Suppose I have an arbitrary size array of integer values that specify the number of elements for each dimension (level) of the array to be allocated, how do I allocate the array without resorting to recursion? It's preferable to do it without recursion to avoid stack overflow.
So, for example, how to complete a function like this:
template <typename Type>
void* allocMulti (int numDim, int* numElementsPerDim)
// 'Type' if one-dimensional, should be 'void*' otherwise
void* multiArray = new Type[numElementsPerDim[0]];
// ...
return multiArray;
I'm looking for a general algorithm that would cover languages without direct memory access.
If the array is actually a matrix (e.g. length AxB and not a list of arrays of different lengths), then you could allocate a single array of length A*B instead of an array of length A where each position is a pointer to an array of length B.
This could also improve performance, as the memory is continuous (less paging).
You would have to access each cells using a[y * B + x] instead of a[y][x] though (assuming dim(a,0) = A and dim(a,1) = B.
My C++ my be a bit rusty, however, I believe this sort of approach may work:
T* AllocateMatrix(int dims, int[] dimLengths)
// Assert dims >= 1
int length = dims[0];
for (int d = 1; d < dims; d++)
length *= dims[d];
return new T[length];
*T AccessMatrix(T* matrix, int dims, int[] dimLengths, int[] pos)
// Assert dims >= 1
int p = pos[0];
for (int d = 1; d < dims; d++)
p = p * dimLengths[d] + pos[d];
return &matrix[p];
Here's an approach: Allocate the data values as a block, then all the rows of (int *) as a block, then the rows of (int **) as a block, etc.
a) Allocate all the data values as a block. If you have nDim dimensions in the array elementsPerDim, there are prod = product(elementsPerDim, nDim) data values (which you can easily calculate), so you need to allocate:
int prod = product(elementsPerDim, nDim);
int * intblock = calloc(prod, sizeof(int));
b) Allocate all the (int*). Their number is equal to the product of all the dimensions except the last one, so you can simply call your product() function with length nDim-1. So there are product(elementsPerDim, nDim-1) such values, each of size sizeof (int*). Let's allocate them:
int npointers = product(elementsPerDim, nDim-1);
int ** ptrblock = calloc(npointers, sizeof (int *));
Now you must initialize them to point into your block from the previous step. Each pointer gets a non-overlapping block of elementsPerDim[nDim-2] ints, like this:
int rowlength = elementsPerDim[nDim-2];
for (int i=0; i < npointers; i++)
ptrblock[i] = & intblock[i * rowlength]; /* a.k.a. intblock + i*rowlength */
c) Iterate step b backwards until you run out of dimensions. I.e., follow up step (b) with this loop:
void ** prev_block = (void **) ptrblock;
void ** curblock;
for (int d = nDim-2; d > 0; d--) {
int npointers = product(elementsPerDim, d);
curblock = calloc(npointers, sizeof (void **));
int rowlength = elementsPerDim[d-1];
for (int i=0; i < npointers; i++)
curblock[i] = & prev_block[i * rowlength];
prev_block = curblock; /* get ready for the next round */
When you're done, curblock will be an array of pointers pointing into the block of second-level pointers, and so on down to the block of ints. You can use normal array notation to dereference them:
ptrblock[3][2][15], etc.
I may have gotten an index off by one somewhere, but this should be the algorithm. You'll notice this is in C, and uses void ** instead of stacking the number of dereferences. You did say you were interested in the algorithm, not in type golf... (It should work as long as all pointers have the same size on your machine.)
I am a Fortran user and do not know C++ well enough. I need to make some additions into an existing C++ code. I need to create a 2d matrix (say A) of type double whose size (say m x n) is known only during the run. With Fortran this can be done as follows
real*8, allocatable :: A(:,:)
integer :: m, n
read(*,*) m
read(*,*) n
A(:,:) = 0.0d0
How do I create a matrix A(m,n), in C++, when m and n are not known at the time of compilation? I believe the operator new in C++ can be useful but not not sure how to implement it with doubles. Also, when I use following in C++
int * x;
x = new int [10];
and check the size of x using sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]), I do not have 10, any comments why?
To allocate dynamically a construction similar to 2D array use the following template.
#include <iostream>
int main()
int m, n;
std::cout << "Enter the number of rows: ";
std::cin >> m;
std::cout << "Enter the number of columns: ";
std::cin >> n;
double **a = new double * [m];
for ( int i = 0; i < m; i++ ) a[i] = new double[n]();
for ( int i = 0; i < m; i++ ) delete []a[i];
delete []a;
Also you can use class std::vector instead of the manually allocated pointers.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main()
int m, n;
std::cout << "Enter the number of rows: ";
std::cin >> m;
std::cout << "Enter the number of columns: ";
std::cin >> n;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> v( m, std::vector<double>( n ) );
As for this code snippet
int * x;
x = new int [10];
then x has type int * and x[0] has type int. So if the size of the pointer is equal to 4 and the size of an object of type int is equal also to 4 then sizeof( x ) / sizeof( x[0] ) will yields 1. Pointers do not keep the information whether they point to only a single object or the first object pf some sequence of objects.
I would recommend using std::vector and avoid all the headache of manually allocating and deallocating memory.
Here's an example program:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
typedef std::vector<double> Row;
typedef std::vector<Row> Matrix;
void testMatrix(int M, int N)
// Create a row with all elements set to 0.0
Row row(N, 0.0);
// Create a matrix with all elements set to 0.0
Matrix matrix(M, row);
// Test accessing the matrix.
for ( int i = 0; i < M; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < N; ++j )
matrix[i][j] = i+j;
std::cout << matrix[i][j] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
int main()
testMatrix(10, 20);
The formal C++ way of doing it would be this:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> a;
This creates container which contains a zero size set of sub-containers. C++11/C++13 provide std::array for fixed-sized containers, but you specified runtime sizing.
We now have to impart our dimensions on this and, unfortunately. Lets assign the top-level:
(you can also push or insert elements)
What we now have is a vector of 10 vectors. Unfortunately, they are all independent, so you would need to:
for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {
We now have a 10x10. We can also use vectors constructor:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> a(xSize, std::vector<int>(ySize)); // assuming you want a[x][y]
Note that vectors are fully dynamic, so we can resize elements as we need:
a[1].push_back(10); // push value '10' onto a[1], creating an 11th element in a[1]
a[2].erase(2); // remove element 2 from a[2], reducing a[2]s size to 9
To get the size of a particular slot:
a.size(); // returns 10
a[1].size(); // returns 11 after the above
a[2].size(); // returns 9 after teh above.
Unfortunately C++ doesn't provide a strong, first-class way to allocate an array that retains size information. But you can always create a simple C-style array on the stack:
int a[10][10];
std::cout << "sizeof a is " << sizeof(a) <<'\n';
But using an allocator, that is placing the data onto the heap, requires /you/ to track size.
int* pointer = new int[10];
At this point, "pointer" is a numeric value, zero to indicate not enough memory was available or the location in memory where the first of your 10 consecutive integer storage spaces are located.
The use of the pointer decorator syntax tells the compiler that this integer value will be used as a pointer to store addresses and so allow pointer operations via the variable.
The important thing here is that all we have is an address, and the original C standard didn't specify how the memory allocator would track size information, and so there is no way to retrieve the size information. (OK, technically there is, but it requires using compiler/os/implementation specific information that is subject to frequent change)
These integers must be treated as a single object when interfacing with the memory allocation system -- you can't, for example:
delete pointer + 5;
to delete the 5th integer. They are a single allocation unit; this notion allows the system to track blocks rather than individual elements.
To delete an array, the C++ syntax is
delete[] pointer;
To allocate a 2-dimensional array, you will need to either:
Flatten the array and handle sizing/offsets yourself:
static const size_t x = 10, y = 10;
int* pointer = new int[x * y];
pointer[0] = 0; // position 0, the 1st element.
pointer[x * 1] = 0; // pointer[1][0]
or you could use
int access_2d_array_element(int* pointer, const size_t xSize, const size_t ySize, size_t x, size_t y)
assert(x < xSize && y < ySize);
return pointer[y * xSize + x];
That's kind of a pain, so you would probably be steered towards encapsulation:
class Array2D
int* m_pointer;
const size_t m_xSize, m_ySize;
Array2D(size_t xSize, size_t ySize)
: m_pointer(new int[xSize * ySize])
, m_xSize(xSize)
, m_ySize(ySize)
int& at(size_t x, size_t y)
assert(x < m_xSize && y < m_ySize);
return m_pointer[y * m_xSize + x];
// total number of elements.
size_t arrsizeof() const
return m_xSize * m_ySize;
// total size of all data elements.
size_t sizeof() const
// this sizeof syntax makes the code more generic.
return arrsizeof() * sizeof(*m_pointer);
delete[] m_pointer;
Array2D a(10, 10);, 3) = 13;
int x =, 3);
For each Nth dimension (N < dimensions) allocate an array of pointers-to-pointers, only allocating actual ints for the final dimension.
const size_t xSize = 10, ySize = 10;
int* pointer = new int*(x); // the first level of indirection.
for (size_t i = 0; i < x; ++i) {
pointer[i] = new int(y);
pointer[0][0] = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < x; ++i) {
delete[] pointer[i];
delete[] pointer;
This last is more-or-less doing the same work, it just creates more memory fragmentation than the former.
To answer the question "why do I not have 10" you're probably compiling in 64-bit mode, which means that "x" is an array of 10 pointers-to-int, and because you're in 64-bit mode, pointers are 64-bits long, while ints are 32 bits.
The C++ equivalent of your Fortran code is:
int cols, rows;
if ( !(std::cin >> cols >> rows) )
// error handling...
std::vector<double> A(cols * rows);
To access an element of this array you would need to write A[r * rows + c] (or you could do it in a column-major fashion, that's up to you).
The element access is a bit clunky, so you could write a class that wraps up holding this vector and provides a 2-D accessor method.
In fact your best bet is to find a free library that already does this, instead of reinventing the wheel. There isn't a standard Matrix class in C++, because somebody would always want a different option (e.g. some would want row-major storage, some column-major, particular operations provided, etc. etc.)
Someone suggested boost::multi_array; that stores all its data contiguously in row-major order and is probably suitable. If you want standard matrix operations consider something like Eigen, again there are a lot of alternatives out there.
If you want to roll your own then it could look like:
struct FortranArray2D // actually easily extensible to any number of dimensions
FortranArray2D(size_t n_cols, size_t n_rows)
: n_cols(n_cols), n_rows(n_rows), content(n_cols * n_rows) { }
double &operator()(size_t col, size_t row)
{ return * n_rows + col); }
void resize(size_t new_cols, size_t new_rows)
FortranArray2D temp(new_cols, new_rows);
// insert some logic to move values from old to new...
*this = std::move(temp);
size_t n_rows, n_cols;
std::vector<double> content;
Note in particular that by avoiding new you avoid the thousand and one headaches that come with manual memory management. Your class is copyable and movable by default. You could add further methods to replicate any functionality that the Fortran array has which you need.
int ** x;
x = new int* [10];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
x[i] = new int[5];
Unfortunately you'll have to store the size of matrix somewhere else.
C/C++ won't do it for you. sizeof() works only when compiler knows the size, which is not true in dynamic arrays.
And if you wan to achieve it with something more safe than dynamic arrays:
#include <vector>
// ...
std::vector<std::vector<int>> vect(10, std::vector<int>(5));
vect[3][2] = 1;
This question already has answers here:
Representing a 2D array as a 1D array [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a jagged 2D array, the rows aren't all the same length:
int sizes[100];
//init sizes
unsigned char *p = [100];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
p[i] = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*sizes[i]);
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < sizes[i]; j++)
p[i] = j;
I use the array like this:
How can I simulate this array to 1D?
I assume that if you want to access your "2D array" as a one D matrix, you expect that as you increment your index by 1, you access the next element in the array (and will automatically go to the next line when you run off the edge). The right way to do this is by changing the way you allocate the array. I'll try to show how this is done - this is just C, not C++. It's probably more appropriate since you were using malloc anyway. I am also thinking that you have a pretty serious error in your code, in that you are creating a char * pointer p, yet expect to use it in
for which you would need a char **, obviously. Let's try to make code that would do what you want:
int sizes[100];
//init sizes
unsigned char *p[100]; // without the == sign we create an array of 100 pointers
unsigned char *bigP; // the master pointer
int totalLength = 0;
int ii;
for(ii=0; ii<100; ii++) totalLength += sizes[ii];
bigP = malloc(sizeof(char) * totalLength);
int offset = 0;
// make pointers p point to places along this big memory block:
for(ii = 0; ii < 100; ii++) {
p[ii] = bigP + offset;
offset += sizes[ii];
Now you can either address your array with
or with
where z can go from 0 to the maximum number of elements. Of course, in the process you don't know (when you are using the "1D" paradigm) in what row/column of the jagged array you are - you can't know that if you are truly in one dimension.
The key here is that the memory is allocated as a single contiguous block, and the pointers p are pointing to places in that block. This means you MUST NOT FREE p. You must only ever free bigP.
I hope this makes sense.
If you're looking for a way to map a two dimensional array onto a one dimensional space, then try...
int sizes[width*height];
void setPoint(int x, int y, int val) {
sizes[x*width + y] = val;
Notably the x*width + y indexing will give you the appropriate element in the one dimensional array.
Unless it is homework just download boost and use Boost.Matrix.
I originally asked using nested std::array to create an multidimensional array without knowing dimensions or extents until runtime but this had The XY Problem of trying to accomplish it with std::array.
The questions One-line initialiser for Boost.MultiArray and How do I make a multidimensional array of undetermined size a member of a class in c++? and their answers give some helpful information how to use Boost::MultiArray to avoid needing to know the extents of the dimensions at runtime, but fail to demonstrate how to have a class member that can store an array (created at runtime) whose dimensions and extents are not known until runtime.
Just avoid multidimensional arrays:
template<typename T>
class Matrix
Matrix(unsigned m, unsigned n)
: n(n), data(m * n)
T& operator ()(unsigned i, unsigned j) {
return data[ i * n + j ];
unsigned n;
std::vector<T> data;
int main()
Matrix<int> m(3, 5);
m(0, 0) = 0;
// ...
return 0;
A 3D access (in a proper 3D matrix) would be:
T& operator ()(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k) {
// Please optimize this (See #Alexandre C)
return data[ i*m*n + j*n + k ];
Getting arbitrary dimensions and extent would follow the scheme and add overloads (and dimensional/extent information) and/or take advantage of variadic templates.
Having a lot of dimensions you may avoid above (even in C++11) and replace the arguments by a std::vector. Eg: T& operator(std::vector indices).
Each dimension (besides the last) would have an extend stored in a vector n (as the first dimension in the 2D example above).
Yes. with a single pointer member.
A n multidimensional array is actually a pointer. so you can alocate a dynamic n array and with casting, and put this array in the member pointer.
In your class should be something like this
int * holder;
void setHolder(int* anyArray){
holder = anyArray;
int *** multy = new int[2][1][56];
You can solve the problem in at least two ways, depending on your preferences. First of all - you don't need the Boost library, and you can do it yourself.
class array{
unsigned int dimNumber;
vector<unsigned int> dimSizes;
float *array;
array(const unsigned int dimNumber, ...){
va_list arguments;
this->dimNumber = dimNumber;
unsigned int totalSize = 1;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<dimNumber;i++)
totalSize *= dimSizes[dimSizes.size()-1];
array = new float[totalSize];
float getElement(unsigned int dimNumber, ...){
va_list arguments;
unsgned int elementPos = 0, dimAdd = 1;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<dimNumber;i++)
unsigned int val = va_arg(arguments,double);
elementPos += dimAdd * val;
dimAdd *= dimsizes[i];
return array[elementPos]
Setting an element value would be the same, you will just have to specify the new value. Of course you can use any type you want, not just float... and of course remember to delete[] the array in the destructor.
I haven't tested the code (just wrote it straight down here from memory), so there can be some problems with calculating the position, but I'm sure you'll fix them if you encounter them. This code should give you the general idea.
The second way would be to create a dimension class, which would store a vector<dimension*> which would store sub-dimensions. But that's a bit complicated and too long to write down here.
Instead of a multidimensional array you could use a 1D-array with an equal amount of indices. I could not test this code, but I hope it will work or give you an idea of how to solve your problem. You should remember that arrays, which do not have a constant length from the time of being compiled, should be allocated via malloc() or your code might not run on other computers.
(Maybe you should create a class array for the code below)
#include <malloc.h>
int* IndexOffset; //Array which contains how many indices need to be skipped per dimension
int DimAmount; //Amount of dimensions
int SizeOfArray = 1; //Amount of indices of the array
void AllocateArray(int* output, //pointer to the array which will be allocated
int* dimLengths, //Amount of indices for each dimension: {1D, 2D, 3D,..., nD}
int dimCount){ //Length of the array above
DimAmount = dimCount;
int* IndexOffset = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * dimCount);
int temp = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < dimCount; i++){
temp = temp * dimLengths[i];
IndexOffset[i] = temp;
for(int i = 0; i < dimCount; i++){
SizeOfArray = SizeOfArray * dimLengths[i];
output = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * SizeOfArray);
To get an index use this:
int getArrayIndex(int* coordinates //Coordinates of the wished index as an array (like dimLengths)
int index;
int temp = coordinates[0];
for(int i = 1; i < DimAmount; i++){
temp = temp + IndexOffset[i-1] * coordinates[i];
index = temp;
return index;
Remember to free() your array as soon as you do not need it anymore:
for(int i = 0; i < SizeOfArray; i++){
How to make a 2d pointer like **check point a 2d array like
How to convert a 1d like check[16], to 2d array like mycheck[4][4]?
My attempt
float (*mycheck)[4] = (float (*)[4]) check;
But if second time I want to use mycheck again for some other 1d array, how can I do? My attempt:
float (*mycheck)[4] = (float (*)[4]) other1darray;
this will definitely give a re-declaration error.
The answer to the first question is that you cannot do that. All you can do is allocate some memory and copy the data over.
The answer to the second question is very simple
mycheck = (float (*)[4]) other1darray;
You only have to declare variables once, after that just use the variable name.
Array a[] decays to a pointer to the first element when you drop the []. This does not happen recursively, in other words, it doesn't work for a[][].
Secondly, you can't assign arrays in C. You can ONLY initialize them. You will have to set each member yourself.
You can create a 2D array in C like this.
Use a typedef to make it easier.
typedef int **matrix;
matrix create2Darray(int row, int col)
int idx;
matrix m = malloc(row * sizeof(int*));
for (idx = 0; idx < row; ++idx)
m[idx] = malloc(col * sizeof(int));
return m;
And then call this in another function;
matrix check = create2Darray(2, 2);
To assign a 1D array to a 2D array you can assign the pointers to the right position in the array. An example below. It also show how to create a 2D array dynamically, but I commented it out, since it is not needed for the example.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
float **matrix;
float *array;
array = (float *) malloc(16 * sizeof(float));
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != 16; ++idx)
array[idx] = idx;
matrix = (float **) malloc(4 * sizeof(float *));
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != 4; ++idx)
// matrix[idx] = malloc(4 * sizeof(int));
matrix[idx] = &array[idx * 4];
for (size_t row = 0; row != 4; ++row)
for (size_t col = 0; col != 4; ++col)
printf("%.1f ", matrix[row][col]);
Note: this makes the 1D array and 2D array point to the same memory. If you change something in the 1D it also changes in the 2D and vice-versa. If you don't want this, first copy the array.
I have this loop which gives seg. fault.
s->c = malloc(width * height * sizeof(double));
if (s->c == NULL) { puts("malloc failed"); exit(1); }
for (int n = 0; n < width; n++) {
for (int m = 0; m < height; m++) {
d = (&s->c)[m][n];
printf("d %f\n", d);
printf("m %i\n", m);
printf("n %i\n", n);
Inside s->c is:
double* c;
When executed it just outputs:
d 27.000000
m 0
n 0
and then seg. fault.
It worked when I treated the s->c as a 1D array, but I would really like to treat it as a 2D array.
Is that possible, when the c pointer is in a struct?
If so, is (&s->c)[m][n] then the correct way to access the elements?
The problem is that the compiler doesn't know the dimensions of your matrix.
When you have: double tab[m][n] you can access the element tab[row][col] as *(tab + (row * n) + col)
In your case you only have double *tab; that can be considered as the pointer to the element tab[0][0] with no information on the matrix dimensions and the compiler can't compute the right address.
You could compute the address yourself (for example using a macro) but would lose the nice tab[x][y] syntax.
I`m surprised it compiles. You should have received at least a warning about implicitly casting a double to a pointer.
I'm very surprised it even compiles. Apparently c is a double*, so (&s->c)[m] is the m'th double. Now, double doesn't have an operator[], so I don't see how the [n] part in (&s->c)[m][n] can be legal.
Presumably, you have declared c differently. There are different solutions: a pointer to a pointer, an pointer to an array of doubles, an array of pointers to doubles, etcetera. All might work, if the allocations match the declaration. In your case, the allocation will not match the declaration.
The correct way to access the array elements is
d = s->c[m * width + n];
Is that what you mean by treating it as a 1D array?
Access the elements using
double d = s->c[m*width+n];
Perhaps through an inline function, to avoid unexpected behaviour.
The compiler does not know about the width of your intended 2D array. It might possibly interpret (&s->c)[m][n] as s->c[m+n], or as something quite different.
Short answer: you can't treat it as a 2D array, at least not in the way you expect.
The reason writing
doesn't work can be shown as follows. Assume the address of s->c is 0x00080004, and the address of the dynamically allocated memory pointed to by s->c is 0x00001000.
The expression (&s->c)[m][n] is evaluated as *(*(&s->c + m) + n);
The expression &s->c evaluates to 0x00080004;
The expression (&s->c + m) evaluates to 0x00080004+m;
The expression *(&s->c + m) evaluates to the value of whatever is pointed to by 0x00080004+m. If m is 0, then 0x00080004+m points to 0x00001000, which is the address of your dynamically allocated memory (*(&x) == x). If m is any other value, then 0x00080004+m points somewhere random;
The expression (*(&s->c + m) + n) evaluates to whatever 0x00080004+m points to offset by n. If m is 0, then the value is 0x00001000+n, or an offset into your dynamically allocated memory. If m is not 0, then the value is something random;
The expression *(*(&s->c) + m) + n) attempts to dereference the above value. If m is 0, then the result is the value of an element in the dynamically allocated array. If m is not 0, then the result is ... something else. In your case, a segfault.
If you want to dynamically allocate a 2D array, you have to use a pointer to a pointer and allocate it in steps, like so:
struct {
double **c;
} *s;
* Notes: type of s->c is double **
* type of *(s->c) and s->c[i] is double *
* type of *(s->c[i]) and s->c[i][j] is double
s->c = malloc(sizeof *(s->c) * rows);
if (s->c)
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
s->c[i] = malloc(sizeof *(s->c[i]) * columns);
if (s->c[i])
// initialize s->c[i][0] through s->c[i][columns-1]
If you want to allocate s->c as a 1D array, then you can define a macro that does the job for you (but you need to know the second dimension):
#define AR(M, X, Y) ((M)[(Y) + dimy * (X)])
I'm surprised nobody mentioned boost::multi_array_ref:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
int main()
int rows = 4, cols = 3;
// Allocate one big block of contiguous data for entire multi-array
double* arrayData = new double[rows*cols];
if (arrayData)
boost::multi_array_ref<double, 2>
arrayRef(arrayData, boost::extents[rows][cols]);
for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
arrayRef[row][col] = row*cols + col;
std::cout << arrayRef[row][col] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
delete [] arrayData;
You can also just use boost::multi_array and resize it dynamically:
boost::multi_array_ref<double, 2> marray;