Perl regex match based on no. of chars - regex

I get input string like:
The point being, it is position based,
i.e I have to parse First 1 char as one string, next 7 as another string, next 1 as another string and the tricky part being last one string as another string (Which is optional in input)
i.e input line length can be 9 chars or 10 chars.
I am supposed to parse this and get 4 Strings.
later I will put these strings in Database and do further processing.
I am using regex like
And copying this values in 4 variables.
But the problem is it works only when the length of line is exactly 10 chars (When we have last char).
When length is 9 chars (last optional char Y is missing) Then the regex does not match the line and thus no parsing.
Long story short, How can I modify the regex to make the last 1 char optional for parsing.
Thanks in advance.
P.S: Question may sound very trivial to experts, But....

You could almost certainly have solved this for yourself by reading either the perlre or perlretut manual pages.
As others have pointed out, the ? marks a regex atom as being optional. You can also simplify your regex by omitting all of the {1} sequences.

Use ? for optional (0 or 1) match
Or more concisely


matlab: truncate large text and append '...'

I have a large array of text (text, stored as cell-array), that I want to truncate in matlab, say for 5 characters. Truncating with regexprep is quite efficient, but now, I would love to append a '...' at the end of every truncated match (and only there).
(How) can this be achieved within MATLAB's regexprep?
>> text = {'123456780','1','12'}; %<- small representative sample
>> regexprep(text,'(^.{0,5})(.*)','$1') %capture first 5 characters or less in first group (and replace the text with first group captures)
ans =
1×3 cell array
{'12345'} {'1'} {'12'}
it should read:
ans =
1×3 cell array
{'12345...'} {'1'} {'12'}
You need to use
See the regex demo.
The main point is that you need to only trigger the replacement if a string is linger than five chars (else, you do not even need to truncate the string).
Note that regexprep returns the input string as is if there was no regex match found, thus you do not need to worry about strings that are zero to five chars long.
^ - start of string
(.{5}) - Capturing group 1 ($1): any five chars
.+ - any one or more chars, as many as possible.
Note that the string 12345... is in fact 8 characters long. You don't want to make the mistake of truncating 1234567 to 12345..., as the truncated version is longer and therefore shouldn't be truncated in the first place.
A solution that takes this into account is:
which will only truncate if there are more than 8 characters and, if so, will display the first 5 with the trailing ellipsis.

Regular Expression Extracting Text from a group

I have a filename like this:
I needed to break down the name into groups which are separated by a underscore. Which I did like this:
So far so go.
Now I need to extract characters from one of the group for example in group 2 I need the first 3 and 8 decimal ( keep mind they could be characters too ).
So I had try something like this :
(.*?)_([38]{2})(.*?) _(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)(\d{16})(.*)
It didn’t work but if I do this:
(.*?)_([PH]{2})(.*?) _(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)(\d{16})(.*)
It will pull the PH into a group but not the 38 ? So I’m lost at this point.
Any help would be great
Try the below Regex to match any first 3 char/decimal and one decimal
Try the below Regex to match any first 3 char/decimal and one decimal/char
It will match any 3 letters/digits followed by 1 letter/digit.
If your first two letter is a constant like "PH" then try the below
I am assuming that you are trying to match group2 starting with numbers. If that is the case then you have change the source string such as
It works, check it out at
Using [^_]* performs much better in your case than .*? since it doesn't backtrack. So changing your original regex from:
reduces the number of steps from 114 to 42 for your given string.
The best method might be to actually split your string on _ and then test the second element to see if it contains 38. Since you haven't specified a language, I can't help to show how in your language, but most languages employ a contains or indexOf method that can be used to determine whether or not a substring exists in a string.
Using regex alone, however, this can be accomplished using the following regular expression.
See regex in use here
Ensuring 38 exists in the second part:
Capturing the 38 in the second part:

Using Regex to clean a csv file in R

This is my first post so I hope it is clear enough.
I am having a problem regarding cleaning my CSV files before I can read them into R and have spent the entire day trying to find a solution.
My data is supposed to be in the form of two columns. The first column is a timestamp consisting of 10 digits and the second an ID consisting of 11 or 12 Letters and numbers (the first 6 are always numbers).
For example:
logger10 |
0821164100 | 010300033ADD
0821164523 | 010300033ADD
0821164531 | 010700EDDA0F0831102744
would become:
0821164100 | 010300033ADD
0821164523 | 010300033ADD
0821164531 | 010700EDDA0F
0831102744 | 010700EDDA0F
(please excuse the lines in the middle, that was my attempt at separating the columns...).
The csv file seems to occasionally be missing a comma which means that sometimes one row will end up like this:
My hardware also adds the word logger10 (or whichever number logger this is) whenever it restarts which gives a similar problem e.g. logger10logger100831102744.
I think I have managed to solve the logger text problem (see code) but I am sure this could be improved. Also, I really don't want to delete any of the data.
My real trouble is making sure there is a line break in the right place after the ID and, if not, I would like to add one. I thought I could use regex for this but I'm having difficulty understanding it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is my attempt:
temp <- list.files(pattern="*.CSV") #list of each csv/logger file
for(i in temp){
#clean each csv
tmp<-readLines(i) #check each line in file
tmp<-gsub("logger([0-9]{2})","",tmp) #remove logger text
pattern <- ("[0-9]{10}\\,[0-9]{6}[A-Z,0-9]{5,6}") #regex pattern ??
if (tmp!= pattern){
#I have no idea where to start here...
here is some raw data:
If you want to do this in a single pass:
(?:logger\d\d )?([\dA-F]{10}),?([\dA-F]{12}) ?
can be replaced with
What this does is look for any of those rogue logger01 entries (including the space after it) optionally: That trailing ? after the group means that it can match 0 or 1 time: if it does match, it will. If it's not there, the match just keeps going anyway.
Following that, you look for (and capture) exactly 10 hex values (either digits or A-F). The ,? means that if a comma exists, it will match, but it can match 0 or 1 time as well (making it optional).
Following that, look for (and capture) exactly 12 hex values. Finally, to get rid of any strange trailing spaces, the ? (a space character followed by ?) will optionally match the trailing space.
Your replacement will replace the first captured group (the 10 hex digits), add in a tab, replace the second captured group (the 12 hex digits), and then a newline.
You can see this in use on regex101 to see the results. You can use code generator on the left side of that page to get some preformatted PHP/Javascript/Python that you can just drop into a script.
If you're doing this from the command line, perl could be used:
perl -pe 's/(?:logger\d\d )?([\dA-F]{10}),?([\dA-F]{12}) ?/\1\t\2\n/g'
If another language, you may need to adapt it slightly to fit your needs.
Re-reading the OP and comments, a slightly more rigid regex could be
(?:logger\d\d\ )?([\dA-F]{10}),?(\d{6}[\dA-F]{5,6})\ ?
I updated the regex101 link with the changes.
This still looks for the first 10 hex values, but now looks for exactly 6 digits, followed by 5-6 hex values, so the total number of characters matched is 11 or 12.
The replacement would be the same.
Paste your regex here to see whether it catches all cases. The 5 or 6 letters or digits could pose an issue as it may catch the first digit of the timestamp when the logger misses out a comma. Append an '\n' to the end of the tmp string should work provided the regex catches all cases.

best approach for my pattern match

So, I've built a regex which follows this:
which is translated to
4 alpha character followed by
2 alpha characters followed by
2 characters followed by
3 optional character
this is a standard format for SWIFT BIC code HSBCGB2LXXX
my regex to pull this out of string is:
Now this is targeting a specific tag (32) and works, however, I'm not sure if it's the cleanest, plus if there are any characters before H then it fails.
the string being matched against is:
the following returns HSBCGB4LXXX, but this:
returns nothing.
For clarity. I have a string which contains multiple lines all starting with :2xnumber:optional letter (eg, :58A:) i want to specify a line to start matching in and return a BIC from anywhere in the line.
Some more example data to help:
Mr Bank of Dad
Dads house
address 1
address 2
A line which HSBCGB2LXXX contains a BIC
:70:Another line of data
:71A:Even more
Ok, so I need to pass in as a variable the tag 53 or 59 and return the BIC HSBCGB2LXXX only!
Your regex can be simplified, and corrected to allow a character before the H, to:
The changes made were:
Lost the look behind - just make it part of the match
Inserting .? meaning "optional character"
([a-zA-Z]{4}[a-zA-Z]{2}) ==> [a-zA-Z]{6} (4+2=6)
[0-9] ==> \d (\d means "any digit")
[X]{3} ==> XXX (just easier to read and less characters)
Group 1 of the match contains your target
I'm not quite sure if I understand your question completely, as your regular expression does not completely match what you have described above it. For example, you mentioned 3 optional characters, but in the regexp you use 3 mandatory X-es.
However, the actual regular expression can be further cleaned:
instead of [a-zA-Z]{4}[a-zA-Z]{2}, you can simply use [a-zA-Z]{6}, and the grouping parentheses around this might be unnecessary;
the {1} can be left out without any change in the result;
the X does not need surrounding brackets.
All in all
is shorter and matches in the very same cases.
If you give a better description of the domain, probably further improvements are also possible.

Need to capture single character, but ignore digit

I'm parsing out flight info.
Here's the sample data:
E0.777 7 3:09
E0.319 N 1:43
E0.735 8 1:45
E0.735 N 1:48
E0.M80 9 3:21
E0.733 1:48
I need to populate fields like this:
Equipment: 735
On Time: N
Duration: 1:48
Problem I'm having is capturing the Y or N character but ignoring the single digit, then capturing the duration.
This is the expression I have tried:
Edit: I updated the sample data to clarify my question. Equipment is not always three digits, it could be a character and two digits. The data between the equipment and the duration could be a boolean N or Y, a single digit, or white space. Only the boolean should be captured.
Firstly, you mix up the concepts of alternation and character classes [Y|N] would match 3 different characters: Y or | or N. Either use (...) or leave out the pipe.
Secondly your double ? after the character class does not really do anything. Thirdly, at the end you only match consecutive spaces if a digit was found. But if there is no digit, the last ? will ignore the subpattern, thus not allowing spaces either.
Lastly, \w does not match :.
Try this:
You should also think about restricting the repeated . at the beginning to a more precise character class (i.e \w{2}\., but I don't know the possibilities there).
Changed .{3} to ..\. which is a bit more specific about there being a literal . for character 3.
(?:([YN])|\d) matches either Y/N or a digit, but only captures a Y or N. Notice that it's [YN] not [Y|N].
Changed \w{4} to \S{4} since \w doesn't match colons :.
This will do it...
I made some other changes to your regex because it was easier for me to just rewrite it based off your data then to try to modify what you had.
This will capture the Y or N or it won't capture anything in that group. I also tried to be more specific with your duration regex.
Update: This works with your new requirements...
You can see it working on your data here...
(hover over each line to see the matched groups)
This captures all lines with Y or N and ignores everything else: