I used the following command:
C:\Verisign>signtool sign /v /ac "MSCV-VSClass3.cer"/s MY /n "ABC Company LTD" /t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll TestRun.jar
and I get the following result:
SignTool Error: This file format cannot be signed because it is not recognized.
Can someone help me to resolve this issue? Does VeriSign not support signing jars?
No, signtool doesn't know how to sign JAR files. It knows how to sign a few Microsoft known formats, such as PE, CAB, and MSI - but not JAR.
To sign a JAR file on Windows, use Oracle's jarsigner tool. A verisign certificate will work, you just need to use a different tool that actually does the signing.
When I use the command wso2server.bat --run, the error is as follows
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_131
CARBON_HOME environment variable is set to C:\Users\MCCHEE~1\DOWNLO~1\WSO2EM~1.0\bin..
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
Error: Could not find or load main class org.wso2.carbon.bootstrap.Bootstrap
I have read previous questions on stackoverflow regarding the issue. But no luck with finding any solution. Please help me resolve this. Thank you!
I dont know if this is an actual thing that could be done, but this is what I did.
Downloaded Wso2 IoT pacakge from WSO2 IoT downloads
replaced the bin folder of Wso2EMM with bin folder from Wso2Iot/core.
This helped me. No errors clean run.
I used Windows Explorer to "Install Certificate" for my certificate on my Windows 7 build machine. But I could not sign a file:
> signtool sign /a exefile
SignTool Error: No certificates were found that met all the given criteria.
Thinking that signtool needed the p12 file but wasn't saying anything, I then used Windows Explorer in an attempt to "Install PFX" but got an error from the Certificate Import Wizard saying "The Specified file is empty.".
Do I really have to do this whole "obtain a signing certificate" process all over again for each build machine platform type (macOS, Windows, Linux)?
Yes, you can use the certificate so long as you correctly export the cer and p12 files from the macos host and install them correctly on the windows host. I used the macos keychain app to export the certificate two times, once to export the cer file and again to export the p12 file. The reason my first attempt failed is because the p12 I assumed was correct was not at all correct. After I exported correctly, I was able to use windows explorer to double click on the two files and install them.
I'm having trouble installing and configuring Leiningen on a Windows 7 work computer. I'm assuming that my company's firewall prevents the GitHub security certificate from authenticating.
I've tried to use the standalone jar but had trouble using it will several development tools Id like to use to work on Clojure projects.
What is the best way to get Leiningen set up given these circumstances? Is there a way to install curl or wget on Windows and call them from the batch file?
The error Im getting is:
Downloading Leiningen now...
'powershell' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Failed to download https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/releases/download/2.
It is possible that the download failed due to "powershell",
"curl" or "wget"'s inability to retrieve GitHub's security certificate.
The suggestions below do not check certificates, so use this only if
you understand the security implications of not doing so.
The PowerShell failed to download the latest Leiningen version.
Try to use "curl" or "wget" to download Leiningen by setting up
the HTTP_CLIENT environment variable with one of the following
a) set HTTP_CLIENT=wget --no-check-certificate -O
b) set HTTP_CLIENT=curl -f -L -k -o
NOTE: Make sure to not add double quotes when setting the value
I would suggest downloading and installing Git Bash (aka "Git for Windows), which includes not only Git but a nice linux-like environment (a leaner version of Cygwin). At that point you will avoid any Powershell-related problems, which your error msg seems to imply.
I'm currently having problems building a release-version for Android.
The keystore file/password/alias are correct and I've set "Generate Builds" to release, but I'm still getting the following notification:
Warning: Building for Android without a valid certificate will produce a temporary certificate that cannot be used for redistribution of applications. Its very easy and free to create an Android certificate, see: http://www.codenameone.com/signing.html
I have successfully used this certificate before, about two years ago...
I'm using NetBeans 8.1 with the CN1-plugin 3.3.2.
Is there a way to fix this?
That means Codename One didn't find the file or the password/alias are incorrect.
You can use the keytool to verify this:
keytool -list -v -keystore full_path_to_keystore -alias myalias
Make sure the alias/path are identical to what you see in NetBeans.
Installed WSO2 BAM and AM today and I'm trying to get the API usage statistics to work. I can submit API requests that get authenticated and passed through correctly, but no statistics.
From API UI when I go to Statistics I get:
"No data found. Check BAM server connectivity ..."
The BAM server is up and running and I can login to it.
However in the BAM logs I see this:
ERROR {org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ExecDriver} - Exception: Cannot run program "C:\Program" (in directory "C:\Temp\wso2\wso2bam-2.3.0"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified {org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ExecDriver}
It looks like BAM is trying to launch something in "Program Files" but didn't escape the command properly in windows. (I suspect Java, since JAVA_HOME is pointing to a sub-directory of Program Files.)
I'm using BAM 2.3.0, AM 1.4.0 with JDK 1.7 on Windows 7.
Would this be why there is no data? Is there a workaround to the escaping issue?
To run BAM in windows you need to install, Cygwin tool. If you have linux OS, run BAM in linux.
I had the same problem, tried double quoting the JAVA_HOME variable however BAM then through out the following on startup
Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45"" was unexpected at this time.
Only solution I found was to re-install java into a directory without spaces
Note - Am using version 2.0.1 of BAM
Had the same problem with WSO2 BAM 2.4.0.
Also linked with the path to JDK.
For me, no need to reinstall the JDK but just change the JAVA_HOME environment variable to use the short version of the path (C:\Progra~1\Java... instead of C:\Program Files\Java...).
Cygwin is installed for me in a path with no space c:\cygwin. Did not test if this is mandatory. Be also sure to install all the cygwin package required in the WSO2 documentation.