // Remove global table
// Display user defined globals only
void PrintGlobals(lua_State *L) {
while (lua_next(L,-2) != 0) { // pop NIL, push name,value
// Check if the global is present in our blacklist
if (Blacklist.find(HashName(lua_tostring(L,-2))) == Blacklist.end()) {
// Not present, print it...
lua_pop(L,1); // remove value
lua_pop(L,1); // remove global table
void RunScript(void) {
// Create new Lua state
L = luaL_newstate();
// Load all Lua libraries
// Create co-routine
CO = lua_newthread(L);
// Load and compile script
AnsiString script(Frame->Script_Edit->Text);
if (luaL_loadbuffer(CO,script.c_str(),script.Length(),"Test") == LUA_OK) {
} else {
cs_error(CO, "Compiler error: "); // Print compiler error
The function HashName takes a string and returns the hash key for it as an unsigned int, use whatever Hash algorithm you like here...
When you need to display the globals, call PrintGlobals() (I do it from a hook routine)
I'm trying to pass context into a dynamic expression that I evaluate every iteration of a for loop. I understand that the load string only evaluates within a global context meaning local variables are inaccessible. In my case I work around this limitation by converting a local into a global for the purpose of the string evaluation. Here's what I have:
require 'cosmo'
model = { { player = "Cliff", age = 35, gender = "male" }, { player = "Ally", age = 36, gender = "female" }, { player = "Jasmine", age = 13, gender = "female" }, { player = "Lauren", age = 6.5, gender = "female" } }
values = { eval = function(args)
output = ''
condition = assert(loadstring('return ' .. args.condition))
for _, it in ipairs(model) do
each = it
if condition() then
output = output .. each.player .. ' age: ' .. each.age .. ' ' .. '\n'
return output
end }
template = "$eval{ condition = 'each.age < 30' }"
result = cosmo.fill(template, values)
print (result)
My ultimate goal (other than mastering Lua) is to build out an XSLT like tempting engine where I could do something like:
apply_templates{ match = each.age > 30}[[<parent-player>$each.player</parent-player>]]
apply_templates{ match = each.age > 30}[[<child-player>$each.player</child-player>]]
...And generate different outputs. Currently I'm stuck on my above hawkish means of sharing a local context thru a global. Does anyone here have better insight on how I'd go about doing what I'm attempting to do?
It's worth noting that setfenv was removed from Lua 5.2 and loadstring is deprecated. 5.2 is pretty new so you won't have to worry about it for a while, but it is possible to write a load routine that works for both versions:
local function load_code(code, environment)
if setfenv and loadstring then
local f = assert(loadstring(code))
return f
return assert(load(code, nil,"t",environment))
local context = {}
context.string = string
context.table = table
-- etc. add libraries/functions that are safe for your application.
-- see: http://lua-users.org/wiki/SandBoxes
local condition = load_code("return " .. args.condition, context)
Version 5.2's load handles both the old loadstring behavior and sets the environment (context, in your example). Version 5.2 also changes the concept of environments, so loadstring may be the least of your worries. Still, it's something to consider to possibly save yourself some work down the road.
You can change the context of a function with setfenv(). This allows you to basically sandbox the loaded function into its own private environment. Something like the following should work:
local context = {}
local condition = assert(loadstring('return ' .. args.condition))
setfenv(condition, context)
for _, it in ipairs(model) do
context['each'] = it
if condition() then
-- ...
This will also prevent the condition value from being able to access any data you don't want it to, or more crucially, modifying any data you don't want it to. Note, however, that you'll need to expose any top-level bindings into the context table that you want condition to be able to access (e.g. if you want it to have access to the math package then you'll need to stick that into context). Alternatively, if you don't have any problem with condition having global access and you simply want to deal with not making your local a global, you can use a metatable on context to have it pass unknown indexes through to _G:
setmetatable(context, { __index = _G })