OpenCV + OpenGL - Get OpenGL image as OpenCV camera - c++

I would like to grab an OpenGL image and feed it to OpenCV for analysis (as a simulator for the OpenCV algorithms) but I am not finding much information about it, all I can find is the other way around (placing an OpenCV image inside OpenGL). Could someone explain how to do so?
I will be simulating a camera on top of a Robot, so I will render in realtime a 3D environment and display it in a Qt GUI for the user. I will give the user the option to use a a real webcam feed or a simulated 3D scene (that changes as the robot moves) and the OpenCV algorithm will be the same for both inputs so the user might test his code without having to use a real robot all the time.

You are probably looking for the function glReadPixels. It will download whatever is currently displayed by OpenGL to a buffer.
unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[width*height*3];
glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer);
cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, buffer);
cv::imshow("Show Image", image);
For OpenCV you will probably also need to flip and convert to BGR as well.
Edit: Since just using glReadPixels is not a very efficient way to do it, here is some sample code using Framebuffers and Pixel Buffer Objects to efficiently transfer:
How to render offscreen on OpenGL?

I did it in a previous research project. There are not much difficulties here.
What you have to do is basically:
make a texture read from OpenGL to some pre-allocated memory buffer;
apply some geometric transform (flip X and/or Y coordinate) to account for the possibly different coordinate frames between OpenGL and OpenCV. It's a detail but it helps in visualization (hint: use a texture with an F letter inside to find quickly what coordinate you need to flip!);
you can build an OpenCV cv::Matobject directly around your pre-allocated memory buffe, and then process it directly or copy it to some other matrix object and process it.
As indicated in another answer, reading OpenGL texture is a simple matter of calling the glRead() function.
What you get is usually 3 or 4 channels with 8 bits per data (RGB / RGBA - 8 bits per channel), though it may depend on your actual OpenGL context.
If color is important to you, you may need (but it is not required) to convert the RGB image data to the BGR format (Blue - Green - Red). For historical reasons, this is the default color channel ordering in OpenCV.
You do this with a call to cv::cvtColor(source, dest, cv::COLOR_RGB2BGR) for example.

I needed this for my research.
I took littleimp's advice, but fixing the colors and flipping the image took valuable time to figure out.
Here is what I ended up with.
typedef Mat Image ;
typedef struct {
int width;
int height;
char* title;
float field_of_view_angle;
float z_near;
float z_far;
} glutWindow;
glutWindow win;
Image glutTakeCVImage() {
// take a picture within glut and return formatted
// for use in openCV
int width = win.width;
int height = win.height;
unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[width*height*3];
glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer);
Image img(height, width, CV_8UC3, buffer);
Image flipped_img;
Image BGR_img;
cvtColor(flipped_img,BGR_img, COLOR_RGB2BGR);
return BGR_img;
I hope someone finds this useful.


Merging rgb and depth images from a kinect

I'm creating a vision algorithm that is implemented in a Simulink S-function( which is c++ code). I accomplished every thing wanted except the alignment of the color and depth image.
My question is how can i make the 2 images correspond to each other. in other words how can i make a 3d image with opencv.
I know my question might be a little vague so i will include my code which will explain the question
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// reading in the color and depth image
Mat color = imread("whitepaint_col.PNG", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
Mat depth = imread("whitepaint_dep.PNG", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
// show bouth the color and depth image
namedWindow("color", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("color", color);
namedWindow("depth", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("depth", depth);
// thershold the color image for the color white
Mat onlywhite;
inRange(color, Scalar(200, 200, 200), Scalar(255, 255, 255), onlywhite);
//display the mask
namedWindow("onlywhite", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("onlywhite", onlywhite);
// apply the mask to the depth image
Mat nocalibration;
depth.copyTo(nocalibration, onlywhite);
//show the result
namedWindow("nocalibration", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("nocalibration", nocalibration);
return 0;
output of the program:
As can be seen in the output of my program when i apply the onlywhite mask to the depth image the quad copter body does not consist out of 1 color. The reason for this is that there is a miss match between the 2 images.
I know that i need calibration parameters of my camera and i got these from the last person who worked with this setup. Did the calibration in Matlab and this resulted in the following.
Matlab calibration esults:
I have spent allot of time reading the following opencv page about Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction ( cannot include the link because of stack exchange lvl)
But i cannot for the life of me figure out how i could accomplish my goal of adding the correct depth value to each colored pixel.
I tried using reprojectImageTo3D() but i cannot figure out the Q matrix.
i also tried allot of other functions from that page but i cannot seem to get my inputs correct.
As far as I know, Matlab has very good support for Kinect (especially for v1). You may use a function named alignColorToDepth, as follows:
[alignedFlippedImage,flippedDepthImage] = alignColorToDepth(depthImage,colorImage,depthDevice)
The returned values are alignedFlippedImage (the RGB registrated image) and flippedDepthImage (the registrated depth image). These two images are aligned and ready for you to process them.
You can find more at this MathWorks documentation page.
Hope it's what you need :)
As far as I can tell, you are missing the transformation between camera coordinate frames. The Kinect (v1 and v2) uses two separate camera systems to capture the depth and RGB data, and so there is a translation and rotation between them. You may be able to assume no rotation, but you will have to account for the translation to fix the misalignment you are seeing.
Try starting with this thread.

How to convert IplImage to a GLubyte array?

I have a function that reads a image and does some image processing on it using various openCV functions. Now, I want to display this image as texture using openGL. For this purpose, how to perform a conversion between a cv::Mat array to a Glubyte array?
It depends on the data type in your IplImage / cv::Mat.
If it is of type CV_8U, then the pixel format is already correct and you just need:
ensure that your OpenCV data has a correct color format with respect to your OpenGL context (OpenCV commomnly uses BGR color channel ordering instead of RGB)
if your original image has some orientation, then you need to flip it vertically using cvFlip() / cv::flip(). The rational behind is that OpenCV has the origine of the coordinate frame in the top left corner (y-axis going down) while OpenGL applications usually have the origin in the bottom (y-axis going up)
use the data pointer field of IplImage / cv::Mat to get access to the pixel data and load it into OpenGL.
If your image data is in another format than CV_8U, then you need to convert it to this pixel format first using the function cvConvertScale() / cv::Mat::convertTo().

Creating a Grayscale image in Visual C++ from a float array

I have an array of grayscale pixel values (floats as a fraction of 1) that I need to display, and then possibly save. The values just came from computations, so I have no libraries currently installed or anything. I've been trying to figure out the CImage libraries, but can't make much sense of what I need to do to visualize this data. Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you.
One possible approach which I've used with some success is to take D3DX's texture functions to create a Direct3D texture and fill it. There is some overhead in starting up D3D, but it provides you with multi-thread-able texture creation and built-in-ish viewing, as well as saving to files without much more fuss.
If you're not interested in using D3D(X), some of the specifics here won't be useful, but the generator should help figure out how to output data for any other library.
For example, assuming an existing D3D9 device pDevice and a noise generator (or other texture data source) pGen:
IDirect3DTexture9 * pTexture = nullptr;
D3DXCreateTexture(pDevice, 255, 255, 0, 0, D3DFMT_R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &pTexture);
D3DXFillTexture(pTexture, &texFill, pGen);
D3DXSaveTexture("texture.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, pTexture, NULL);
The generator function:
) {
// For a prefilled array:
float * pArray = (float *)pData;
float initial = pArray[(pTexCoord->y*255)+pTexCoord->x];
// For a generator object:
Generator * pGen = (Generator*)pData; // passed in as the third param to fill
float initial = pGen->GetPixel(pTexCoord->x, pTexCoord->y);
pOut->x = pOut->y = pOut->z = (initial * 255);
pOut->w = 255; // set alpha to opaque
Corresponding functions are available for volume/3D textures. As they are already set up for D3D, you can simply render the texture to a flat quad to view, or use as a source in whatever graphical application you may want.
So long as your generator is thread-safe, you can run the create/fill/save in one thread per texture, and generate multiple slices or frames simultaneously.
I found that the best solution for this problem was to use the SFML library ( Very simple to use, but must be compiled from source if you want to use it with VS2010.
You can use the PNM image format without any libraries whatsoever. (The format itself is trivial). However it's pretty archaic and you'll have to have an image viewer that supports it. IvanView, for example, supports it on Windows.

Tiling a small image into a bigger one with OpenCV

Let's say I have an image of 200x200 pixels. I'd like a 800x800 pixels version where I basically duplicate the 200x200 image and fill the 800x800 image with(Tile the smaller image into the bigger one).
How would you go to do that in openCV? It seems straight-forward, but I don't know how to either create another cv::Mat with the same type as the pattern, but with a bigger size(Canvas size) or if it's possible to take the original 200x200 pixels image and increase it's rows and cols then simply use a loop to paste the corner unto the rest of the image.
I'm using openCV 2.3 btw. I've done quite some processing on images with fixed dimensions, but I'm kind of clueless when it comes to increasing the dimensions of the matrix.
You can use repeat function:
def tile_image(tile, height, width):
x_count = int(width / tile.shape[0]) + 1
y_count = int(height / tile.shape[1]) + 1
tiled = np.tile(tile, (y_count, x_count, 1))
return tiled[0:height, 0:width]
FYI- The blog in #karlphillip's response, the basic idea is to use cvSetImageROI and cvResetImageROI. Both are C APIs.
In later versions, v2.4 and 3.x for example, one can define a Rect with the desired location and dimensions and refer to the desired section as img(rect).
Example in C API (functional style):
cvSetImageROI(new_img, cvRect(tlx, tly, width, height);
cvCopy(old_img, new_img);
In the C++ API using classes:
Mat roi(new_img, Rect(tlx, tly, width, height));
roi = old_img; // or old_img.clone()
Another way in C++ (copies over the image):
old_img.copyTo(new_img(Rect(tlx, tly, width, height)))

What is the preferred way to show large images in OpenGL

I've had this problem a couple of times. Let's say I want to display a splash-screen or something in an OpenGL context (or DirectX for that matter, it's more of a conceptual thing), now, I could either just load a 2048x2048 texture and hope that the graphics card will cope with it (most will nowadays I suppose), but growing with old-school graphics card I have this bad conscience leaning over me and telling me I shouldn't use textures that large.
What is the preferred way nowadays? Is it to just cram that thing into video memory, tile it, or let the CPU do the work and glDrawPixels? Or something more elaborate?
If this is a single frame splash image with no animations, then there's no harm using glDrawPixels. If performance is crucial and you are required to use a texture, then the correct way to do it is to determine at runtime, the maximum supported texture size, using a proxy texture.
GLint width = 0;
while ( 0 == width ) { /* use a better condition to prevent possible endless loop */
0, /* mip map level */
GL_RGBA, /* internal format */
desiredWidth, /* width of image */
desiredHeight, /* height of image */
0, /* texture border */
GL_RGBA /* pixel data format, */
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, /* pixel data type */
NULL /* null pointer because this a proxy texture */
/* the queried width will NOT be 0, if the texture format is supported */
glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &width);
desiredWidth /= 2; desiredHeight /= 2;
Once you know the maximum texture size supported by the system's OpenGL driver, you have at least two options if your image doesn't fit:
Image tiling: use multiple quads after splitting your image into smaller supported chunks. Image tiling for something like a splash screen should not be too tricky. You can use glPixelStorei's GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH parameter to load sections of a larger image into a texture.
Image resizing: resize your image to fit the maximum supported texture size. There's even a GLU helper function to do this for you, gluScaleImage.
I don't think there is a built-in opengl function, but you might find a library (or write the function yourself) to break the image down into smaller chunks and then print to screen the smaller chunks (128x128 tiles or similar).
I had problem with this using Slick2D for a Java game. You can check out their "BigImage" class for ideas here.