Functional-Programming Style in C++ Macros: Is this documented anywhere? - c++

Reading some C++ code I came across what I'll call a "functional" use of function Macros roughly as follows (this is a totally stylized example to make the point):
#define TOP_LEVEL(ARG1) \
ARG1("foo1","bar1") \
#define NEXT_LEVEL(ARG2A, ARG2B) \
cout << ARG2A << " and " << ARG2B;
I'm relatively new to the language and at first I couldn't figure this out, but then I ran it through just the preprocessor (g++ -E) and lo and behold it resolves to:
cout << "foo1" << " and " << "bar1"; cout << "foo2" << " and " << "bar2";
Do you see what it did there? It passed the Macro NEXT_LEVEL like a function pointer to the Macro TOP_LEVEL. Seeing how useful this could potentially be, I wanted to learn more about it: passing around functions to other functions is pretty sophisticated stuff and there must be at least something more to say about the technique.
Yet despite a ton of Googling I can't find evidence that this feature of the preprocessor even exists, let alone anything approaching documentation: here, here, here and here are just four examples of Macro tutorials that skip right past this; the last even has a section called "Advanced Macro tricks" - surely this qualifies!?
(Please note this is totally different than simply calling a function macro with another evaluated function macro as an argument- FOO(BAR(2)) is much more straightforward.)
My questions are:
Is there an actual name for this behavior?
Is it documented anywhere?
It is commonly used, or are there well known pitfalls, etc.?

The idea is coined "X-Macro". Some definitions won't include your particular example (X-macros generally are a bit more involved, with a file being included), but any relevant info. about this will fall under that term when searching.
As chris mentioned in the comments, Boost.Preprocessor uses this idea to great effect. Popular uses are: BOOST_PP_REPEAT, BOOST_PP_LIST_FOR_EACH, and most powerfully: BOOST_PP_ITERATE.
BOOST_PP_ITERATE is a "true" X-Macro; including a single file is expands to something dependent on a macro defined just prior. I show a more "proper" skeleton framework in this other answer, but an example would be:
// in xyz_data.def
DEFINE_XYZ(foo, 1, "Description A")
DEFINE_XYZ(bar, 5, "Description B")
DEFINE_XYZ(baz, 7, "Description C")
Then later when I just want column 1 I can do:
#define DEFINE_XYZ(name, number, desc) some_func(name)
#include "xyz_data.def"
And somewhere else where I want to generate some function for each one, I can do:
#define DEFINE_XYZ(name, number, desc) \
int BOOST_PP_CAT(get_number_for_, name)() \
{ \
std::clog << "Getting number, which is: " desc << std::endl; \
return number; \
#include "xyz_data.def"
You can then generate an enum where the name equals the number, etc.
The power is that when I want to add a new xyz, I just add it in one spot and it magically shows up everywhere it needs to be. I have done something like this in a very large codebase to keep some bookmarking data in one central place, but the various attributes were used differently in various locations.
Note that there is often no way around this; what I have are syntactically different, so no other language feature will generalize it for me to that level, only macros. Macros are not evil.
What you have is effectively an X-macro where the .def file is self-contained enough to be a #define. In other words, #include "xyz_data.def" is just TOP_LEVEL.
There is only one large downside to this, and ironically it's not the use of X-macros themselves but the effect they have on C and C++ compilers. The problem is that the preprocessor has allowed us to change the preprocessed result of a file every time its included, even if the file contents are exactly the same.
You may have heard that C and C++ are slow to compile compared to modern languages, this is one of the reasons why. It has no proper module/packaging system, just ad-hoc inclusion of other files. And we just learned, in general this cannot be avoided. Oops. (That said, compilers are smart and will note when you have include guards around a file, for example, and avoid processing it multiple times. But this is situational.)
That said, using X-Macros themselves shouldn't be a huge contributor to the compilation time of a real program. It's just that their mere potential existence reaches out into the real word and screws with compiler's heads.

Here is a few lectures : C is purely functionnal,
I suggest you take a look at libpp, macrofun,


C++ Way to remove Debugging "Flags" from executables

I am building somewhat larger c++ code bases than I'm used to. I have a need for both good logging and debugging, at least to the console, and also speed.
Generally, I like to do something like this
// Some header file
bool DEBUG = true;
And then in some other file
if (DEBUG) cout << "Some debugging information" << endl;
The issue with this (among others) is that the branching lowers the speed of the final executable. In order to fix this, I'd have to go into the files at the end and remove all these, and then I couldn't use them again later without saving them to some other file and then putting them back in.
What is the most efficient solution to this quandry? Python decorators provide a nice approach that I'm not certain exists in CPP.
The classic way is to make that DEBUG not a variable, but a preprocessor macro. Then you can have two builds: one with the macro defined to 1, the other with it defined to 0 (or not defined at all, depending on how you plan to use it). Then you can either do #ifdef to completely remove the debug code from being seen by the compiler, or just put it into a regular if, the optimizer will take care of removing the branch with the constant conditional.

multiple lines macro in C

does anyone know why this is syntactically wrong?
Im trying to covert this
#define OUTS_FROM_FP(_fp, _argCount) ((u4*) ((u1*)SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(_fp) - sizeof(u4) * (_argCount)))
to this
#define OUTS_FROM_FP(_fp, _argCount) {\
((u4*) ((u1*)SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(_fp) - sizeof(u4) * (_argCount))); \
cout<<"Hello World"<<endl; \
outs = OUTS_FROM_FP(fp, vsrc1); --this is how it is being called
I get a lot of errors when running this: they start from statements that say that variables that were passed to the macro before are unused
Expanded, the original macro will look like this:
outs = ((u4*) ((u1*)SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp) - sizeof(u4) * (vsrc)));
That's (as far as I can tell as you didn't provide much context) valid code.
Your modified macro expands the same statement to this:
outs = { /* ... */ };
Your compiler gets all kinds of confused as you are attempting to assign a code block to a variable...
All the usual caveats regarding the use of macros in general aside, you could use the comma operator to get your modified macro "working":
#define OUTS_FROM_FP( _fp, _argCount ) \
cout << "Hello world\n", \
((u4*) ((u1*)SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(_fp) - sizeof(u4) * (_argCount)))
(The output is put first, as statements separated by the comma operator evaluate to the result of the last statement -- putting the output first makes the macro still evaluate to the same value as the original macro.)
All in all, you're probably better off turning that macro into a function.
Assuming that _fp and _argCount are variables or simple expressions, the original version is an expression of type u4*.
The second is more complicated. The braces make it a block, but syntactically you’re using it as an expression. This is not allowed in the C++ standard, but is supported by g++ and some other compilers. Since you say you’re using GCC, the value of this expression is the value of the last line of the block, which in this case is cout<<"Hello World"<<endl. If you were using a compiler which did not support statement expressions, you’d get a more confused syntax error.
I expect that unless you can convert an ostream to a u4 pointer (which, given what context we have, seems very unlikely), this won’t work. In this simple case, you can fix it by simply switching the order of the lines in the block. In a more complicated case, which I expect is the end goal, you probably would need to do something like
#define OUTS_FROM_FP(_fp, _argCount) {\
u4* result = ((u4*) ((u1*)SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(_fp) - sizeof(u4) * (_argCount))); \
cout<<"Hello World"<<endl; \
result; \
This saves the output of the macro to a temporary variable, does whatever calculations you want (which can change result), and then on the last line “returns” result outside the macro. This is less portable than DevSolar’s solution, but it works better if you need to create temporary variables, and in my opinion is more readable.
However, as others point out in the comments, there is little reason (at least that we can see) to keep this as a macro instead of converting it to a function. Functions are much more robust in a variety of ways. Reasons you might still want to keep it as a macro include the definition of SAVEAREA_FROM_FP changing or the types u4 and u1 being different in different places. Neither of these would not be good programming practice, but you can’t control what others have done before and I don’t know enough about Dalvik to say it isn’t the case.

Simple c++ program gets compilation errors

When I'm trying to compile this code, it shows error:
main.cpp:19:3: error: invalid operands of types 'void' and 'int' to binary 'operator!='
This is the file:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
#define $ DEBUG
#define DEBUG 1
#define _(out) do{ std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ \
<< " " << out << '\n';}while(0)
#define _(out) printf(out);
int main(){
#define DEBUG 0
$ && ({
});//line 19
return 0;
$ is simple name of DEBUG, in runtime it's 0 or 1.
The compilation error is for this source file.
how to get rid of this and compile?
There are some things you're doing here that are inadvisable, and some that are illegal. But I gave you an upvote for at least alerting me to a gcc extension I hadn't seen:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int x = ({std::cout << "I'm surprised this prints "; 10 + 20;});
std::cout << x << "\n";
That does indeed output on IDEone I'm surprised this prints 30, even under C++14 settings. On coliru, though you get:
main.cpp:4:17: warning: ISO C++ forbids braced-groups within expressions [-Wpedantic]
Yet now that we've had our learning moment together, avoid non-standard extensions. Partly because people on StackOverflow will yell at you. But mostly for the reasons that life is hard enough trying to find terra firma in language development, education and usage when you stick to the subset that has been agreed upon and vetted by a large number of people who thought through the issues.
(The "language feature that one guy added that time for that project" is probably a bad idea--for any definition of "that one guy" or "that project".)
Also, something like that--being rarely used--probably has all kinds of lack of attention in the optimizer about getting that expression out. Which means at best it's slower than other ways, and at worst it has random bugs.
Moving on:
The use of $ in identifier names is apparently "implementation-defined behavior". Meaning there's nothing in the spec disallowing it...but nothing saying that a compiler has to implement it either. It's probably not something you want to be inventing new creative uses of, and only using if you're stuck in a situation bridging with old code on a VAX or something.
On the other hand, you simply you can't name any global variables or macros starting with an underscore. They are reserved for compiler implementations to use themselves. (If you read all that you'll see other unusual nuances, such as that you can't have identifiers beginning with an underscore and followed by a capital letter in ANY scope, although if the letter is lowercase you can define them locally. Often people use this for member variables but have to be careful to follow the rule.)
It's possible to use printf for purposes of compatibility...because of the explicit design to enable taking old C programs and slowly upgrade them to C++. But you shouldn't be writing new constructs or code using it, and if you want some basic philosophy on why then read the short paper Learning Standard C++ as a New Language. It's an old paper in its own right, but it's from Bjarne Stroustrup and works through that particular point pretty well.
Yet the "biggest" issue of why the approach is generally wrong is that there are much more reliable ways of doing this than trying to grab textual swaths of code into a macro. Many topics to study on that, such as the use of lambdas in C++11. But more generally you should focus on what appears to be your desire here, which is the subject area of logging. A quick search into a tag intersection could get you good advice on that:
Search Query for [c++] [logging] __FILE__
how to get rid of this and compile?
Introduce intermediate steps into the process.
Get rid of this...(code!)
Read through the links I've provided.
Look at approaches used to achieve this goal and assess what you like or don't like about them.
Write new code that uses better practices, or borrow from others.
...and compile. :-)
Remove the semicolon after the call to the macro, or just change the macro to remove the semicolon after printf(out).
Macros are especially inconvenient when they cause bugs like this. Because macros are directly substituted like a find+copy+paste, it can sometimes cause results that don't make sense.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
#define $ DEBUG
#define DEBUG 1
#define _(out) do{ std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ \
<< " " << out << '\n';}while(0)
#define _(out) printf(out);
int main(){
#define DEBUG 0
$ && ({
});//line 19
return 0;

Is there a standardised way to get type sizes in bytes in C++ Compilers?

I was wondering if there is some standardized way of getting type sizes in memory at the pre-processor stage - so in macro form, sizeof() does not cut it.
If their isn't a standardized method are their conventional methods that most IDE's use anyway?
Are there any other methods that anyone can think of to get such data?
I suppose I could do a two stage build kind of thing, get the output of a test program and feed it back into the IDE, but that's not really any easier than #defining them in myself.
I just want to be able to swap code around with
#ifdef / #endif
Was it naive of me to think that an IDE or underlying compiler might define that information under some macro? Sure the pre-processor doesn't get information on any actual machine code generation functions, but the IDE and the Compiler do, and they call the pre-processor and declare stuff to it in advance.
What I imagined as a conceivable concept was this:
The C++ Committee has a standard that says for every type (perhaps only those native to C++) the compiler has to give to the IDE a header file, included by default that declares the size in memory that ever native type uses, like so:
#define CHAR_SIZE 8
#define INT_SIZE 32
#define SHORT_INT_SIZE 16
#define FLOAT_SIZE 32
// etc
Is there a flaw in this process somewhere?
In order to get across the multi-platform build stage problem, perhaps this standard could mandate that a simple program like the one shown by lacqui would be required to compile and run be run by default, this way, whatever that gets type sizes will be the same machine that compiles the code in the second or 'normal' build stage.
I've been using 'Variable' instead of 'Type'
Depending on your build environment, you may be able to write a utility program that generates a header that is included by other files:
int main(void) {
out = make_header_file(); // defined by you
fprintf(out, "#ifndef VARTYPES_H\n#define VARTYPES_H\n");
size_t intsize = sizeof(int);
if (intsize == 4)
fprintf(out, "#define INTSIZE_32\n");
else if (intsize == 8)
fprintf(out, "#define INTSIZE_64\n");
// .....
else fprintf(out, "$define INTSIZE_UNKNOWN\n");
Of course, edit it as appropriate. Then include "vartypes.h" everywhere you need these definitions.
EDIT: Alternatively:
fprintf(out, "#define INTSIZE_%d\n", (sizeof(int) / 8));
fprintf(out, "#define INTSIZE %d\n", (sizeof(int) / 8));
Note the lack of underscore in the second one - the first creates INTSIZE_32 which can be used in #ifdef. The second creates INTSIZE, which can be used, for example char bits[INTSIZE];
WARNING: This will only work with an 8-bit char. Most modern home and server computers will follow this pattern; however, some computers may use different sizes of char
Sorry, this information isn't available at the preprocessor stage. To compute the size of a variable you have to do just about all the work of parsing and abstract evaluation - not quite code generation, but you have to be able to evaluate constant-expressions and substitute template parameters, for instance. And you have to know considerably more about the code generation target than the preprocessor usually does.
The two-stage build thing is what most people do in practice, I think. Some IDEs have an entire compiler built into them as a library, which lets them do things more efficiently.
Why do you need this anyway?
The cstdint include provides typedefs and #defines that describe all of the standard integer types, including typedefs for exact-width int types and #defines for the full value range for them.
No, it's not possible. Just for example, it's entirely possible to run the preprocessor on one machine, and do the compilation entirely separately on a completely different machine with (potentially) different sizes for (at least some) types.
For a concrete example, consider that the normal distribution of SQLite is what they call an "amalgamation" -- a single already-preprocessed source code file that you actually compile on your computer.
You want to generate different code based on the sizes of some type? maybe you can do this with template specializations:
#include <iostream>
template <int Tsize>
struct dosomething{
void doit() { std::cout << "generic version" << std::endl; }
template <>
void dosomething<sizeof(int)>::doit()
{ std::cout << "int version" << std::endl; }
template <>
void dosomething<sizeof(char)>::doit()
{ std::cout << "char version" << std::endl; }
int main(int argc, char** argv)
typedef int foo;
dosomething<sizeof(foo)> myfoo;
How would that work? The size isn't known at the preprocessing stage. At that point, you only have the source code. The only way to find the size of a type is to compile its definition.
You might as well ask for a way to get the result of running a program at the compilation stage. The answer is "you can't, you have to run the program to get its output". Just like you need to compile the program in order to get the output from the compiler.
What are you trying to do?
Regarding your edit, it still seems confused.
Such a header could conceivably exist for built-in types, but never for variables. A macro could perhaps be written to replace known type names with a hardcoded number, but it wouldn't know what to do if you gave it a variable name.
Once again, what are you trying to do? What is the problem you're trying to solve? There may be a sane solution to it if you give us a bit more context.
For common build environments, many frameworks have this set up manually. For instance,
defines things like ACE_SIZEOF_CHAR. Another library described in a book I bought called POSH does this too, in a very includable way:
The term "standardized" is the problem. There's not standard way of doing it, but it's not very difficult to set some pre-processor symbols using a configuration utility of some sort. A real simple one would be compile and run a small program that checks sizes with sizeof and then outputs an include file with some symbols set.

Over reliance on macros

I feel, every time I read a C or C++ program, that half or more of it is just macros. I understand that macros can be cool but they are hard to track, debug, etc. Not to mention that most programming languages do not even define something like macros (although Perl6 will have something of the sort).
I personally always have found a way to write my code without using macros, whether it be with templates, multiple inheritance, etc. I have even felt I am not a good programmer because all the pros use macros and I try to avoid them as much as I can.
The question is, are there problems which cannot be solved without macros? Are macros ultimately a good/bad practice? When should I consider using a macro?
Yes, here's one. When you need to add tracing code to your program in such a way that one configuration contains it and the other completely omits you have to use macros.
Something like:
#define LOG( x ) DoLog( x )
#define LOG( x )
now you use it this way:
LOG( L"Calling blahblahblah with " + getSomeStringHardToCompute() );
and in the configuration with WITH_LOGGING you have that code and otherwise it is completely omitted - not even present in the binary, and therefore
it doesn't help others analyze your program
you get a smaller binary
the program doesn't waste time fo logging at all
the compiler can produce better optimized code.
You've been looking at some bad C++ code. The places I use macros are limited to:
header guards
very occasional conditional compilation
a general exception throwing macro
a general debugging/logging output macro
I don't think those four can be avoided.
Straight from Scott Myer's Effective C++ -> 1
Given the availability of consts and inlines, your need for the preprocessor is reduced, but it's not completely eliminated. The day is far from near when you can abandon #include, and #ifdef/#ifndef continue to play important roles in controlling compilation. It's not yet time to retire the preprocessor, but you should definitely plan to start giving it longer and more frequent vacations.
Debug behaviour may be controlled with constant flags or debug functions. So here is my list of unavoidables:
Multiple inclusion protection.
Macros are the only way of symbol stringification. assert macro, compact realization of const string & stringify(enum category value);
const char* stringify(enum category value)
#define c(x) case x: return #x;
switch(value) {
default: return "UNKNOWN";
#undef c // the most important part
Macros, of course, are also useful when you want to generate code during preprocessing. While this can be avoided using templates (see this SO question and discussion - Are C++ Templates just Macros in disguise?), you can use macros if it makes the life of your users easier - see how the 'googletest' project ( uses macros effectively. You obviously don't want to use macros to generate code that needs debugging, use templates instead.
I think that C++'s templates and inline functions make macros pretty much avoidable.
The ubiquitousness of macros is probably due to the fact that there are many C++ programmers that used to be C programmers. Such people will probably be proficient at using macros (because it sometimes really is the best or only solution in pure C) and might not see any point in learning the more complicated C++ features if they already know how to solve the problem. At least in the open source world, there are many C converts, so you naturally meet C paradigms. I don't think that you're a bad programmer if you avoid such a feature, many people do, just like GOTOs.
C (and therefore C++) is an extremely flexible programming language. This is great, because everyone can develop his own distinct style and solve most problems in several different ways. This, however, can also be considered a problem. In my opinion not a problem that should be solved by the language but by establishing conventions.
There are many features in C++ that can be safely ignored. Maybe there are weird special occasions where such a feature would really be the best approach, but in most cases, you can live without:
Friend classes
And more.
IMO, a senior C++ programmer should be able to at least read them all fluently - yet I expect a good programmer to consider carefully when and if to use an infamous feature.
There are many problems that I can't solve without macros.
For instance, serialization/deserialization of some structs
#define STRUCT_DESCRIPTION structname(MyStruct) member(int,a) member(double,b) member(long, c)
#include "declare_serializable_struct.h" // declares struct itself and generates serialization/deserializaton code
( BOOST_PP_SEQUENCE may also be used)
Another example - dispatching a messages using message map, i.e. generating switch like this:
case msg1: on_msg1(msg); break;
case msg2: on_msg2(msg); break;
and generate handler method declarations on_msgX(msg) in the same time using some message description table ("map")
Personally, I try to avoiod macros when possible, but I didn't succeed in this way.
However, lambdas in c++0x allows to inline arbitrary code into "user-or-library-defined languge statements" such a foreach loops, so macro realm lose a significant part :)
Macros are a solution for conditional compiling (by ifdef and ifndef). Here is the examples:
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define BEGIN extern "C" {
#define END }
#define NULL (0);
#define BEGIN
#define END
#define NULL ((void*)0);
void my_function(char* str);
void my_function(char* str)
if(str != NULL)
But inline functions and templates replaces other usages of macros in C++.
I tend to avoid using macros as much as possible because of their obvious safety / debugging issues, however there are times when macros offer something that no other facility within the language does as elegantly, in which case I prefer to use a macro just because it makes my life (and those of my fellow developers) easier.
For example, I have created an Enum class, which wraps an enum in a struct (scope) and adds some functionality:
possibility of iteration (which implies an order of the values)
conversion to / from string (handy to read/write to a file, write to logs)
In order to create the enum, I use a macro which will automatically generate the converter (to and from) and the vector for iteration.
Of course I could do without one, after all the macro is only for code generation. But doing without one would mean violating DRY, and in my little own preferences "DRY" > "Don't use macros". Because once debugged the macro is safe, whereas a DRY violation is a nightmare for maintenance.
Now, I am all for ditching this macro as soon as I find how not to violate DRY. Ideas are obviously welcome... and an external script is NOT better ;)
My 2 cents.
I try to avoid macros too, but to expand on the debugging, I have not found a way to print file name, function name, and line number when debugging.
I typically have a header file called DebugLog.h with the following Macro
#define DEBUG(debugMessage) \
printf("%s | %s [%d] - %s\n", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION___, debugMessage);
will output something like:
main.cpp | foo(void)[20] - Test
You can adjust the macro for C++, and other debugging statements. It's also possible to modify the macro to send the resulting string to a logger.
I've started working at a telecom company. The product code base is about 20 years old, and has to support many legacy products, while also trying to avoid duplicate code. the language used is C++03. I find lots of contstructs similar to the following
// Common code
#if defined(PRODUCT_A) || defined(PRODUCT_B)
// Code for Product A or Product B
#elif defined(PRODUCT_C)
// Code for product C
// Common code
Horrible stuff, I agree. So far, we haven't been able to find a better solution. At least with this approach, we can understand what the code is supposed to do by simple code-reading.
The question is, are there problems which cannot be solved without macros?
are macros ultimately a good/back practice? When should I consider to use a macro?
In languages which don't support or honor the inline keyword, macros are a great way to re-use code, but at the same time avoid the overhead of a function call in any code that is tightly looped enough for that to make a huge difference.
Your rant about code being littered with macros is probably justified. There are indeed hard to debug and in some cases to read. But they do come in useful in the very small number of cases where optimisation like this is truly warranted.
Note that as of C99, C can now do explicit inline functions using the inline keyword, which reduces the need for macros and even has advantages over using macros.
Programming language macros are good for what all macros are good for: avoiding typing the same things over and over again. So if you find yourself writing same pieces of code in many places, why not make a macro out of it? Especially if you're writing a library, using macros can make life easier for someone trying to use that library. Take a look at almost any GUI toolkit (Qt being one example). They all make extensive use of macros.