DateTime trouble in SAS - sas

I have a big database. There's a contract start date there. The problem is that in some time ago, several values had been imported there as a datetime format while the rest are just date9. In result now some sql queries or data queries shows weird results due to difference in seeing the "numbers" stored behind the contract start date.
Like when I want to get max(contract_start_date) (via sql, for example) I will get *************** instead of normal results.
My question is how can I unify this format difference? What I would like in the end is to make a new variable with unified format and then replace the existing contract start date with new one.

%let d_breakpoint=%sysfunc(putn('31dec2015'D, 13. -L));
%put &d_breakpoint;
%put %sysfunc(putn(&d_breakpoint, DATETIME. -L));
data indata;
format contract_start_date date9.;
do i=0 to 40;
contract_start_date = i*5000;
drop i;
proc sql;
alter table indata add d_contract_start num format=date9.
update indata
set d_contract_start= case when contract_start_date > &d_breakpoint then contract_start_date/(24*60*60)
else contract_start_date end
proc sql;
min(d_contract_start) format=date9. as min
, max(d_contract_start) format=date9. as max
from indata
The variable has only one format, but one part of VALUES of that variable stored in table is not corresponding to that format - if the format is for DATE values (date as a number of days since 1jan1960) but some records store DATETIME values (number of seconds since midnight 1jan1960), the results are incorrect.
So you need to modify values to be of just one type - DATE or DATETIME.
The code above will change it to DATE values.
The idea is to define a breakpoint value - values above that will be treated as DATETIME values, the rest will be considered DATE values and will be kept like that.
In my example I've choosen DATE value of 31dec2015 (which is 20453) to be the breakpoint. So this represents 31dec2015 as DATE, while 01JAN60:05:40:53 as DATETIME.
Values below 20453 are considered DATE values, values above 20453 considered DATETIME values.


Extremely New to SAS

I am new to SAS and I am struggling struggling with my code. I would love some help. Am I thinking about this the right way? I have a huge table and I want to extract that data from certain dates. My two dates: 1969-12-01 and 1948-01-01 my sample code:
data null;
call symput ('timenow',put (time(),time.));
call symput ('datenow',put (date(),date9.));
title "The current time is timenow and the date is datenow";
proc print;
So first learn about your dataset. So for example run PROC CONTENTS.
proc contents; run;
Which will show you that there is variable named DATE that has date values (number of days since 1960).
So to reference a specific date use a date literal. That is a quoted string in the style that the DATE informat can read followed by the letter D. You can then use a WHERE statement to filter the data.
data want;
where date = '31dec1969'd ;
Which will not find any observations since that date does not appear in that dataset.
If you want to select for multiple dates you could either add more conditions using OR.
where (date = '31dec1969'd) or (date = '01jan1948'd);
You can also use the IN operator:
where date in ('31dec1969'd '01jan1948'd);
Note that if your variable contains datetime values (number of seconds) then to pick a specific date you would either need to use a range of datetime literals:
where datetime between '31dec1969:00:00'dt and '31dec1969:11:59:59'dt);
Or convert the number of seconds into number of days and compare to the date literal.
where datepart(datetime) = '31dec1969'd ;
Welcome to StackOverflow Sportsguy3090.
Here I make a dataset called sample with some sample dates. That dataset has a variable called name and another variable called date. Internally, SAS stores dates as the number of days until or after January 1st 1970. That is rough to look at. So I use the format statement to have the dates appear as a 10 character string with month/day/year.
data sample;
name = "Abe "; date = "01Dec1969"d; output;
name = "Betty"; date = "01Jan1948"d; output;
name = "Carl"; date = "06Jun1960"d; output;
name = "Doug"; date = "06Dec1969"d; output;
name = "Ed"; date = "01Jan1947"d; output;
format date mmddyy10.;
The code below subsets the data and puts the good records into a new dataset called keepers. It only keeps the records that are in the date range (including the limit dates).
data keepers;
set sample;
where date between "01jan1948"d and "01Dec1969"d;
I hope that helps.... if not send up another flare.

Convert SAS DATE and use in a PROC SQL

I'm having problems to DATEs in SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 M4.
it's very very simple in SQL Server or VBA but in SAS is driving me crazy.
For some strange reason I'm unable to make a simple select. I tried many different forms of formating and convertions but any seems to work
My Simple select returns no observations.
Description of T1.DT_DATE in proc contents
Type: Num
Len: 8
Format: DDMMYY10.
Informat: DATETIME20.
%let DATE_EXAMPLE='01JAN2019'd;
data _null_;
call symput ('CONVERTED_DATE',put(&DATE_EXAMPLE, ddmmyy10.));
Intially you are setting up the date properly but you are changing it to a different value that is not understood in where clause. See the resolutions of macrovariable for both macrovariables you have created
%put value of my earlier date value is &DATE_EXAMPLE;
value of my earlier date value is '01JAN2019'd
%put value of my current date value is &CONVERTED_DATE;
value of my current date value is 01/01/2019
change your code to use date literal that is '01JAN2019'd then your code will work. 01/01/2019 value will not make sense in where clause.

Insert into function with SAS/SQL

I want to insert values into a new table, but I keep getting the same error: VALUES clause 1 attempts to insert more columns than specified after the INSERT table name. This is if I don't put apostrophes around my date. If I do put apostrophes then I get told that the data types do not correspond for the second value.
proc sql;
create table date_table
(cvmo char(6), next_beg_dt DATE);
proc sql;
insert into date_table
values ('201501', 2015-02-01)
values ('201502', 2015-03-01)
values ('201503', 2015-04-01)
values ('201504', 2015-05-01);
The second value has to remain as a date because it used with > and < symbols later on. I think the problem may be that 2015-02-01 just isn't a valid date format since I couldn't find it on the SAS website, but I would rather not change my whole table.
Date literals (constants) are quoted strings with the letter d immediately after the close quote. The string needs to be in a format that is valid for the DATE informat.
If you really want to insert a series of dates then just use a data step with a DO loop. Also make sure to attach one of the many date formats to your date values so that they will print as human understandable text.
data data_table ;
length cvmo $6 next_beg_dt 8;
format next_beg_dt yymmdd10.;
do _n_=1 to 4;
#tom suggest you in comments how to use date and gives very good answer how to it efficently, which is less error prone than typing values. I am just putting the same into the insert statement.
proc sql;
create table date_table
(cvmo char(6), next_beg_dt DATE);
proc sql;
insert into date_table
values ('201501', "01FEB2015"D)

I would like to get Date and Time separately from DATETIME. format

I would like to get only date and time separately from 01JAN13:08:29:00
Format & Infomat available in Dataset is:
Date Num 8 DATETIME.(format) ANYDTDTM40(informat)
And If I run datepart() on 01JAN13:08:29:00 I get output as 19359 (I don't want it.)
The DATEPART function extracts the date value from a datetime value. The date value as you have seen is simply a number. A date format must be applied to a variable holding a date value. Base SAS variables have only two value types, character and numeric.
data want;
now_dtm = datetime();
now_dt = datepart(now_dtm);
now_dt_unformatted = now_dt;
format now_dtm datetime.;
format now_dt date9.; * <----- this is what you need, format stored in data set header information;
proc print data=want;
* you can change the format temporarily during a proc step;
proc print data=want;
format now_dt yymmdd10.; * <---- changes format for duration of proc step;
format now_dt_unformatted mmddyy10.;
Actually 19,359 is exactly the value you want. You started with the number of seconds since 1960 and converted it to the number of days since 1960.
data x ;
dt = '01JAN13:08:29:00'dt ;
date = datepart(dt);
time = timepart(dt);
put (dt date time) (=);
dt=1672648140 date=19359 time=30540
You just need to attach a format to your new variable so that SAS will display the value in a format that humans will recognize. You could use a format like DATE9. to have it show 19,359 as 01JAN2013. Similarly you need to attach a format to the time part to make it print in format that human's will interpret as a time.
format date date9. time time8. ;

Date missing in dataset

I created below SAS code to pull the data for particular a date.
%let date =2016-12-31;
proc sql;
connect to teradata as tera ( user=testuser password=testpass );
create table new as select * from connection tera (select acct,org
from dw.act
where date= &date.);
disconnect from tera;
There are situation where that particular date may be missing in the dataset due to holiday.
I thinking how to query the previous date(non-holiday) if the mention date in the %let statement is holiday
Before running your query you have to do a lookup or data check on the date you are using. You have two options:
Use a Date Dimension table in order identify/lookup holidays.
Count how many records you have for that date, if you get 0 obs for this date, use date+1 in your query.
I recommend using the date dimension table option.
Teradata has Sys_Calendar.Calendar view. You can use that in query, it has all the information regarding weekdays and others.
if you want to SAS way use weekday function and use call symput as shown below. Teradata needs single quote around the date, so it is better to have single quotes around when creating macro variable
data _null_;
/* this is for intial date*/
date_int = input('2016-12-31', yymmdd10.);
/* create a new date variable depending on weekday*/
if weekday(date_int) = 7 then date =date_int-2; /*sunday -2 days to get
else if weekday(date_int) = 6 then date =date_int-1;/*saturday -1 day to get
else date =date_int;
format date date_int yymmdd10.;
call symputx('date', ''''||put(date,yymmdd10.)||'''');
%put modfied date is &date;
modified date is '2016-12-29'
Now you can use this macro variable in your pass through.