Largest n-bit prime - primes

Is there any tool that I can use to compute the largest 24-bit prime number? I found the largest 16-bit and 32-bit but is there any tool that can take the number of bits as input and compute the largest prime?

will this do?
int largest_24_bit_prime_number() {
return 16777213;


converting a hexadecimal number correctly in a decimal number (also negatives)

As the headline supposes I am trying to convert hex numbers like 0x320000dd to decimal numbers.
My code only works for positive numbers but fails when it comes to hex numbers that represent negative decimal numbers. Here is a excerpt of my code:
cin>>hex>> x;
unsigned int number = x;
int r = number & 0xffffff;
My input is alreay in hex, and the computer converts it automatically in an integer. What I am trying to do is getting the operand of the hex number, so the last 24 bits.
Can you help me get my code working for negative values like :0x32fffdc9 or 0x32ffffff? Thank's a lot!
I would like my output to be :
0x32fffdc9 --> -567
0x32ffffff --> -1
so just the plain decimal values but instead it gives me 16776649 and 16777215 for the upper examples.
Negative integers are typically stored in 2's complement Meaning that if your most significant bit (MSB) is not set the number is not negative. This means that just as you need to unset the 8-MSBs of your number to clamp a 32-bit number to a 24-bit positive number, so you'll need to set the 8-MSBs of your number to clamp to a negative number:
const int32_t r = 0x800000 & number ? 0xFF000000 | number : number & 0xFFFFFF;
vector<bool> or bitset may be worth your consideration, as they would clarify the hexadecimal numbers to the range of bits to be set.

Weird Rounding Occurs in C++ Function

I am writing a function in c++ that is supposed to find the largest single digit in the number passed (inputValue). For example, the answer for .345 is 5. However, after a while, the program is changing the inputValue to something along the lines of .3449 (and the largest digit is then set to 9). I have no idea why this is happening. Any help to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated.
This is the function in my .hpp file
void LargeInput(const double inputValue)
//Function to find the largest value of the input
int tempMax = 0,//Value that the temporary max number is in loop
digit = 0,//Value of numbers after the decimal place
test = 0,
powerOten = 10;//Number multiplied by so that the next digit can be checked
double number = inputValue;//A variable that can be changed in the function
cout << "The number is still " << number << endl;
for (int k = 1; k <= 6; k++)
test = (number*powerOten);
cout << "test: " << test << endl;
digit = test % 10;
cout << (static_cast<int>(number*powerOten)) << endl;
if (tempMax < digit)
tempMax = digit;
powerOten *= 10;
You cannot represent real numbers (doubles) precisely in a computer - they need to be approximated. If you change your function to work on longs or ints there won't be any inaccuracies. That seems natural enough for the context of your question, you're just looking at the digits and not the number, so .345 can be 345 and get the same result.
Try this:
int get_largest_digit(int n) {
int largest = 0;
while (n > 0) {
int x = n % 10;
if (x > largest) largest = x;
n /= 10;
return largest;
This is because the fractional component of real numbers is in the form of 1/2^n. As a result you can get values very close to what you want but you can never achieve exact values like 1/3.
It's common to instead use integers and have a conversion (like 1000 = 1) so if you had the number 1333 you would do printf("%d.%d", 1333/1000, 1333 % 1000) to print out 1.333.
By the way the first sentence is a simplification of how floating point numbers are actually represented. For more information check out;
This is how floating point number work, unfortunately. The core of the problem is that there are an infinite number of floating point numbers. More specifically, there are an infinite number of values between 0.1 and 0.2 and there are an infinite number of values between 0.01 and 0.02. Computers, however, have a finite number of bits to represent a floating point number (64 bits for a double precision number). Therefore, most floating point numbers have to be approximated. After any floating point operation, the processor has to round the result to a value it can represent in 64 bits.
Another property of floating point numbers is that as number get bigger they get less and less precise. This is because the same 64 bits have to be able to represent very big numbers (1,000,000,000) and very small numbers (0.000,000,000,001). Therefore, the rounding error gets larger when working with bigger numbers.
The other issue here is that you are converting from floating point to integer. This introduces even more rounding error. It appears that when (0.345 * 10000) is converted to an integer, the result is closer to 3449 than 3450.
I suggest you don't convert your numbers to integers. Write your program in terms of floating point numbers. You can't use the modulus (%) operator on floating point numbers to get a value for digit. Instead use the fmod function in the C math library (cmath.h).
As other answers have indicated, binary floating-point is incapable of representing most decimal numbers exactly. Therefore, you must reconsider your problem statement. Some alternatives are:
The number is passed as a double (specifically, a 64-bit IEEE-754 binary floating-point value), and you wish to find the largest digit in the decimal representation of the exact value passed. In this case, the solution suggested by user millimoose will work (provided the asprintf or snprintf function used is of good quality, so that it does not incur rounding errors that prevent it from producing correctly rounded output).
The number is passed as a double but is intended to represent a number that is exactly representable as a decimal numeral with a known number of digits. In this case, the solution suggested by user millimoose again works, with the format specification altered to convert the double to decimal with the desired number of digits (e.g., instead of “%.64f”, you could use “%.6f”).
The function is changed to pass the number in another way, such as with decimal floating-point, as a scaled integer, or as a string containing a decimal numeral.
Once you have clarified the problem statement, it may be interesting to consider how to solve it with floating-point arithmetic, rather than calling library functions for formatted output. This is likely to have pedagogical value (and incidentally might produce a solution that is computationally more efficient than calling a library function).

How to figure out how many decimal digits are in a large double?

Hey so I'm making a function that returns the number of decimals, whole numbers, or TOTAL numbers there are, but have been unable to make it work with either of these ways:
multiplying by a really large number like 10 billion doesn't work because of the innacurate way computers store decimals, making 2.3 2.2999575697
Using a StringStream to convert the number to a string and count the characters doesn't work because it requires you to set the stream to a precision which either takes away or adds unnecesary '0' characters if not set to the actual number of decimals
So WHAT DO I DO NOW? somebody please help =( Thanks!
if you wanna see my function that converts the numb to a string here it is:
////////////////////// Numbs_Digits ////////////////////////////////////////////////
template<typename T>
int Numbs_Digits(T numb, int scope)
stringstream ss(stringstream::in| stringstream::out), ss2(stringstream::in| stringstream::out);
unsigned long int length= 0;
unsigned long int numb_wholes;
ss2 << (int)numb;
numb_wholes = ss2.str().length(); ss2.flush();
bool all= false;
case ALL: all = true;
case DECIMALS: ss << fixed << numb;
length += ss.str().length()- (numb_wholes +1); // +1 for the "."
if(all!= true) break;
length += numb_wholes;
if(all!= true) break;
default: break;}
return length;};
If you want to know the maximum number of decimal digits that a long double can store, this value is available in the constant LDBL_DIG defined in cfloat. Note that this number is actually an approximation as the values are stored in binary internally, and thus the range of values is not a power of 10.
Only some decimal numbers can be stored in exact form as a floating point number. Because of this there is no way to determine how many decimal places are significant for any decimal number for which this is not true. As hammar suggested, read up on the floating point storage format, I believe that every programmer should have some knowledge of low level stuff like this :D
multiplying by a really large number like 10 billion doesn't work because of the innacurate way computers store decimals, making 2.3 2.2999575697
This is exactly the problem. Would you be able to look at 2.999575697 and tell me it has two decimal places? This number is an example of a decimal number that cannot be stored in exact form using the floating point format. The best you could do is count the significant decimal places stored in the floating point number that best approximates the original decimal number it was given - which I can't imagine would be much use.
Edited for a more accurate explanation.
Can you not set the ios_base precision to the maximum number of decimal digits in the significand on your platform in cfloat.h, and then, using ios_base::setf(), change the floating point formatting to scientific, which will remove any trailing zeroes from the floating point number (you'll just have to trim the exponent off the end)?

How to convert a vector of int representing binary to and vector of int representing the decimal number? C++

I am making a big integer library and i have a STL vector of int that represent a binary number.
the binary vector would contain {0,0,1,1}
and i need the decimal representation of this number to be stored in another vector like this
What i want to know is what would be the best way to do this?
Also i can't use functions like pow because this needs to work with big numbers.
The most direct way to do this is to simply sum the decimal representation of each power-of-2 by mimicking decimal addition.
You could obtain the decimal representation of each power-of-2 iteratively, i.e. pow(2,n+1) = pow(2,n) + pow(2,n).
So basically, once you've got decimal addition nailed, everything should be pretty easy. This may not be the most efficient method (it's O(n^2) in the number of digits), but it should certainly work.
Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming" Vol 2. is an excellent reference for arbitrary precision arithmetic.
A simple way to get a base 10 representation is to continously divide your number by 10, each division extracts one digit (the remainder). This obviously requires being able to divide by 10 in whatever base you already have.
For example, if your number is 321 decimal or 101000001 binary, we can divide:
10100001 binary by 1010 binary
100000 with remainder 1 (so first digit is 1 decimal)
divide 100000 by 1010 binary
11 with remainder 10 (so next digit is 2 decimal)
divide 11 by 1010 binary
0 with remainder 11 (so last digit is 3 decimal)
According to: this is the radix conversion algorithm used in Sun's Java BigInteger class and is O(n^2) complexity. The authors in this link have implemented an O(n logn) algorithm based on an algorithm described in Knuth p. 592 and credited to A. Shönhage.
Something like that:
int a;
int temp;
a = 21;
vector<int> vet;
temp = a % 10;
a = a/10;

machine precision

I wonder if there is something like eps to represent the value of machine precision in C++? Can I use it as the smallest positive number that a double can represent? Is it possible to use 1.0/eps as the max positive number that a double can represent? Where can I find eps in both C++ and C standard libraries?
Thanks and regards!
For my purpose, I would like to compute a weight as reciprocal of a distance for something like inverse distance weighting interpolation (
double wgt = 0, wgt_tmp, result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
wgt_tmp = 1.0/dist[i];
wgt += wgt_tmp;
result += wgt_tmp * values[i];
results /= wgt;
However the distance can be 0 and I need to make the weight suitable for computation. If there is only one distance dist[i] is 0, I would like its corresponding value values[i] to be dominant. If there are several distances are 0, I would like to have their values to contribute equally to the result. Any idea how to implement it?
Using #include <limits> you have
Small positive value = std::numeric_limits<float>::denorm_min()
Largest positive value = std::numeric_limits<float>::max()
Obviously this applies to other types as well.
See numeric_limits
And no, the inverse of the smallest positive value does not equal the largest.
Just looking for numeric limits information?
The link shows how to find the epsilon, denormalized min, etc., using the C++ Standard Library. There is no equivalent for these in the C Standard Library. You would need to compute them yourself (the Wikipedia article on "machine epsilon" gives an example)...
As for the algorithm, can't help you there, and this wasn't part of your original question, sorry.
This depends entirely on the precision you desire from your numbers, the maximum value in a double is very large, but suffers from tremendous rounding errors. If you need a precision of 1e-3 for instance you need at least 10 bits after the floating point, meaning you should not have any exponent greater than the number of bits in the mantissa minus 10, in the case of a double, that is 52 - 10 = 42, leaving you with a maximum of about 4e12 and a corresponding minimum of about 2.5e-13.