Periods in URL cause Railo Error - coldfusion

The following link http://127. 0. 0. 1:8888/.../index.cfm causes an error in Railo's built in server.
Can anything be done to keep this from happening?

You should be able to handle this by defining a onMissingTemplate function in your Application.cfc


The routine has been declared twice in the same file

We are testing our move to CF2021. We repeatedly get this error of function declared twice in same file. We have tried removing the function and error moves to the next function in cfc.
Same thing works on CF2016 & CF2018 without any issues. Any help, what could be going on here?
I would check if you have multiple cfincludes that have the same routine in it. I had same happen and it considered the routine in the cfinclude declared twice.
We finally found this line of code causing the trouble. No idea why. But posting this as answer, if someone runs into similar issue. Removing it made that error go away.
<cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8">

NodeJS sometimes exist after runtime error but sometimes not

I'm using loopback 3 which based on expressJS. I noticed that sometimes the nodeJS app exit when runtime error occurs but sometimes just showing the error but not exit and the app continue functioning.
Can someone explain in what types of runtime errors the entire app terminates and what type not?
I suggest to check your code carefully, it looks like you missed "await" for a promise somewhere. Generally, all errors should be caught by the error handler (if we are token about requests processing)

CFML / Fusebox: An Error of type "fusebox.badGrammar.unexpectedAttributes" has occured

I have a problem with a 10 year old ColdFusion / Fusebox application running on a ColdFusion 8 Server. This is the complete error message:
An Error of type "fusebox.badGrammar.unexpectedAttributes" has occured
Unexpected attributes
Unexpected attributes were found in a "include" verb in fuseaction [model_login_request].
[...] is variable, that means that this kind of error occurs more often, but in different sections. Sometimes model login, or model user, or controller.
The application runs normal, then this error occurs from one second to another, without any changes in the program code.
The recovery is simple, but very crazy. I download the model or controller directory, dependent on where the error occurred. Then I upload the directory again 1:1 without any changes. I only delete the content in the "parsed" directory and everything begins working again.
The error only occurs in the live environment, never had it in the development environment. The code on both is the same. The only difference is, that the live environment has more data in the database and the usage is more intense. The error has been occurring more frequently in the last weeks.
Does anyone have an idea where the problem could be located?
Check the fusebox.xml file in both live and development and see if "mode" is set accordingly. In the live environment, it should have a value of "production"
With mode="production", the files generated in the parsed directory are only done once, while in other modes they might be regenerated on every request. In a high-load environment, this can lead to fusebox regenerating those files while they are in use by other requests and can cause this type of error.

functions being run and cached during compile time

I'm currently working on a project that uses ring and liberator to serve from a database. For some reason, the compiler seems to be calling one of my functions and caching the result, causing the values outputted to http to never change until a server restart. here is a gist with my code: . any ideas as to what could cause something like this?
Make sure that the values for the resource definitions are functions. From the stacktrace with the exception you can conclude that the function get-latest-link is run on compile/eval time.

Intraweb class not found at runtime

I've beenworking with the IntraWeb framework on Borland C++Builder. Sometimes it happens that an application crashes because of a strange uncaught exception:
An unhandled application error has occured within My IntraWeb Application.
Error message raised by the application: Class TIWTimer not found
This happens when a new session is started. For example, by entering the address in a browser.
Also, the message appears in the classic IntraWeb error web page
The class that cannot be found is either TIWTimer or TIWButton but I think this is irrelevant.
The problem seems to occur randomly and sometimes goes away with a rebuild, but other times it will go away by rewriting the code or starting from a new project.
So, the question is, how come the link error is not found at link-time?
Why does it occur at all, since those classes belong to the standard IW library?
Has anyone had the same issue?
How can it be solved?
Use Intraweb XII in C++Builder XE2, it has good improvement and bug fixes.
in this version you can assign urls to forms, for example:
myhost/login.htm or myhost/login.aspx
for more information see this