I got a glibc detected error - c++

I am trying to create an array that, when filled, will cause a new bigger array to be created, will copy the values of the old array into the previous array, and will continue adding values to the new array from where the old one left off. My code works fine while I'm adding to the first array, but once I try to call append after I've filled up the original array, I end up getting a weird error:
*** glibc detected *** demo: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000602010 ***
No clue what's going on! I'm not really sure why.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class ArrayList {
int* array;
int capacity = 0;
int size = 16;
ArrayList() {
array = new int(size);
void append(int data) {
if (size == capacity) {
int* tmp = new int(size+16);
for (int i = 0; i != size; i++) {
tmp[i] = array[i];
delete [] array;
array = tmp;
} else {
array[capacity] = data;
// std::cout << *(array+15) << std::endl;

Your syntax for allocating an array is wrong - instead of
int* tmp = new int(size+16);
(which creates a new int and initializes it with the value size+16), you need
int* tmp = new int[size+16];
which creates a new int array with size+16 elements.


Heap corruption detected in C++ on delete[] array after copying it

I'm trying to create a method that create a sort of a dynamic array: when the index exceedes it creates another array with one more element and then it deletes the old one copying the pointer of the new one in the old one. But when I delete the old array I have an HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED and the program freezes. states is the old array (with 10 items) initializationIndex is used to keep track of the array length.
if (states == nullptr)
states = new int[10];
if (initializationIndex > 10) {
int *tempArr = new int[initializationIndex];
arrayCpy(states, tempArr, initializationIndex - 1);
delete[] states; // HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED
states = tempArr;
if (arrayContains(initializationIndex, states, stateToInsert))
return false;
states[initializationIndex] = stateToInsert;
The function arrayCpy:
void arrayCpy(int * src, int * dst, int offset)
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
you edited the question.
if (states == nullptr)
states = new int[10];
if (initializationIndex > 10) {
int *tempArr = new int[initializationIndex];
arrayCpy(states, tempArr, initializationIndex - 1);
delete[] states; // HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED
states = tempArr;
lets assume initializationIndex = 15, you are doing copy for 14 elements while states size is only 10
states = tempArr;
you delete the array and then use it.
as people said in comments, use std::vector, no need to do new/delete.

Creating a personal string vector class

I am not allowed to make use of the vector class so I need to make my own. I made a int vector class and it works fine, but when trying to make it for strings it compiles but gives me an error because of the pointers. Any hint where I am making the mistake? All I did was change every int element for string, but aparently that does not work. Please help I am very confused.
elements = new string;
size = 0;
void push_back(string value){...}
You defined pointer to variable, not array of variables.
elements = new string;
Replace it with
elements = new string[size];
You can optimize algorithm with defining initial size. Create bigger array only if it's necessary.
There are several problems:
in the constructor you don't need to allocate anything. You don't even need a constructor here, you can initialize the members directly as you declare them.
if you allocate with string* tmpElementsArray = new string[size + 1]; you need to deallocate with delete [] tmpElementsArray;
Corrected working version:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class StringRow {
string* elements = nullptr;
int size = 0;
// constructor not needed
// StringRow() {
// elements = nullptr;
// size = 0;
// }
~StringRow() {
delete []elements;
void push_back(string value) {
string* tmpElementsArray = new string[size + 1];
for (int i = 0; i<size; i++) {
tmpElementsArray[i] = elements[i];
delete [] elements;
elements = tmpElementsArray;
elements[size] = value;
int length() {
return size;
string at(int index) {
if (index<size) {
return elements[index];
int main()
StringRow s;
string str1 = "hello";
string str2 = "hello2";
cout << s.at(0) << endl ;
cout << s.at(1) << endl;
Doing a delete []elements if elements is nullptr is OK.
NB: This is not the most efficient way.

Memory leaks passing dynamic variables recursively

I have a recursive function that requires me to create a new array every time the function is called. The function also requires the array that was previously created:
void myFunc(int* prevArray)
int newSize;
//do some calculations to find newSize
int* newArray;
newArray = new int[newSize];
//do some calculations to fill newArray
//check some stopping condition
This function leaks memory, but I can't avoid that by adding
delete[] newArray;
since I can only add that after calling the function again. How can I solve this?
You can solve this by making use of dynamic memory allocation.
// allocate initial size
const int INITIAL_SIZE = 5;
int *myArray = malloc(sizeof(int) * INITIAL_SIZE));
int myFunc(int *aArray, int numAllocated) {
int numElements = calculateNewSize();
if (numElements != numAllocated) {
// allocate new size
realloc(aArray, (numElements * sizeof(int));
return numElements;
Now you can call myFunc like this:
int numElements;
numElements = myFunc(myArray, numElements);
When your done using myFunc don't forget to free the memory
Try something like
void myFunc(int* prevArray)
int newSize;
...newArray = new int[newSize];
delete[] newArray;
or better yet use std::unique_ptr to control the newArray memory. In this way you will follow the rule of thumb regarding dynamic memory - that it should have one owner, responsible for both allocating and freeing it.
You might just use a vector and swap the new result into the final result.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct X { ~X() { std::cout << "Destruction\n"; } };
void recursive(unsigned n, std::vector<X>& result) {
// Put new_result in a scope for destruction
std::vector<X> new_result(1);
// Do something
// The previous result is no longer needed
std::swap(result, new_result);
// Next recursion
if(n) {
std::cout << "Call\n";
recursive(--n, result);
int main() {
std::vector<X> result(1);
std::cout << "Call\n";
recursive(3, result);
return 0;

Trying to push a value using a dynamic array in c++

I'm trying to write a function that pushes an item onto the end of my dynamically allocated array (not allowed to use vectors). Once it goes to the area to double the size of the list if the list was too small to store the next number, it all goes to hell and starts feeding me back random numbers from the computer. Can anyone see why it's not doubling like it's suuposed to?
int *contents_;
int *temp;
int size_ = 0;
int capacity_ = 1;
void pushBack(int item) /**appends the specified value to DynArray; if the contents array is full,
double the size of the contents array and then append the value **/
if (size_ == capacity_)
capacity_ = (2*capacity_);
temp = new int[capacity_];
for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i)
temp[i] = contents_[i];
delete [] contents_;
contents_ = temp;
contents_[size_++] = item;
EDIT ** I forgot to mention. This is a function out of a class. This is in the header and in main :
DynArray myArray;
return 0;
If this is your initial setup:
int *contents_; // Junk
int size_ = 0;
int capacity_ = 1;
Then your code is most likely performing a memory access violation upon the first time it does:
if (size_ == capacity_)
// Not entering here, contents_ remains junk
contents_[size_++] = item;
As barak implied, the contents_ pointer needs to be initialized. If not, c++ will point it to something you probably don't want it to.

Memory leak when resizing dynamic array

Here's my code:
template<class T> class Test
int Size = 0;
int Length = 0;
T* Items;
Test() {}
delete [] Items;
void Append(const T& newItem)
if (Size + 1 >= Length)
Length += 250;
T* old = Items;
Items = new T[Length + 250];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
Items[i] = old[i];
delete [] old;
Items[Size] = newItem;
Test<int> test;
for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++)
I'm populating the dynamic array with 500000 integers which must take just 1-2Mb but it takes about 30Mb. There's no problem if i set the initial size to 500000(i.e. no resizing occurring). The grow value(250) seems to affect the memory somehow, if it's larger(for example 1000) then the memory usage is pretty low. What's wrong?
Typically, when you are reallocating an array, you do not want to modify the actual array until the very last second (to maintain exception safety):
T* temp = new T[new_size];
// assume count is the previous size and count < new_size
std::copy(Items, Items + count, temp);
std::swap(temp, Items);
delete [] temp;
Aside from that, there is nothing visible in your code that would cause a memory leak.
The extra size can possibly be due to other optimizations (being turned off) and/or debugging symbols being turned on. What compiler options are you using (and what compiler)? It should be noted that extra size is not necessarily an indication of a memory leak. Have you run this in a debugger or memory profiler which found a leak?
It should also be noted that std::vector does all of this for you.
Looking at your code, you're going to segfault more so than leak memory due to the fact that calling delete or delete[] on a non-NULL, but previously deallocated, pointer is a Bad Thing. Also, I don't believe this is your real code, because what you posted won't compile.
When you delete a pointer, always set it to NULL afterwards. It's good practice to initialize to NULL as well. Let's fix up your code to make sure we don't call delete on previously deallocated pointers. Also, let's initialize our pointer to NULL.
Your misuse of memory probably stems from the following lines of code:
Length += 250;
T* old = Items;
Items = new T[Length + 250];
Notice that you increment Length by 250, but then allocate Length+250 more elements? Let's fix that, too.
template<class T>
class Test
int Size;
int Length;
T* Items;
Test() : Size(0), Length(0), Items(NULL){}
~Test() {
if (Items != NULL)
delete [] Items;
void Append(const T& newItem)
if (Size + 1 >= Length)
Length += 250;
T* old = Items;
Items = new T[Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
Items[i] = old[i];
delete [] old;
old = NULL;
Items[Size] = newItem;
int main(){
Test<int> test;
for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++)