how does timeout work in angular tests running in karma - unit-testing

I love using console log for feedback perhaps too much, and sometimes I run into code that as convention we've added $timeout in the directive/service/controller, sometimes as long as 500 ms, and now the problem is during unit test, I noticed only console.logs directly under the it constructor gets sent out to karma and output to the screen.
wrapped console logs under timeout or rather wrapped assertions under $timeout do not yield any result as if ignored, what's the solution to timeouts?

In your unit tests, you load ngMock, which overwrites the orignal $timeout with its mock. Mock $timeout doesn't work like the real JavaScript timeout. To get it to call the code that's inside it, you have to do $timeout.flush() from your unit test.
If $timeout worked like the real timeout, you would've had to write asynchronous unit-tests for all functions that use $timeout.
Here's an example of a simplified function that uses $timeout and how I test it:
gaApi.getReport = function() {
report = $q.defer()
$timeout(function() {
$http({method: 'GET', url: ''})
.success(function(body) {
}, 300)
return report.promise
A unit test:
describe('getReport', function() {
it('should return report data from Google Analytics', function() {
gaApi.getReport().then(function(body) {


Stenciljs unit testing getting error : ReferenceError XMLHttpRequest is not defined

I'm trying to create units test for my stencil js component, in the compnentWillLoad() method it will do an HTTP request (using rxjs).when I'm run the test getting error ReferenceError: XMLHttpRequest is not defined.But when removing the HTTP request from the componentWillLoad() method test passed.
My test as below,
it('should render my component', async () => {
const page = await newSpecPage({
components: [MyComponent],
html: `<my-component></my-component>`,
I'm getting error ReferenceError: XMLHttpRequest is not defined
XMLHttpRequest is indeed not defined in the virtual DOM context that is created when you use newSpecPage.
The best solution for you is probably to write this as an E2E test instead, using newE2EPage, which is more suited for complete end-to-end testing because it runs in a real browser context where XMLHttpRequest will be available.
it('should render', async () => {
const page = await newE2EPage({ html: '<my-component></my-component>' });
const myComponent = page.find('my-component');
"Spec Page" testing is rather meant for unit testing components that work stand-alone. If your goal is to actually unit-test your component and you just want to be able to instantiate your component but you don't actually need the request to succeed for testing, then you can also use the Build context from Stencil:
import { Build, ... } from '#stencil/core';
export class MyComponent {
componentWillLoad() {
if (!Build.isTesting) {
// make the request
// ...
I had similar troubles with Stencil, Jest and XMLHttpRequest.
First, make sure you call
new window.XMLHttpRequest()
instead of simply calling
new XMLHttpRequest()
This seems to be neccessary when using jsdom and may already resolve your issue.
It didn't resolve mine though, since I wanted to make sure there are no real API calls going on. So I tried to mock XMLHttpRequest. However, I ran into other issues while building the mock and finally decided to refactor my code to use Fetch API instead of XMLHttpRequest which seems to be better supported by Stencil.
You can easily mock fetch using jest
export function mockFetch(status, body, statusText?) {
// #ts-ignore
global.fetch = jest.fn(() =>
status: status,
statusText: statusText,
text: () => Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify(body)),
json: () => Promise.resolve(body),

How to unit test Vue component that uses Axios (or other async update)?

I have a Vue component/view that performs an API request using Axios and updates the component data with the response. I'm using Moxios to mock the Axios request in unit tests.
I tried using Vue.nextTick to postpone assertion of the updated data, but the component has not updated at that point yet. If I add a delay, the assertion works correctly:
setTimeout(() => {
expect(wrapper.text()).toMatch('Updated text')
}, 500)
However this is bad practice, slows down the tests and is a race condition.
Is there some kind of assertion check that would be called every time a component updates? Essentially, I'm looking for something like:
Vue.eventually(() => {
expect(wrapper.text()).toMatch('Updated text')
A generic (non-Vue-specific) workaround:
const test = () => {
try {
expect(wrapper.text()).toMatch('Updated text')
} catch (e) {
setTimeout(test, 1)
setTimeout(test, 1)
However, any failures from the expect are ignored and the test times out without any message if failing.

Assert inside of a stub/mock ember service during acceptance/integration tests

In unit tests for a service, I have been putting asserts inside of service stubs, which has come in rather handy.
let fooServiceStub = Ember.Object.extend({
fooMethod(bar) {
this.assert.ok(bar, 'fooMethod called with bar');
test('blah', function(assert) {
let stubFooService = fooServiceStub.create({ assert });
let fooService = this.subject({
fooService: stubFooService
Is an assert inside of a stub service possible for an acceptance/integration test?
The issue that I am running into is that for acceptance/integration tests, the way the service is injected is different from unit tests.
let fooServiceStub = Ember.Service.extend({
fooMethod(bar) {
return 'baz';
beforeEach: function () {
this.application.register('service:mockFooService', fooServiceStub);
this.application.inject('controller', 'fooService', 'service:mockFooService');
I have not found a way to pass in the 'assert' object into such a stub.
To me, this is desirable to do during an acceptance test. The service goes off and does stuff that would be rather complicated to mock in the acceptance test, and I don't want to re-test my service. I just want to confirm the expected service calls were triggered.
You can just do something like this in your test:
this.set('fooService.FooMethod', bar => assert.ok(bar, 'bla'));

AngularJS - Unit testing file uploads

As you know, inside unit tests it's built-in angularjs feature to mock XHR requests with $httpBackend - this is nice and helpful while writing unit tests.
Recently, I met with need of mocking XHR in case of file upload and discovered some problems.
Consider following code:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", uploadProgress(event), false);
xhr.addEventListener("load", uploadComplete(event), false);
xhr.addEventListener("error", uploadError(event), false);
xhr.addEventListener("abort", uploadAbort(event), false);"POST", 'some url');
What I want to do is to do unit testing of such a code with mocking of XHR requests, but it's not possible do it because there is no $http service used here.
I tried this (and it's working and could be mocked with $httpBackend):
method: 'POST',
url: 'some url',
data: someData,
headers: {'Content-Type': undefined},
transformRequest: angular.identity})
.then(successCallback, errorCallback);
But in this case I don't know how to implement 'progress' callback and 'abort' callback (they are essential and required in case I am working on now).
I've seen information that latest Angular supports progress callback for promises (not sure though whether it's integrated with $http service), but what about abort callback?
Any ideas or maybe your met with something similar before?
If the $http service doesn't give you everything you need, you can still unit test the first block of code. First of all, change your code to use Angular's $window service. This is just a wrapper service, but it allows you to mock the object in your tests. So, you'll want to do this:
var xhr = new $window.XMLHttpRequest();
Then in your tests, just mock it and use spies.
$window.XMLHttpRequest= angular.noop;
addEventListenerSpy = jasmine.createSpy("addEventListener");
openSpy = jasmine.createSpy("open");
sendSpy = jasmine.createSpy("send");
xhrObj = {
addEventListener: addEventListenerSpy
addEventListener: addEventListenerSpy,
open: openSpy,
send: sendSpy
spyOn($window, "XMLHttpRequest").andReturn(xhrObj);
From there, you can make the different spies return whatever you want for the different tests.
You should mock $http and control any deferred, as you want more control over your test. Basically, mock $http provider and serve a custom implementation that exposes its deferred, then play with it.
You should not worry whether $http is working right or not, because it is supposed to, and is already tested. So you have to mock it and only worry testing your part of the code.
You should go something like this:
describe('Testing a Hello World controller', function() {
beforeEach(module(function($provide) {
$provide.provider('$http', function() {
this.$get = function($q) {
return function() {
var deferred = $q.defer(),
promise = deferred.promise;
promise.$$deferred = deferred;
return promise;
it('should answer to fail callback', inject(function(yourService, $rootScope) {
var spyOk = jasmine.createSpy('okListener'),
spyAbort = jasmine.createSpy('abortListener'),
spyProgress = jasmine.createSpy('progressListener');
var promise = yourService.upload('a-file');
promise.then(spyOk, spyAbort, spyProgress);
promise.$$deferred.reject('something went wrong');
expect(spyAbort).toHaveBeenCalledWith('something went wrong');
And your service is simply:
app.service('yourService', function($http) {
return {
upload: function(file) {
// do something and
return $http({...});
Just note that promises notification is only available in the latest RC release. So, if you can't use it, just elaborate a little more the example and mock the XHR events and so.
Also note that you should preferably have one test case for each of the callbacks (fail, success and progress), in order to follow KISS principle.

Testing jQuery UI "Dialog" logic using Jasmine

In my JS view-code I am using a jQuery UI Dialog component to render a popup.
I instantiate it like this:
var popupDialog = $("#myPopupDiv").dialog({
title: "My dialog",
dialogClass: "myDialogClass",
create: createHandler,
draggable: false,
width: width,
height: height,
autoOpen: false
Notice it's got autoOpen set to "false". I open it in the "create"-handler:
var createHandler = function(event, ui) {
//Vi venter litt for å sikre at popupen er "klar"
setTimeout(function () {
}, 5);
The open-logic is wrapped in a setTimeout to ensure the popup is ready.
The code works fine in app the browser, but when I run this code using Jasmine test-framework I get an error:
Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'open'
The test actually passes, so clearly the item is rendered. But I don't like the error showing up when I run the tests!
I suspect that since the Jasmine tests run so fast, the component has not had time to initialize itself. So how can I assure that the component is initialized? I thought putting this logic in the "create"-handler would take care of that since that event is "Triggered when the dialog is created.", but clearly that is not the case.
Here is how I test it:
it("should show my popup", function () {
var myPopupLink = $('.popupLink');;
//Wait until popup is shown
waitsFor(function () {
return !$('.myDialogClass').is(":hidden");
}, "Popupen didn't show", 1000);
//Check that the DOM is as expected
expect($('.myDialogClass .popupContentDiv')).toExist();
//Close popup;
expect($('.myDialogClass .popupContentDiv')).not.toExist();
Anybody have a clue how I can verify the initialization-status of the popup-dialog?
Or any other workarounds?
The problem with your test is, that it is more an acceptance test then a unit test. Most of stuff that you try to test is functionality of jQueryUi. What you really wanna test is that the createHandler opened the dialog with a delay. So your popupDialog.dialog should be a spy where you can check that it was called after the delay.
At the moment your code is really hard to test cause it is based directly on jquery. You should think about to have functions where you can inject your depenedencies instead of relying on global variables like popupDialog.
Here is an example on how to mock out all dependencies:
//mock out setTimeout so you dont have to wait in your test
//create a mock that will return from $().dialog()
var mockDialog = jasmine.createSpy('dialog');
// mock $ to return {dialog: mock that return {dialog: mockDialog}}
var mock$ = spyOn(window, '$').andReturn({
dialog: mockDialog
// call the create function
As you can see its very complicated to mock out all the jQuery dependencies. So ether you rewrite your code for better testability or test this stuff as acceptance test with selenium capybara etc.