How to identify cxf web service end point - web-services

I am trying to creating web service using wsdl first approach and CXF. I am able to generate java file from wsdl and deploy the war file to tomcat server. However, I don't see any soapaction in the generated file. How do I identify the end point url for this web service?

Usually in CXF you use Spring configuration to configure endpoint, as described in JAX-WS Configuration. Usually address is relative, e.g.
<beans xmlns=""
<jaxws:endpoint id="classImpl"
Address is local to you web app context root.
Assuming that name of you web application is SomeWebApp and the server is available at localhost:8080 then web service should be published at http://localhost:8080/SomeWebApp/helloService. You can test it retrieving WSDL at: http://localhost:8080/SomeWebApp/helloService?wsdl. This URL can be used to create SOAP UI project (the tool that I really recommend for exploring and testing SOAP services).
If you don't use Spring to configure endpoint or you still can't access web service please provide more details about your configuration.


Assembling a WebLogic Web Service Manually

I implemented webservice as described in this guide by simply creating "web-services.xml" with the following content (and offcourse i create the 'com.example.WorkFlowEntry' handler class ) :
<handler-chain name="enterWorkflowChain">
<handler class-name="com.example.WorkFlowEntry">
<init-param name="workflow-eng-jndi-name"
value="workflow.entry" />
<web-service targetNamespace=""
name="myworkflow" uri="myWorkflowService">
<operations xmlns:xsd="" >
<operation name="enterWorkflow"
invocation-style="one-way" />
My issue is that when i deploy the EAR file in weblogic 11g the '' webservice is deployed successfully and i can access the WSDL of the webservice. When i deploy the same EAR in weblogic 12c it got deployed successfully but the WSDL is not accessible i am getting 404!
Manually assembling weblogic web service is valid if you are using the
Webservice 8.1 environment. The last Weblogic version for which this
approach can be used is Weblogic 12.1.1, from Weblogic 12.1.2 release,
the 8.1 WebLogic Web services run time has been removed.
that means using the 'web-services.xml' to build your webservice is valid till weblogic 12.1.1 version. for the newer version you have to upgrade your webservice implementation as mentioned in this link which mainly go through (Upgrading a 10.x WebLogic Web Service (JAX-WS or JAX-RPC) to 12.1.x). But this solution may affect the current running clients.
In my case i cannot ask the client to change their code. So my workaround for this case is to take the current WSDL and generate the webservice manually by ant as described in this link which is describes using wsdlc Ant task to generate the following artifacts:
JWS service endpoint interface (SEI) that implements the Web service described
by the WSDL file.
JWS implementation file that contains a partial (stubbed-out) implementation of
the generated JWS SEI. This file must be customized by the developer.
JAXB data binding artifacts.
Optional Javadocs for the generated JWS SEI.

Need IBM Websphere jax ws webservices.xml and web.xml file

I don't have the sample webservices.xml and web.xml file. Can some one help by providing a complete example? I'm using Web Sphere JAX-WS implementation. WAS 7.x version. JDK 1.6.
I tried setting "UseWSFEP61ScanPolicy: true" in MANIFEST.MF file, for automated annotation scanning (instead of webservices.xml and web.xml file usage), but it is working first time, and after deploying a dynamic patch it doesn' works. The services listed under "services" category of IBM Console is having question mark instead of green arrow. Also some times the services even not listed in "services" category.
I'm using web module version 2.3, so i've to enable automated scanning. I'm not using EJB for web service.
I've decided to use webservices.xml and web.xml due to not much help in annotation scanning. I hope for webservices.xml and web.xml not need to install and reinstall the application EAR in WebSphere. In the case of annotation scanning reinstall is needed.
Here's a web.xml I've used. Since it's "empty", the default rules for mapping annotated webservice classes to URL's apply, approximately, URL = name of class + "Service".
webservices.xml is not needed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5" xmlns=""
Check SystemOut.log to find the URL of your service, look for something like this:
WSWS7037I: The /HelloService URL pattern was configured for the example.HelloDelegate servlet
If you don't like the default mappings, then you can map your webservice class to a different URL in web.xml just like you would do with a servlet.

How to Configure Spring MVC 4 to send and receive soap messages in two way SSL using Web Service Consumer?

I have tried to configure Spring MVC in two way SSL using Spring Ws to connect to third party but due to the lack of documentation I have decided to integrate my Spring MVC 4 Application with Web Service Consumer .I am a beginner in Web Service consumption.I would like to know how to configure my Spring MVC 4 application with web service consumer with annotation based configuration to achieve a Two way SSl communication with Third party and also encrypt my soap messages before it is sent to the https server ?If any links or sample code would be helpful.
Also if the WSDL is located in a a https link how do I generate the classes?
This question is huge. There is no a trivial solution
I can provide the steps and guide to the manual
1)Resolve CXF dependencies to include libraries in your project
Use maven, ivy or download. You need jax-ws and related
2) Generate a Java client with wsdl2java to your wsdl
For example
wsdl2java -p com.mycompany.greeting Greeting.wsdl
3) Create the jax-ws programmatically
wdsl2java have done the work for you
HelloService service = new HelloService();
Hello helloClient = service.getHelloHttpPort();
String result = helloClient .sayHi("Joe");
Note: It is also possible configure with spring
4) Configure the authentication with client certificate
This is the hard step
Define a conduit file with the reference to your certificate. This is an example
<beans xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:http-conf=""
<http-conf:conduit name="*.http-conduit">
<http-conf:tlsClientParameters disableCNCheck="true" secureSocketProtocol="TLS">
<sec:keyManagers keyPassword="password" >
<sec:keyStore type="pkcs12" password="password"
file="yourcertificate.p12" />
</sec:keyManagers> </http-conf:tlsClientParameters>
<http-conf:client Connection="Keep-Alive" MaxRetransmits="1" AllowChunking="false" />
If you prefer to do programmaticaly you can do
Client client = ClientProxy.getClient(helloClient);
HTTPConduit http = (HTTPConduit) client.getConduit();
//set the parameters in a similar way to file

Configure http basic auth on EJB web service in Wildfly

I work with Glassfish and in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml I'm able to secure ejb exposed web service like this (http basic auth)
I'm looking for a similar way to do it when deploying to Wildfly but so far I wasn't able to find a solution.
All I have found is a description how to do it in web.xml but I guess that asks for web services to be exposed via servlet cointainer.
Are there any Wildfly specific deployment descriptors or methods to get the same results as with glassfish ejb descriptor on glassfish server?

How to deploy Apache CXF webservice to Glassfish

I have a web service client generated and built with Apache CXF. Next I have JAX-RS Jersey application in which I want to call methods from that webservice. When I try to deploy this simple project to Glassfish 4.0 server I get this exception:
Exception while deploying the app [pelijee] :
The lifecycle method [finalizeConfig] must not throw a checked exception.
Related annotation information: annotation [#javax.annotation.PostConstruct()] on annotated element [public void org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPServerEngine.finalizeConfig() throws,] of type [METHOD]. Please see server.log for more details.
Command deploy failed.
The only one CXF dependency I have in this project is:
Is there any other CXF library compatible with JSR 250?
Thank you
One of the challenges of Glassfish is that the full server profile comes packaged with Metro for JAX-WS web services and Jersey for JAX-RS rest services. It is recommended to configure the classloader through a sun-web.xml file included in the WEB-INF folder of your WAR. It should include the following contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC
'-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 9.0 Servlet 2.5//EN'
<class-loader delegate="false"/>
In the past, I have found that occasionally I still have problems with deployment; therefore, I have actually removed the Metro and Jersey features altogether from the Glassfish server profile. Here is some more information about deployment.
One additional thing I noticed is that you posted a log message which included the Jetty transport. This means you are running the Jetty HTTP server and running the Glassfish HTTP server. I would suggest just using Glassfish as the web server and using the CXF servlet transport instead.