How to use find and the prune option with an while loop - regex

i've got an question about find, prune and print combined with an while loop. I want find every file named trace but not the files ending on mailed. Also i want to exclude the files in the lost+found directory. My idea was to use the following command:
find /opt/myTESTdir/ -iwholename '*lost+found' -prune -o -ctime +4 -type f -iname "*trace*" -not -iname "*.mailed*" -print0 | while read file ; do newfile=${file%.txt}".mailed" ; mv -v $file $newfile ; done
My question is now should this work or is there an syntax error? I've tried out the find command without everything behind the pipe and it seems, that's work correctly. But i'm not sure about the combination. I hope you could answer me :)
(Sorry for my bad english)

In while loop, it seems you are trying to rename files with extension .txt to .mailed. You can achieve the same using -exec option.
Try adding following portion to the end of your find command and remove piping to while loop.
-exec sh -c 'mv -f $0 ${0%.txt}.mailed' {} \;
Complete command would look like
find /opt/myTESTdir/ -iwholename '*lost+found' -prune -o -ctime +4 -type f -iname '*trace*' ! -iname '*.mailed*' -exec sh -c 'mv -f $0 ${0%.txt}.mailed' {} \;


linux recursive copy specified files doesn't work

I want to recursive copy all the files which start with letters in directory data to directory test. So I wrote this:
find data -type f -exec grep '^[a-z]' {} \; -exec cp -f {} ./test \;
However, it also matched other files.
What's wrong with the code?
Your command isn't executing grep on filenames, but rather on the contents of those files.
You say:
copy all the files which start with letters in directory
which would use a find command that's matching filenames which requires the -name option. For example,
find data -type f -name '[a-z]*'
By using the -exec option to find, instead you're executing the provided command (grep '^[a-z]' {}) on every file that find finds in the data directory since there is no filename matching clause (-name).
The command you likely want is:
find data -type f -name '[a-z]*' -exec cp -f {} ./test \;

Find command in shell with regular expression to find files with two extensions

I am trying to list generated log and zip files from my application server.
Files which are .log or .zip
These files include digits in their name. i.e. Files with any number of digits in their name
Files should be older than +5 days.
I used below expression. but looks something wrong. Could you please assist with regular expression?
find $ROOT_DIR -name '*[0-9]*[zip|log]' -mtime +5
Finally I wish to delete these files using command
find $ROOT_DIR -name '*[0-9]*[zip|log]' -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;
The first command will find them and display.
find $ROOT_DIR ! -readable -prune -mtime +5 -type f | egrep -e "^.*\.(log|zip)$"
The second one will remove them all
find $ROOT_DIR ! -readable -prune -mtime +5 -type f | egrep -e "^.*\.(log|zip)$" | xargs -L 1 rm
You could do it this way (with most versions of find):
find "$ROOT_DIR" '(' -name '*[0-9]*.log' -o -name '*[0-9]*.zip' ')' -mtime +5 -exec rm {} +
The + is from POSIX 2008 and means "run the exec'd command with as many file names as convenient" whereas the older alternative ';' (or \;) means "run the exec'd command once per file name".
If you have GNU find, you can use various dialects of regular expression:
find "$ROOT_DIR" -regex '.*\.\(zip\|bz2\)' -mtime +5 -delete
This uses the default regex mode; you can use some alternatives to avoid using so many backslashes. The -delete option uses the unlink() system call rather than invoking an external command; it is more efficient, therefore.

Find and delete all core files in a directory

Core files are generated when a program terminates abnormally. It consists the working memory of the system when the program exits abnormally. You can use a debugger with the generated core file to debug the program. The Challenge is:
Delete all core files from a directory (recursive search). Core files are quite huge in size and you may want to delete them to save memory
Make sure you don't delete any folder named core and some other filed named core which not actually a memory/system dump
After some searching on the internet, I found a nice piece of code to do this. Drawback is it asks you to recognize the core file to make sure its not some other file named core. Source :
find . -name core\* -user $USER -type f -size +1000000c -exec file {} \; -exec ls -l {} \; -exec printf "\n\ny to remove this core file\n" \; -exec /bin/rm -i {} \;
Please post if you have better solutions.
To delete all files matching to the regex "*.core" you can use:
find . -name "*.core" -type f -delete
find supports many filters like:
-size +1000000c # size > 1G
-user $USER # specific user
-mtime +3 # older than 3 days
if you are afraid for files ending with "core" that are not core files you can filter by file command piped to some other linux commands. for example -
find . -name "*.core" -type f -exec file {} \; | grep 'core file' | awk -F":" '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 -P4 rm -rf

Find & replace recursively except for certain files

With regards to this post, how would I exclude one or more files from applying the string replacement? By using the aforementioned post as an example, I would like to be able to replace "apples" with "oranges" in all descendant files of a given directory except, say, ./fpd/font/symbol.php.
My idea was using the -regex switch in the find command but unfortunately it does not have a -v option like the grep command hence I can't negate the regex to not match the files where the replacement must occur.
I use this in my Git repository:
grep -ilr orange . | grep -v ".git" | grep -e "\\.php$" | xargs sed -i s/orange/apple/g {}
It will:
Run find and replace only in files that actually have the word to be replaced;
Not process the .git folder;
Process only .php files.
Needless to say you can include as many grep layers you want to filter the list that is being passed to xargs.
Known issues:
At least in my Windows environment it fails to open files that have spaces in the path or name. Never figured that one out. If anyone has an idea of how to fix this I would like to know.
Haven't tested this but it should work:
find . -path ./fpd/font/symbol.php -prune -o -exec sed -i 's/apple/orange/g' {} \;
You can negate with ! (or -not) combined with -name:
$ find .
$ find . -name \*a\* -print
$ find . ! -name \*a\* -print
$ find . -not -name \*a\* -print

remove files when name does NOT contain some words

I am using Linux and intend to remove some files using shell.
I have some files in my folder, some filenames contain the word "good", others don't.
For example:
I want to remove the files that does NOT contain "good" in the name, so the remaining files are:
How to do that using rm in shell? I try to use
rm -f *[!good].*
but it doesn't work.
Thanks a lot!
This command should do what you you need:
ls -1 | grep -v 'good' | xargs rm -f
It will probably run faster than other commands, since it does not involve the use of a regex (which is slow, and unnecessary for such a simple operation).
With bash, you can get "negative" matching via the extglob shell option:
shopt -s extglob
rm !(*good*)
You can use find with the -not operator:
find . -not -iname "*good*" -a -not -name "." -exec rm {} \;
I've used -exec to call rm there, but I wonder if find has a built-in delete action it does, see below.
But very careful with that. Note in the above I've had to put an -a -not -name "." clause in, because otherwise it matched ., the current directory. So I'd test thoroughly with -print before putting in the -exec rm {} \; bit!
Update: Yup, I've never used it, but there is indeed a -delete action. So:
find . -not -iname "*good*" -a -not -name "." -delete
Again, be careful and double-check you're not matching more than you want to match first.