send email message action is not sending email - sitecore

I am creating a form through web form from marketers and on submit button's save action I have added a 'Send Email Action' for sending a email. And I have also changed 'Send Email Message' action's parameters and . But still it is not sending email. Please tell me how to resolve this problem?
here is the error:
We experienced a technical difficulty while processing your request.

There are two things you should check.
Does the SMTP server you have configured, actually pass mail through?
Are there any exceptions showing in the Sitecore logs?
This blog post: takes you through pretty much everything in relation to setting SMTP options for your Sitecore solution and for Webforms for Marketers. It's easy to get confused as to how these work.


Vtiger : How we have to manage Email thread on Lead Module?

We are sending email to customer from Lead module and email sent to customer successfully from Vtiger. also we have integrate Mail Manager
in Vtiger.
i can also see that email in Sent box.
now, When Customer will give reply for that mail which i have sent from Lead module that will automatically appear in Lead Module Email Tab. right now i am getting am reply in Mail Box but i need log email in Lead section with particular customer replay.
Please help me if anyone solution..
It's by default functionality which is provided by Vtiger CRM.
We have configure Mail Scanner and select folder which we have to scan.
also, we have add condition or rule for this what we have to do if we can get result while scanning.
Please check status for MailScanner in vtiger_cron_task table. it must be 1.
also we have to set vtigercron.php in cronjob.
you can also run vtigercron.php in console on server with below command
php vtigercron.php
After success full scan you can get below message
Please Let me know if you have any question.

Sitecore web forms for marketers send email message not working

I have a WFFM in my application which sends a thank you email after registration in my site. I have changed some email body text and it stopped working not sure why. Is there any way to check the issue or upload the template again?
The question is very light on details but on WFFM 8.0 this is a known bug, if you check the logs then the following error will be present:
Exception: System.FormatException
Message: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.
The problem is due to a bug in the Mail Message editor, which causes any dynamic user input fields in the TO, FROM or CC fields to be incorrectly encoded with double brackets, e.g. from [User Email] to [[User Email]]. When the field is expanded and passed to the send email pipeline the additional set of brackets around the whole email, causing the FormatException.
The error will occur even if you just edit the message body and not even touch the recipient fields.
This is a known bug and the fix can be found in this Sitecore Knowledge base article: Error submitting form when using Send Email action in WFFM. Alternatively contact Sitecore Support and quote ticket number 402562.

receive emails in rails app

I know that we can receive emails into rails app using ActionMailer configuration or using griddler/mailman gems. But is that possible to receive unique emails?
Ex: When a user is signed up into the app I create him a unique email address.
When the user sends an email to that unique email address rails app should receive that email.
I used google to find the solution but couldn't get the answer. Please help me(reference links are also much appreciated).
no complete solution, but an idea: you could set up a catch all email address on your mail server that receives all mail sent to your domain.
then, in rails you use the mailman/mail gem to receive mails sent to this catch-all address and process it depending on the To header.

How would I know that email has been sent or not via SendGrid in Django

I am working on django and sending emails to multiple users at once. in the given scenario it only tells me that if it has sent or not.
I want to display the report of same page that how many emails has sent to user successfully and how many not. more if i want to get details why email has failed to sent.
How would i do such things via SENDGRID APIs.
There are two options that I know of:
Connect to SendGrid Event Webhooks and start parsing events for every email to flag ones that were not sent. I believe you can configure SendGrid to only send certain events, so if you're interested in bounces you don't need to worry about handling all events.
The second option is to use a service like sendwithus which will connect to your SendGrid account on your behalf and track all bounces/opens/clicks for you and provide a simpler API/UI to view the data. I believe they do this via SendGrid's webhooks, so it's effectively the same solution but written for you.
Happy to elaborate on either, I've used both before.

Deal with timeouts when posting data -no ajax

The use case:
User makes order his payment gets accepted and his details are getting post to a django's view. Using these details django's view creates user and everything that is necessary (Username and password is provided by me). Then before returning it sends email to clients email with his data (Username and password for now).
But sometimes I get a gateway timeout error from apache(app is deployed on openshift). Because the user is created I assume that the timeout comes from the email sending part. How can I make sure everything went ok and inform the user? How can I make sure that if the email isn't sent I can resend it? What is the best practice at that?
If you have timeouts with an API or Service, you should fire your POST / sendmail request with AJAX...
Serialize the whole form (like jQuery's serialize())
Send that data via AJAX (with jQuery's ajax())
Inform the User of success or error (alert() or jQuery UI dialog)
You can find a lot of examples on this website.
Another "dirty" approach would be to add the attribute target="_blank" to your form tag what opens your lazy request in a new tab / window.