C++ Cross Platform Timeout reads - c++

I am implementing a test server for bots competing in an AI competition, the bots communicate with the server via standard input/output. The bots only have so long for their turns. In a previous AI competition I wrote the server in Java and handled this by using BlockingQueue and threads on the blocking reads/write to the process streams.
For this competition looking to use C++. I found Boost.Process and Boost.Asio but as far as I can tell, Asio library doesn't have a way to timeout on how long to wait for a read. It has been designed around using callback functions to tell you when the read has completed. Whereas I want to block but with a maximum timeout. I could do this with platform specific API like select but looking for more cross platform solution. Any suggestions?
EDIT: To clarify I want a class BotConnection that deals with communicating with the bot process that has two methods eg: string readLine(long timeoutInMilliseconds) and void writeLine(string line, long timeoutInMilliseconds) . So the calling code is written like it is using a blocking call but can timeout (throwing an exception or change the method signatures above so a successful flag is returned on if the operation completed or timedout)

You can create timer objects that track the timeout. A typical approach is to create a regular timer with an async handler. Each time it fires you iterate over your connection objects looking for those which have not transmitted any data. In your connection read handlers you flag the object as having received data. In rough pseudo-code:
for cnx in connections:
if cnx.recv_count > 0:
cnx.recv_count = 0
cnx.idle_count = 0
cnx.idle_count += 1
if cnx.idle_count > idle_limit:
cnx.recv_count += 1
Note: I've not used asio, but I did check and timer's do appear to be provided.

There is no portable way to read and write to standard input and output with a timeout.
Boost.Asio provides posix::stream_descriptor to synchronously and asynchronously read and write to POSIX file descriptors, such as standard input and output, as demonstrated in the posix chat client example. While Boost.Asio does not provide support for cancelling synchronous operations, most asynchronous operations can be cancelled in a portable way. Asynchronous operations combined with Boost.Asio Timers allow for timeouts: an asynchronous operation is initiated on an entity, a timer is set and if the timer expires then cancel() is invoked on the entity. See the Boost.Asio timeout examples for more details.
Windows standard handles do not support asynchronous I/O via completion ports. Hence, Boost.Asio's windows::stream_handle's documentation notes that named pipes are supported, but anonymous pipes and console streams are not. There are a few unanswered questions, such as this one, about asynchronous I/O support for standard input and output handles. With the lack of asynchronous support, additional threads and buffering may be required to abstract the platform specific behavior from the application.


Making the application passive, which triggered by events?

I'm studying some codes about RS232 with Borland C++. The implementation of reading data from the port is polling the status of the port by timer. There are some events checking whether the status of the port changed. If the status changed, events trigger the data-reading subroutine.
However, I think that polling is so bad that much resource is spent on the action. Could the program be passive in monitoring the port without any aggressive polling or something else? In other words,
the program hibernates unless some events which triggered by incoming
data in the port activate it.
Is the idea is possible?
Thank you for reading
Best regards
I think for your requirements the design pattern named Reactor is appropriate. Reactor is based on the system call 'select' (which is available in both Unix and Windows environments). From the referenced document,
Blocks awaiting events to occur on a set of Handles. It returns when it is possible to
initiate an operation on a Handle without blocking. A common demultiplexer for I/O
events is select [1], which is an event demultiplexing system call provided by the UNIX
and Win32 OS platforms. The select call indicates which Handles can have operations
invoked on them synchronously without blocking the application process.
You can see that this pattern is encoded as a library in several frameworks such as ACE, Boost.
If you are working with the Win32 API functions for reading the serial port you can call ReadFile. It will suspend until it has the number of bytes you requested or until a timeout that you can set. If your program is a GUI then the serial read should be in a secondary thread so the GUI thread can react to any received Windows messages.

For a client server program, what is the best approach to receive multiple client connection requests in parallel?

The program is a client server socket application being developed with C on Linux. There is a remote server to which each client connects and logs itself as being online. There will be most likely be several clients online at any given point of time, all trying to connect to the server to log themselves as being online/busy/idle etc. So how can the server handle these concurrent requests. What's a good design approach (Forking/multithreading for each connection request maybe?)?
personally i would use the event driven approach for servers. there you register a callback that is called as soon as a connection arrives. and event callbacks whenever the socket is ready to read or write.
with a huge amount of connections you will have a great performance and resource benefit compared to threads. But i would also prefere this for a smaler count of connections.
i only would use threads if you really need to use multiple cores or if you have some request that could take longer to process and where it is too complicate to handle it without threads.
i use libev as base library to handle event driven networking.
Generally speaking, you want a thread pool to service requests.
A typical structure will start with a single thread that does nothing but queue up incoming requests. Since it doesn't do very much, it's typically pretty easy for one thread to keep up with the maximum speed of the network.
That puts the items into some sort of concurrent queue. Then you have a pool of other threads reading items from the queue, doing what's needed, then depositing the result in another queue (and repeating, and repeating until the servers shuts down).
Finally, you have another single thread that just takes items from the result queue, and sends replies out to the clients.
Best approach is a combination of event driven model with multithreaded model.
You create a bunch of nonblocking sockets, but threads count should be much fewver. I.e. 10 sockets per thread.
Then you just listen for an event (incoming request) on every thread in a non-blocking mode and process it as it happens.
This technique usually performs better then non-blocking sockets or multithreaded model separately.
Take a look at Comer's "Internetworking with TCP/IP" volume 3 (BSD sockets version), it has detailed examples for different ways of writing servers and clients. The full code (sans explanations, unfortunally) is on the web. Or rummage around in http://tldp.org, there you'll find a collection of tutorials.
select or poll or epoll
These are facilities on *nix systems to aggregate multiple event sources (connections) into a single waiting point. The server adds the connections to a data structure, and then waits by calling select etc. It gets woken up when stuff happens on any of these connections, figures out which one, handles it, and then goes back to sleep. See manual for details.
There are several higher level libraries built on top of these mechanisms, that make programming them somewhat easier e.g. libevent, libev etc.

Is there a way to communicate data between computers without while loops? C++

I have been struggling to try and find my answer for this on google, as I dont know the exact terms I am looking to search for.
If someone were to build an msn messenger-like program, is it possible to have always-open connections and no while(true) loop? If so, could someone point me in the direction of how this is achieved?
Using boost::asio library for socket handling, i think it is possible to define callbacks upon data reception.
The one single magic word your looking for is asynchronous I/O. This can be achieved either through using asynchronous APIs (functions such as ReadThis() that return immediately and signal on success/failure -- like but not limited by boost::asio) or by deferring blocking calls to different threads. Picking either method requires careful weighing of both the underlying implementation and the scale of your operations.
You want to use ACE. It has a Reactor pattern which will notify you when data is available to be use.
Reactor Pattern
You could have:
while(1) {
sleep(100); // 100 ms
// check if there is a message
// process message
This is ok, but there is an overhead on servers running 10000s of threads since threads come out of sleep and check for a message, causing context-switching. Instead, operating systems provide functions like select and epoll on Linux, which allow a thread to wait on an event.
while(1) {
// wait for message
// process message
Using wait, the thread is not "woken up" unless a message is received.
You can only hide your while loop (or some kind of loop) somewhere buried in some library or restart the waiting for next IO in an event callback, but you aren't going to be able to completely avoid it.
That's a great question. Like nj said, you want to use asynchronous I/O. Too many programs use a polling strategy. It is not uncommon to have 1000 threads running on a system. If all of them were polling, you would have a slow system. Use asynchronous I/O whenever possible.
what about udp protocol communication ? you dont have to wait in while loop for every clients
just open one connection on specified port and call receive method

Interfacing with a daemon in C++ with sockets

I'm writing a daemon that needs to both run in the background and take care of tasks and also receive input directly from a frontend. I've been attempting to use sockets to take care of this task, however, I can't get it to work properly since sockets pause the program while waiting for a connection. Is there anyway to get around this?
I'm using the socket wrappers provided at http://linuxgazette.net/issue74/tougher.html
Thank you for any and all help
You will need to use threads to make the socket operations asynchronous. Or use some library that has already implemented it, one of the top ones is Boost Asio.
There are a few ways to handle this problem. This most common is using an event loop and something like libevent. Then you use non-blocking sockets.
Doing this in an event driven fashion can require a big shift in your program logic. But doing it with threads has its own complexities and isn't clearly a better choice.
Usually the daemons use event loops to avoid the problem of waiting for events.
It's the smartest solution to the problem that you present (do not wait to an asynchronous event). รง
Althought, usually the entire daemon is build over the event loop and it's callback architecture, and can cause a partial rewritting, so usually the quick and dirty solution is creating a separate thread to handle those events wich usually creates more bugs than it solves. So, use an event loop:
glib event loop.
From your description, you have already divided your application into a frontend (receiving input) and backend (socket handling and tasks). If the input from the frontend is sent over the socket (via the backend) rather receiving input from the socket then it seems like you are describing a client and not a server. Client programs are typically not implemented as daemons.
You have created a blocking socket and need to either monitor in a separate thread execution a thread or even separate process) or make a non-blocking socket and poll frequently for updates.
The link to the LinuxGazette is a basic intro to network programming. If you would like a little more depth then take a look at Beej's Guide to Network Programming where the various API calls available to you are explained in a little detail.. and will, perhaps, make you appreciate more wrapper libraries such as Boost::ASIO.
Can be worth retaining control of the event loop yourself - its no complicated and provides flexibility down the track.
"C++ pseudo-code" for an event loop.
while (!done)
bool workDone = false;
// Loop over each event source or internal worker
for each module
// If it has work to do, do some.
if (module.hasWorkDoTo())
// Generally, do as little work as possible; e.g. process a single event for this module.
// But tinker with this to manage priorities if need be.
// E.g. Maybe allow the GUI to flush its queue.
workDone = true;
if (!workDone)
// System idle. No Sleep for a bit so we have benign idle baheviour.

Asynchronous event loop design and issues

I'm designing event loop for asynchronous socket IO using epoll/devpoll/kqueue/poll/select (including windows-select).
I have two options of performing, IO operation:
Non-blocking mode, poll on EAGAIN
Set socket to non-blocking mode.
Read/Write to socket.
If operation succeeds, post completion notification to event loop.
If I get EAGAIN, add socket to "select list" and poll socket.
Polling mode: poll and then execute
Add socket to select list and poll it.
Wait for notification that it is readable writable
Post completion notification to event loop of sucseeds
To me it looks like first would require less system calls when using in normal mode,
especially for writing to socket (buffers are quite big).
Also it looks like that it would be possible to reduce the overhead over number of "select"
executions, especially it is nice when you do not have something that scales well
as epoll/devpoll/kqueue.
Are there any advantages of the second approach?
Are there any portability issues with non-blocking operations on sockets/file descriptors over numerous operating systems: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, MacOSX, Windows.
Notes: Please do not suggest using existing event-loop/socket-api implementations
I'm not sure there's any cross-platform problem; at the most you would have to use Windows Sockets API, but with the same results.
Otherwise, you seem to be polling in either case (avoiding blocking waits), so both approaches are fine. As long as you don't put yourself in a position to block (ex. read when there's no data, write when buffer's full), it makes no difference at all.
Maybe the first approach is easier to code/understand; so, go with that.
It might be of interest to you to check out the documentation of libev and the c10k problem for interesting ideas/approaches on this topic.
The first design is the Proactor Pattern, the second is the Reactor Pattern
One advantage of the reactor pattern is that you can design your API such that you don't have to allocate read buffers until the data is actually there to be read. This reduces memory usage while you're waiting for I/O.
from my experience with low latency socket apps:
for writes - try to write directly into the socket from writing thread (you need to obtain event loop mutex for that), if write is incomplete subscribe to write readiness with event loop (select/waitformultipleobjects) and write from event loop thread when socket gets writable
for reads - be always "subscribed" for read readiness for all sockets, so you always read from within event loop thread when the socket gets readable