top 5 value via vector iterator using function - c++

Hi all I'm having compilation error when I'm using vector iterator in a function itself.
i've tried executing the example from and it works perfectly fine. However when I try to put it in a function things gets ugly why is this so?
vector <PointTwoD> topfive;
void MissionPlan::topfives()
topfive.assign( point1.begin(), point1.end() );
sort(topfive.begin(), topfive.end(), sortByCiv);
void MissionPlan::DisplayTopFiveResult()
vector<PointTwoD>::iterator it = topfive.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < 5 && it != topfive.end(); i++) {
cout << "X axis: " << pointtwoD.xcord << " " << "Y axis: " << pointtwoD.ycord << " " << "CIV Index: " << pointtwoD.civIndex << *it;

Since "the value are all in the class PointTwoD "
Use it to print those :
vector<PointTwoD>::iterator it = topfive.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < 5 && it != topfive.end(); i++) {
cout << "X axis: " << it->xcord << " "
<< "Y axis: " << it->ycord << " "
<< "CIV Index: " << it->civIndex << std::endl;
If still this throws compilation error, you need to provide more info.


How can I remove values from output statement given a condition? - c++

I'm a little confused as to how to go around this. I have some array variables with some information, and I want to print them out after some calculations. If the value is 0, then I want to print a " " instead. There are 3 arrays that need to get checked however, how would I change the output statement to cater for all 3 checks and print an empty string instead of the value?
for(int start = 1; start < 13; start++)
if(check[start] == 1)
cout << checkMonth(start) << ": " << setprecision(1) << fixed << averagespeed[start] << "(" << setprecision(1) << fixed << sdSpeed[start] << ")," << setprecision(1) << fixed << averagetemp[start] << "(" << setprecision(1) << fixed << sdTemp[start] << ")," << setprecision(1) << fixed << Solar[start] << '\n';
/*if(sumTemp[start] == 0 || sumTemp[start] == 0 || sumSpeed[start] == 0){
Example Output looks like this:
For example if Sum of Speed is 0, that means all values of speed were 0 or null. So it should change to this:
A single line to std::cout doesn't need to be done in one statement. For example:
std::cout << "First";
std::cout << ", second"
std::cout << ", third\n"
Prints the following line:
First, second, third
Now we can use an if to conditionally print the middle part of the string:
std::cout << a;
if (b != 0) {
std::cout << ", " << b;
std::cout << ", " << c << '\n';

How to print correctly const char* struct member of a list?

I am trying to display struct members of a list in OMNeT++, all members are displayed correctly unless the member which is of type const char*. I am confused because after three push_back in the list, when I display. All the members of the last pushed element is displayed correctly even the one of type const char*. But for the two first pushed elements, the member of type cont char* display nothing, garbage or "DETAIL (Ipv4)[3].ipv4.ip".
Ipv4Address srcAddress = recMtlsd->getSrcAddress();
Ipv4Address dstAddress = recMtlsd->getDstAddress();
const char* position = recMtlsd->getPosition();
simtime_t time = recMtlsd->getTime();
int srcID = recMtlsd->getId();
EV_DEBUG << "Source : " << srcAddress << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "Destination : " << dstAddress << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "Position : " << position << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "Time : " << time << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "Source ID: " << srcID << endl;
// All precedent displays are working correctly
/*typedef struct Mtlsd{
Ipv4Address originatorAddr, destinationAddr;
const char *position;
int originatorId;
simtime_t time;
MTLSD recitem;
recitem.originatorAddr = srcAddress;
recitem.originatorId = srcID;
recitem.destinationAddr = dstAddress;
recitem.position = position;
recitem.time = time;
EV_DEBUG << "Source : " << recitem.originatorAddr << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "Destination : " << recitem.dstinationAddr << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "Position : " << recitem.position << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "Time : " << recitem.time << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "Source ID: " << recitem.srcID << endl;
// All precedent displays are working correctly
/*typedef struct Mtlsd_data{
list<MTLSD> q;
int ID;
list<MTLSD_DATA> mtlsd_file;
auto node = find_if(mtlsd_file.begin(), mtlsd_file.end(), [=] (MTLSD_DATA const& i){return (i.ID == srcID);});
bool found = (node != mtlsd_file.end());
if (!found)
MTLSD_DATA recdata;
recdata.ID = srcID;
EV_DEBUG << "For node " << srcID ;
for(auto claim=mtlsd_file.back().q.begin(); claim!=mtlsd_file.back().q.end();++claim)
EV_DEBUG << "(" << string(claim->position) << ", " << claim->time << ");" << endl;
// The precedent display works correctly
EV_DEBUG << "I already have data about the node " << node->ID << endl;
if (node->q.size() == 3)
EV_DEBUG << "I already have three time-location claim in the queue" << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "Here they are: ";
EV_DEBUG << "For node " << (*node).ID << endl;
for(auto fileclaim=(*node).q.begin(); fileclaim!=(*node).q.end();++fileclaim)
EV_DEBUG << "(" << string((*fileclaim).position) << ", " << (*fileclaim).time << ");" << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "I will delete the old one (" << node->q.front().position << ", " << node->q.front().time << ")" << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "I have pushed this new one : (" << string(node->q.back().position) << ", " << node->q.back().time << ")" << endl;
EV_DEBUG << "Here they are all time-location claims in the queue : ";
for(auto fileclaims=node->q.begin(); fileclaims!=node->q.end();++fileclaims)
EV_DEBUG << "(" << string(fileclaims->position) << ", " << fileclaims->time << ");" << endl;
// The last element is displayed correctly, but those before not.

I need to have spaces between outputted _

I have just more or less finished my first C++ Project, it is a Hangman Game and so far everything works fine. The only Problem is that i need to have spaces between the underlines (_) that represent the hidden word. If anyone could help me on this i would really appreciate it.
#include "tests.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "hangman.h"
int main(){
using namespace std;
// display the hidden word
std::string word_to_guess = chooseWord();
int misses = 0;
std::string displayed_word = word_to_guess;
for(int i=0; i< displayed_word.length(); i++)
displayed_word[i] = '_';
int attempts = 6;
std::cout << "Attempts left:" << attempts << std::endl;
std::cout << "[ " << displayed_word << " ]" << std::endl;
//check for correct letter
std::cout << "Your guess";
std::cout << ":";
char guess;
std::cin >> guess;
bool Correct = false;
for(int i=0; i< word_to_guess.length(); i++)
if (guess == word_to_guess[i]) {
displayed_word[i] = word_to_guess[i];
Correct = true;
if (!Correct)
if (!Correct)
std::cout << "Attempts left:" << attempts << std::endl;
if (!Correct)
std::cout << "[ " << displayed_word << " ]" << std::endl;
if (Correct)
std::cout << "Attempts left:" << attempts << std::endl;
if (Correct)
std::cout << "[ " << displayed_word << " ]" << std::endl;
//check for win or lose
if (attempts==0)
std::cout << "The word was: " << word_to_guess << std::endl << "You lost!";
if (attempts==0)
return 0;
if (!word_to_guess.find(displayed_word))
std::cout << "You won!";
if (!word_to_guess.find(displayed_word))
return 0;
First, you can simplify this
if (!Correct)
std::cout << "Attempts left:" << attempts << std::endl;
if (!Correct)
std::cout << "[ " << displayed_word << " ]" << std::endl;
if (Correct)
std::cout << "Attempts left:" << attempts << std::endl;
if (Correct)
std::cout << "[ " << displayed_word << " ]" << std::endl;
by this
std::cout << "Attempts left:" << attempts << std::endl;
std::cout << "[ " << displayed_word << " ]" << std::endl;
Now, about your question, I think a best solution is replacing
std::cout << "[ " << displayed_word << " ]" << std::endl;
by this
std::cout << "[";
for(int i = 0; i < displayed_word.length(); i++) {
if(i == 0 || displayed_word[i] == '_')
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << displayed_word[i];
if(i == displayed_word.length()-1 || (displayed_word[i] == '_' && displayed_word[i+1] != '_'))
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
We put spaces at the beginning and the end, and also around underscores, but we make sure to put only one space between two underscores.

FLTK output showing the latest input

void torsoOPCB(Fl_Widget *w, void* p) {
for(std::size_t i=0; i < torso.size(); i++) {
cout << "Name: " << torso[i].GetName() << endl;
cout << "Part Number: " << torso[i].GetPartNumber() << endl << endl;
} // This loop is to check if the inputs are in the vector torso
dialog = new Fl_Window(340, 300, "Robot Part");
Fl_Multiline_Output* output = new Fl_Multiline_Output(100, 10, 400, 200, "Torso list:");
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < torso.size(); i++) {
I'm learning how to use FLTK in C++ and I'm not sure why it keeps showing me the latest user's inputs. For example, if I entered the inputs for torso[0] and torso[1], the output will only show torso[1] which is the latest input. The inputs are stored correctly I think but I'm not sure why it won't show both torso[0] and torso[1].
Here is my print fucntion
std::string Torso::print()
ostringstream of;
of << "Part name: " << GetName()
<< endl << "Part #: " << GetPartNumber()
<< endl << "Weight: " << GetWeight()
<< endl << "Cost: " << GetCost()
<< endl << "Battery Comp: " << GetDescription()
<< endl << "Description: " << GetBatteryCompartmentSize() << endl;
return of.str();
I'm using FLTK version 1.3.4. Thank you in advanced
You are only showing the very last item in
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < torso.size(); i++) {
The output value is always being overwritten. If you wish to show all the output, gather it up first before putting it into the widget
std::ostringstream oss;
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < torso.size(); i++) {
oss << torso[i].print() << "\n";
If you don't mind multiple outputs on the same line, change the "\n to ". "

vector insert segmentation fault second iteration

I'm actually trying to implement the floyd's warshall algorithm but I met a hard-point. I got a segmentation fault while i'm trying to find the shortest-way in my matrix of sequence. I follow this tutorial:
floyd's warshall algorithm
Everything work well except at the line 124:
where i get the segfault (You can skip the first part except if you want to know how I implement the algorithm butt the problem is in the second part):
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
int i,j,k;
int sequenceTest [4][4] = {{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3,4}};
int tempSequenceTest [4][4];
int distanceTest [4][4] = {{0,2,4,100000},{2,0,1,5},{4,1,0,3},{100000,5,3,0}};
int tempDistanceTest[4][4];
cout<<sequenceTest[i][j]<<" ";
cout<< endl;
cout<< endl;
cout << distanceTest[i][j] << " ";
cout<< endl;
cout<< endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << "i: " << i << " j: " << j << endl;
if(i == k)
tempSequenceTest[i][j] = sequenceTest[i][j];
tempDistanceTest[i][j] = distanceTest[i][j];
cout << " D " << tempDistanceTest[i][j] << " S " << tempSequenceTest[i][j];
if(j == k)
tempSequenceTest[i][j] = sequenceTest[i][j];
tempDistanceTest[i][j] = distanceTest[i][j];
cout << " D " << tempDistanceTest[i][j] << " S " << tempSequenceTest[i][j];
cout<< endl;
//cout<< "i: " << i << " j: " << j << " k:" << k << endl;
if(i!=k && j!=k)
if(distanceTest[i][j]> distanceTest[i][k] + distanceTest[k][j])
tempDistanceTest[i][j] = distanceTest[i][k] + distanceTest[k][j];
cout << distanceTest[i][j] << " > " << distanceTest[i][k] << " + " << distanceTest[k][j] << " = " << tempDistanceTest[i][j] << " " << i << j << endl;
tempSequenceTest[i][j] = k+1;
tempDistanceTest[i][j] = distanceTest[i][j];
tempSequenceTest[i][j] = sequenceTest[i][j];
cout<< endl;
distanceTest[i][j] = tempDistanceTest[i][j];
sequenceTest[i][j] = tempSequenceTest[i][j];
cout<<tempSequenceTest[i][j]<<" ";
cout<< endl;
cout<< endl;
cout << tempDistanceTest[i][j] << " ";
cout<< endl;
int v1, v2;
v1 = 1;
v2 = 4;
vector <int> chemin;
vector <int>::iterator it;
int temp = v2;
cout << sequenceTest[0][2];
while(sequenceTest[v1-1][temp-1] != v2)
it = chemin.begin() + 1;
cout << "V1: " << v1 << " V2: " << v2 << " Temp: " << temp << endl;
cout << chemin[i];
cout << endl;
temp = sequenceTest[v1-1][temp-1];
Thanks for your attention and for taking the time to help me!
This invalidates the iterator it, but you keep reusing it in the iterations that follow. If you want to continue inserting at the same position, capture the return value.
it = chemin.insert(it,sequenceTest[v1-1][temp-1]);