PTVS plugin for applications that embed python - c++

For an application that "embeds" python, can the PTVS plugin be used for mixed-mode debugging ? To be more specific, let's assume that there is an executable (written in C/C++) called "my_executable" that can be run from the command line, with an option to execute a python script file:
./my_executable -exec_script
In this case, is it possible to use the PTVS plugin to achieve mixed-mode debugging ?

Yes, this is supported if you attach to the process via Debug -> Attach to Process, and enable both Python and Native engines at the same time.


Qt C++ application: self autostart installation in Linux

I'm porting some Qt Windows/VC++ code to Linux/GCC. The application can add it's own shortcut to the Windows Autostart folder so the application starts after login.
I want to do the same in Linux. I'm using Kubuntu 15.10 but the solution should work for virtually all (or at least most) Linux variants out there. And it should work without super user rights (or it should request the rights automatically).
I searched the web and found two solutions:
Add a desktop entry file to $HOME/.config/autostart
Add a symbolic link to /etc/init.d/
Will they both work in all Linux distributions? What are the differences? Which is to be preferred?
Also I would like to know if I should do that by programmatically running a shell command or if there is some native API I could use in C/C++ (including easy error detection).
I have put project in GitHub for managing auto-start feature in different OS. It's written in Qt.
Please check it and let me know if you have any problem using it:
You can add application in various ways.
Via linux init system. For newest linux OS systemd is a standard. In this case your need to create systemd unit for your application
Via desktop manager, such as gnome, kde and possible others. In this case you need also create specification for autostarting your app.
Via bash files
I think, prefered way via systemd unit, because now this is standard way for starting process at boot time and for special user, if need.

How to force NAnt to use gmcs while csc.exe is available on Windows

I am setting up a new project to play around with the CLR and mono versus .NET. As a build environment/tool I chose NAnt, because I am familiar with Ant and it seemed best suiting.
While this is working very nice on different machines with different OSs, I am worried that some day, while I develop on a Windows machine, gmcs may not be able to build my sources, making them unavailable to other platforms using mono. So my idea to get around this is telling NAnt to always use gmcs inside the <csc> task. Is there a way to set the build script up that way? Or another workaround for my problem?
You can select the desired compiler using the default attribute of the plateform element in the configuration file Nant.exe.config.
You can also choose at runtime by using the -t switch. In example :
nant -t:net-4.0 will use csc and will target the .NET framework 4.0
nant -t:mono-2.0 will use mcs and will target the .NET framework

Debug a Python C++ extension from Eclipse (under Linux)

I have a C++ project that is called in Python (via boost-python) and I want to debug the C++ code from python process. How can I do that? In Windows with Visual Studio I can use the functionality attach to process. How to achieve the same in Eclipse?
For me it works great just adding a debug configuration in C/C++ for the program /usr/bin/python (or whatever search path you have to the python interpreter) and then put the python program you want to run as the arguments. Put the breakpoints you want in the C-code and you should be all set for running the debug configuration and opening the debug perspective.
If it still does not work you may also check that you are using Legacy (or Standard) Process Launcher. For some reason the GDB process launcher does not seem to work here.

How to run and debug C++ application in Eclipse that's started with a script?

I'm trying to use Eclipse CDT on Ubuntu for C++ development. I'm working on a large C++ project that leverages Tcl as a scripting language to kick off and control the application.
How can I configure Eclipse to launch the application using shell scripts rather than using a C++ "main" application? The shell scripts launch a Tcl application that in turn calls into the C++ application.
Also, is it possible to debug a C++ application using Eclipse and gdb that's started via a script? If so, how does one go about doing it?
Interesting question. Without being able to provide you a straight solution, but Eclipse (gdb) can be attached to a running program - that may not help in your case.
What about trying to employ some kind of remote debugging? I.e. you start your program with gdb and configure gdb to wait for a remote debugger to attach? The 'remote' debugger will be on your local system, of course.
Start your program via
gdbserver localhost:1234 <executable>
Configure your debug session in Eclipse:
- GDB Hardware Debugging
- I had to select the "Standard GDB Hardware debugging launcher" (Debugger tab at the bottom for Helios)
- Check use remote target: Generic TCP/IP: localhost, port 1234
I didn't manage to resolve symbols yet, that might be a path issue.

C++ or Python (maybe else) to create GUI for console application in C

I have a Visual C console application (created in VC++2008EE) and I need to add GUI to it.
One idea was to invoke the console app as a subprocess and communicate with it using stdin and stdout. I tried to do that with Python subprocess module - but it deadlocks (probably because my console app is running continuously). As I understood from it is not possible now to integrate continiously running console application with python subprocess module.
The other idea (more strait-forward probably) was to add a form to this console application project. But as I try to do it VS convers the project to one with "Common Language Runtime support" whatever it means, ads the form, a cpp file for form - and it's not compiling anymore saying:
Command line error D8016 : '/MTd' and '/clr' command-line options are incompatible
error BK1506 : cannot open file '.\Debug\Form_TEST.sbr': No such file or directory
No idea what it means. I have never dealed with C++, but I have used C and Python some time.
What would you recommend?
If you own the code for the console app, don't mess around trying to talk to it using input and output streams. Extract the logic of your console app into a library, and call that library from a GUI of your choice - either Windows.Forms from C#, Python GTK, ordinary GTK.
The reason that VS turns your application to CLR type is becuase it accidently thinks that you want to use winforms which are part of the .NET framework and the only way to use them is if your project is .NET as well.
You do have other options:
1. Add MFC GUI - native C++ GUI
2. better yet create a new .NET project (C#/VB.NET) with the desirect GUI and call your C/C++ dll using P-Invoke or COM interop