Ember/Handlebars: compare variable with string - if-statement

I need to display some block depending on the current views variable in comparison to some string:
PSEUDO code is:
{{#if view.someVariable "desiredValue"}}
Hurray desiredValue exists in this view!
Sorry, doesn't match...
Of course it doesn't work as if statement allows only one param. I tried with custom registerHelper of Handlebars, but it doesn't resolve the view.someVariable, instead uses it as a string (although view.someVariable is defined and has value).
Finally I also tried with Handlebar's registerBoundHelper - it resolves the params BUT doesn't support Handlebar's blocks, what's more tries to resolve the string as an object, so fail again. Pure madness!
My views are very dynamical they depends on many factors also from backend and approach from the pseudo code would be perfect for resolving it. Is there any way to do that?
There is a sample of what I want ... http://jsfiddle.net/biesior/dMS2d/ looks quite trivial...
[if] statement inside the each is pseudo code of course

You can just declare a computed property, something like isDesired on your view, which would compare someVariable to your string:
App.MyView = Ember.View.extend({
// ...stuff...
isDesired: Ember.computed.equal('someVariable', 'desiredValue')
And have a simple conditional in the template:
{{#if view.isDesired}}
Hurray desiredValue exists in this view!
Sorry, doesn't match...


ember/handlebars template using dynamic string as variable name

I have a weird situation where I need to use a dynamic string as a variable name in a handlebars loop in my Ember application.
I have a table with some coffee drinks. Let's say I have a couple variables in my controller called "customDrinksList", "customDrink1", and "customDrink2".
customDrinksList is an array with strings ["customDrink1", "customDrink2"].
customDrink1 and customDrink2 are arrays of drink objects that come from my ember-data store.
{{#each customDrink in customDrinksList}}
{{#each drink in customDrink}}
When I do this, customDrink is just the string but in the {{#each drink in customDrink}} statement I want to use the variable with that string name instead of using the actual string.
When I substitute in the variable name (such as customDrink1) it returns the drinks as I'm looking for, but I need to have the variable names in customDrinksList be looped through.
Not sure if this is possible since I haven't been able to find any solutions or maybe I should be taking another approach. Any suggestions welcome.
This project is using Ember 1.13.x
You can't do this from within the template. Consider adding a computed property in the controller/component etc.:
customDrinksListValues: Ember.computed.map(
function(drink) { return this.get(drink); })

Simple search with Emberjs not working

I am trying to implement a simple search feature, which will filter the results and update the listing.
I tried almost every single tutorial out there, every tutorial seems to be working with its jsfiddle but when I apply the same thing on my project, it does not work at all.
Here is what I am having as a first problem, my search field does not seems to be bound with computed property in controller.
I also tried it as a component but again same issue, if I type anything in search field it does not reflect anything.
Let me share my code here,
input type="text" value=searchText placeholder="Search..."
searchResults: ( ->
console.log "On every key press it should come here.."
model = #get('model')
searchText = #get('searchText')
filterByPath = #get('filterByPath')
visualPath = #get('visualPath')
if searchText
searchText = searchText.toLowerCase()
model = model.filter(item) ->
Ember.get(item, filterByPath).toLowerCase().indexOf(searchText)>= 0
Tried almost the same thing with component, but no luck so far. I am not using handlebars but Emblemjs.
You actually need to use computed property in template if you want it to be compiled, then recompiled etc. It is somewhat lazily evaluated so you can't debug that without using this in template first or calling from JavaScript code. So basically you need to use searchResults in your template first.
In demo there was model instead of searchResults. I guess in your application you have similiar setup and same bug.
{{#each searchResults as |item|}}
Working demo.

Waiting for template render in Meteor, inconsistent

Been scratching my head on this, so here's the simplest way to view it - I'm using this:
Template.today.rendered = function() {
Simply to try and get the count of items that are supposedly rendered. The template looks like:
<template name="today">
<div class="todaySlider">
{{#each dayOfWeek}}
{{> singleDay}}
and if it's of any importance, singleDay looks like:
<template name="singleDay">
<div class="day {{isCurrent}}">
<h2 class="date">{{date}}</h2>
{{#each items}}
{{> item }}
I'm trying to wait for all the "singleDays" to render, however that count I'm logging is usually different on refresh. I'll get anything from 0 to the correct value, and I don't understand why. This seems to be the right place to call it, I fear that maybe the double "each" is too slow?
I've tried timers (which I honestly shouldn't) and even DOM Mutation Observers (which seem like overkill) but surely there is a pure Meteor approach to this, any ideas?
Template.rendered happens when the template is rendered, but that doesn't mean there'll be any data in it.
I'm pretty sure you'll need to do this inside a helper.
each helpers don't have to return cursors, they can also return an array. If the number of "singleDays" is short, you could send an array to the template instead of a cursor. It's kind of ugly, and there might be a better way to do this, but I think this will work.
dayOfWeek: function() {
var days = DaysCollection.find({}).fetch();
if (days[days.length - 1]) days[days.length - 1].isLast = true;
return days;
I assume {{isCurrent}} is where you add the extra class that you're talking about. If so, just have the isCurrent helper look for this.isLast to be true.
Seems like what is happening here is that the template is being rendered before the Mongo collection is sent to the client. To be more specific, meteor renders your template as fast as possible, which means that it has no concept of 'waiting' for any data to be sent from the server to the client. Therefore, if you place anything indirectly regarding database queries inside of a non-reactive call (Template.rendered), then it will execute with the data as undefined.
I'm assuming your dayOfWeek helper looks something like this:
daysOfWeek: function () {
var today = CollectionName.findOne();
return today.daysOfWeek;
(Or maybe you are using the router to pass the day directly to the template)
Either way, within your router you need to wait for the Mongo collection item to be sent to the client before any rendering takes place. If you are using Iron-Router, you simply have to 'wait' for your data/subscription.
More information can be found here: https://github.com/iron-meteor/iron-router/blob/devel/Guide.md#wait-and-ready
If you are still using autopublish, then you can replace the subscription with your database query.

How to render a component based on model parameter

I have the requirement to render a template based on a property of my model.
My stratergy was to use custom if block helpers for the handle bars templates, something like this:
{{#ifequals type 'cars'}}
{{#ifequals type 'planes'}}
but I cant create a block helper that resolves parameter passed by the template to the helper.
if I use Handlebars.registerHandlebars, it resolves the variable name insted of the variable.
the reason i need to do this is because it is part of a plugin framework.
Option blocks (special if statements) don't work properly in ember handlebars helpers. https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/2237
isCar: Ember.computed.equals('type', 'cars')
isPlane: Ember.computed.equals('type', 'planes')
{{#if isCar}}
{{#if isPlan}}
It almost looks like you can do it, but there is a problem with it, as is pointed out in the github issue above.
Ember.Handlebars.helper('iff', function(value,property, options) {
if(value === property){
return options.fn.apply();
} else {
return options.inverse.apply();
You will get a bound blocks error when you try and implement something like this and the values actually change
Uncaught You can't use appendChild outside of the rendering process

is there a way to specify the controller for {{render}}?

The reason I want to do this is that I have a list of objects that should be displayed twice, once in expanded form and once in compact form. So I would like to do this:
{{render 'widgets' store.widgets}}
{{render 'widgets-compact' store.widgets}}
and in both cases use the WidgetsController.
Ah I realized after looking at the code that although it is not mentioned anywhere in the documentation, you can just do controller=
{{render 'widgets-compact' store.widgets controller=widgets}}