Expanding size of a list - c++

I am writing a class that holds strings. It is basically a container that will hold strings. I am wondering how to expand the size of the container as the container grows larger.
Right now I have an array holding the strings and the size of the array is set at 10. I've thought about creating a two dimensional array but since the size would be arbitrarily assigned anyway, do not think that would make any difference.
class stringlist {
typedef std::string str;
void push(str);
void pop();
void print();
str container[10];
void stringlist::push(str s)
size_t sz = sizeof(container) / sizeof(*container);
str* ptr = container;
while(ptr[sz] != "" && *ptr != "")
*ptr = s;
void stringlist::pop()
size_t sz = sizeof(container) / sizeof(*container);
str* ptr = container;
while(ptr != ptr + sz)
*ptr = "";
void stringlist::print()
size_t sz = sizeof(container) / sizeof(*container);
str* ptr = container;
while(ptr[sz] != "" && *ptr != "")
std::cout << *ptr++ << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
Basically I am looking for some kind of dynamic memory allocation. str* container = new str[N] where N can be specified. But I am not sure how to implement without knowing N beforehand.
If I use constructors I get an error:
stringlist() : N(15) {}
stringlist(size_t sz) : N(sz) {}
str* container = new str[N];
size_t N;
a.out(29866,0x7fff76388310) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=3377629375143936) failed (error code=3)
*** error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::bad_alloc: std::bad_alloc
I actually got it to work with the constructor method. I had the value of N begin set after allocating the container which gave me the error. I switched the order and works.
NOTE: This does not yet solve the problem of growing the list as I add elements.
It seems that if I change the value of the data member N, the size of the array reallocates to that size. I thought that since the array was created when the object was created the array won't change sizes but after writing and running some functions it is doing exactly that.

str container[10]; is a fixed size array of ten strings. This means your class will have 10 strings in it even if you haven't added any yet.
You might want consider using a std::vector to store your strings in, inside your class. This will allow you to grow and shrink the container as you see fit.
However if you're going to use a stl container inside your class, I don't see why you wouldn't just using a std::list to start with.

If you only need a stack-like container (where the only useful operations are pushing, poping and possibly iterating) you might want to use a linked list instead of an indexed one.
More on linked lists here
Otherwise you'll have to expand the list and copy all objects from the old list to the new one whenever you "grow out" of the current list.

Arrays are static data structures, meaning they have fixed data size. You can either allocate dynamically memory by creating & using the appropriate data structure for your cause, OR (recommended) you can use STL's Generic classes, such as vector, list, map, etc.

It seems that if I change the value of the data member N, the size of the array reallocates to that size. I thought that since the array was created when the object was created the array won't change sizes but after writing and running some functions it is doing exactly that.
Unless I'm misunderstanding you, it sounds like you mean that you get the desired behavior simply by increasing N.
If you don't reallocate the array to the new size you'll end up with undefined behavior, sometimes working and sometimes crashing. Should another object be assigned the space right behind your array it'll be overwritten if you keep adding elements to your list.

Your best bet similar to above like what JBarberU said is a linked list. However if you would like it to be indexed you could create a dynamic array class that has a size and a capacity, every time you add a string to the array increment the size and if you are going to add to the array and it would exceed the size then create a new array, twice as large and copy all of the values over.


Copy array then delete original

I have an array of a structure (with the parameters of name and number), and the initial array takes in elements from a document that I've made. The initial list size starts at 1000. When the list fills up, I call another method that I'm struggling with. I would like for it to copy the data into a new array that doubled the size, and then delete the old array.
If I name it: array1 and array2, I have my program use array1 throughout. I need help with the pointers that would get array2 to work as array1.
Is there a way to copy the array to a temp array of the same or new size, and then remake the initial array reassigning back to that? For this exercise, I can't use vectors. While I know how to use them, and that they solve this issue while being better, I'm trying to do it with only arrays.
using namespace std;
struct Information {
char functionality;
int SSN;
string name;
int numPeople = 1000;
//Gets called if the initial array (whatever size) is filled
void doubleArray(Information *array){
numPeople = numPeople * 2;
//Will now be the doubled array size
Information temp[numPeople]
for(int i = 0; i < numArray; i++){
temp[i].SSN = array[i].SSN;
temp[i].name = array[i].name;
//Normally makes it crash
delete[] array;
edit: This is what I currently have
void doubleArray(Information *person){
numPeople = numPeople * 2;
Information* temp = new Information[numPeople];
memcpy(temp, person, numPeople);
delete[] person;
person = temp;
It gets to numPeople = 1000 (the initial list size) but then crashes shortly after. Is the doubling array correct?
Arrays are fixed size. You cannot change the capacity of the original array.
{Use std::vector}
You can have a pointer to an array. And use the same pointer. When the array is full, you can allocate another array, copy old array items to new array, delete the old array and assign your array pointer to the new array.
{Did I mention std::vector?}
By the way, there is a data structure that performs resizing as necessary. If I recall correctly, it is std::vector. Try it out. :-)
Assuming you are using std::array (which you should be), then copying the array is very easy.
std::array<myStruct, 1000> array1{};
std::array<myStruct, 2000> array2{};
// codes...
std::copy(array1.begin(), array1.end(), array2.begin())
However, this is a specific scenario in which you only use these two arrays. It will not dynamically double the size of the array as you simply cannot do this dynamically with stack-based arrays, just like c arrays[].
What you can, and should, be using is std::vector<myStruct>. This will dynamically grow as you need it. Until you provide us with code and a more specific issue, this is the best advice that I can offer with the information provided.
If you aren't allowed to use std::vector, as one of your comments stated, then you'll want to look at dynamic allocation.
size_t sz = [whatever];
// Dynamically allocate an array of size sz.
T* T_array = new T[sz];
// Do whatever...
delete[] T_array; // new[] needs to be paired with delete[].
T_array = nullptr; // Not strictly necessary, but a good idea if you have more code after.
As the size doesn't need to be constant for a dynamic array, this will allow you to allocate memory as necessary. You can then use std::copy() to copy data from one array to the other, as Goodies mentioned.
[For more information on dynamic allocation, see here.]

Why can't initial length be 1 in a dynamically-allocated array?

Let's say we start out with:
int *newArray = new int[1];
And then later have something like:
ifstream inputFile("File.txt");
while (inputFile >> newValue)
newArray[Counter] = newValue;
If I try to pull 100 lines from the text file, the program will eventually crash. However, if I had used
int *newArray = new int[100];
originally, it doesn't crash.
If it's dynamically allocating memory, why does it need an initial value more than 1? That makes no sense to me. Having to define any initial length beyond a small number such as 1 or 10 defeats the whole purpose of dynamic memory allocation...
EDIT: This is for school, we aren't allowed to use vectors yet.
The language will not "dynamically allocate memory" for you. It is your responsibility to allocate and reallocate your arrays so that their sizes are sufficient for your purposes.
The concept of "dynamic allocation" in C++ never meant that memory will somehow allocate itself automatically for you. The word "dynamic" in this context simply means that the parameters and lifetime of the new object are determined at run time (as opposed to compile time). The primary purpose of dynamic memory allocation is: 1) to manually control object's lifetime, 2) to specify array sizes at run-time, 3) to specify object types at run-time.
The second point is what allows you to do this
int n = ...; // <- some run-time value
int *array = new int[n];
which is not possible with non-dynamically allocated arrays.
In your example, you can allocate an array if size 1 initially. Ther's nothing wrong with it. But it is still your responsibility to allocate a new, bigger array, copy the data to the new array and free the old one once you need more space in your array.
In order to avoid all that hassle you should simply use a library-provided resizable container, like std::vector.
It's not dynamic in the sense that it can dynamically resize itself. It's dynamic in the sense that its size can be chosen dynamically at runtime, instead of compile time. One of the primary philosophies of C++ is that you don't pay for what you don't use. If dynamic arrays worked the way you are asking, that would require bounds checking, something I don't need, so I don't want to pay for it.
Anyway, the problem is solved with the standard library.
std::vector<int> vec;
while (inputFile >> newValue)
Isn't that much nicer? You don't even have to keep track of the size, because vector keeps track of it for you.
If you can't use vector, then you've got a lot of work ahead of you. The principle is essentially this. You keep 2 additional integer variables. One to indicate the number of values you are using in your array, and one to indicate the current capacity of your array. When you run out of room, you allocate more space. For example, here is a poor man's non-exception safe version of a vector:
int size = 0;
int capacity = 1;
int array = new int[capacity];
while (inputFile >> newValue)
if (size == capacity)
capacity *= 2;
int * newArray = new int[capacity];
for (int i=0; i<size; ++i)
newArray[i] = array[i];
delete [] array;
array = newArray;
array[size++] = newValue;
You're only creating space for one int but trying to store several, of course it crashes. Even if you created it with size 100 it'd still crash when you tried to save the 101'th value.
If you need an automatically resizing container check out std::vector.
#include <vector>
std::vector<int> data;
while (inputFile >> newValue)
This will work until your process runs out of memory.

Adding element to Array of Objects in C++

How do I add an element to the end of an array dynamically in C++?
I'm accustomed to using vectors to dynamically add an element. However, vectors does not seem to want to handle an array of objects.
So, my main goal is having an array of objects and then being able to add an element to the end of the array to take another object.
Sorry, its the pushback() that causes me the problems.
class classex
int i;
classex() { }
void exmethod()
cin >> i;
void main()
vector <classex> vectorarray;
cout << vectorarray.size();
cout << vectorarray.push_back();
Now I know push_back must have an argument, but What argument?
Now I know push_back must have an argument, but What argument?
The argument is the thing that you want to append to the vector. What could be simpler or more expected?
BTW, you really, really, really do not want exmethod as an actual method of classex in 99% of cases. That's not how classes work. Gathering the information to create an instance is not part of the class's job. The class just creates the instance from that information.
Arrays are fixed sized containers. So enlarging them is not possible. You work around this and copy one array in a bigger and gain space behind the old end, but that's it.
You can create a array larger than you currently need it and remember which elements are empty. Of course they are never empty (they at least contain 0's), but that's a different story.
Like arrays, there are many containers, some are able to grow, like the stl containers: lists, vectors, deques, sets and so on.
add a Constructor to set i (just to give your example a real world touch) to your example classex, like this:
class classex {
classex(int& v) : i(v) {}
int i;
An example for a growing container looks like this:
vector <classex> c; // c for container
// c is empty now. c.size() == 0
// c.size() == 3
EDIT: The question was how to add an element to an array dynamically allocated, but the OP actually mean std::vector. Below the separator is my original answer.
std::vector<int> v;
v.push_back( 5 ); // 5 is added to the back of v.
You could always use C's realloc and free. EDIT: (Assuming your objects are PODs.)
When compared to the requirement of manually allocating, copying, and reallocating using new and delete, it's a wonder Stroustrup didn't add a keyword like renew.

Is it necessary to delete elements as an array shrinks?

I'm a student writing a method that removes zeros from the end of an array of ints, in C++. The array is in a struct, and the struct also has an int that keeps track of the length of the array.
The method examines each element starting from the last, until it encounters the first non-zero element, and marks that one as the "last element" by changing the value of length. Then the method walks back up to the original "last element", deleting those elements that are not out of bounds (the zeros).
The part that deletes the ith element in the array if i is greater than the updated length of the array, looks like this:
if (i > p->length - 1) {
delete (p->elems + i); // free ith elem
That line is wrong, though. Delete takes a pointer, yes? So my feeling is that I need to recover the pointer to the array, and then add i to it so that I will have the memory location of the integer I want to delete.
Is my intuition wrong? Is the error subtle? Or, have I got the entirely wrong idea? I've begun to wonder: do I really need to free these primitives? If they were not primitives I would need to, and in that case, how would I?
have I got the entirely wrong idea?
I'm afraid so.
If you make one new[] call to allocate an array, then you must make one delete[] call to free it:
int *p = new int[10];
delete[] p;
If your array is in a struct, and you make one call to allocate the struct, then you must make one call to free it:
struct Foo {
int data[10];
Foo *foo = new Foo;
delete foo;
There is no way to free part of an array.
An int[10] array actually is 10 integers, in a row (that is, 40 bytes of memory on a 32 bit system, perhaps plus overhead). The integer values which are stored in the array occupy that memory - they are not themselves memory allocations, and they do not need to be freed.
All that said, if you want a variable length array:
that's what std::vector is for
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
struct Foo {
std::vector<int> vec;
int main() {
Foo foo;
// no need for a separate length: the current length of the vector is
std::cout << foo.vec.size() << "\n";
// change the size of the vector to 10 (fills with 0)
// change the size of the vector to 7, discarding the last 3 elements
If p->elems is a pointer, then so is p->elems + i (assuming the operation is defined, i.e. i is of integral type) - and p->elems + i == &p->elems[i]
Anyhow, you most likely don't want to (and cannot) delete ints from an array of int (be it dynamically or automatically allocated). That is
int* ptr = new int[10];
delete &ptr[5]; // WRONG!
That is simply something you cannot do. However, if the struct contains the length of the array, you could consider the array "resized" after you change the length information contained by the struct - after all, there is no way to tell the size of the array a pointer points to.
If, however your array is an array of pointers to integers (int*[]) and these pointers point to dynamically allocated memory, then yes, you could delete single items and you'd do it along the lines of your code (you are showing so little code it's difficult to be exact).

How is vector implemented in C++

I am thinking of how I can implement std::vector from the ground up.
How does it resize the vector?
realloc only seems to work for plain old stucts, or am I wrong?
it is a simple templated class which wraps a native array. It does not use malloc/realloc. Instead, it uses the passed allocator (which by default is std::allocator).
Resizing is done by allocating a new array and copy constructing each element in the new array from the old one (this way it is safe for non-POD objects). To avoid frequent allocations, often they follow a non-linear growth pattern.
UPDATE: in C++11, the elements will be moved instead of copy constructed if it is possible for the stored type.
In addition to this, it will need to store the current "size" and "capacity". Size is how many elements are actually in the vector. Capacity is how many could be in the vector.
So as a starting point a vector will need to look somewhat like this:
template <class T, class A = std::allocator<T> >
class vector {
// public member functions
T* data_;
typename A::size_type capacity_;
typename A::size_type size_;
A allocator_;
The other common implementation is to store pointers to the different parts of the array. This cheapens the cost of end() (which no longer needs an addition) ever so slightly at the expense of a marginally more expensive size() call (which now needs a subtraction). In which case it could look like this:
template <class T, class A = std::allocator<T> >
class vector {
// public member functions
T* data_; // points to first element
T* end_capacity_; // points to one past internal storage
T* end_; // points to one past last element
A allocator_;
I believe gcc's libstdc++ uses the latter approach, but both approaches are equally valid and conforming.
NOTE: This is ignoring a common optimization where the empty base class optimization is used for the allocator. I think that is a quality of implementation detail, and not a matter of correctness.
Resizing the vector requires allocating a new chunk of space, and copying the existing data to the new space (thus, the requirement that items placed into a vector can be copied).
Note that it does not use new [] either -- it uses the allocator that's passed, but that's required to allocate raw memory, not an array of objects like new [] does. You then need to use placement new to construct objects in place. [Edit: well, you could technically use new char[size], and use that as raw memory, but I can't quite imagine anybody writing an allocator like that.]
When the current allocation is exhausted and a new block of memory needs to be allocated, the size must be increased by a constant factor compared to the old size to meet the requirement for amortized constant complexity for push_back. Though many web sites (and such) call this doubling the size, a factor around 1.5 to 1.6 usually works better. In particular, this generally improves chances of re-using freed blocks for future allocations.
From Wikipedia, as good an answer as any.
A typical vector implementation consists, internally, of a pointer to
a dynamically allocated array,[2] and possibly data members holding
the capacity and size of the vector. The size of the vector refers to
the actual number of elements, while the capacity refers to the size
of the internal array. When new elements are inserted, if the new size
of the vector becomes larger than its capacity, reallocation
occurs.[2][4] This typically causes the vector to allocate a new
region of storage, move the previously held elements to the new region
of storage, and free the old region. Because the addresses of the
elements change during this process, any references or iterators to
elements in the vector become invalidated.[5] Using an invalidated
reference causes undefined behaviour
Like this:
(official gcc mirror on github)
///Implement Vector class
class MyVector {
int *int_arr;
int capacity;
int current;
MyVector() {
int_arr = new int[1];
capacity = 1;
current = 0;
void Push(int nData);
void PushData(int nData, int index);
void PopData();
int GetData(int index);
int GetSize();
void Print();
void MyVector::Push(int data)
if (current == capacity){
int *temp = new int[2 * capacity];
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
temp[i] = int_arr[i];
delete[] int_arr;
capacity *= 2;
int_arr = temp;
int_arr[current] = data;
void MyVector::PushData(int data, int index)
if (index == capacity){
int_arr[index] = data;
void MyVector::PopData(){
int MyVector::GetData(int index)
if (index < current){
return int_arr[index];
int MyVector::GetSize()
return current;
void MyVector::Print()
for (int i = 0; i < current; i++) {
cout << int_arr[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
int main()
MyVector vect;
std::cout << "\nTop item is "
<< vect.GetData(3) << std::endl;
cout << "\nTop item is "
<< vect.GetData(1) << endl;
return 0;
It allocates a new array and copies everything over. So, expanding it is quite inefficient if you have to do it often. Use reserve() if you have to use push_back().
You'd need to define what you mean by "plain old structs."
realloc by itself only creates a block of uninitialized memory. It does no object allocation. For C structs, this suffices, but for C++ it does not.
That's not to say you couldn't use realloc. But if you were to use it (note you wouldn't be reimplementing std::vector exactly in this case!), you'd need to:
Make sure you're consistently using malloc/realloc/free throughout your class.
Use "placement new" to initialize objects in your memory chunk.
Explicitly call destructors to clean up objects before freeing your memory chunk.
This is actually pretty close to what vector does in my implementation (GCC/glib), except it uses the C++ low-level routines ::operator new and ::operator delete to do the raw memory management instead of malloc and free, rewrites the realloc routine using these primitives, and delegates all of this behavior to an allocator object that can be replaced with a custom implementation.
Since vector is a template, you actually should have its source to look at if you want a reference – if you can get past the preponderance of underscores, it shouldn't be too hard to read. If you're on a Unix box using GCC, try looking for /usr/include/c++/version/vector or thereabouts.
You can implement them with resizing array implementation.
When the array becomes full, create an array with twice as much the size and copy all the content to the new array. Do not forget to delete the old array.
As for deleting the elements from vector, do resizing when your array becomes a quarter full. This strategy makes prevents any performance glitches when one might try repeated insertion and deletion at half the array size.
It can be mathematically proved that the amortized time (Average time) for insertions is still linear for n insertions which is asymptotically the same as you will get with a normal static array.
realloc only works on heap memory. In C++ you usually want to use the free store.