Interpreting float data in C - c++

I am debugging a issue where the data coming out in a buffer gets a wrong value. I am sending the buffer (u8) type from Kernel driver to HAL. In HAL there is a Uint16 buffer which is receiving the values from this buffer.
//Code to copy BUFFLEN contents from u8 data[BUFFLEN] into uint16_tData ;
uint16_t uint16_tData[BUFFLEN / 2];
float floatdata[BUFFLEN / 2];
I am getting the float values from the uint16_tData buffer using this type cast:
floatdata[index] = (*((float *)((void *)&uint16_tData[index1];
Now my question: How Can I interpret the data residing in the floatdata array?
Say I have data floatdata[0] = 53640;
How can I Interpret a float data out of this nibble in floatdata[0]
Note 4 bytes from u8 --> 2 elements of array uint16_tData --> one element of array floatdata.
I wanted to know with an example that say:
Values transmitted from the driver are:
u8 val1 = 206
u8 val2 = 208
u8 val3 = 120
u8 val4 = 68
In the HAL, how will the conversion take place and what values will I get here?
uint16_tData[0] = ?
uint16_tData[1] = ?
And how will it be the interpretation of the data as a float in floatdata?
floatdata[0] = ?

Why do this at all?
I think you want this:
float *floatdata;
floatdata = (float *)uint16_tData;
// Now use floatdata[index] ...
Casting items one at a time is silly. Casting from uint16_t to float is even sillier, it would be better keep it as uint8_t (bytes) whic his what it seems to come in as, or at least use uint32_t as the intermediate.
Is there anything that prevents you from doing this? Can you think of how you can redesign your code so you can avoid dealing with these issues entirely?

according to my understanding of your question is this what you want
float f ;
uint8_t u8arr[4]={206,208,120,68};
uint16_t arr[2];

uint16 are "made of" 2 u8, and single precision float is 32 bit (4 u8 or 2 uint16), but how they are "converted" it depends on the code that handles those data, in particular in the meaning of "sending" (from kernel driver) and how the code that "receives" expect the data. I admit I am ignorant about the topic and I can't check and research it now, but I suspect you have a problem of endianness: your data have a "meaning" altogether, not as single octets, but you put them in memory in the wrong order.
Basically, you have a buffer which contains your octects, say
u8 u8 u8 u8 4 u8 arr element (arr[0], arr[1] ...)
\____/ \____/
uint16 uint16 2 uint16 arr element (arr[0] and arr[1])
in this order of increasing memory address. If you want that A B is read as the "correct" uint16 number, you have to "sort" it in memory so that you match the endianness of the processor: e.g. if you want the number A*8 + B on a little endian cpu, you have to write two u8 in memory in the opposite order:
I suspect HAL uses uint16 just to store data, not to interpret them as 16bit number, so the endianness here is not a problem. But it is once you want to get the correct "float" from 4 u8 (or 2 uint16) in memory: you have to put the u8 in the correct order.
If you want that your u8s are interpreted as float through a cast, you first have to put them in the opposite order in a little endian machine, e.g.
address of arr8[0] and arr16[0]
u8 u8 u8 u8 4 u8 arr element (arr8[0], arr8[1] ...)
\____/ \____/
uint16 uint16 2 uint16 arr element (arr16[0] and arr16[1])
Then, if you "read" those octets as float on a litte endian machine you have the right "float".
So, it is up to you to sort correctly your u8, knowing that they will be interpreted as another type with a "width" wider than one octet. Portable code should use proper ways to compile correctly for processors with different endianness.
See also this wikipedia article

I am not HAL/DX friendly so it can be a silly note
but are you sure that your floats are 16bit and not 32bit?
if not then you need 2x16bit uint per single 32bit float and the bug is there.
If yes then read further
go here:
look for 16 bit rules
look for the bit count and locations (sign,exp,mantisa)
ok now what is your problem:
you have uint buffers but store float inside ?
in this case just do this:
float16 *p=(float16*)uint16_tData;
and use p instead of uint16_tData
you have uint buffers with uint values stored inside ?
this means you need to convert uint to float
use internal = operator if exists
if not write your own conversion
you can ignore sign for uints
set exp to 0 (2^0)
set mantissa to uint value
truncate unfitted bits
just shift right / inc exponent until MSB of uint fits into mantissa
put all together with bit shift/and/or to their places (see that link above)
you have float values and need to store them in uint as uint
so simply do backwards previous point
extract exponent, mantisa, ignore sign or use 2'os complement
shift mantisa left by exponent (if positive) else right by -exponent
and that is it.
PS. be aware on some platforms/compilers/data types the bit shift can insert also ones from carry or the other side of number. In that case and the result with bit-mask.
PPS. do not forget to apply exponent bias !!!
Hope it helps a little


How to convert a float into uint8_t?

I am trying to sent multiple float values from an arduino using the LMIC lora library. The LMIC function only takes an uint8_t as its transmission argument type.
temp contains my temperature value as a float and I can print the measured temperature as such without problem:
Serial.println((String)"Temp C: " + temp);
There is an example that shows this code being used to do the conversion:
uint16_t payloadTemp = LMIC_f2sflt16(temp);
// int -> bytes
byte tempLow = lowByte(payloadTemp);
byte tempHigh = highByte(payloadTemp);
payload[0] = tempLow;
payload[1] = tempHigh;
I am not sure if this would work, it doesn't seem to be. The resulting data that gets sent is: FF 7F
I don't believe this is what I am looking for.
I have also tried the following conversion procedure:
uint8_t *array;
array = (unit8_t*)(&f);
using arduino, this will not even compile.
something that does work, but creates a much too long result is:
String toSend = String(temp);
toSend.toCharArray(payload, toSend.length());
payloadActualLength = toSend.length();
Serial.print("the payload is: ");
but the resulting hex is far far too long to when I get my other values that I want to send in.
So how do I convert a float into a uint8_t value and why doesn't my original given conversion not work as how I expect it to work?
Sounds like you are trying to figure out a minimally sized representation for these numbers that you can transmit in some very small packet format. If the range is suitably limited, this can often best be done by using an appropriate fixed-point representation.
For example, if your temperatures are always in the range 0..63, you could use a 6.2 fixed point format in a single byte:
if (value < 0.0 || value > 63.75) {
// out of range for 6.2 fixed point, so do something else.
} else {
uint8_t bval = (uint8_t)(value * 4 + 0.5);
// output this byte value
when you read the byte back, you just multiply it by 0.25 to get the (approximate) float value back.
Of course, since 8 bits is pretty limited for precision (about 2 digits), it will get rounded a bit to fit -- your 23.24 value will be rounded to 23.25. If you need more precision, you'll need to use more bits.
If you only need a little precision but a wider range, you can use a custom floating point format. IEEE 16-bit floats (S5.10) are pretty good (give you 3 digits of precision and around 10 orders of magnitude range), but you can go even smaller, particularly if you don't need negative values. A U4.4 float format give you 1 digit of precision and 5 orders of magnitude range in 8 bits (positive only)
If you know that both sender and receiver use the same fp binary representation and both use the same endianness then you can just memcpy:
float a = 23.24;
uint8_t buffer[sizeof(float)];
::memcpy(buffer, &a, sizeof(float));
In Arduino one can convert the float into a String
float ds_temp=sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); // DS18b20 Temp sensor
then convert the String into a char array:
String ds_str = String(ds_temp);
char* ds_char[ds_str.length()];
ds_str.toCharArray(ds_char ,ds_str.length()-1);
uint8_t* data =(uint8_t*)ds_char;
the uint_8 value is stored in data with a size sizeof(data)
A variable of uint8_t can carry only 256 values. If you actually want to squeeze temperature into single byte, you have to use fixed-point approach or least significant bit value approach
Define working range, T0 and T1
divide T0-T1 by 256 ( 2^8, a number of possible values).
Resulting value would be a float constant (working with a flexible LSB value is possible) by which you divide original float value X: R = (X-T0)/LSB. You can round the result, it would fit into byte.
On receiving side you have to multiply integer value by same constant X = R*LSB + T0.

c++ combining 2 uint8_t into one uint16_t not working?

So I have a little piece of code that takes 2 uint8_t's and places then next to each other, and then returns a uint16_t. The point is not adding the 2 variables, but putting them next to each other and creating a uint16_t from them.
The way I expect this to work is that when the first uint8_t is 0, and the second uint8_t is 1, I expect the uint16_t to also be one.
However, this is in my code not the case.
This is my code:
uint8_t *bytes = new uint8_t[2];
bytes[0] = 0;
bytes[1] = 1;
uint16_t out = *((uint16_t*)bytes);
It is supposed to make the bytes uint8_t pointer into a uint16_t pointer, and then take the value. I expect that value to be 1 since x86 is little endian. However it returns 256.
Setting the first byte to 1 and the second byte to 0 makes it work as expected. But I am wondering why I need to switch the bytes around in order for it to work.
Can anyone explain that to me?
There is no uint16_t or compatible object at that address, and so the behaviour of *((uint16_t*)bytes) is undefined.
I expect that value to be 1 since x86 is little endian. However it returns 256.
Even if the program was fixed to have well defined behaviour, your expectation is backwards. In little endian, the least significant byte is stored in the lowest address. Thus 2 byte value 1 is stored as 1, 0 and not 0, 1.
Does endianess also affect the order of the bit's in the byte or not?
There is no way to access a bit by "address"1, so there is no concept of endianness. When converting to text, bits are conventionally shown most significant on left and least on right; just like digits of decimal numbers. I don't know if this is true in right to left writing systems.
1 You can sort of create "virtual addresses" for bits using bitfields. The order of bitfields i.e. whether the first bitfield is most or least significant is implementation defined and not necessarily related to byte endianness at all.
Here is a correct way to set two octets as uint16_t. The result will depend on endianness of the system:
// no need to complicate a simple example with dynamic allocation
uint16_t out;
// note that there is an exception in language rules that
// allows accessing any object through narrow (unsigned) char
// or std::byte pointers; thus following is well defined
std::byte* data = reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(&out);
data[0] = 1;
data[1] = 0;
Note that assuming that input is in native endianness is usually not a good choice, especially when compatibility across multiple systems is required, such as when communicating through network, or accessing files that may be shared to other systems.
In these cases, the communication protocol, or the file format typically specify that the data is in specific endianness which may or may not be the same as the native endianness of your target system. De facto standard in network communication is to use big endian. Data in particular endianness can be converted to native endianness using bit shifts, as shown in Frodyne's answer for example.
In a little endian system the small bytes are placed first. In other words: The low byte is placed on offset 0, and the high byte on offset 1 (and so on). So this:
uint8_t* bytes = new uint8_t[2];
bytes[0] = 1;
bytes[1] = 0;
uint16_t out = *((uint16_t*)bytes);
Produces the out = 1 result you want.
However, as you can see this is easy to get wrong, so in general I would recommend that instead of trying to place stuff correctly in memory and then cast it around, you do something like this:
uint16_t out = lowByte + (highByte << 8);
That will work on any machine, regardless of endianness.
Edit: Bit shifting explanation added.
x << y means to shift the bits in x y places to the left (>> moves them to the right instead).
If X contains the bit-pattern xxxxxxxx, and Y contains the bit-pattern yyyyyyyy, then (X << 8) produces the pattern: xxxxxxxx00000000, and Y + (X << 8) produces: xxxxxxxxyyyyyyyy.
(And Y + (X<<8) + (Z<<16) produces zzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyy, etc.)
A single shift to the left is the same as multiplying by 2, so X << 8 is the same as X * 2^8 = X * 256. That means that you can also do: Y + (X*256) + (Z*65536), but I think the shifts are clearer and show the intent better.
Note that again: Endianness does not matter. Shifting 8 bits to the left will always clear the low 8 bits.
You can read more here: Note the difference between Arithmetic and Logical shifts - in C/C++ unsigned values use logical shifts, and signed use arithmetic shifts.
If p is a pointer to some multi-byte value, then:
"Little-endian" means that the byte at p is the least-significant byte, in other words, it contains bits 0-7 of the value.
"Big-endian" means that the byte at p is the most-significant byte, which for a 16-bit value would be bits 8-15.
Since the Intel is little-endian, bytes[0] contains bits 0-7 of the uint16_t value and bytes[1] contains bits 8-15. Since you are trying to set bit 0, you need:
bytes[0] = 1; // Bits 0-7
bytes[1] = 0; // Bits 8-15
Your code works but your misinterpreted how to read "bytes"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
int main()
uint8_t *in = new uint8_t[2];
in[0] = 3;
in[1] = 1;
uint16_t out = *((uint16_t*)in);
std::cout << "out: " << out << "\n in: " << in[1]*256 + in[0]<< std::endl;
return 0;
By the way, you should take care of alignment when casting this way.
One way to think in numbers is to use MSB and LSB order
which is MSB is the highest Bit and LSB ist lowest Bit for
Little Endian machines.
For ex.
(u)int32: MSB:Bit 31 ... LSB: Bit 0
(u)int16: MSB:Bit 15 ... LSB: Bit 0
(u)int8 : MSB:Bit 7 ... LSB: Bit 0
with your cast to a 16Bit value the Bytes will arrange like this
16Bit <= 8Bit 8Bit
Bit15 Bit0 Bit7 .. 0 Bit7 .. 0
0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000
which is 256 -> correct value.

C++ - Reading number of bits per pixel from BMP file

I am trying to get number of bits per pixel in a bmp file. According to Wikipedia, it is supposed to be at 28th byte. So after reading a file:
// Przejscie do bajtu pod ktorym zapisana jest liczba bitow na pixel
plik.seekg(28, ios::beg);
// Read number of bytes used per pixel
int liczbaBitow;*)&liczbaBitow, 2);
cout << "liczba bitow " << liczbaBitow << endl;
But liczbaBitow (variable that is supposed to hold number of bits per pixel value) is -859045864. I don't know where it comes from... I'm pretty lost.
Any ideas?
To clarify #TheBluefish's answer, this code has the bug
// Read number of bytes used per pixel
int liczbaBitow;*)&liczbaBitow, 2);
When you use (char*)&libczbaBitow, you're taking the address of a 4 byte integer, and telling the code to put 2 bytes there.
The other two bytes of that integer are unspecified and uninitialized. In this case, they're 0xCC because that's the stack initialization value used by the system.
But if you're calling this from another function or repeatedly, you can expect the stack to contain other bogus values.
If you initialize the variable, you'll get the value you expect.
But there's another bug.. Byte order matters here too. This code is assuming that the machine native byte order exactly matches the byte order from the file specification. There are a number of different bitmap formats, but from your reference, the wikipedia article says:
All of the integer values are stored in little-endian format (i.e. least-significant byte first).
That's the same as yours, which is obviously also x86 little endian. Other fields aren't defined to be little endian, so as you proceed to decode the image, you'll have to watch for it.
Ideally, you'd read into a byte array and put the bytes where they belong.
See Convert Little Endian to Big Endian
int libczbaBitow;
unsigned char bpp[2];, 2);
libczbaBitow = bpp[0] | (bpp[1]<<8);
-859045864 can be represented in hexadecimal as 0xCCCC0018.
Reading the second byte gives us 0x0018 = 24bpp.
What is most likely happening here, is that liczbaBitow is being initialized to 0xCCCCCCCC; while your is only writing the lower 16 bits and leaving the upper 16 bits unchanged. Changing that line should fix this issue:
int liczbaBitow = 0;
Though, especially with something like this, it's best to use a datatype that exactly matches your data:
int16_t liczbaBitow = 0;
This can be found in <cstdint>.

How do I store a byte into a 4 byte number without changing the bytes around it?

So if I have a 4 byte number (say hex) and want to store a byte say DD into hex, at the nth byte position without changing the other elements of hex's number, what's the easiest way of going about that? I'm guessing it's some combination of bitwise operations, but I'm still quite new with them, and have found them quite confusing thus far?
byte n = 0xDD;
uint i = 0x12345678;
i = (i & ~0x0000FF00) | ((uint)n << 8);
Edit: Forgot to mention, be careful if you're doing this with signed data types, so that things don't get inadvertently sign-extended.
Mehrdad's answer shows how to do it with bit manipulation. You could also use the old byte array trick (assuming C or some other language that allows this silliness):
byte n = 0xDD;
uint i = 0x12345678;
byte *b = (byte*)&i;
b[1] = n;
Of course, that's processor specific in that big-endian machines have the bytes reversed from little-endian. Also, this technique limits you to working on exact byte boundaries whereas the bit manipulation will let you modify any given 8 bits. That is, you might want to turn 0x12345678 into 0x12345DD8, which the technique I show won't do.

UINT16 value appears to be "backwards" when printing

I have a UINT8 pointer mArray, which is being assigned information via a *(UINT16 *) casting. EG:
int offset = someValue;
*(UINT16 *)&mArray[offset] = mUINT16;
for(int i = 0; i < mArrayLength; i++)
printf("%02X",*(mArray + i));
output: ... FF AA ...
expected: ... AA FF ...
The value I am expecting to be printed when it reaches offset is to be AA FF, but the value that is printed is FF AA, and for the life of me I can't figure out why.
You are using a little endian machine.
You didn't specify but I'm guessing your mArray is an array of bytes instead of an array of UINT16s.
You're also running on a little-endian machine. On little endian machines the bytes are stored in the opposite order of big-endian machines. Big endians store them pretty much the way humans read them.
You are probably using a computer that uses a "little-endian" representation of numbers in memory (such as Intel x86 architecture). Basically this means that the least significant byte of any value will be stored at the lowest address of the memory location that is used to store the values. See Wikipdia for details.
In your case, the number 0xAAFF consists of the two bytes 0xAA and 0xFF with 0xFF being the least significant one. Hence, a little-endian machine will store 0xFF at the lowest address and then 0xAA. Hence, if you interpret the memory location to which you have written an UINT16 value as an UINT8, you will get the byte written to that location which happens to be 0xFF
If you want to write an array of UINT16 values into an appropriately sized array of UINT8 values such that the output will match your expectations you could do it in the following way:
/* copy inItems UINT16 values from inArray to outArray in
* MSB first (big-endian) order
void copyBigEndianArray(UINT16 *inArray, size_t inItems, UINT8 *outArray)
for (int i = 0; i < inItems; i++)
// shift one byte right: AAFF -> 00AA
outArray[2*i] = inArray[i] >> 8;
// cut off left byte in conversion: AAFF -> FF
outArray[2*i + 1] = inArray[i]
You might also want to check out the hton*/ntoh*-family of functions if they are available on your platform.
It's because your computer's CPU is using little endian representation of integers in memory