How should I go about implementing site settings into my Ember app? - ember.js

I asked a question similar to this, here, specifically about how to implement specific settings for a specific controller. In short, I wanted to implement checkInSettings for the whole CheckInController so that my index, settings, and reports templates and controllers have access to the checkInSettings.
I did get my answer to that; however, I think that specific settings might be limiting and it would be better served by making a settings object or store, and defining something like settings.checkIn for the check in settings.
I've looked for resources online but haven't come up with many answers... So, how should I best go about creating application wide settings, with sub settings for specific areas of my app?
A note: I would like to refrain from using Ember Data since it is not Production Ready yet, and this app will eventually be consumer facing.
Thank you!

Ember Data is a different beast. Store them on the application controller. Or if you don't want o clutter the application controller, create a singleton instance of a settings controller and store them there. (The same thing can be done just on the application controller, just use application instead of settings).
App.SettingsController = Ember.Controller.extend({
someSettingOn: false,
someOtherSetting: null
And then in other routes/controllers:
App.AnyRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
anyMethod: function(){
App.AnyController = Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: ['settings'],
anyMethod: function(){
var setting = this.get('controllers.settings.someOtherSetting');
anyProperty: function(){
return 'yes';
return 'no';


Ember link-to gets active class for the wrong transition

This is one of those Ember issues that I'm unable to replicate anywhere but my project. The visual effect of the problem is that the active class on a link-to is one transition behind. I'll click a link and the link that goes to the page I was just on is highlighted with the active class.
I've started digging into the link-to component code to figure out how active is computed. But it is based on _routing.currentState and I'm not sure what that is. The currentState, and other bits of info, are passed to the routing's isActiveForRoute which then calls the routerState's isActiveIntent. And that function calls another isActiveIntent and compares some more things together. All this seems like a large easter egg hunt for something (the root of my problem) that is probably not in Ember's code anyways.
I feel like the following snippet sums up the problem I'm having. The targetRouteName is the route that is being directed to by the link. _routing.currentRouteName seems to be pointing to the route the browser is currently looking at. The fact these match makes me feel like the link should be active, but the active function returns false.
> link.get('targetRouteName')
> link.get('_routing.currentRouteName')
> link.get('active')
For reference this is after finding the link via the Chrome extension and showing all components. I then did link = $E.
For the wrong link (the one that does get the active class) I get:
> link.get('targetRouteName')
> link.get('_routing.currentRouteName')
> link.get('active')
Additional Raw Information
The routes I'm dealing with are nested. But it is a pretty standard nesting, very much like the one I have in my ember-twiddle (e.g. page-a, page-b, page-c).
There is a model hook on the parent route and on the indexs of the children routes. But the children routes reference (this.modelFor(...)) the parent.
My template is referencing the .index of those routes. They are standard link-to components. They do not include model information.
I'm running Ember-cli 1.13.8, Ember 2.0.0, and Ember Data 2.0.0-beta.1.
What I have tried so far
Upgrading to 1.13.0
Moving the file structure to pods
Removing the functions in my authentication route which a lot of these routes inherit from.
Upgrading to 2.0.0
Trying to remove/add .index on my routes
Tried replicating on ember-twiddle
Doing ember init with ember-cli to see if my router or application setup was different from the standard layout and it doesn't differ in any significant way.
Adding model information to one of the links, that didn't change anything and since it didn't call the model hooks it messed up the view.
Asked on the slack channel
Please Help
I've had this issue for a couple weeks now and I'm not sure where else to look. I'd love any suggestions on how I can resolve this.
This ended up getting fixed in 2.1.0.
This is common problem when you mess around with willTransition router action. For example,
IMS.ResultDetailsEditRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
willTransition: function() {
In this code snipped willTransition called controller's method "clearForm()" which no longer exists. For some reason, Ember doesn't throw an error, but it causes the problem that #RyanJM explained.
I have run into something similar when using a component with a nav. Here was my approach:
I added a controller (I know, you should be steering away form these, but I needed to). My controller:
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
} = Ember;
export default Controller.extend({
application: inject.controller(),
Then, in my template, I could pass application to my component.
{{account/account-icon-nav currentRouteName=application.currentRouteName}}
In my component, I set set up a function to test my current route names:
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
} = Ember;
const activeParentRoute = function(dependentKey, parentRouteName) {
return computed(dependentKey, {
get() {
return get(this, dependentKey).indexOf(parentRouteName) > -1;
export default Component.extend({
isYourProfile: activeParentRoute('currentRouteName', 'account.your-profile'),
isYourActivity: activeParentRoute('currentRouteName', 'account.your-activity'),
isYourGoals: activeParentRoute('currentRouteName', 'account.your-goals')
Then bind the active class yourself:
<div class="icon-nav md-hidden">
{{link-to "" "account.your-profile" classBinding=":profile isYourProfile:active" title="Your Life"}}
{{link-to "" "account.your-activity" classBinding=":activity isYourActivity:active" title="Your Money"}}
{{link-to "" "account.your-goals" classBinding=":goals isYourGoals:active" title="Your Goals"}}
I know this is a bit different since we are doing it within a component, but I hope it helps. You can bind these classes yourself by passing the application around.

Ember 'currentUser' Model/Controller Setup

Ok, so here's what I'm trying to accomplish (in ember.js):
New model/controller to manage the current user and session information
The model needs to be available everywhere so I can just do something like currentUser.firstname (for instance, in the nav)
After lots and lots of research, it seems that setting up a separate controller/model is the best way to go. I tried doing everything in the application controller, but then I need to implicitly set the user model (somehow?) on that controller, which doesn't seem like a good idea (what if I need to do other things in the application controller?).
So here's what I've tried:
init: function() {
// this never gets called unless I call the setCurrentUser
// function from another controller using 'needs' or something
setCurrentUser: function() {
// you can ignore the authData.uid variable - it's something used
// by firebase, but not important for this example. Just assume I'm
// requesting and getting a user back.'user').then(function(users) {
this.set('currentUser', users.filterBy('uid', authData.uid)[0])
currentUser: DS.belongsTo('user')
I don't have a route or view/template associated with this model/controller because it really wouldn't make sense (the user doesn't need to see a page all about him/herself).
So I tried calling setCurrentUser from the application controller by doing something like this.get('setCurrentUser')() (which looks very weird - there's got to be a better way, but I think the answer may be not calling this from the application controller and initializing the controller in a different way?).
I would love some advice on how I can get this working. Sorry that I'm trying to develop and explain the architecture of the app all at the same time, so it is a bit messy - please let me know if anything is unclear.
Thanks for the help!

Detect model/URL change for Ember Route

My EmberJS application has a ProjectRoute (/project/:project_id) and a corresponding ProjectController. When viewing a particular project, users can edit its properties, and I'd like the project to automatically be saved when the user stops looking at it.
Currently, what I'm doing is something like this:
Application.ProjectRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
exit: function() {
This works when the user simply closest the project view. However, if the user simply switches to viewing a different project (e.g. goes directly from /project/1 to /project/2), the same route is used (it just uses a different model), and exit is not called.
What I need is a way to detect this transition and call the saveProject function before it happens. Any ideas?
I "solved" it by adding the following to my controller:
Application.ProjectController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
saveOnChange: function() {
var previousProject = this.get('target.projectToSave');
if (previousProject && previousProject.get('isDirty')) {;
this.set('target.projectToSave', this.get('content'));
This seems to work well. Note that I'm storing the projectToSave property in the route (target) as opposed to the controller, because the controller gets wiped every time the model changes. It feels a little weird/hacky to store this in the route, but the only alternative I could think of was to store it in ApplicationController, which seemed overly broad.

Is it possible to hide substates from showing up in the URL when using the Ember Router v2?

I would like to have a route substate not show up in the URL, but still be able to take advantage of having a route class on which I can define renderTemplate, model, setupController, etc. hooks. Is this possible with the v2 router? I am using Ember release candidate 2.
Here's an example.
Suppose I have the routes:
I would like all of these to show up in the URL as:
As I don't want the student to just directly type in /correct onto the end of the ULR and get to the correct answer. And although I have a way to prevent that from working, the full route still shows up in the URL. From the student's perspective, I only want them to think about the state as /exercise/:exercise_id.
Of course I could just store the state correct vs. incorrect in some controller variable, but then I loose the convenience of having route classes, ExerciseCorrectRoute and ExerciseIncorrectRoute, which I want to behave differently, and so the hooks, like renderTemplate and setupController, are nice to have defined cleanly in separate places.
I went with Dan Gebhardt's suggestion because I like to keep things as much as possible within the framework's considered design cases, as this seems to reduce headaches given Ember is still evolving. Also I didn't get a chance to try out inDream's hack.
Although I still think it would be nice if the router added a feature to mask substates from the URL.
Every route must be associated with a URL for Ember's current router.
Instead of using multiple routes, I'd recommend that you use conditionals in your exercise template to call the appropriate {{render}} based on the state of the exercise. In this way you can still maintain separate templates and controllers for each state.
You can reference to my answer in Ember.js - Prevent re-render when switching route.
Reopen the location API you're using and set window.suppressUpdateURL to true if you want to handle the state manually.
onUpdateURL: function(callback) {
var guid = Ember.guidFor(this),
self = this;
Ember.$(window).bind('popstate.ember-location-'+guid, function(e) {
// Ignore initial page load popstate event in Chrome
if(!popstateFired) {
popstateFired = true;
if (self.getURL() === self._initialUrl) { return; }
onUpdateURL: function(callback) {
var self = this;
var guid = Ember.guidFor(this);
Ember.$(window).bind('hashchange.ember-location-'+guid, function() {
if(window.suppressUpdateURL)return; {
var path = location.hash.substr(1);
if (get(self, 'lastSetURL') === path) { return; }
set(self, 'lastSetURL', null);

Cannot create controller binding since changing to router v2

Have just upgraded my application to 1.0.0-pre.4 and am in the process of changing my router to the new router API, however I cannot seem to be able to create a binding between my controllers anymore.
So in my main ApplicationController, I have the following:
App.ApplicationController = Em.ArrayController.extend({
user: App.User.create()
And then in v1 of the router API, I had the following:
App.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
userBinding: 'App.router.applicationController.user',
However, with changing over to v1 of the router API, App.router is no longer defined. Everything I try does not seem to work, even setting userBinding to 'App.ApplicationController.user' does not work - it's as if the applicationController no longer is working.
What I am trying to achieve is to create an instance of my user model and then share it across a number of routes/views.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Unfortunately Ember have hidden all instances of the singleton controllers to prevent users from implementing bad practice code. You shouldn't be referencing controllers explicitly, and instead you should be decoupling everything and using dependency injection to pass in things to your controller.
In the previous releases of Ember, we had connectControllers which allowed you to connect controllers to one another, but now with this latest release of Ember, we just use "set" in the router to pass in other controllers.
In your example you have a an IndexController and a UserController, to get access to the userController from within the indexController, you'll need to do something like the following:
(Bear in mind that all of this takes place in Ember's Router, which you can read more about here:
App.UserRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller) {
this.controllerFor('index').set('userController', controller);
Your indexController will now have the ability to read information from the userController. In a template this may look like the following:
There is another workaround using "needs" in ObjectControllers.
Here is a reference on how to use this.