number_in_month exercise (SML error unbound variable) - sml

I am trying to learn SML, and I am trying to implement two functions. The first function works fine, but when I added the second function it gives me an run-time error:
stdIn:1.2-1.17 Error: unbound variable or constructor: number_in_month
This happens while calling the function number_in_month. My code is:
fun is_older(d1 :int*int*int,d2 :int*int*int) =
(#1 d1) < (#1 d2) andalso (#2 d1) < (#2 d2) andalso (#3 d1) < (#3 d2)
fun number_in_month(da :(int * int * int) list ,mo : int) =
if da = []
then 0
else if (#2(hd da)) = mo
then 1 + number_in_month((tl da),mo)
else 0 + number_in_month((tl da),mo)

Your question sounds surprisingly much like these other questions: SML list iteration (8 months ago), recursion in SML (9 months ago), and Count elements in a list (8 months ago), so you certainly don't get points for asking a creative question.
Some of the questions above have been answered extensively. Look at them.
Here is your code rewritten in a better style:
(* Find better variable names than x, y and z. *)
fun is_older ((x1,y1,z1), (x2,y2,z2)) =
x1 < x2 andalso y1 < y2 andalso z1 < z2
fun number_in_month ([], mo) = 0
| number_in_month ((x,y,z)::rest, mo) =
if y = mo then 1 + number_in_month(rest, mo)
else 0 + number_in_month(rest, mo)


SML: syntax error: replacing LET with RAISE

I'm writing a function, that takes date in (d, m, y) format. I need to count rez value, all of these +getNthInt function calls are adding certain elements from the list.
fun firstNewMoonInt ((d, m, y) : int * int * int) : int option =
if m = 1 orelse m = 2 then y - 1
else y
val rez = newStyleCorrection (d, m, y) * 100000
+ getNthInt(thousandCorrection, y div 1000)
+ getNthInt (hundredCorrection, y div 100 mod 10)
+ getNthInt (decadeCorrection, y mod 100 div 10)
+ getNthInt (yearCorrection, y mod 1000)
+ getNthInt (monthCorrection, m - 1)
+ getNthInt (calendarCorrection, y mod 4)
rez - lastSmaller(rez - 100000, reductions)
if rez div 100000 <= 30 then SOME rez
else NONE
I'm getting two syntax errors:
2.3-2.6 Error: syntax error: replacing LET with RAISE
13.3 Error: syntax error: inserting LET
Since I use all keywords for the constructions: let-in-end, if-then-else. I don't understand, what is wrong with my code?
Immediately inside a let, there should be a sequence of declarations. (Declarations are things like val x = ... or fun f x = ...). But in your code, there is an if which begins an expression.
You could fix this by making a new variable which is the result of the if expression:
val new_y =
if m = 1 orelse m = 2 then y - 1
else y
val rez = ...
And then you will need to figure out where to use new_y in the rest of the code.
Note that there is a similar problem just a few lines further down:
rez - lastSmaller(rez - 100000, reductions)
This is an expression where there should be another declaration. You could also fix it the same way: val new_rez = rez - lastSmaller (...) and then use new_rez where appropriate below that.

How can I divide two numbers in ML defined as a datatype?

I'm trying to write a recursive function in SML that receives two natural numbers n1,n2 and returns the result of n1 div n2
The datatype natural is defined as follows:
datatype natural = zero | Succ of natural
I want to write it in terms of the new datatype , or in other words, not by converting them to their regular form and converting back the result.
Any ideas how division is done in this definition?
You could start by defining subtraction:
exception Negative
fun sub (a, zero) = a
| sub (zero, b) = raise Negative
| sub (Succ a, Succ b) = sub (a, b)
From here, it should be pretty easy to simply count how many times you can subtract n2 from n1 without going negative. In particular, this equation should help:
n1 div n2 = 1 + (n1 - n2) div n2
I'll leave the rest to you.
Similar to Sam Westrick's definition, "number of times you can subtract n2 from n1 without going negative", you could also do integer division with addition and greater-than using the definition, "number of times you can add n2 to itself before it is greater than n1."
datatype nat = Z | S of nat
fun gt (S x, S y) = gt (x, y)
| gt (S _, Z) = true
| gt (Z, _) = false
fun add (x, Z) = x
| add (x, S y) = add (S x, y)
fun divide (_, Z) = raise Domain
| divide (x, y) = (* ... *)
Addition might seem like a conceptually simpler thing than subtraction. But greater-than is a more expensive operator than determining when a number is negative, since the case is incurred by induction, so Sam's suggestion would be more efficient.
You might test your solution with the following tests:
fun int2nat 0 = Z
| int2nat n = S (int2nat (n-1))
fun nat2int Z = 0
| nat2int (S n) = 1 + nat2int n
fun range (x, y) f = List.tabulate (y - x + 1, fn i => f (i + x))
fun divide_test () =
let fun showFailure (x, y, expected, actual) =
Int.toString x ^ " div " ^ Int.toString y ^ " = " ^
Int.toString expected ^ ", but divide returns " ^
Int.toString actual
in List.mapPartial ( showFailure) (
List.concat (
range (0, 100) (fn x =>
range (1, 100) (fn y =>
let val expected = x div y
val actual = nat2int (divide (int2nat x, int2nat y))
in if expected <> actual
then SOME (x, y, expected, actual)
else NONE

tuple access: Can't find a fixed record type

I wrote a function that is supposed to receive a list of tuples. I access the components of the tuples with # and the code compiles:
fun recheck ([], n) = []
| recheck (h::t, n) =
if ((#1 h) * (#1 h)) + ((#2 h) * (#2 h)) = n then
h::recheck(t, n)
recheck(t, n)
But another function that basically does the same thing, namely receiving a list of tuples and accessing those, causes an error.
fun validate ([]) = true
| validate (h::t) =
if 1 = (#1 h) then
Can't find a fixed record type. Found near #1
What is the difference here and why does the latter cause an error?
The first function actually does not compile on its own.
But this entire snippet does:
fun drop ([], n) = []
| drop (h::t, 0) = h::t
| drop (h::t, n) =
drop(t, n-1)
fun sts_linear (y, n) =
if y < (Math.sqrt(n)+1.0) then
(* x^2 + y^2 = n => x = sqrt(n-y^2) *)
val x = Math.sqrt(n - (y * y));
val xr = Real.realRound(x);
if (abs(x - xr) < 0.000000001) then
[(Real.trunc xr, Real.trunc y)]#sts_linear (y+1.0, n)
[]#sts_linear (y+1.0, n)
else []
fun recheck ([], n) = []
| recheck (h::t, n) =
if ((#1 h) * (#1 h)) + ((#2 h) * (#2 h)) = n then
h::recheck(t, n)
recheck(t, n)
fun sts (n) =
val pairs = sts_linear(0.0, Real.fromInt n);
recheck(drop(pairs, Real.ceil( Real.fromInt (length(pairs))/2.0 ) ), n)
Your first code doesn't compile, at least with SML/NJ:
If you got it to compile then it must have been in a nonstandard extension of SML.
The problem with both of your definitions is that there is no polymorphic idea of a tuple of arbitrary arity in SML. You can write functions to work on lists of pairs. You can write functions to work on lists of triples. But -- you can't write functions to work simultaneously on lists of pairs and lists of triples (at least if your function tries to do things with these pairs/triples as tuples).
One solution is to get rid of # and use pattern-matching to extract the components:
fun validate [] = true
| validate ((x,y)::t) =
if x = 1 then
But, if you really want to write a function which can polymorphically apply to either lists of pairs or list of triples (or quadruples,...), the easiest thing to do is to represent the pairs, triples, etc. as lists rather than tuples. Lists which contains lists of nonspecified size are not a problem in SML.
Trying to minimize this down, as I have seen the following work in SML/NJ
and i'm not aware of it actually being a compiler extension
val p1 = {x=0, y=0};
val p2 = {x=1, y=1};
val p3 = {x=1, y=1, z=1};
There is an awkward construct from a compiler error perspective
not many languages have errors that work in this fashion,
because the function is valid, but produces a type error
unless an invocation of the function exists to resolve the
type of 'record', thus to resolve the error more code must be added.
fun getFoo(field) = fn record => field record;
Without the following actual calling of the getX
the compiler cannot determine the type of record
of which the complete type information of ALL fields
of the record must be known to the compiler, not just the #x field.
let val getX = getFoo(#x);
val x1 = getX(p1);
val x2 = getX(p2);
val x3 = getFoo(#x)(p3);
in () end;
while the following commented out snippet results in an error because the types of
p1 and p3 are different, and so different invocations of getFoo
are required
let val getX = getFoo(#x);
val x1 = getX(p1);
val x3 = getX(p3);
in () end;
and the following is insufficient since it never resolves the record.
let val getX = getFoo(#x) in () end;

number_in_month exercise (Why x = x + 1 is considered bool in sml while x is int and how to say x = x + 1 correctly?)

Update: What I want to do with this code is to get a list of dates, year/month/day and a given number as a month, and check to see how many of the dates in the given list are in the same month as that given month. What I meant of x = x + 1 was x++ such as in java or C or C#. As the output I want x. if there is no match, 0 and for any match x = x + 1
So this is my code,
fun number_in_month (Dlist : (int * int * int) list, Month : int, x : int) =
if null Dlist then x
else if #2 (hd Dlist) = Month then x = x + 1 andalso number_in_month (tl(Dlist), Month, x)
else number_in_month ((tl(Dlist)), Month, x)
and it gives me error:
Error: types of if branches do not agree [tycon mismatch]
then branch: int
else branch: bool
in expression:
if null Dlist
then x
else if (fn <rule>) (hd <exp>) = Month
then (x = <exp> + <exp>)
andalso (number_in_month (<exp>,<exp>,<exp>))
else number_in_month (tl <exp>,Month,x)
I really don't get it why sml is considering x = x + 1 of type bool. I'd be really happy if someone could tell me how can I correctly say x = x + 1 in sml.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Saying x = x + 1 in Standard ML, you need to clarify what you intend to say, because clearly x = x + 1 means something you don't intend. What it means is "Compare x with x + 1 and say if they are equal" (which they never will be of any integer).
What I suppose you want to achieve is "update x to its successor", which is not possible without the use of reference types, which I discourage since they are not immutable and functional. The way you usually update something functionally is by passing an updated value to a function that eventually returns it. (Using function arguments as accumulating variables, so it feels as if it's the same variables that update their value e.g. upon each recursive call.)
Another thing I recommend that you do is use pattern matching instead of if-then-else. For example, you know that the list is empty if it matches []. Since the result of your computation is not a boolean, you cannot use "... andalso ..." -- I suspect you do this because you "want to do two things at once, and andalso smells like "doing something and also doing something else", but this would be a misconception. You can do this (using e.g. ; or before), but you would lose your result because these operators deal with side-effects and discard the main effect of one of their operands, so it is not what you want at this point.
Here is my stab in the dark at what you intended, written using pattern matching:
fun number_in_month ([], _, x) = x
| number_in_month ((one,two,three)::dlist, month, x) =
if two = month then number_in_month(dlist, month, x+1)
else number_in_month(dlist, month, x)
Modified: You can also do this without tail-recursion
fun number_in_month([], _) = 0
| number_in_month((_,month1,_)::dlist, month2) =
if month1 = month2 then 1 + number_in_month(dlist, month2)
else number_in_month(dlist, month2)
Or written differently:
fun number_in_month([], _) = 0
| number_in_month((_,month1,_)::dlist, month2) =
(if month1 = month2 then 1 else 0) + number_in_month(dlist, month2)
Or using list combinators:
fun counter(n1,n2) = if n1 = n2 then 1 else 0
fun number_in_month(dlist, month2) =
foldl (fn ((_,month1,_),count) => counter(month1,month2) + count) 0 dlist
Or using reference, as you asked for, even though I discourage this:
fun number_in_month (dlist, month2) =
let val count = ref 0
fun loop [] = !count (* the value inside the ref-cell *)
| loop ((_,month1,_)::dlist) =
if month1 = month2 then (count := !count + 1 ; loop dlist)
else loop dlist
in loop dlist end
As you can see, some complexity is added because I wish to create the ref-cell within the function, but I cannot create a new ref-cell upon every recursive call. So I create a helper function that is recursive and let it have the argument that changes during recursion (it can just inherit month2 and count from the parent scope of number_in_month. When recursion ends (base case), I choose to return the value within the ref-cell (using Standard ML's slightly obscure syntax for dereferencing).
Don't make it a habit of using ref-cells before you master the functional way. Otherwise you are back to coding imperatively in a language that makes this habit ugly. :)

number_in_month exercise (Count elements in a list)

I have been trying to count elements in a list of integer 3-tuples, that equals a given integer using SML, but it's not working. Can anyone help me figure out what's wrong with the below code or straighten it up for me?
fun number_in_month(x : int*int*int list, m: int) =
if null x then 0
let fun inc x = x + 1;
val counter = 0;
if m = #2 (hd x) andalso m > 0 then inc counter
number_in_month((tl x), m)
` else
number_in_month((tl x), m)
This function is supposed to return the number of times m equals to the second element of each tuple in the list.
Clearly you have a hard time to let go of your imperative thinking.
Let me try and address some of your issues
You should be using pattern matching instead of using null x, hd x and tl x.
This also apply to decomposing tuples and records. For example
fun number_in_month ((x1, x2, x3) :: xs, m) = ...
or, since we don't ever use x1 and x3
fun number_in_month ((_, x2, _) :: xs, m) = ...
This way it is clearly seen that the first argument is a list of 3-tuples, and no type annotation
is needed
Also when you omit the explicit type annotation, which is the whole idea of having a type system
that can infer them for you (see next point), then this code
fun foo42 xs = map (fn x => #2 x) xs
will give you some nasty errors on "unresolved flex record" (this error message is from SML/NJ)
/tmp/sml20620PlF:105.5-105.44 Error: unresolved flex record
(can't tell what fields there are besides #2)
which is easily fixed by decomposing the 3-tuple
fun foo42 xs = map (fn (_, x2, _) => x2) xs
Speaking of type annotations. They are (almost always) not needed, and they clutter up the
readability of the code. Not to mention that they unnecessarily restricts the types you function
may be used on.
Also the type annotation you have given is erroneous according to what you really wan't. You
should have places parenthesis around the int * int * int. Currently it is interpreted as a
3-tuple of two ints and an int list int * int * (int list).
If you really insist in type annotating your function, then you can do it like this
val number_in_month : (int * int * int) list * int -> int =
fn ([] , m) => 0
| ((_,x2,_) :: xs, m) => 42
This is "almost" like Haskell, where the type is given just before the function declaration.
Try to be more consistent in they way you indent your code. That will give you better clarity.
Here I'm specifically thinking of the way you have indented the else part end the in ... end
part. The below part is clearly still erroneous in so many ways i can't begin to imagine, but it
gives an idea as how to do it
fun number_in_month(x : int*int*int list, m: int) =
if null x then 0
let fun inc x = x + 1;
val counter = 0;
if m = #2 (hd x) andalso m > 0 then
inc counter
number_in_month((tl x), m)
number_in_month((tl x), m)
You can't declare a variable val counter = 0 inside the in ... end part of a let-expression.
The semantics of a let-expression is
exp_1; ...; exp_n
thus all declarations (function and value bindings, etc) must go in the let ... in part.
There is no need on earth to have an increment function, it just clutters the readability.
Remember that SML uses single assignment, thus variables are immutable after they are declared.
The sequence-thing inside your nested if-expression
inc counter
number_in_month((tl x), m)
makes absolutely no sense. The only way you can have more than one expression inside the
then ... else part (actually any place, where a single expression is expected), is with a
sequence (exp_1; ...; exp_n). However this is only usable when all but the last expression has
side effect(s), as their results is ignored/thrown away
- (print "Foo\n"; print "Bar\n"; 42);
val it = 42 : int
If you search a bit here on SO, you will see that a quite similar question has recently been asked and answered. Though it differs in the the type of the last argument, you might still get some useful pointers.
All in all a solution might look like
fun number_in_month ([], _) = 0
| number_in_month ((_,x2,_) :: xs, m) =
if x2 = m then
1 + number_in_month(xs, m)
number_in_month(xs, m)
However since your problem is simpler than the previously stated one, you could easily use some of the higher-order functions from the list module in the basis library
fun number_in_month (xs, m) = length (List.filter (fn (_, x2, _) => x2 = m) xs)
Or even (arguably) simpler, by folding over the list and incrementing a variable along the way each time it matches
fun number_in_month (xs, m) = foldl (fn ((_, x2, _), b) => if x2 = m then b+1 else b) 0 xs
fun number_in_month (L : (int*int*int) list, m : int) =
if L = nil
then 0
(if #2 (hd L) = m then 1 else 0) + number_in_month (tl L,m);
number_in_month ([] , 2);
number_in_month ([(1,2,3)] , 2);
number_in_month ([(1,2,3),(2,2,2)] , 2);
number_in_month ([(1,2,3),(2,2,2),(19,11,29)] , 2);
number_in_month ([(1,2,3),(2,2,2),(19,11,29),(10,28,19)] , 2);
number_in_month ([(1,2,3),(2,2,2),(19,11,29),(10,2,19)] , 2);
number_in_month ([(1,2,3),(2,2,2),(19,11,29),(10,28,19)] , 2);
number_in_month ([(1,2,3),(2,2,2),(19,11,29),(10,28,19)] , 2);
number_in_month ([(1,2,3),(2,2,2),(19,11,29),(10,28,19),(16,2,7)] , 2);