OpenGL in Qt Quick cross platform application - opengl

I'm trying to develop a cross platform (or at least desktop + embedded hardware) application. I would like to use Qt Quick to create a touch friendly GUI. I have been implemented a classical application with a QGLWidget displaying data. It is important that only a part of the window is in OpenGL. Because of this there are problems with EGLFS and LinuxFB. Only X11 (or maybe Wayland) can display the application properly (others generates a couple of errors about missing setParent function and the whole screen is black). Now I'm trying to achieve the same thing in QML. I want to use this OpenGL renderer as part of my QML application and some Qt Quick widgets around it. I found a couple of people asking about the same thing and the answer is always to subclass QDeclarativeItem and call the painter's beginNativePainting() (the others says to export it through QDeclarativeItem, but I cannot figure out how to do this). The problem is that on desktop, Qt 5.11 the native painter is not OpenGL. And in QT5 there is no way to force OpenGL graphics system. So when I try to get the OpenGL context (QGLContext::currentContext()) I always get NULL. Another problem: If I export my widget with qmlRegisterType("Test", 1, 0, "Test"); it becomes only visible when I use QDeclarativeView, but then it doesn't sees Qt Quick. If I use QQuickView it says module "Test" is not installed. How can I implement this properly?

QDeclarativeItem is from Qt Quick 1 and Qt4. With Qt 5 and Qt Quick 2 you should use QQuickItem.
There is at least 1 example of this provided with qt docs, which you can find in Qt Creator in the Welcome tab in the Examples section.


Using SDL, OpenGL and Qt together

For a while I've been using SDL to write my 3D engine,and have recently been implementing an editor that can export an optimized format for the type of engine Im building. Right now the editor is fairly simple, objects can just be moved around and their textures and models can be changed. As of right now, I'm using SDL with OpenGL to render everything, but I want to use Qt for the GUI part of the editor, that way it looks native on every platform. I've got it working great so far, I'm running a QApplication inside of the SDL application, so it basically just opens 2 windows, one that uses SDL and OpenGL, and the other using Qt. Doing a bit of research, I've found that you can manually update a QApplication, which totally removes any threading problems, and everything works. Just in case you're having a hard time visualizing this, heres a picture:
What my goal is to merge these windows into one, because on smaller screens (like my laptop's) it makes it really hard to keep track of all the different windows that I would eventually have. I know theres a way to render to Qt with OpenGL, but can this be integrated with SDL? Am I going to need to move away from using an SDL window and use a QT one if the editor is enabled? Just to clarify, when the engine isn't in editor mode, it won't use and Qt, just SDL, so optimally I wouldn't need to do this.
Drop the SDL part. You have Qt, which does everything SDL does as well. Just subclass a QGLWidget and use that.
You can keep your game and editor separate processes and still make them part of the same app.
Just spawn the window where you want the game to run as part of Qt, and at least in windows, you can then pass the window handle to your game, and make sure when your game is setting up, instead of creating the window yourself in SDL and binding the opengl context to it, you can actually bind to the existing handle.
There are some gotchas with this technique to watch out for such as input focus I believe (I tested with directX, but it might be similar with SDL). The problem is that the foreground mode does some dumb checks on the "root" window which for me was not the window that owned the opengl context, so it failed to initialize. However background mode worked. I think that was for a joystick now that I think about it, but anyway, that's how you can merge everything together.

qt : Containing both opencv and opengl subwindows within one gui window

Recently I want to write a gui application, and its appearance is shown below:
I used MFC before to write normal gui applications, but I have never used qt to write gui applications. But this time I want to use qt, so i'm wondering is there any way to implement such interface, integrating with opengl and opencv subwindows within one application.
Please give me some directions on:
1. Which kind of widget can I draw opengl and opencv subwindows in my application?
2. Is there any way to do event handling in those subwindows respectively?
3. How does qt support for opengl and opencv integration?
There should be no problem.
In fact, I've used openCV and OpenGL in different projects, but I don't see any problem.
You have to convert opencv cv::Mat to QImage (see various posts on the problem on StackOverflow) and then draw on a QLabel or a subclass of it.
For openGL there are special classes:
You should use event handling as usual in Qt (signal-slot, you know).

How does Qt draw its GUI Components ( Basic Idea )?

When I browsed the source code of Qt I didn't find how it actually draws a GUI component, but I know it uses OpenGL.
I want to know how does a GUI library like Qt draw its GUI components (ex : QPushButton ,QWidget)?
Can any one help me with a basic idea ?
In Qt-project site :
Qt is painting QtWidgets using QPainter, which uses (usually) the raster engine to draw the content. It is not using native OS calls, apart from few exceptions (file dialog, for example, which can be drawn either natively or using QtWidgets).
QtQuick is painted using scenegraph, so OpenGL. Also, no native OS calls here.
I think you either misunderstood (there are several meanings of the word “native” in computing) the stackoverflow post, or your information source is wrong.
OK, then to be clear: by “native” I’ve meant using native OS controlls, like wxWidgets library does: asking the OS to draw native scroll bar, or combo box, etc. Qt does not do this. It paints all the widgets itself, and only tries to mimick the looks of the OS it is running on.
But obviously, some kind of native OS calling is happening deep inside, in order to actually draw some pixels on the screen, and open native window container. But that is usually not important at all to high level UI developers.
You have a clear choice whether the widget should be drawn by the CPU or the GPU: widgets can use different painting methods (native, raster, OpenGL, for more see here! []), and the user has choice which one should be utilised. Most people do not use that, though, because the default settings work well.

Embedding a GLFW window inside windows forms

I'm making an editor for 3d worlds in opengl using the windows forms UI. I'm developing on visual studio 2012 express and i would like to embed a GLFW window/context inside a windows form. just like done in this tutorial except working. And with GLFW for opengl context.
Is this possible? should i use Qt instead? and how would i got about doing this? I'm not bound to using windows forms i just need a simple good-looking functional UI for my project.
That are three different frameworks (Windows Forms, GLFW, Qt) which can all do the same thing, i.e. creating a window and an OpenGL context in it.
See here for an easy example how to create a window with OpenGL context with GLFW.
Or see here for the Qt example.
So, you have to choose between one of them. GLFW and Qt have the advantages that your code will also work on MacOSX and on Linux; with some work even on iPhone.
If you want to do the window creation and event handling and other stuff with GLFW but the GUI still with Qt, there is some way to do offline drawing (some ref here or here or here) the Qt widgets and then draw it onto some OpenGL texture. Or you might also be able to directly draw them via OpenGL (not exactly sure).

OpenGL / C++ / Qt - Advice needed

I am writing a program in OpenGL and I need some sort of interfacing toolbar. My initial reactions were to use a GUI, then further investigation into C++ I realized that GUI's are dependent on the OS you are using (I am on Windows). Therefore, I decided to use QT to help me.
My Question is if I am taking the best/appropriate approach to this solution. Am I even able to write my OpenGL program and have the GUI I want to create interface with the C++ code to do what I want it to do.
For example, If I create a simple "control panel" with arrows in each direction. And on screen I have a box object created by glut can I interface the arrows to be clicked on and interact with the openGL program to move the box?
Using Qt is coherent for your problem: it provides good integration of OpenGl through the QtOpenGL module.
Derive your display classes from QGLWidget (until Qt 4.8) or from QOpenGLWidget (since Qt 5.4) and implement virtual methods paintGL() etc.
You will have access to the Qt's signal and slot system so that you will be able to catch Gui events and update the OpenGl display.
You can use regular non-OpenGL Qt widgets on top of a QGLWidget so what you describe is do-able.
One thing I came across when doing this was that the regular widgets had to be opaque. The moment they were transparent in any way there was all sorts of garbage underneath them. That was a while ago so maybe the latest version addresses this issue. May have been platform-specific too so YMMV.
Stay in GLUT. There's no need to add Qt for a control panel. You could open a sub window (or second window, whichever works better for your program design), and draw the controls into that window, and use GLUT to handle the mouse interaction.
Furthermore, Qt and GLUT each have their own event loops. To use just Qt's event loop, you'd have to abandon much of the GLUT structure, since the GLUT event loop would not be there to call your callback functions. Qt does have the functionality to have let somebody else event loop call Qt's event processing code, but I don't think there's an easy way to make GLUT hand off the event information.