Making balls bounce off each other (openGL) - c++

I'm trying to make an application where balls bounce off the walls and also off each other. The bouncing off the walls works fine, but I'm having some trouble getting them to bounce off each other. Here's the code I'm using to make them bounce off another ball (for testing I only have 2 balls)
// Calculate the distance using Pyth. Thrm.
GLfloat x1, y1, x2, y2, xd, yd, distance;
x1 = balls[0].xPos;
y1 = balls[0].yPos;
x2 = balls[1].xPos;
y2 = balls[1].yPos;
xd = x2 - x1;
yd = y2 - y1;
distance = sqrt((xd * xd) + (yd * yd));
if(distance < (balls[0].ballRadius + balls[1].ballRadius))
std::cout << "Collision\n";
balls[0].xSpeed = -balls[0].xSpeed;
balls[0].ySpeed = -balls[0].ySpeed;
balls[1].xSpeed = -balls[1].xSpeed;
balls[1].ySpeed = -balls[1].ySpeed;
What happens is that they randomly bounce, or pass through each other. Is there some physics that I'm missing?
EDIT: Here's the full function
// Callback handler for window re-paint event
void display()
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear the color buffer
for (int i = 0; i < numOfBalls; i++)
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset model-view matrix
int numSegments = 100;
GLfloat angle = 0;
glTranslatef(balls[i].xPos, balls[i].yPos, 0.0f); // Translate to (xPos, yPos)
// Use triangular segments to form a circle
glColor4f(balls[i].colorR, balls[i].colorG, balls[i].colorB, balls[i].colorA);
glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f); // Center of circle
for (int j = 0; j <= numSegments; j++)
// Last vertex same as first vertex
angle = j * 2.0f * PI / numSegments; // 360 deg for all segments
glVertex2f(cos(angle) * balls[i].ballRadius, sin(angle) * balls[i].ballRadius);
// Animation Control - compute the location for the next refresh
balls[i].xPos += balls[i].xSpeed;
balls[i].yPos += balls[i].ySpeed;
// Calculate the distance using Pyth. Thrm.
GLfloat x1, y1, x2, y2, xd, yd, distance;
x1 = balls[0].xPos;
y1 = balls[0].yPos;
x2 = balls[1].xPos;
y2 = balls[1].yPos;
xd = x2 - x1;
yd = y2 - y1;
distance = sqrt((xd * xd) + (yd * yd));
if(distance < (balls[0].ballRadius + balls[1].ballRadius))
std::cout << "Collision\n";
balls[0].xSpeed = -balls[0].xSpeed;
balls[0].ySpeed = -balls[0].ySpeed;
balls[1].xSpeed = -balls[1].xSpeed;
balls[1].ySpeed = -balls[1].ySpeed;
std::cout << "No collision\n";
// Check if the ball exceeds the edges
if (balls[i].xPos > balls[i].xPosMax)
balls[i].xPos = balls[i].xPosMax;
balls[i].xSpeed = -balls[i].xSpeed;
else if (balls[i].xPos < balls[i].xPosMin)
balls[i].xPos = balls[i].xPosMin;
balls[i].xSpeed = -balls[i].xSpeed;
if (balls[i].yPos > balls[i].yPosMax) {
balls[i].yPos = balls[i].yPosMax;
balls[i].ySpeed = -balls[i].ySpeed;
else if (balls[i].yPos < balls[i].yPosMin)
balls[i].yPos = balls[i].yPosMin;
balls[i].ySpeed = -balls[i].ySpeed;
glutSwapBuffers(); // Swap front and back buffers (of double buffered mode)
**Note: Most of the function uses a for loop with numOfBalls as the counter, but to test collision, I'm only using 2 balls, hence the balls[0] and balls[1]

Here are some things to consider.
If the length of (xSpeed,ySpeed) and is roughly comparable with .ballRadius it is possible for two balls to travel "thru" each other between "ticks" of the simulation's clock (one step). Consider two balls which are traveling perfectly vertical, one up, one down, and 1 .ballRadius apart horizontally. In real life they would clearly collide but it would be easy for your simulation to miss this event if .ySpeed ~ .ballRadius.
Second, you change in the vector of the balls results in each ball coming to rest, since
balls[0].xSpeed -= balls[0].xSpeed;
is a really exotic way of writing
balls[0].xSpeed = 0;

For the physics almost correct stuff, you need to invert only the component perpendicular to the plane of contact.
In other words take collision_vector to be the vector between the center of the balls (just subtract one point's coordinates from the other's). Because you have spheres this also happens to be the normal of the collision plane.
Now for each ball in turn, you need to decompose their speeds. The A component will be the one aligned with the colision_vector you can obtain it by doing some vector arithmetic A = doc(Speed, collision_vector) * collision_vector. This will be the thing you want to invert. You also want to extract the B component that is parallel to the collision plane. Because it's parallel it won't change because of the collision. You obtain it by subtracting A from the speed vector.
Finally the new speed will be something like B - A. If you want to get the balls to spin you will need an angular momentum in the direction of A - B. If the balls have different mass then you will need use the weight ratio as a multiplier for A in the first formula.
This will make the collision look legit. The detection still needs to happen correctly. Make sure that the speeds are significantly smaller than the radius of the balls. For comparable or bigger speeds you will need more complex algorithms.
Note: most of the stuff above is vector arithmetics. Also It's late here so I might have mixed up some signs (sorry). Take a simple example on paper and work it out. It will also help you understand the solution better.


How to aim the camera at the z-index of the cell in front of my character?

I've got a 3D terrain environment like so:
I'm trying to get the character (camera) to look up when climbing hills, and look down when descending, like climbing in real life.
This is what it's currently doing:
Right now the camera moves up and down the hills just fine, but I can't get the camera angle to work correctly. The only way I can think of aiming up or down depending on the terrain is getting the z-index of the cell my character is currently facing, and set that as the focus, but I really have no idea how to do that.
This is admittedly for an assignment, and we're intentionally not using objects so things are organized a little strangely.
Here's how I'm currently doing things:
const int M = 100; // width
const int N = 100; // height
double zHeights[M+1][N+1]; // 2D array containing the z-indexes of terrain cells
double gRX = 1.5; // x position of character
double gRY = 2.5; // y position of character
double gDirection = 45; // direction of character
double gRSpeed = 0.05; // move speed of character
double getZ(double x, double y) // returns the height of the current cell
double z = .5*sin(x*.25) + .4*sin(y*.15-.43);
z += sin(x*.45-.7) * cos(y*.315-.31)+.5;
z += sin(x*.15-.97) * sin(y*.35-8.31);
double amplitute = 5;
z *= amplitute;
return z;
void generateTerrain()
for (int i = 0; i <= M; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= N; j++)
zHeights[i][j] = getZ(i,j);
void drawTerrain()
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
glColor3ub( (i*34525+j*5245)%256, (i*3456345+j*6757)%256, (i*98776+j*6554544)%256);
glVertex3d(i, j, getZ(i,j));
glVertex3d(i, j+1, getZ(i,j+1));
glVertex3d(i+1, j+1, getZ(i+1,j+1));
glVertex3d(i+1, j, getZ(i+1,j));
void display() // callback to glutDisplayFunc
double radians = gDirection /180.*3.141592654; // converts direction to radians
double z = getZ((int)gRX, (int)gRY); // casts as int to find z-index in zHeights[][]
double dx = cos(radians)*gRSpeed;
double dy = sin(radians)*gRSpeed;
double at_x = gRX + dx;
double at_y = gRY + dy;
double at_z = z; // source of problem, no idea what to do
gluLookAt(gRX, gRY, z + 2, // eye position
at_x, at_y, at_z + 2, // point to look at, also wrong
0, 0, 1); // up vector
void init()
Firstly, I don't see any reason to cast to int here:
double z = getZ((int)gRX, (int)gRY);
Just use the double values to get a smooth behavior.
Your basic approach is already pretty good. You take the current position (gRX, gRY), walk a bit in the viewing direction (dx, dy) and use that as the point to look at. There are just two small things that need adaptation:
double dx = cos(radians)*gRSpeed;
double dy = sin(radians)*gRSpeed;
Although multiplying by gRSpeed might be a good idea, in my opinion, this factor should not be related to the character's kinematics. Instead, this represents the smoothness of your view direction. Small values make the direction stick very closely to the terrain geometry, larger values smooth it out.
And finally, you need to evaluate the height at your look-at point:
double at_z = getZ(at_x, at_y);

C++ How to scale a shape and create an if function to not print if too big after scale?

given a shapes orignal centroid + vertices .. i.e. if its a triangle, i know all three vertices coords. How could i then create a scaling function with a scaling factor as a parameter as below.. however my current code is with error and the result are huge shapes, much more than what im scaling by (only want scale factor of 2).
void Shape::scale(double factor)
int x, y, xx, xy;
int disx, disy;
for (itr = vertices.begin(); itr != vertices.end(); ++itr) {
//translate obj to origin (0,0)
x = itr->getX() - centroid.getX();
y = itr->getY() - centroid.getY();
//finds distance between centroid and vertex
disx = x + itr->getX();
disy = y + itr->getY();
xx = disx * factor;
xy = disy * factor;
//translate obj back
xx = xx + centroid.getX();
xy = xy + centroid.getY();
//set new coord
I know of using iterations to run through the vertices, my main point of confusion is how can i do the maths between the factor to scale my shapes size?
this is how i declare and itialise a vertex
// could i possible do (scale*x,scale*y)? or would that be problematic..
vertices.push_back(Vertex(x, y));
Also.. the grid is i.e. 100x100. if a scaled shape was to be too big to fit into that grid, i want an exit from the scale function so that the shape wont be enlarged, how can this be done effectively? so far i have a for look but that just loops on vertices, so it will only stop those that would be outside the grid, instead of cancelling the entire shape which would be ideal
if my question is too broad, please ask and i shall edit further to standard
First thing you need to do is find the center of mass of your set of points. That is the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of your points. Then, for each point calculate the line between the center of mass and that point. Now the only thing left is to put the point on that line, but in factor * current_distance away, where current_distance is the distance from the mass center to the given point before rescaling.
void Shape::scale(double factor)
Vertex mass_center = Vertex(0., 0.);
for(int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
mass_center.x += vertices[i].x;
mass_center.y += vertices[i].y;
mass_center.x /= vertices.size();
mass_center.y /= vertices.size();
for(int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
//this is a vector that leads from mass center to current vertex
Vertex vec = Vertex(vertices[i].x - mass_center.x, vertices[i].y - mass_center.y);
vertices[i].x = mass_center.x + factor * vec.x;
vertices[i].y = mass_center.y + factor * vec.y;
If you already know the centroid of a shape and the vertexes are the distance from that point then scaling in rectangular coordinates is just multiplying the x and y components of each vertex by the appropriate scaling factor (with a negative value flipping the shape around the axis.
void Shape::scale(double x_factor, double y_factor){
for(auto i=0; i < verticies.size();++i){
verticies[i].x *= x_scale;
verticies[i].y *= y_scale;
You could then just overload this function with one that takes a single parameter and calls this function with the same value for x and y.
void Shape::scale(double factor){
Shape::scale(factor, factor);
If you're vertex values are not centered at the origin then you will also have to multiply those values by your scaling factor.

Drawing a circle in SDL 2, but each circle uses CPU a lot

i wrote a code that draw filled circle, but it uses CPU a lot.
The thing is i draw pixel by pixel, first outter circle with radius n the second circle with radius n-1 and so on while n is not equal to 0.
I'm drawing 4 pixel in e cycle, for each circle part. Every part, as i thought, has ~ Pi/(2*R) pixels, but it is not enough and circle fill wrong, so i used Pi/(4*R) and now circle fills normaly.
Deg0 = 0;
Deg90 = M_PI / 2;
DegStep = Deg90 / (R * 4);
CurrDeg = Deg0;
OffsetX = R;
OffsetY = 0;
TmpR = R;
while(TmpR>0 )
while(CurrDeg < Deg90)
OffsetX = cos(CurrDeg) * TmpR;
OffsetY = sin(CurrDeg) * TmpR;
SDL_RenderDrawPoint(Renderer, CX+(int)OffsetX, CY+(int)OffsetY);
SDL_RenderDrawPoint(Renderer, CX-(int)OffsetY, CY+(int)OffsetX);
SDL_RenderDrawPoint(Renderer, CX-(int)OffsetX, CY-(int)OffsetY);
SDL_RenderDrawPoint(Renderer, CX+(int)OffsetY, CY-(int)OffsetX);
CurrDeg = Deg0;
So, is there any way to improve my realisation?
You could use the circle drawing capabilities of SDL, or you could optimize your own code by not actually using cos and sin. Use lookup tables instead.

incrementing my spherical coordinates clockwise

I am launching a projectile around a sphere. My code moves it in a counterclockwise direction just fine. However, I would like it to move in a clockwise direction instead.
I'm guessing that it's a matter of tuning my math.
// these are my stepping and incrementing variables
int goose1_egg1_step = 1;
int &r_goose1_egg1_step = goose1_egg1_step;
float goose1_egg1_divider = 17500;
// the starting theta/phi values are: 5 and 5
int goose1_egg1_theta=5;
int goose1_egg1_phi=5;
// the ending theta/phi values are: 7 and 1
// there is a difference of 2 between the start and end theta values
// there is a difference of 4 between the start and end phi values
float goose1_egg1_theta_increment = 2/goose1_egg1_divider;
float goose1_egg1_phi_increment = 4/goose1_egg1_divider;
This is my function that displays the updated coordinates each frame with a sphere:
if (goose1_egg1_step < goose1_egg1_divider)
float goose1_egg1_theta_math = (goose1_egg1_theta+(goose1_egg1_theta_increment* r_goose1_egg1_step))/10.0*M_PI;
float goose1_egg1_phi_math = (goose1_egg1_phi-(goose1_egg1_phi_increment* r_goose1_egg1_step))/10.0*2*M_PI;
r_goose1_egg1_x = Radius * sin(goose1_egg1_theta_math) * cos(goose1_egg1_phi_math);
r_goose1_egg1_y = Radius * sin(goose1_egg1_theta_math) * sin(goose1_egg1_phi_math);
r_goose1_egg1_z = Radius * cos(goose1_egg1_theta_math);
glColor3f (1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glutSolidSphere (0.075,5,5);
And here is how I increment the step value:
if (r_goose1_egg1_step < goose1_egg1_divider)
Even though you are talking about "clockwise motion" in a sphere, when it only makes sense to me in a plane, it seems to me that what you want could be done just by changing the signals in the two lines where you create goose1_egg1_theta_math and goose1_egg1_phi_math, like this:
float goose1_egg1_theta_math = (goose1_egg1_theta-(goose1_egg1_theta_increment* r_goose1_egg1_step))/10.0*M_PI;
float goose1_egg1_phi_math = (goose1_egg1_phi+(goose1_egg1_phi_increment* r_goose1_egg1_step))/10.0*2*M_PI;
This should reverse the way you increment you spherical coordinates, giving you the "counter-clockwise" motion you're looking for.

Shadow volumes - finding a silhouette

Im working on my OpenGL task, and next stage is loading models and producing shadows using shadow volumes algorithm. I do it in 3 stages -
setConnectivity - finding
neighbours of each triangle and
storing their indices in neigh
parameter of each triangle,
markVisible(float* lp) - if lp
represents vector of light's
position, it marks triangles as
visible = true or visible =
false depending on dot production
of its normal vector and light
markSilhoutte(float *lp) - marking silhouette edges and building the volume itself, extending silhouette to infinity(100 units is enough) in the direction opposite to light.
I checked all stages, and can definitely say that its all ok with first two, so the problem is in third function, which i included in my question. I use the algorithm introduced in this tutorial:
Briefly, edge is included in silhouette if it belongs to the visible triangle and non-visible triangle at the same time.
Here is a pair of screenshots to show you whats wrong: ,
As you can see, green sphere represents light's position, and these ugly green-blue polygons are faces of "shadow volume". You can also see, that im applying this function to the model of cube, and one of volume's side is missing(its not closed, but i should be). Can someone suggest whats wrong with my code and how can i fix it? Here goes the code i promised to include(variables names are self-explanatory, i suppose, but if you dont think so i can add description for each of them):
void Model::markSilhouette(float* lp){
for ( int i = 0; i < m_numMeshes; i++ )
for ( int t = 0; t < m_pMeshes[i].m_numTriangles; t++ )
int triangleIndex = m_pMeshes[i].m_pTriangleIndices[t];
Triangle* pTri = &m_pTriangles[triangleIndex];
if (pTri->visible){
for(int j=0;j<3;j++){
int triangleIndex = m_pMeshes[i].m_pTriangleIndices[pTri->neigh[j]-1];
Triangle* pTrk = &m_pTriangles[triangleIndex];
int p1j=pTri->m_vertexIndices[j];
int p2j=pTri->m_vertexIndices[(j+1)%3];
float* v1=m_pVertices[p1j].m_location;
float* v2=m_pVertices[p2j].m_location;
float x1=m_pVertices[p1j].m_location[0];
float y1=m_pVertices[p1j].m_location[1];
float z1=m_pVertices[p1j].m_location[2];
float x2=m_pVertices[p2j].m_location[0];
float y2=m_pVertices[p2j].m_location[1];
float z2=m_pVertices[p2j].m_location[2];
float xl1=(x1-lp[0])*t;
float yl1=(y1-lp[1])*t;
float zl1=(z1-lp[2])*t;
float xl2=(x2-lp[0])*t;
float yl2=(y2-lp[1])*t;
float zl2=(z2-lp[2])*t;
glVertex3f(x1 + xl1,
y1 + yl1,
z1 + zl1);
glVertex3f(x2 + xl2,
y2 + yl2,
z2 + zl2);
I've found it. It looks like if you dont see an obvious algorithm mistake for a few days, then you've made a f*cking stupid mistake.
My triangle index variable is called t. Guess what? My extending vector length is also called t, and they are in the same scope, and i set t=100 after FIRST visible triangle :D So now volumes look like this:
And it looks good for all light positions(acceptable by shadow volumes aglorithm, of course). So the working code for drawing a shadow volume is the following:
void Model::markSilouette(float* lp){
for ( int i = 0; i < m_numMeshes; i++ )
for ( int t = 0; t < m_pMeshes[i].m_numTriangles; t++ )
int triangleIndex = m_pMeshes[i].m_pTriangleIndices[t];
Triangle* pTri = &m_pTriangles[triangleIndex];
if (pTri->visible){
for(int j=0;j<3;j++){
Triangle* pTrk;
int triangleIndex = m_pMeshes[i].m_pTriangleIndices[pTri->neigh[j]-1];
pTrk = &m_pTriangles[triangleIndex];
if((!pTri->neigh[j]) || !pTrk->visible){
int p1j=pTri->m_vertexIndices[j];
int p2j=pTri->m_vertexIndices[(j+1)%3];
float* v1=m_pVertices[p1j].m_location;
float* v2=m_pVertices[p2j].m_location;
float x1=m_pVertices[p1j].m_location[0];
float y1=m_pVertices[p1j].m_location[1];
float z1=m_pVertices[p1j].m_location[2];
float x2=m_pVertices[p2j].m_location[0];
float y2=m_pVertices[p2j].m_location[1];
float z2=m_pVertices[p2j].m_location[2];
float f=100; // THE PROBLEM WAS HERE
float xl1=(x1-lp[0])*f;
float yl1=(y1-lp[1])*f;
float zl1=(z1-lp[2])*f;
float xl2=(x2-lp[0])*f;
float yl2=(y2-lp[1])*f;
float zl2=(z2-lp[2])*f;
glVertex3f(x1 + xl1,
y1 + yl1,
z1 + zl1);
glVertex3f(x2 + xl2,
y2 + yl2,
z2 + zl2);
I think everything is ok, you are just rendering volume without depth test =)